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Titanic Survivors

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Guest Danielle Creech
Anyone out there know if there are any Titanic survivors left? Is Millvena?Dean still alive?

I heard that an Eliza Gladys Milvina Dean was still alive as of April 15, 2004. She lived in England she was born Febuary 2, 1912, I'm still trying to find out if she's still alive. I wish anyone who is trying to find her luck. :unsure:

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Anyone out there know if there are any Titanic survivors left? Is Millvena?Dean still alive?

I heard that an Eliza Gladys Milvina Dean was still alive as of April 15, 2004. She lived in England she was born Febuary 2, 1912, I'm still trying to find out if she's still alive. I wish anyone who is trying to find her luck. :unsure:

Yes, she still is alive.

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Guest Bob
:lol: I am a titanic survivor!!

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Me too. I also survived the Hindenburg disaster and the eruption of Krakatoa.



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Guest !TitaniC!

I wish i would talk with any of survivors ;)

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Guest tazsis
So, no survivors who actually remember it?


Although the 5 1/2 year old might remember something.


Isn't it weird that the list of survivors in 1998 is almost entirely women, I know they live longer but still, I find it amusing.

the woman where the first to get off the boat thats y there are mostly ladys in the list

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Guest Guest
the woman where first to get off the boat thats why there are mostly whoman on the list


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Guest its true

there are still people living today who sruived the titanic i talked to one mrs.lilian gerturde asplun and she is 99 but the titanic still lives today i promise and it will be back

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Guest titanic fanatic

you were on the titanic i cant belive it i just really can't i have been trying to contat mrs.lilian gertrude asplund but she hasnt answered she answered me once but it was her nurse saying she wasnt allowed to talk about it but i wanna know what happened that night in april when the titanic went down please i really need to know there are only a couple of survivors left please answere me back asap

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Poor Mrs Lillian Gertrude Asplund! She experiences trauma the likes of which I can't even imagine, goes on to live for yonks, and has probably spent most of said yonks deflecting nosey bastards such as yourselves! I mean honestly.


Why don't you leave her alone? You want to know what happened that night in April? Watch the film. I hear they used authentic dishes from the period in all of the dining scenes.


PS. Punctuation is your friend.

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there are still people living today who sruived the titanic i talked to one mrs.lilian gerturde asplun and she is 99 but the titanic still lives today i promise and it will be back


you were on the titanic i cant belive it i just really can't i have been trying to contat mrs.lilian gertrude asplund but she hasnt answered she answered me once but it was her nurse saying she wasnt allowed to talk about it but i wanna know what happened that night in april when the titanic went down please i really need to know there are only a couple of survivors left please answere me back asap


Blimey, you two have exactly the same IP address too :P

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I think Asplund and Dean will be around for a few years yet but, from what I gathered, Barbara Joyce West hasn't been seen around for quite sometime. I'm guessing she'll be the next to go.


I was confident enough to put her in my Hartlepool, but nothing else. Strangely enough though, West is the only one of the three that wasn't picked on DDP.

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I'm a Titanic survivor.

It was quite an achievment, believe me. After my popcorn ran out, my stomach started rumbling. I ended up with my buttocks being quite numb after 3 hours sat in that chair.

And talk about a mad dash when the ship started to sink. There was a terrible queue for the toilets

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I'm a Titanic survivor.

It was quite an achievment, believe me. After my popcorn ran out, my stomach started rumbling. I ended up with my buttocks being quite numb after 3 hours sat in that chair.

And talk about a mad dash when the ship started to sink. There was a terrible queue for the toilets


Proud to have never seen that movie! :blink:

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I thought Kenneth More was excellent. Honor Blackman, Kenneth Griffith and David McCallum are still surviving.

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Not a Titanic survivor, but somebody who was there when the Titanic was launched.


John Parkinson, President of the Belfast Titanic Society, has died aged 99.

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Guest Guest
Actually I came across an old, but interesting website called Survivor's of The Titanic that listed 7 known titanic survivors that were still alive in 1998. Below are their ages in 1908 when this tragedy occurred:


(correction: The tragedy occurred April 15th, 1912)


Lillian Gertrude (5 ½ years old)

Barbara West (3 ½ years old)

Elizabeth Gladys (Millvina) Dean (10 weeks old)

Lousie Laroche (3 years old)

Michael M Navratil (3 ½ years old)

Winnifred Vera (8 years old) :D

Eleanor Iieen Johnson (18 months old) :)


So far, I have only found confirmation of 2 deaths from the above list:


Eleanor Ileen Johnson - died March 7th, 1998

Winnifred Vera died - July 4th, 2002


So it is possible that there are still 5 known survivors. :)



YOUR CORRECTION IS WRONG she went down on April 14th 1912 as of 2005 there are three survivors yet one was 15 when it happen and remembers the whole thing,

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Actually I came across an old, but interesting website called Survivor's of The Titanic that listed 7 known titanic survivors that were still alive in 1998. Below are their ages in 1908 when this tragedy occurred:


(correction: The tragedy occurred April 15th, 1912)


Lillian Gertrude (5 ½ years old)

Barbara West (3 ½ years old)

Elizabeth Gladys (Millvina) Dean (10 weeks old)

Lousie Laroche (3 years old)

Michael M Navratil (3 ½ years old)

Winnifred Vera (8 years old) :D

Eleanor Iieen Johnson (18 months old) :)


So far, I have only found confirmation of 2 deaths from the above list:


Eleanor Ileen Johnson - died March 7th, 1998

Winnifred Vera died - July 4th, 2002


So it is possible that there are still 5 known survivors. :)



YOUR CORRECTION IS WRONG she went down on April 14th 1912 as of 2005 there are three survivors yet one was 15 when it happen and remembers the whole thing,

If she was 15 in 1912, she would have been born in 1897 making her 109 this year. All Titanic survivers are aged less than 100. Perhaps you meant aged 5 at the time...

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Only three are still alive :


Lillian Gertrude, Elizabeth Gladys (Millvina) Dean and one other

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Poor Mrs Lillian Gertrude Asplund! She experiences trauma the likes of which I can't even imagine, goes on to live for yonks, and has probably spent most of said yonks deflecting nosey bastards such as yourselves! I mean honestly


In eternum; I appreciate your concern but it isn't one way traffic. I think it's Milvena Dean who is the all time Titantic tart, making regular 'What's my secret' style television appearances and doing rentagob work commenting on a range of Titanic issues. She's slowed down of late obviously.

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Only three are still alive :


Lillian Gertrude, Elizabeth Gladys (Millvina) Dean and one other


Barbara Joyce West, one of my Hartlepool picks.

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Guest Guest
So, no survivors who actually remember it?


Although the 5 1/2 year old might remember something.


Isn't it weird that the list of survivors in 1998 is almost entirely women, I know they live longer but still, I find it amusing.


doooo kno tht women n children wer saved first n not really all tht amusin is it really!

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doooo kno tht women n children wer saved first n not really all tht amusin is it really!

Probably not if you're a bloke. But if you're female it's actually quite amusing.


In eternum; I appreciate your concern but it isn't one way traffic. I think it's Milvena Dean who is the all time Titantic tart, making regular 'What's my secret' style television appearances and doing rentagob work commenting on a range of Titanic issues. She's slowed down of late obviously.

Fair enough point, mpfc. Assuming that by "her secret" you are referring to her longevity, maybe we should consider getting her in for a workshop, to talk about what her secret actually is. Then, we can use the info to vet other DL candidates. As she herself does not qualify for the DL, this would be non-biased research.

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So, no survivors who actually remember it?


Although the 5 1/2 year old might remember something.


Isn't it weird that the list of survivors in 1998 is almost entirely women, I know they live longer but still, I find it amusing.


doooo kno tht women n children wer saved first n not really all tht amusin is it really!


I know this isn't on topic, but why is it that practically almost every unregistered guest that comes on here is virtually illiterate?


I mean, nobody minds the odd spelling mistake here & there, but there's not even a pretence of trying in the above is there? Eighteen words & only 10 are spelt correctly. I'd have let them have the two n's if they'd been accompanied by those upside down apostrophe things, lol.


Sorry, but I'm amazed these people can boot up a PC, let alone find their way onto here.


F*****g juvenile delinquent text generation tossers.


Yes, I've had a bad day.

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I agree totally and completely. Cheer up though BHB, at least you're not this guy.

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