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Who are the immortals?

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I'm not so dumb.


I was referring to the death rumors which placed him in hospital in Bejing, whereas he is in Shanghai.

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Lots of info available on the internet about where some of these Chinese ancients are.


Tu Tongjin is as far as I know a 301 Hospital resident. He seems to have been there for around nine (!!!!) years, he was there already in October 2013 "recuperating" from some illness and was just wheeled out for his 100th birthday in 2014. He was said to have been bedbound in 2016 and again in 2022. Wan Haifeng is also said to be a 301 Hospital resident. It's also the same hospital where Hu Qili was "in a state of dying" in 2018.


Yang You is at the East China/Huadong Hospital. He was there on his 100th, he was there on his 105th.


Yan Mingfu - no idea, couldn't find. Apparently early during Hu Jintao's tenure he was treated for a liver disease by East China Hospital hepatologists.


Zhang Lixiong - When he was very ill he was treated at the Nanjing General Hospital of People's Liberation Army. Not sure if he's there anymore, but that's the same hospital a lot of other Long March veterans have been treated at or are currently treated at, including Min Jingde. 


Interesting to think that two of my current Centenarians DP picks are likely currently at the same hospital. 

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On 01/01/2023 at 12:19, drol said:

The Class of 2023


Here's the list we were all waiting for! 30 brand new immortals who have demonstrated their attachment to life through continuous hospitalizations, strokes, heart attacks, bouts with COVID and so on. Well, let's begin:


19)Shimon Baadani (1928): In failing health for years, critical in October, discharged, readmitted after being resuscitated, now again on the mend. One of the few tou bounce back from "extremely critical conditions".

Well, Baadani is the first faller, but I'd be suprised if he was the only January death, so many people long, long overdue on the lists.


Anyways, here's a list of those who will or won't celebrate their birthdays in January, February or March, for formspotting purposes:


14 Jan: Ma Shitu, 108

15 Jan: Ignacio López Tarso, 98

8 Feb: Khamtai Siphandone, 99

10 Feb: Alma Adamkienė, 96

11 Feb: Lucile Randon, 119 (didn't make it)

14 Feb: Juan Ponce Enrile, 99

25 Feb: Nasser Makarem Shirazi, 96

27 Feb: Joanne Woodward, 93

1 Mar: Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, 79

11 Mar: Tin Oo, 96

12 Mar: Chiam See Tong, 88

20 Mar: Amadou Mahtar M'Bow, 102


1 Apr: Fraudster Fauja Singh, "112"

14 Apr: Kenneth Cope, 92

18 Apr: Gershon Edelstein, 100, Sidney Cooke, 96

19 Apr: Joseph Estrada, 86

30 Apr: Song Ping, 106

May has just Kissinger and Wade.

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Shimon Baadani (1928-2023)


"Pah....amateur" (Gershon Edelstein)


"Deri immediately left the toilet to rush at Baadani's side"

(cunt minister Aryeh Deri reaction to Shimon's 150th health deterioration in a month)




Age at death: 94

Known health issues: "Very ill" in May 2022, repeatedly hospitalised throughout 2022, "extremely critical" in October, recovered and discharged, readmitted after a cardiac arrest and consequent CPR, recovered and discharged after weeks on life support.

Cause of death: Pneumonia

Alignment: Cunt who declared anyone who didn't vote for his party would go to hell.

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After carefully considering your suggestions and taking the DL committee approach towards them, and considering the fact King Constantine has copped it just before being added, here's the 30th and last name of the 2023 Immortals class:


Charlie Munger: We Like Businesses That Stand A Lot Of Mismanagement But  Don't Get It | The Acquirer's Multiple®


Charlie Munger!

Twice widower, botched eye surgery in the 50s which caused him to lose one eye. Still administering Berkshire Hathaway with spring chicken Warren Buffett and no wahtsoever plan to retire despite having turned 99 some days ago. His (and Warren's) pact with the devil deserves more recognition!



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On 01/01/2023 at 14:55, arghton said:

More on the immortal Sheikh Salem, according to this article from December 2008 he was already in a Manchester hospital back then. This one says that he was in intensive care...in January 2004. I still have no idea what his actual ailments have been but he's been in failing health since forever. Also that video implies they did a tracheotomy on him once.

He has always been the picture of health.

Edit: From a National Kuwait forum thread: He was in Manchester or London for treatment for a long time as far as I know. Around August 2007 he suffered either gastrointestinal perforation or severe internal bleeding and was put into coma/was unconscious. He was transported to the UK, where they seemingly underwent a tracheotomy on him due to "oxygen loss" or something. He recovered to a bedbound state pretty quickly, but days later suffered a serious infection and was again unconscious, underwent operation and recovered. I am not sure what happened after that but the clip in which he has a tracheotomy is from September 2007, a month after his "critical" conditions. Seems like he spent more than a year in UK hospitals recovering.

This article from 2010 mentions he was discharged/came back to Kuwait in January 2010 after a hospitalisation of two and a half years! (Extremely impressive for someone who isn't a Chinese politician/scientist/veteran) Apparently he was in Manchester, London and Berlin hospitals, but seems to have spent most of it in Manchester. Found an image of him in that Manchester hospital, from Kuwait News Agency:


I recall the Emir (sitting on the sofa next to wheelchairbound Sheikh Salem) also spent a lot of time in different European hospitals before his death in 2020. 


Ignacio Lopez Tarso reached 98, there's a birthday video and interview on youtube. He looks great, can walk outside, seems to talk clearly and wants to reach 100.

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Lucile Randon (1904-2023)


"Oh man, oh god, oh man, oh god" (Every fanboy on the 110 Club)


"Not everyone who reaches 118 lives to 119" (John Sulu)


"I deserved that place" (Fusa Tatsumi)




Age at death: 118

Known health issues: Heart attack at 90, last decades blind and wheelchair bound in a nursing home, survived COVID in 2021.

Cause of death: I suspect foul play.

Alignment: Have you seen "The Nun" movies?

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On 24/12/2022 at 17:58, arghton said:

Few to add to my list on page 12:

Andres Garcia (cancer for 25+ years, cirrhosis, somehow seems to have almost perfectly recovered from his recent cocaine overdose)

I was conducting some research on Garcia, and it seems that this is just a fraction of his extensive health history. He was involved in an assassination attempt in Venezuela; he was involved in a helicopter crash, but managed to escape; and developed leukemia at some point.


He was also preparing for death a year ago.

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This video has spread on Chinese medias recently and some a-holes have claimed it's a video of "Zhu Rongji meeting Song Ping on Chinese new year 2023". Actually this is a video of Zhu Rongji meeting Yuan Baohua (1916-1919) in 2018. But it makes me even more amazed that Zhu Rongji is still alive, looks barely alive here.



Filipino immortals Joseph Estrada and Cesar Virata have made some appearances recently. Estrada looked a bit corpse-like, making me wonder if the dementia rumors are in fact true, and they clearly edited some of the pictures. His wife wasn't in them, she's probably too ill to make any appearances now. Virata looks as frail as always, we might see him at JPE's 99th birthday bash. 


Edit: Here's Virata this week:


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18 hours ago, arghton said:

This video has spread on Chinese medias recently and some a-holes have claimed it's a video of "Zhu Rongji meeting Song Ping on Chinese new year 2023". Actually this is a video of Zhu Rongji meeting Yuan Baohua (1916-1919) in 2018. But it makes me even more amazed that Zhu Rongji is still alive, looks barely alive here.



Filipino immortals Joseph Estrada and Cesar Virata have made some appearances recently. Estrada looked a bit corpse-like, making me wonder if the dementia rumors are in fact true, and they clearly edited some of the pictures. His wife wasn't in them, she's probably too ill to make any appearances now. Virata looks as frail as always, we might see him at JPE's 99th birthday bash. 

Yuan Baohua's successor as president of Renmin University, Huang Da (wiki) will turn 98 in February.

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New video of the mummy formerly known as Yang Zhenning. Sound of mind but looks so alive as usual.


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Hsing Yun (1927-2023)


The Heavenly King goes to Heaven


Founder: Venerable Master Hsing Yun | SFYAD | United States


Age at death: 95

Known health issues: Diabetes for 55 years, three strokes in 2011, blood clot in 2016 with three hours surgery. Stroke and kidney failure in 2023.

Cause of death: Kidney failure as a complication from a stroke

Alignment: A good Buddhist guy who always tried to reconcicle people. Anyway he was also steadily pro-Bejing in Taiwan reunification and always declared all Taiwanese are Chinese. World needs more Hsing Yuns anyway.

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7 hours ago, drol said:

Hsing Yun (1927-2023)


The Heavenly King goes to Heaven


Founder: Venerable Master Hsing Yun | SFYAD | United States


Age at death: 95

Known health issues: Diabetes for 55 years, three strokes in 2011, blood clot in 2016 with three hours surgery. Stroke and kidney failure in 2023.

Cause of death: Kidney failure as a complication from a stroke

Alignment: A good Buddhist guy who always tried to reconcicle people. Anyway he was also steadily pro-Bejing in Taiwan reunification and always declared all Taiwanese are Chinese. World needs more Hsing Yuns anyway.

Collaborator then!

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On 01/01/2023 at 10:48, Summer in Transylvania said:

- Harry Whittington. He was 79 when he was shot by Dick Cheney in 2006, which led to a heart attack, and numerous other ailments, see arghton's post atop the previous page. Now 96.

- Andrés García. Incredibly long-time cancer sufferer, overdosed on cocaine a few months ago. 

- Sonny Rollins. Pulmonary Fibrosis for much longer than the life expectancy, etc. 

Harry Whittington deceased. Link to follow.


Edit https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/05/harry-whittington-dick-cheney/


DDP pick.

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Hu Qili, the guy who was "in a state of dying" according to RFA in 2018 was rumored to be in a serious state with covid last month.

Likely not true considering he's still alive three weeks later, but I recall last year he missed all the major events he could've attended, so might die sometime soon anyways (now that I've said this, he'll live another two years or more). I'd pick him in 20/20+3, but I've got another guy born 1929 who's been dying for years blocking that spot.

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Ma Shitu, Wang Huo and another decrepit Sichuan writer named Li Zhi just received a lifetime award.


None of them managed to attend the ceremony due to "old age".

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On 12/02/2023 at 17:06, drol said:

Ma Shitu, Wang Huo and another decrepit Sichuan writer named Li Zhi just received a lifetime award.


None of them managed to attend the ceremony due to "old age".

However: According to this article Wang Huo and Li Zhi sent a video message (with images). Ma Shitu didn't.

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On 28/01/2023 at 18:30, drol said:

Yuan Baohua's successor as president of Renmin University, Huang Da (wiki) will turn 98 in February.

Huang Da dead four days before his 98th birthday.


His successor Li Wenhai will turn 91 in ten days.

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Ali Yafie (1926-2023)


"You were waiting for that fucking peanut farmer, right?"


The Happy Family in the Perspective of KH. Ali Yafie | Swara Rahima


Age at death: 96

Known health issues: On his deathbed with pneumonia and acute respiratory failure, in critical condition and on life support with COVID in 2020, hospitalised multiple times in 2021 and 2022, long hospitalization with multiple organ failure in 2023.

Cause of death: EVERYTHING

Alignment: No one wearing sunglasses can be a bad guy, right?

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Ignacio Lopez Tarso hospitalised with pneumonia and bowel ostruction.

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On 06/03/2023 at 22:05, drol said:

Ignacio Lopez Tarso hospitalised with pneumonia and bowel ostruction.

Tarso delicate but improving and out of danger. Wasn't aware that he's had COPD for years "due to living intensively and being a good smoker and drinker". According to another source the nurses tried to put a NG tube on him but "he didn't like it and got angry"


Anyways likely going to be discharged this week.

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Ignacio Lopez Tarso (1925-2023)


Todavía estabas esperando a ese maldito agricultor de maní, ¿verdad?




Age at death: 98

Known health issues: Colon cancer and ICU in 2016, COPD for the last decades of his life, pneumonia and critical condition in 2020, pneumonia in 2022, pneumonia, kidney and heart failure in 2023.

Cause of death: Pneumonia which led to a classic Immortal Multiple Organ Failure.

Alignment: Classic Golden Mexican cinema actor with a lot of unneeded feuds.

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