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Captain Oates

Interesting Ways To Die...

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Man shoots wife while installing TV


"The Missouri man fired the shot from inside the room following a number of unsuccessful attempts to punch a hole through the exterior wall using other means ... Officials are still deliberating over whether to charge Ronald Long over the death of his wife who, apparently unbeknownst to him, was standing outside the house when he fired the gun."

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A Japanese labor burea, who pushed working overtime to such an extreme that it cost him his life, has died at the age of 45. 80 hours of overtime means that ambition can turn into a compulsive disease of unsatisfactory which will motivate the successful man until he no longer breaths. It must have had something to do with the way he was raised.

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... and another drunk gets too close to some brown bears when taking a photo at the zoo. The results are predictable.

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... in February. Iced puns prolifiterolated.

Hey TAFKAG, why don't you just be yourself man? Nobody will see it the way you see it. The existence you perceive for yourself doesn't exist. Let it go. Visualize yourself as you are in present time - See the image which ceases to exist. Then let that image die and then resurrect. This post isn't for others on the website, it's for you.

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Something a little bit different (for those with a couple of bob):


Suicide by Aston Martin!


DWB :skill2:


At least his missus still has a shoulder to cry on.

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You could take up parkour like this chap. Obviously he isn't/wasn't any good.

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It's that time of the year again when the sunflower turns to face the earth, and the walnuts are starting to fall. We had collected some nuts and were sitting eating the seeds from the flowers that we had found before they were lost, so naturally enough I got to thinking about self mummification. Only another 999 days and we can start on the bark and roots. I'd hate to have a back, sack and crack from a buddhist monk.

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Caution: unsafe sex is risky and may lead to death. The earth clearly didn't move sufficiently.


Apparently they were listening to "Into you like a Train" by the Psych Furs on a shared iPod at the time.


Meanwhile, this story sounds like the modern day equivalent of the tigers in Little Black Sambo turning themselves into butter


Super Nova burning bright

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Re forum death, arrest in Germany.


I'd just like to say I love you all and have the deepest respect for ALL your posts.

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This has to rate as one of the world's unluckiest ways to die.

Passing cyclist gets hit and killed by 35-story suicide jumper.

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