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Ariel Sharon

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now that the election is over and Sharon has helped his party Kadima win they can finally turn his life support machine off.I mean how long can a 78 year old man last as a vegetable?


He certainly can't last that long and guessing I feel the little cords and moniters keeping him alive will be pulled sooner or later. If not this spring early summer. :unsure:

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Ariel Sharon is to have another operation to re-attach part of his skull.


We can always hope....


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Ariel Sharon is to have another operation to re-attach part of his skull.


We can always hope....


The link to the above article does not work. Here is another link to that story:


Sharon to have surgery to reattach part of his skull

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Israel's Sharon to be declared "permanently incapacitated"


JERUSALEM - Israel's Cabinet will declare Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "permanently incapacitated" at its meeting next week, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported Monday.

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Anyone here know what the Jewish law says about being permanentely incapacitated?

That is either:

1) the first line of a joke, the punchline to which I cannot imagine.

2) CP keeping us in suspense, knowing the answer himself but reluctant to tell us until we beg him.


3) a question that CP could have googled himself, before disclosing the answer to our mutual interest.

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Anyone here know what the Jewish law says about being permanentely incapacitated?

That is either:

1) the first line of a joke, the punchline to which I cannot imagine.

2) CP keeping us in suspense, knowing the answer himself but reluctant to tell us until we beg him.


3) a question that CP could have googled himself, before disclosing the answer to our mutual interest.


Actually it was


4) A question I asked to get StarCrossed to complain about my post quality, because apparentely that's pretty much all they're willing to contribute (read a page or two of their post history if you think I'm exaggerating).


I was asking because I thought perhaps I could save myself some research time by having someone who is actually Jewish answer the question. Furthermore, having a member of the actual forum answer the question makes the experience and answer more personal, so that I can interact with the response instead of just having to accept it off a site that may or may not be correct.


I'm not going to repeat all my arguments on why I think you should quit whining about post quality in general, but you're welcome to read over them along with Notapotato's response. I think you'll find that you and NAP share a similar grievence except:


A. NAP doesn't complain about it all the time and

B. NAP is willing to have an intelligent discussion with me to resolve the problem which, aside from the fact that I had to post a bit more than usual today to catch up with the three days I missed and therefore didn't post at all, has been resolved.


It must be hell to have a conversation with you in real life. Do you chastize your friends every time they go off topic or just every time they're not insightful and witty enough for you?

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Anyone here know what the Jewish law says about being permanentely incapacitated?

That is either:

1) the first line of a joke, the punchline to which I cannot imagine.

2) CP keeping us in suspense, knowing the answer himself but reluctant to tell us until we beg him.


3) a question that CP could have googled himself, before disclosing the answer to our mutual interest.


Actually it was


4) A question I asked to get StarCrossed to complain about my post quality, because apparentely that's pretty much all they're willing to contribute (read a page or two of their post history if you think I'm exaggerating).


I was asking because I thought perhaps I could save myself some research time by having someone who is actually Jewish answer the question. Furthermore, having a member of the actual forum answer the question makes the experience and answer more personal, so that I can interact with the response instead of just having to accept it off a site that may or may not be correct.


I'm not going to repeat all my arguments on why I think you should quit whining about post quality in general, but you're welcome to read over them along with Notapotato's response. I think you'll find that you and NAP share a similar grievence except:


A. NAP doesn't complain about it all the time and

B. NAP is willing to have an intelligent discussion with me to resolve the problem which, aside from the fact that I had to post a bit more than usual today to catch up with the three days I missed and therefore didn't post at all, has been resolved.


It must be hell to have a conversation with you in real life. Do you chastize your friends every time they go off topic or just every time they're not insightful and witty enough for you?


Tell you what, CP, you stop whining about his whining and SC should stop whining about your posting allowing me to fill the whine-vaccum that you two left behind. Deal?

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But the DL news here is that they're juggling medical problems - respiratory infection versus the gap in his skull that needs closing. In other words, he could be in a downward spiral to death. He's a popular derby dead pooler at present so every cloud and all that!

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Anyone here know what the Jewish law says about being permanentely incapacitated?

It's all a bit complicated. There is some debate over whether "permanently incapacited" is brain death or when the heart stops beating. Or both. Or neither.

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In his case, I imagine any infection has to be taken very seriously. To keep his blood pumping they've probably got him on all sorts of blood thinners that probably impair his immune responses to some degree. Also, wasn't it an infection that killed Christopher Reeve?

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Sharon skull surgery 'successful'


Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has had surgery to repair part of his skull, more than three months after he lapsed into a coma following a stroke.


The operation was a success, doctors at Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital say.


The procedure was due to have taken place on Tuesday, but was postponed because Mr Sharon had an infection in his respiratory tract.

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Guest iain

The Israeli cabinet has just declared that Ariel Sharon is permanently incapacitated and is therefore no longer prime minister.Presumably t his will clear the way for his life support system to be switched off within days.


[Threads Merged - ff]

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Bring it on.....a few DDP's have the champagne on ice.

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The Israeli cabinet has just declared that Ariel Sharon is permanently incapacitated and is therefore no longer prime minister.Presumably t his will clear the way for his life support system to be switched off within days.

Link to BBC News website

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The Israeli cabinet has just declared that Ariel Sharon is permanently incapacitated and is therefore no longer prime minister.Presumably t his will clear the way for his life support system to be switched off within days.

Link to BBC News website


This isn't actually a change in his health, it's just the Israeli government was waiting until after the election before confirming Sharon wasn't officially in charge any more. Now that he his party his coalition won, Olmert has just about enough of a mandate to be acknowledged as the new PM.


Only 8 2/3 months to go....hang on Ari!

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Oi, I've looked in on this thread twice and it's still showing no views. Is the site possessed by strange beings or is there summat up with the software?

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Oi, I've looked in on this thread twice and it's still showing no views. Is the site possessed by strange beings or is there summat up with the software?


I think it's aliens. I noticed the same thing last week on a new thread that I had viewed a couple of times, and new posts had appeared in.

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Aye, well they've pissed off back to Zeta Reticuli now and this thread is scoring hits.

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Should I even bother to point out that we already have an Ariel Sharon thread here? :lol:


I think we should merge this one with the existing one, before it gets too big to move

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