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Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

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A toest to you on youyr birthday Rotten ali

amnd for godoyt i ythouyjht you sasid somewhere you were gogiung to staY AT 999 OR SOMETHI9NG LIKE THAT ANFD NOT GO TO THE THOUYSANNED. WHAT HAPPENED DID YTOU CHAN GE TYOUR MIND>?







ANYHWO gentertl; congratullatiions to you and the ansywere is no.


andHappy birthday To rottten ali as weell.

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Happy belated birthday to Godot!


Also, happy birthday to Rotton Ali; I don't think we've conversed yet so, also, hello!

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Birthday greetings to you Rotten Ali! May the day hold all which you desire and more!

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Happy 40th Birthday Rotten Ali, have a great day :D

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Happy 40th Rotten Ali!


I suggest adding a bit of an edge to the celebrations by starting on anyone who makes a 'life begins..' gag at you. :D


Getting hammered and windmilling people without explaining what set you off would add to the drama, and certainly make the day a memorable occasion. For other people....


Besides, I think at least one DL member has information that it begins at 5 O'Clock rather than 40, so don't believe everything you hear. ;)


Have fun,



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Happy Birthday Rotten Ali




I hope you have an enjoyable day!!




ff :D

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Happy Birthday Ali, 40's the new 30 they say. Or is it the new black? Either way have a good day!!!

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Happy Birthday Rotten Ali!


May your lists grow ever shorter!

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Happy Birthday Rotten Ali!


You probably know better than I which sexy people were born on your birthday, but just in case you forgot, you seem to have a birthday with it all:


You've got stylish facial hair



A sultry singing voice



Classical beauty



A relatively rare brain disease



An adventurous spirit (maybe not sexy, but Tintin rules)






A name that you most certainly do not want to look up on Google Image Search when at work



*Drool* Uh... what were we talking about again?



Enjoy, have a happy one, I know I will! :D

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Excellent selection CP!


Sorry to be a little late, but Happy Birthday Rotten Ali!


Nottingham has seen many great celebrations in the past courtesy of this fellow:





and, more recently, this fellow:



but I have a feeling your 40th birthday celebrations may eclipse that!!!!



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Excellent selection CP!


I must admit, I have a soft spot for Kelly Monaco, which is why I posted such a large image. When I was just a wee lad, the first naked picture I ever saw was of her. :D

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Birthday greetings


to you Rotten Ali


May your RDP team rise ever higher :D .

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Congrats on yer B'day Rotten Ali


Have a good one !!

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Today would have been my parents 75th wedding anniverasry had they not died so tragically so many years ago. Father of course lost his life on the golf course one ragingly hot summer afternoon and Mother went soon after while consuming dinner and her grief with a local law officer. I felt it was sinful, positively sinful for her to engage in inappropriate behaviour such as this, especially so shortly after Father had been interred but I kept the details out of the obituary and that, as they say, was that. Their headstones relate the tale of how they were born within a week and a day of each other and died within the same month as well.


I just wished to acknowledge their anniversary as is my wont each year on this day, so very very grateful that this topic exists for this purpose.

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Happy birtheday M Busby Arilines who saay s to be 47 today /!

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He of the best Avatar animation on this site IMHO.

Thirty Five Today!

Even though you have not been around for a few weeks, I hope you had a good one.

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Aye he's a good lad is are Eejit.


Sorry I missed your birthday, Eejit; all the best belatedly!

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Hey, scsibear, conga rats on your birthday. Many happy returns, and all that.




(Yes, yes, it isn't June 1 yet, where you live, but it is here.)




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Happy Birthday scsibear!

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:lol: Hippos and Birdies scsi! :lol:


Have an SC on me...*


*redeemable at the next DL Association annual meeting.

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Guest Guest_Rotten Ali_*

Happy Birthday Scsibear - have a good one.

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Happy Birthday Scsibear - have a good one.


Bon Anniversaire Scsibear




Have a cake. (now all you need to do is change your name to Chloe)

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Have a fab birthday, scsibear!



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