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Tempus Fugit

Too Many Moderators ?

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I try not to think, It hurts me hEad. Oh DeAr.

AHA signs of Bourbon overdose there, time to start the singing TF come on, you know you can do it, right I'll give you a start and you lead in.......


LG: Happy,


TF: Happy, Happy, Happy Talk............

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..talk about things you like to do.


You've got to have a dream!


If you don't have a dream..


How else are you going to make a few quid after being in The Damned?


Oops, wrong lyrics.

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I must say deathlist has changed for the better since we got new mods.


I can remember when I was the only irrelevant poster. :old:

Still the worst at spelling tho.

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..talk about things you like to do.


You've got to have a dream!


If you don't have a dream..


How else are you going to make a few quid after being in The Damned?


Oops, wrong lyrics.



Perhaps TF is Captain Sensible in disguise??!!!!

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I stand corrected.

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I must say deathlist has changed for the better since we got new mods.


I can remember when I was the only irrelevant poster.  :D

Still the worst at spelling tho.

I agree with you Windsor and as for the only irrelevant poster :old: , surely you have read my posts and the s***e I post when I have had a glass of wine or two, which I hurriedly remove the next day (unfortunately after a few hours sleeping off the hangover, some people have read them, but are kind enough not to repeat them to me, or quote them).


Like you I am very happy with the new mods, they are all people that have brought a lot to the forum (and no, I am not 'sooking in') and deserve the position they have and are welcome to play havoc with my sig. anytime (within reason!!!!)


Cheers Hein for my new look sig. but you may have to explain 'gisabun' to me.




Lady G.

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Cheers Hein for my new look sig. but you may have to explain 'gisabun' to me.

I deny all knowledge. :old:


I realise that denial won't work. I suggest you ask another newbie mod to explain 'gisabun', because I haven't got a clue.


Edit: I have now; apparently they played a song with that title.




Edited by Magere Hein

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Do try to use your powers for good.

So far they have. :D

Show some dignity Windsor! Crawl any further and you'll become subterranean. :old:

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I'm a monarchist. I'm used to being loyal, arse kissing scum - even if they are a bunch of arseholes. :D:old:


Right I'm going away now - I've posted far too much today.

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Cheers Hein for my new look sig. but you may have to explain 'gisabun' to me.

I deny all knowledge. :lol:


I realise that denial won't work. I suggest you ask another newbie mod to explain 'gisabun', because I haven't got a clue.


Edit: I have now; apparently they played a song with that title.




Thanks Hein, interesting link, here's the story (I'm sure I've heard Fish refer to it as 'the hit song from Dundee' which perhaps explains it ;) ) Geezabun It does fail to mention that those of us not throwing Greggs finest at the band are imitating elephants!! It's the malt whisky in the water here that does it, honestly!

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Why is it that IYG got banned for deleting a Banshees' thread (was it some sort of Deathlist Agony Aunt thing?) and Typhoid Harry does the same to one of Windsor's with no apparent consequences? I thought banning IYG was a tad on the harsh side but really, where's the consistency?


Looking foward to hearing a sensible answer rather than more bitchified tales of woe.


Yours sincerely,



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Why is it that IYG got banned for deleting a Banshees' thread (was it some sort of Deathlist Agony Aunt thing?) and Typhoid Harry does the same to one of Windsor's with no apparent consequences? I thought banning IYG was a tad on the harsh side but really, where's the consistency?


Looking foward to hearing a sensible answer rather than more bitchified tales of woe.

IYG got banned because he deleted a topic as a way to fight a personal conflict with one of DL's members. TH deleted the "Enraged" topic because in it he was accused of things he had nothing to do with. I understand that and I support his decision.


PS: posts moved. The 'Howto' wasn't exactly the right topic for this discussion.




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Why is it that IYG got banned for deleting a Banshees' thread (was it some sort of Deathlist Agony Aunt thing?) and Typhoid Harry does the same to one of Windsor's with no apparent consequences? I thought banning IYG was a tad on the harsh side but really, where's the consistency?


Looking foward to hearing a sensible answer rather than more bitchified tales of woe.

IYG got banned because he deleted a topic as a way to fight a personal conflict with one of DL's members. TH deleted the "Enraged" topic because in it he was accused of things he had nothing to do with. I understand that and I support his decision.


PS: posts moved. The 'Howto' wasn't exactly the right topic for this discussion.






For once, I couldn't disagree more. I'd like to make it perfectly clear, I've nothing against Harry personally in the slightest. I stayed out of the 'retarded' debate because I thought it was a funny post and a good way to make a point.

The trouble with deleting threads containing personal attacks is there'd be a lot less threads if it were to be carried out as site policy. The contentious thread and the posts therein, admittedly I last saw it with only two replies, say more about those with complaints about Harry than they do about the man himself. I don't see how deleting it because "in it he was accused of things he had nothing to do with" differs from IYG's reason. This sounds like 'If you can't stand the heat delete the kitchen' to me and brings to mind our dear departed friend Iain. Villified for posting crap predictions and starting crapulent threads, Iain is no longer with us. I don't think he ever started a thread claiming he had "Remakable powers of prediction" though. Where I'm going with this parable is, why are two members (by which I mean all registered members who regularly post here) who have behaved in very similar ways, treated so very differently?


PS: I would have thought the 'Howto' thread the best place for a discussion like this. It's the closest thing we have to guidelines and/or a rule book. In no way, shape or form is it to be construed as 'Howto' delete a thread.


PPS: The 'Too Many Moderators?' thread isn't the best place for this discussion either, as it doesn't concern the number of moderators, only the behaviour of one.


Choice Bro,


Edited by Gunjaman5000

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.......... This sounds like 'If you can't stand the heat delete the kitchen' to me ..........
I couldn't agree more!


Something that is missing from this whole argument is input from TH.

It is the common habit of our respected mods to leave a short note to say what they have done and why, when they delete or move posts or a whole thread. No sign of this from TH and very little sign of the man himself where his presence would be appropriate by accepted modding standards.


By deleting posts containing mistaken accusations, TH has lost the opportunity to defend hiimself with an explanation of what really happenend. He has left if for others, mainly Hein, to speak on his behalf. :lol:


'If he can't stand the heat,' ...er, how does it go?




PS: I have put this post in this thread because I am replying to a post in this thread. I hope that is satisfactory.

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Iain is no longer with us.

If only that were so.

The poster formerly known as Iain has been reincarnated as stan the man

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The poster formerly known as Iain has been reincarnated as stan the man


Is there any actual proof of that, other than that I occasionally edit his posts to read "regards, iain" ?

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Is there any actual proof of that, other than that I occasionally edit his posts to read "regards, iain" ?


Surely the post on 'Near Misses' in the last week about the Queen can simply not be anyone else... :rolleyes:

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Is there any actual proof of that, other than that I occasionally edit his posts to read "regards, iain" ?


Surely the post on 'Near Misses' in the last week about the Queen can simply not be anyone else... :o

I would definitely agree. All you have to do is to look at some of his posts, especially in the Gerald Ford thread. They are carbon copies of some of Iain's earlier posts. :rolleyes:

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IYG got banned because he deleted a topic as a way to fight a personal conflict with one of DL's members. TH deleted the "Enraged" topic because in it he was accused of things he had nothing to do with. I understand that and I support his decision.

The trouble with deleting threads containing personal attacks is there'd be a lot less threads if it were to be carried out as site policy. The contentious thread and the posts therein, admittedly I last saw it with only two replies, say more about those with complaints about Harry than they do about the man himself. I don't see how deleting it because "in it he was accused of things he had nothing to do with" differs from IYG's reason.

I had hoped Typhoid Harry would enter this discussion, but apparently he doesn't feel like it. That's unfortunate, since I cannot talk for him. Anyway, I think it's time to respond to your comments.


The first two sentences of my above message are statements of fact. There's little room for debate there. The last sentence is my view on the matter. As long as other management staff don't comment you can take it as official.


The banning of IYG was a decision made by Grim Reaper, about which he made no public statement. I will not discuss those decisions, because [1] I cannot speak for GR and [2] I had no part in them. What matters here is that they were based on IYG deleting a long and at least reasonably amusing topic. Members may remember it: it was Banshees Scream's 'problums' topic, whatever its title was. At that time deleting a topic meant irrecoverably lost, so I can't judge the content of that topic with respect to our subject, but as far as I can remember the Mod in question did his deed to get revenge on another member rather than for anything that was said in the topic.


In the 'Enraged' topic, on the other hand, TH was accused of several acts of abuse of Moderator power. Some of them concerned the "Live Chat". I happened to be present in Chat when that happened and the accusations were more or less accurate, but I assure you that it was an unintended consequence of "playing with the buttons" rather than abuse. TH worked his arse off to remedy those consequences. I also want to stress that the Chat is at best DL Light, what happens there mainly stays below the horizon of Moderator and Admin scrutiny.


The second accusation was about abuse of the forum itself and was unsubstantiated. The post also called for demotion of TH. I've tried hard to find evidence of any abuse and failed. That doesn't mean that it didn't happen, but it also means that those accusations were not established as facts. It's a case of one member's word against another's.

This sounds like 'If you can't stand the heat delete the kitchen' to me and brings to mind our dear departed friend Iain. Villified for posting crap predictions and starting crapulent threads, Iain is no longer with us. I don't think he ever started a thread claiming he had "Remakable powers of prediction" though. Where I'm going with this parable is, why are two members (by which I mean all registered members who regularly post here) who have behaved in very similar ways, treated so very differently?

Considering the seriousness of the accusations I understand why TH deleted the topic. Would I have been the target of such accusations I would have done something similar, although I probably wouldn't have deleted the complete topic. I don't think the two cases are comparable and I still support TH's decision.


My decision to ban Iain is a different matter. If you want to I'm willing to discuss that too, but I won't do that in this post.

PS: posts moved. The 'Howto' wasn't exactly the right topic for this discussion.
PS: I would have thought the 'Howto' thread the best place for a discussion like this. It's the closest thing we have to guidelines and/or a rule book. In no way, shape or form is it to be construed as 'Howto' delete a thread.


PPS: The 'Too Many Moderators?' thread isn't the best place for this discussion either, as it doesn't concern the number of moderators, only the behaviour of one.

I agree that this isn't the best place either, but it was the closest I could find in which DL's moderation policy (which does not exist) is discussed. I intend to keep the Howto topic for technical matters. Perhaps we need a separate topic for discussion of DL's moderation policy (wdne).


I hope this posts explains my position.




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The above big spammy post - which will be deleted soon - is a damn good advert for the fact we need moderation and administration.



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The above big spammy post - which will be deleted soon - is a damn good advert for the fact we need moderation and administration.




Whenever I see spam I delete it, as I'm sure do other mods. I doubt the typical mcNugget of spam stays on DL for more than a day. The site itself is pretty self-sufficient, and doesn't seem like it needs a ton of admin. And if something really needs to be fixed I'm sure a PM to Hein would result in a speedy repair job.


We have been rather quiet (too quiet) of late, in part due to the lack of DL 2007 picks coming in, as well as the absence of a few regulars. Sounds like a few people are feeling gun shy at the moment (Windsor), which is a shame.

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We have been rather quiet (too quiet) of late, in part due to the lack of DL 2007 picks coming in, as well as the absence of a few regulars. Sounds like a few people are feeling gun shy at the moment (Windsor), which is a shame.



Like I have a choice in the matter having been suspended and had posts deleted in the last couple of weeks...

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I've stayed out of this discussion because it didn't warrant my comment. MH researched it and posted said conclusions above. He didn't have to do it, but I'm grateful for the effort. There are plenty of places on the 'net for being as abrasive as one would like to be (brawlhall.com comes to mind), but this isn't one of them. I have messed with a couple of people here, but always in fun and without malice. They know who they are and some of them still carry the evidence in their signatures. I find that quite a compliment. Purposeful stupidity is another "style" that has more suitable outlets, and I will continue to defeat it here. We have a good number and a fine quality of moderators here, and I'm proud to be associated with them; I will also defend them against those who would salve their own egos in attempts to become a mod. As Forrest Gump put it: "That's all I have to say about that."

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