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Not Exactly Famous...

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I'll openly admit I have no idea who is this person is, but according to the obituary, he was a regular on British TV only a few years back. I'd be interested to know if anyone here has heard of him as he's committed suicide:

Timothy Hadcock-Mackay.





I have no idea who he was, but I think I like him.


I've never seen him on tv, but I've heard of him as he was occasionally mentioned in Caterer and Hotelkeeper magazine. I studied catering while at college and that was one of the publications that our lecturers suggested we suscribed to. I must admit that I don't know a great deal about him, but have heard of him.

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I'll openly admit I have no idea who is this person is, but according to the obituary, he was a regular on British TV only a few years back. I'd be interested to know if anyone here has heard of him as he's committed suicide:

Timothy Hadcock-Mackay.






Has his obit appeared anywhere else? I'm sure I've read about him before. Though I hadn't heard about him before I'd read about him.

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Not exactly dead but .... the guy who's sat next to me for 9 years has been made redundant this morning. It was he who recommended Deathlist to me. A sad sad day. ;)


Oh no! Surely you don't mean Mr. Custard? :P

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Timothy Hadcock-Mackay.


Recognise the face, couldn't tell you anything about him. Guys, isn't it obvious, if only we'd - like - stopped to notice him, he might be alive tonight.


We could have stumbled on a secret here, ignore vain and self obsessed entertainers, slip them quietly into a deadpool and then.........wait.

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Guest Guest_iain_*

the highest ranking woman in the US military has died of cancer

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Guest Guest_iain_*

lead singer of the rock band Dissection has committed suicide at 31! I have all their albums

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Not exactly dead but .... the guy who's sat next to me for 9 years has been made redundant this morning. It was he who recommended Deathlist to me. A sad sad day. ;)


Oh no! Surely you don't mean Mr. Custard? :P

Yes! Mr Custard himself!

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Not exactly dead but .... the guy who's sat next to me for 9 years has been made redundant this morning. It was he who recommended Deathlist to me. A sad sad day. ;)


He's sat next to you for 9 years? Is he your stalker?!


You had better start working, Lady Die. You could be next!

That thought has already crossed my mind :P

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If he recommended it, without giving away any personal information, is he still amongst us?

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Re Dissection



Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish. The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.


I'll admit my interest in Scandanavian Black Metal has waned a bit of late, are they still firing the odd church and engaging in fatal battles over who is the biggest, baddest, muthaf*****g satanist?

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Not exactly dead but .... the guy who's sat next to me for 9 years has been made redundant this morning. It was he who recommended Deathlist to me. A sad sad day. :(


Oh no! Surely you don't mean Mr. Custard? :(

Yes! Mr Custard himself!

We should have a whip-round.


Like we didn't have for VileBody.

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Stanford Newman son of entrepreneur J.C. Newman and also owner of the J.C. Newman cigar factory has died at the age of 90

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Timothy Hadcock-Mackay.





I have no idea who he was, but I think I like him.


In 1992, he founded Grand Heritage Hotels International in Europe with Friend and colleague David Owen, now Chief Executive Officer. With US investment from William Burruss, GHI was officially launched in London in 1993 at a smaller dinner hosted by celebraty friends Christopher Biggins, Joan Collins, Lorraine Chase, Lesley Joseph and Diane Moran.


I also have no idea who he was, but I despise him simply for the company he kept, a miserable procession of the mediocre and irratating.

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John Hutton has died sudenly at 59

You don't say?



How about giving us some details of this alleged Mr.Hutton and his alleged death. You know Ibainnr (or guest Ibainnr...same twit either way) I despise links as they often go...well, they go dead, just as you shall someday. Details old man, give details.

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Joseph Hill


Lead singer of Jamaican band "Culture" has died aged 57 whilst on tour in Europe.


Quite a big name really, but not a near miss, as his death seems to have come out of the blue.

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If he recommended it, without giving away any personal information, is he still amongst us?

He's still a member ("custard") but not active. He's defected to an "Are You Being Served" forum.

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Tiffany Rayne


Can't say I've ever heard of this young lady, an actress who has apparently committed suicide at the tender age of 21. However, I am sure dedicatees of serious cinema amongst you may be familiar with her oeuvre.


Maybe she was upset that she didn't get the part she'd auditioned for in the up and coming film of Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey"

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Tiffany Rayne


Can't say I've ever heard of this young lady, an actress who has apparently committed suicide at the tender age of 21. However, I am sure dedicatees of serious cinema amongst you may be familiar with her oeuvre.


Maybe she was upset that she didn't get the part she'd auditioned for in the up and coming film of Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey"


According to Wiki the story about her committing suicide is false. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Rayne


Should we start a "Not Exactly Dead....." thread?

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Tiffany Rayne


Can't say I've ever heard of this young lady, an actress who has apparently committed suicide at the tender age of 21. However, I am sure dedicatees of serious cinema amongst you may be familiar with her oeuvre.


Maybe she was upset that she didn't get the part she'd auditioned for in the up and coming film of Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey"


According to Wiki the story about her committing suicide is false. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Rayne


Should we start a "Not Exactly Dead....." thread?


Ronnie. I am glad to hear that she is still with us! You can always rely on Wikipedia! :P


Would anyone like to have a wager on the name of her next film? Shouldn't be difficult, there's a short list of words to choose from based on her previous work, just choose 2 or 3, scramble them up and you've got a good chance!

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There's a very bored person out there today.


On Wikipedia this morning, you'll see the following


Margaret Thatcher, 80, [[united Kingdom|British] politician, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Suicide


I can well believe that a porn actress would commit suicide as I believe that a large number of the female cast of Debbie Does Dallas ended their lives in that way, mostly by an overdose.

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