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First Thatcher dies, then Ferguson retires. Somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left.

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Howard Webb is set to be named the new manager of Man United

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With Maggie dead, and Ferguson retiring, somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left .... !

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With Maggie dead, and Ferguson retiring, somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left .... !


as was pointed out 3 posts and 5 hours earlier! ^^^^

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With Maggie dead, and Ferguson retiring, somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left .... !


as was pointed out 3 posts and 5 hours earlier! ^^^^

Fuck!!!!! How the hell did I miss that?



I think I know how, I didn't go down to the bottom of the last page and didn't see there was another page. Oh well, I still thought it was funny even second time seeing it.

Edited by Paul Bearer
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With Maggie dead, and Ferguson retiring, somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left .... !


If this is true, Kelvin Mackenzie might as well stay indoors for the foreseeable...

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Liverpool have a had a good year with Maggie popping her clogs and old red nose retiring,maybe the next good thing is Moyes fucking off to Man Ure and the Toffees disappearing up their own arse?

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Liverpool have a had a good year with Maggie popping her clogs and old red nose retiring,maybe the next good thing is Moyes fucking off to Man Ure and the Toffees disappearing up their own arse?


apologies for posting above post,didnt see someone else has posted almost the same thing

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With Maggie dead, and Ferguson retiring, somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left .... !


If this is true, Kelvin Mackenzie might as well stay indoors for the foreseeable...


Or perhaps it's Boris who should be watching his back ...

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What about the 2013/2014 season, which is next season? Or is Moyesy doing one year before Heskey takes over? Answers, please... :ghost2:

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Looks like the biggest news of the day will be the appointment of Paul Tisdale as Exeter City boss, after a hugely successful spell at Team Bath. One wonders what Mr. DDT thinks of this.


I think it could have been worse, Graham "I honestly thought she was 16, Officer" Rix was seen hanging around last week.


Fast forward seven years and with David Moyes replacing Sir Alex, Paul Tisdale is now the League's third longest serving manager. Tony Pulis has been in charge of Stoke for only a few days longer than Tisdale has at Exeter, with Arsene Wenger a mere ten years in front of everybody else.

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Great win for Wigan in the FA Cup

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First Thatcher dies, then Ferguson retires. Somewhere there is a Scouser with a lamp and one wish left.


Truly one of the best posts i've read laughing for like 5 mins. I bet the last wish is liverpool winning the premiership. I hope so anyway . :D


Great win for Wigan in the FA Cup


Billions of pounds and they can't beat wigan . The whole wigan team cost less than Gareth Barry lets just think about that for a second lol


A truly love it when this happens a perfect match really if you support the underdog.

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Should we have a whip round for Ferguson? A carriage clock with an extra 6 minutes on it would be a suitable retirement gift.

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30 years ago today, this happened







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That was 1983? If you'd asked I'd have said that looked like about 1977 or 78.


That's Scotland for you, I guess.

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Wigan are down three days after winning the FA Cup.


"It's a funny old game, Saint..."

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Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Steve Jobs and Whitney Houston all died the day after Aaron Ramsey scored a goal. Maybe a big death tomorrow ?

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Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Steve Jobs and Whitney Houston all died the day after Aaron Ramsey scored a goal. Maybe a big death tomorrow ?


bernie nolan ?


nelson Mandela .

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Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Steve Jobs and Whitney Houston all died the day after Aaron Ramsey scored a goal. Maybe a big death tomorrow ?


Cross checking a few of the relevant dates shows that most times this happens the big death apears in the following (or sometimes preceding) two days.

Thus, let us also now consider Paul Shane added to his hit list.




Still tracing down dates and line ups from a list looking at a other Ramsey goals:

1st goal for Cardiff.

1st goal for Arsenal, Fernebache, 21st Aug 08. Dearth of famous deaths.

PreSeason, SC Columbia, 21st July 2009. Two goals, Dearth of famous deaths.

2nd goal for Arsenal, against Porstmouth, 22nd Aug 09. Dearth of famous deaths.

14th Oct 2009 1st goal for Wales followed by George Tuska (artist for Iron Man) death on the 15th.

Edward Woodward's death on the 16th November 2009 was also a hit in this regard after a Ramsey goal for Wales on the 14th Nov. Not only that but we must remember Woodward played the lead role in "The Equalizer".

Stoke game 5th Dec 2009. Dearth of famous deaths

Portsmouth 30th Dec 2009, following day - Cahal Daly.

West Ham, 3rd Jan 2010, following day Tsutomu Yamaguchi died. ( the guy who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs)

1st May 2011, vs Man Utd, that day Henry Cooper died. The following day Osama was killed.

Should also remember that Bin Laden was said to be an Arsenal fan, so hence on 2nd May 2011 the gunner got his just deserts.

Also not mentioned of late was the death of Janet Brown, the famed Maggie Thatcher impersonator, on the same day as his 3rd goal for Wales on the 27th May 2011.

13th July 2011, Malaysia xi vs Arsenal. Dearth of famous deaths.

30th July 2011, Arsenal vs Boca Juniors. Dearth of famous deaths.

(Own goal verse Liverpool, 20th Aug 2011?) - Dearth of famous deaths.

2nd Sept 2011, goal for Wales. Dearth of famous deaths.

2nd Oct 2011, vs Spurs - Vasily Aleksanyan.

Major death news of Steve Job's passing on the 5th Oct 2011, preceded Ramsey's 5th goal for Wales on the 7th Oct.

19th Oct 2011 a goal against Marseille for Arsenal was followed by the killing of Gaddafi the next day

On loan goal for Cardiff vs Leicester 2011.

11th Feb 2012 a goal against Sunderland happened the same day as the death of Whitney Houston.

3rd Oct 2012 against Olympiacos, dearth of famous deaths.

22nd March 2013, Wales goal, same day as death of Derek Watkins, who was a trumpeter on all the Bond films.

14th May 2013, Against Wigan, 16th May, Paul Shane.

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