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I'd be willing to lay good money that the strike days will happily coincide with Englands Euro 2008 football internationals (8th and 12th) as per bloody usual.


Please be advised that if you opt to reply to this post, I really have only just started....

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Bob Crow. The leader of the RMT union.


This doesn't mean much if you don't use the tube, but if you do...I mean, people should have the right to withdraw their labour, but this beady-eyed pudding-brained buffoon does his level best to undermine that right every time he speaks.


Previous causes of threats of industrial action have been over the sacking of a tube driver who was seen playing sport when on long-term sick leave (evidently badminton is therapeutic), and because of the replacement of tea-urns with kettles in tube station kitchen areas.


His usual tactic is to threaten a series of strikes either during discussions to resolve problems or before they begin. It is nothing short of blackmail, and brings the entire trade union movement into disrepute. His discourse is also nothing more than a thin pastiche of seventies labour disputes, but he simply hasn't got the intellect or the ideological basis to back up his rent-a-playground-bully outbursts.


It's as though someone has attempted to shave a bulldog, cruelly dressed it in a cheap suit and tried (and failed) to teach it some rudimentary English. His latest wheeze is to threaten two 72-hour strikes next month that will have two effects -


1 - It will cause absolute chaos in London, and not just for tube users.

2 - It will erode any residual sympathy that the public has for tube workers.


There is only one remedy. Bob Crow should be captured (by being lured inside a giant pork pie), paraded around the City in a scold's bridle and then taken to Tower Hill, placed in a giant tea urn and publicly boiled in his own sh!t.


Please be advised that if you opt to reply to this post, I really have only just started....




Well if he is a buffoon, and I dont doubt that he is, then, surely the majority of the staff he represents are too.

You get balloted, you either vote to strike or you dont.

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Mothers who travel in twos, side by side with prams.


I had to go down the road today to the bank, so I walked.

Anyway, on my way home, I was walking on the pavement of a quite busy road (parents were picking up their kids from school). As I was walking, I saw two pram pushing chavs, side by side, dominating the pavement. I couldn't step off the pavement because of the traffic and their was a wall at the other side. But still they kept pushing at quite some pace. In the end I had to squeeze past them (sidey-ways) on the wall side - they made no attempt to slow down.


Complete arseholes.




Also those tiny wee beasties who come out with the sun. I must have had about 100 of them on me by the time I got home.


As well as that, the rising cost of Lucozade.

Two years ago I could get a small bottle for 69p. Now, it cost me 83p. Bloody price rises.


If only I had real things to worry about...

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Amazingly enough, I find myself agreeing with Winnie.

I had a full-on row with two women the other day, walking side-by-side with 3-wheel buggies , forcing me to walk my 5-year old girl into a busy road and who then had the f*****g cheek to say 'Excuse Me!' in a sarcastic voice because I had brushed against the sleeve of one of them.


"I'm sorry, next time I'll let you walk in the gutter then." I replied, and it all kicked off from there.

Mothers who travel in twos, side by side with prams.

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Amazingly enough, I find myself agreeing with Winnie.

I had a full-on row with two women the other day, walking side-by-side with 3-wheel buggies , forcing me to walk my 5-year old girl into a busy road and who then had the f*****g cheek to say 'Excuse Me!' in a sarcastic voice because I had brushed against the sleeve of one of them.


"I'm sorry, next time I'll let you walk in the gutter then." I replied, and it all kicked off from there.


I was looking for an applauding smiley, but I couldn't find it, so I'll use this cool one instead. :o


I really do applaud you for saying something - in California, you'd get knifed for pointing it out.

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On the subject of pavement etiquette - people who suddenly stop on a busy pavement so that you walk into them.


To stick up for buggy pushers a bit (although I'm no longer one of them and when I was, would never have dreamed of walking in tandem with another buggy pusher), it is particularly difficult to stop when you are pushing a buggy. I once ran into an old lady in Bury St Edmunds on market day, she'd been walking quite briskly and stopped very suddenly, I had no chance of avoiding her. She very nearly sat on my son as his feet, which were sticking out, caught her behind the knee and she sort of buckled. Luckily, she managed to keep her balance and despite my apologies (it wasn't even my fault), let out a stream of expletives. I was too shocked to answer back.

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Tourists are the worst at pavement etiquette. I love when they choose to have team meetings (ideally in packs of ten or more) at entrances to tube stations, doorways I'm trying to get through, etc. It's as if every visitor to London has never lived in a city in their lives.

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When I was a buggy pusher it used to really piss me off when cars parked so far on the pavement that I was forced to push the youngun out into the road. So I took to holding my keys in my hand and forcing my buggy through the gap if possible, at the same time the keys in my hand would oh so accidentally scrape up the side of the car - if I could bust the wing mirror off at the same time, that was a bonus. That'll teach the selfish bastards. Jesus, I'm just remembering now how much it really does f**k me off, absolute f*****g w**nkers, the lot of them.


Edit - why does w**nkers come up with 2 asterixes when there should only be one? Am I spelling w**nkers wrong? Should it be waankers?

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Well if he is a buffoon, and I dont doubt that he is, then, surely the majority of the staff he represents are too.

You get balloted, you either vote to strike or you dont.


Actually only 51% of eligible RMT members bothered to vote this time (which is a high turnout for them), meaning that a majority do not actively support his arrant buffoonery.

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Here I am in Deathlist's very own 'Room 101' and you know through the times I have spent here I have to say that I was never one of the most grammatically correct posters but instead one of the most prolific posters this forum has ever had. I've hated a lot of things about this forum, like people who think they are big news, and who think they know everything. I hate how people can doubt you when you are just being honest, and who try and bring you down when they actually just can't stop talking about you. It's something that I'm speechless towards but I can't help but have a grin on my face. I've also loved a lot of things on this forum, like the debates and the sarcasm and the minds that gather here everyday. I couldn't find a better word to describe it other then priceless. I'll wave my left hand at this time, but I won't say goodbye. I've come to Room 101 tonight to sign off, and let life here on www.deathlist.net go on without me.


Thank you.



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Here I am in Deathlist's very own 'Room 101' and you know through the times I have spent here I have to say that I was never one of the most grammatically correct posters but instead one of the most prolific posters this forum has ever had. I've hated a lot of things about this forum, like people who think they are big news, and who think they know everything. I hate how people can doubt you when you are just being honest, and who try and bring you down when they actually just can't stop talking about you. It's something that I'm speechless towards but I can't help but have a grin on my face. I've also loved a lot of things on this forum, like the debates and the sarcasm and the minds that gather here everyday. I couldn't find a better word to describe it other then priceless. I'll wave my left hand at this time, but I won't say goodbye. I've come to Room 101 tonight to sign off, and let life here on www.deathlist.net go on without me.


Thank you.




So, Banshees, what are you doing with your right hand? Making gnostic gestures, perchance?


'Snake may wriggle into bamboo tube, but may not wriggle out' - Kung-fu-tzu


Whichever path you choose, may it lead to yourself.

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Uh, was that Banshees' DL resignation speech?


I'm going to guess no.

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Banshees should know that we were questioning him in Live Chat last night not due to his popularity but because:


1)We don't believe his father is John Lennon. Nor do we believe that Lennon's spirit (as his father) made late night visits to Mr. Scream's mother.

2) We don't believe him to be of any fame, including any fame linked to the Howard Stern Show.

3) We don't believe that he owned a limo with an Irish driver.

4) We were taking the piss out of him all night.


If he has finally gone, I want a good proportion of the credit.

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I would like to put my employer in to Room 101 for his lack of understanding regarding time.


Just over a year ago my boss cut back my hours by half an hour due to a lack of in coming residents. At the time this was fair enough as there was less for us to do.


However, over recent times he has begun to take the piss.


First of all, after cutting our hours, he increase the amount of work involved in my particular job. He decided that it would be a good idea to make our shift responsible for tidying the kitchen before leaving. This was usually the cook's job. Now the cook leaves earlier (hours cut also). So that increased the amount of time we need to spend.


They then decided that it would be a good idea to increase the usual one course supper, to a two course (main course and pudding). Keep in mind that the residents enjoys a three course meal at lunch time then sit on their arses all day. So this added to my job again without any hours being restored.


Then two weeks ago we were given a lecture over tea stains inside the plastic spouty cups. It is now my shifts responsibility to steep these cups at least once a week again with no restoration of hours.


To put the icing on the cake, the old dishwashing machine broke down last week. After a few days of handwashing the dishes of around 55 people, they decided to buy a new machine. They treated us to a band new machine as opposed to the old second hand, ex-army machine we had just thrown out. The only problem is that the machine is smaller. As well as that it takes longer to wash one load of dishes. To add injury to insult, the trays are also useless. We still have the old trays that would work in the new dishwasher but we are not allowed to use them. The boss has somehow decided that if we put the old trays in the new dishwasher, the machine will break.


So all in all, we have less time to do more things. As well as that our numbers are back up to what they were before the hours were cut. Basically, my boss is a tosser.


We also have a bit of a problem with nepotism.


The last two people to be employed in the kitchen have family links within the establishment.

The first is the fourth member of one family to be employed with us. Her aunt is a senior carer. Her mother and cousin are carer. The second is the daughter of one of the office staff. She got the job that I was supposed to be covering until mid September but she started today. To add to the tally, we already had one offspring of senior management working in the kitchen. The last time the cook disciplined him, the cook was called into the office accused of having a pick on that particular employee. To add to this, that staff member's sister also used to work in the kitchen.

To add injury to insult, after everybody elses' hours were cut, a new cleaning post was created in the evenings. This was taken by the daughter of the 'Head Housekeeper'. She hoovers the dining room last thing at night before it is shut. Then the first thing the morning cleaners do is hoover the very same dining room.


So actually, it may just be a better idea to put the whole establishment into Room 101...

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If he has finally gone, I want a good proportion of the credit.


You want a good proportion of the credit ... f**k you. You f****n asshole. Go get laid you little homo. Miserable little deuche bag.


I mean seriously dude you are such a loser you make the losers feel like winners. ;)


You don't drink and you don't get laid and you go to college! :party: He is a royalist and he wants to be a teacher. O my god :lol::lol::lol:




Ahahahaa ah hahhhh ahhhhhh




I can't stop laughing


This is hilarious


(Windsor from Scotland) :lol::lol::lol: ahh ha hahaha ahhh


Ahhhhh ha hahahah ha ha


Got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard


Ahhhh ha ha ha ahhhh :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Anubis the Jackal
I thought you had given up, Banshees?

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I would like to put my employer in to Room 101 for his lack of understanding regarding time.


Just over a year ago my boss cut back my hours by half an hour due to a lack of in coming residents. At the time this was fair enough as there was less for us to do.


However, over recent times he has begun to take the piss.


First of all, after cutting our hours, he increase the amount of work involved in my particular job. He decided that it would be a good idea to make our shift responsible for tidying the kitchen before leaving. This was usually the cook's job. Now the cook leaves earlier (hours cut also). So that increased the amount of time we need to spend.


They then decided that it would be a good idea to increase the usual one course supper, to a two course (main course and pudding). Keep in mind that the residents enjoys a three course meal at lunch time then sit on their arses all day. So this added to my job again without any hours being restored.


Then two weeks ago we were given a lecture over tea stains inside the plastic spouty cups. It is now my shifts responsibility to steep these cups at least once a week again with no restoration of hours.


To put the icing on the cake, the old dishwashing machine broke down last week. After a few days of handwashing the dishes of around 55 people, they decided to buy a new machine. They treated us to a band new machine as opposed to the old second hand, ex-army machine we had just thrown out. The only problem is that the machine is smaller. As well as that it takes longer to wash one load of dishes. To add injury to insult, the trays are also useless. We still have the old trays that would work in the new dishwasher but we are not allowed to use them. The boss has somehow decided that if we put the old trays in the new dishwasher, the machine will break.


So all in all, we have less time to do more things. As well as that our numbers are back up to what they were before the hours were cut. Basically, my boss is a tosser.


We also have a bit of a problem with nepotism.


The last two people to be employed in the kitchen have family links within the establishment.

The first is the fourth member of one family to be employed with us. Her aunt is a senior carer. Her mother and cousin are carer. The second is the daughter of one of the office staff. She got the job that I was supposed to be covering until mid September but she started today. To add to the tally, we already had one offspring of senior management working in the kitchen. The last time the cook disciplined him, the cook was called into the office accused of having a pick on that particular employee. To add to this, that staff member's sister also used to work in the kitchen.

To add injury to insult, after everybody elses' hours were cut, a new cleaning post was created in the evenings. This was taken by the daughter of the 'Head Housekeeper'. She hoovers the dining room last thing at night before it is shut. Then the first thing the morning cleaners do is hoover the very same dining room.


So actually, it may just be a better idea to put the whole establishment into Room 101...


.... or get a job elsewhere. I believe that a certain Brinsworth House in Twickenham may be looking for someone with your range of talents. An insider would give a welcome boost to a couple of our threads.


PS. Sorry to hear of your difficulties at work, Windsor. The place sounds like almost every institution in which I ever worked.

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If he has finally gone, I want a good proportion of the credit.


You want a good proportion of the credit ... f**k you. You f****n asshole. Go get laid you little homo. Miserable little deuche bag.


I mean seriously dude you are such a loser you make the losers feel like winners. ;)


You don't drink and you don't get laid and you go to college! :party: He is a royalist and he wants to be a teacher. O my god :lol::lol::lol:




Ahahahaa ah hahhhh ahhhhhh




I can't stop laughing


This is hilarious


(Windsor from Scotland) :lol::lol::lol: ahh ha hahaha ahhh


Ahhhhh ha hahahah ha ha


Got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard


Ahhhh ha ha ha ahhhh :lol::lol::lol:


It really isn't that funny.

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I mean seriously dude you are such a loser you make the losers feel like winners. ;)


Do explain how I am a loser when, at this present time, my life seems to be going somewhere. Or at least further than you can expect to go.


Your life revolves around trying to impress people on a forum. You can't impress them with your actual pitiful existance so you tell lies. If there is a loser here, it is you. The poet who can't spell.


In Scotland we have quite good terminology to use against scum like you.


So this is Windsor from Scotland declaring Mr. Joe as a dirty, stinkin', junkie bastard.


PS. I'm still waiting on that phone call you threatend me with. The one that you said would rip my life apart. Don't keep me waiting too long will you?

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If he has finally gone, I want a good proportion of the credit.


You want a good proportion of the credit ... f**k you. You f****n asshole. Go get laid you little homo. Miserable little deuche bag.


I mean seriously dude you are such a loser you make the losers feel like winners. ;)


You don't drink and you don't get laid and you go to college! :party: He is a royalist and he wants to be a teacher. O my god :lol::lol::lol:




Ahahahaa ah hahhhh ahhhhhh




I can't stop laughing


This is hilarious


(Windsor from Scotland) :lol::lol::lol: ahh ha hahaha ahhh


Ahhhhh ha hahahah ha ha


Got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard


Ahhhh ha ha ha ahhhh :lol::lol::lol:


Sounds to me like you're jealous, BS. Windsor is at University, while you dropped out of school, Win has a plan and prospects and what,may I ask, BS is wrong with being a teacher? There are several teachers and ex-teachers here. What was your job again BS? Oh you never did tell us did you?


Whether Win drinks or not is none of your business but you do seem to go on about it a lot. Perhaps you wish you had his self control? Or maybe you're jealous that Win has a strong enough personality and likes himself enough that he doesn't have to hide behind drugs? At least when Win says something nice to us we know it's not the drink talking


You also seem to be a bit preoccupied with Win's sex life. Again this is none of your business and I don't recall Win ever talking about his private life,so anything you say has come from your own imagination, like most things really.


Win has always been honest about who he is and what he believes, unlike you BS, whose opinion on abortion changed when you thought I might have had one. Win has also never sent anyone sycophantic PMs . Really BS, reading that who do you think the loser is?

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Windsor and I are not the best of cyber friends but, it must be said, I quite like the chap. He is never anybody but himself, take it or leave it.

BS is, well, a pillock. The ultimate Room 101 article.

Personally, this forum does need at least one pillock like him to appreciate our own good fortune, however, because of the bizzare behaviour of BS, any praise or hand of friendship given to female members here can now be viewed as anything from sycophantic to harrassment.

For that, Banshees Scream you are a complete and total C**T!!!!!!!!! ;)

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... any praise or hand of friendship given to female members here can now be viewed as anything from sycophantic to harrassment.

For that, Banshees Scream you are a complete and total C**T!!!!!!!!! ;)

That's right, dear, yes... you let it all out... all better now? You silly thing, dry your eyes and let me have a feel of those jubblies.

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... any praise or hand of friendship given to female members here can now be viewed as anything from sycophantic to harrassment.

For that, Banshees Scream you are a complete and total C**T!!!!!!!!! ;)

That's right, dear, yes... you let it all out... all better now? You silly thing, dry your eyes and let me have a feel of those jubblies.


only if you warm your hands first.

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Guest Fuck you
Windsor and I are not the best of cyber friends but, it must be said, I quite like the chap. He is never anybody but himself, take it or leave it.

BS is, well, a pillock. The ultimate Room 101 article.

Personally, this forum does need at least one pillock like him to appreciate our own good fortune, however, because of the bizzare behaviour of BS, any praise or hand of friendship given to female members here can now be viewed as anything from sycophantic to harrassment.

For that, Banshees Scream you are a complete and total C**T!!!!!!!


You know the last couple days I've been waking up to the situation here, and I realize what a drag half of these f****n members are. I mean seriously LFN f**k you. You don't understand my posts? Well go f**k yourself.


Here you are using me as an example in so many words and seriously your capacity on this forum and probably in life in general is so f****n small it's microscopic.


Nobody speaks down to me, nobody. I'm defending myself as an individual against complete bullshit by the way. I'm not going to argue any further on a forum.


All I can say is Handrejka you do a pretty good job at protecting Windsor so he doesn't hang himself and I'm sure it took you a couple minutes but Handrejka ... I'm somebody who is doubted consistently by regulars and honestly I'll say it one time (if you can't believe some of the few truths of my life_ 'for example 'At one time I was getting around in a limousine' for obvious purposes then f**k you. I'll say it as it is. That's the bottom line.

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My feelings are hurt. It's a shame.


I want apologies.

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