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Having ~50 channels of cable TV but the only one I want to watch is playing up, jumping like a scratched DVD and hissing and popping. :angry:


The porn channels often do that, or so I'm told... :)

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Brian Ferry. A foxhunting, Nazi loving, Marks and Spencers advertising snob. And Roxy Music were crap as well.


Also, parking spaces in supermarkets, they're all far too narrow, I can hardly be held responsible for knocking off someone's wing mirror, given the space I had to work with.


That will be all for now.

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People who stand in a door way and have a conversation. Especially groups of male (you don't tell them to move in fear of a thumping).

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People phoning you up pissed at 3 in the morning because...


a ) They've forgotten the time difference (albeit 1 hour)




b ) Because they made an ass of u and me by assuming that the May bank holiday is the same day whatever country. It's not.


...and then to boot, keep on talking and expecting responses!

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Teenage girls who think it is acceptable to have a spot of karioki at the back of the bus.

Wouldn't have been so bad if they could sing.


Alex Salmond.

I hate him.


Traveling and hour and a half for a tutorial...

where the tutor turned up 10 minutes late, then moved it to a different day.


Alex Salmond.

I hate him.


People who automatically assume I'm a Tory because of my Monarchy loving ways.

I'm not ideological - just a smear on the political spectrum.


Alex Salmond.

I hate him.


The double standards of the SNP.

Alex Salmond threatended legal action against the returning officer unless he did a full recount of the votes in Aberdeen. However, when Labour challenge the SNP majority of only 48 votes in another consituency, it is automatically 'sour grapes'.


Alex Salmond.

I hate him.


I was speaking to the cook at work yesterday. She used to work at the local fish factory with Alex Slamond's sister back in the poll tax years. The now cook was complaining about the aforementioned tax. Alex Salmond's sister said that her brother was encouraging everyone not to pay this tax, and that he wasn't pating it either. So the now cook thought 'fine, I won't'. Some weeks/months along the line, the cook was now getting notices informing her that she had to pay her poll tax. So the next days at work she tells Alex Salmond's sister that she's been getting letters. She then asks how Alex is getting on with his. She was then informed that Alex Salmond had paid his poll tax 'months ago'. Needless to say, she hasn't voted SNP since.


Alex Salmond.

I hate him.


I find it amusing that Alex Salmond flew the length and bredth of Scotland by helicopter in the final days of the campaign, yet he is looking for a coalition with the green party.

Surely helicopters are not that good for the environment.


By the way, did I mention that I don't like Alex Salmond?

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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?


(2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.

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People who keep posting about the lousiness of the DL this year and demanding to have a say in how it is done and then figuring scores and odds on a totally screwed up basis.


Buy your own URL, pay your own hosting fees and software licensing fees and just go away.

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People who keep posting about the lousiness of the DL this year and demanding to have a say in how it is done and then figuring scores and odds on a totally screwed up basis.


Buy your own URL, pay your own hosting fees and software licensing fees and just go away.




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The French election.


You wouldn't believe how closely the Belgians have been following this ruddy election, from newspaper headlines to office banter, each stating their opinions on an election which they had no control over the eventual outcome.


I then find out last week that they are actually having their own general elections in June. Not a word in the press, not a single advert or a fly posters has caught my attention. I was dumbfounded. This is a country that makes voting obligatory; vote or pay a fine, go to prison or be disenfranchised...


You'd have thought there might be a little information out there for them to make an informed decision. For one it isn't just a case of putting a big cross by Sarko or Ségo. There are lists of names for each party, orders of preference of candidates and then this varies between communities. Which is probably obvious as I can't see Vlaams Belang representatives standing in Wallonia! All I can say is thank God I'm not Belgian. It sounds as if you need the combined IQ of a rocket scientist, neurosurgeon and Gary Neville to vote tactically.

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People who keep posting about the lousiness of the DL this year and demanding to have a say in how it is done and then figuring scores and odds on a totally screwed up basis.


Buy your own URL, pay your own hosting fees and software licensing fees and just go away.





I go to the trouble of constructing (copying) a semi-democratic DL legislative and you dismiss it just like that?





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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?
...parents who go to the supermarket together and take their children. One parent could stay at home with the kids....
(2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.
Old people who go to the bank at lunchtime and Tesco at the weekend. They should go when the rest of us are at work!

People who repeat themselves, repeat themselves.

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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?
...parents who go to the supermarket together and take their children. One parent could stay at home with the kids....
(2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.
Old people who go to the bank at lunchtime and Tesco at the weekend. They should go when the rest of us are at work!

People who repeat themselves, repeat themselves.


Have you run out of things to say Lady Die?

Who can blame you? This forum is now as dull as Father Stone.

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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?
...parents who go to the supermarket together and take their children. One parent could stay at home with the kids....
(2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.
Old people who go to the bank at lunchtime and Tesco at the weekend. They should go when the rest of us are at work!

People who repeat themselves, repeat themselves.


Have you run out of things to say Lady Die?

Who can blame you? This forum is now as dull as Father Stone.

I guess these things must REALLY bug me for me to mention them twice. :D


Agree that the forum is not too exciting right now. We need a death (or two) to liven it up a bit.

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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?


... especially when the kids have got those stupid trainers with wheels on and go bombing around the place as if they were in "Wacky Warehouse" or similar. And the parents stand around watching the little darlings and do b***ocks all about it! Even worse when you're carrying a heavy item out of Argos and one of the little sods cuts in front of you and you nearly drop it! :D


Did I (or someone else) once mention on here about the woman in the US who successfully sued a store after she tripped up over an out of control kid and broke her leg or summat? Even though it was her own kid!

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Did I once mention on here about the woman in the US who successfully sued a store after she tripped up over an out of control kid and broke her leg or summat?


Should we send him to quarantine?

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(1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?


... especially when the kids have got those stupid trainers with wheels on and go bombing around the place as if they were in "Wacky Warehouse" or similar. And the parents stand around watching the little darlings and do b***ocks all about it! Even worse when you're carrying a heavy item out of Argos and one of the little sods cuts in front of you and you nearly drop it! :D


Did I (or someone else) once mention on here about the woman in the US who successfully sued a store after she tripped up over an out of control kid and broke her leg or summat? Even though it was her own kid!



People who confuse urban legends with fact.



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You know what I hate? I hate the small talk on the street, bumping into people and all that. It is always so random and awkward. I can't stand it. I'm always under the suspicion sooner or later somebody will recognize me.

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You know what I hate? I hate the small talk on the street, bumping into people and all that. It is always so random and awkward. I can't stand it. I'm always under the suspicion sooner or later somebody will recognize me.


I hate random small talk from shop assistants when they're serving you. Australians seem to be the worst for it. After a long day in the office the last thing I need is someone I don't even know asking me what sort of day I've had.

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Which is why I hate going to hairdressers.


I have lost count of the amount of times I've heard "so you work in Boots then?" or some other pharmacy (shop) related reply.


Its not too difficult. I am a chemist, therefore I do chemistry. You know, the lesson what you did in school that there was this whole fing right where you accidentally set fire to Destiny Spencer's hair cause you was trying to light a dog end whilst Miss wasn't looking or what-eva cause you ain't dun nuffin or nuffin right.

(I predict this reply will be swiftly followed by someone putting crap Vicky Pollard impersonations into room 101 :D )


Oh and the leave them alone exuse about them not earning much doesn't wash with me. Do you know how much us ladies pay for a haircut at a high street salon (apart from too much!)? Now go and work out an hourly rate, clearly someone was paying attention in Maths.



I forgot to add this link

as it ties in with the brats and supermarkets theme. Old yet still raises a chuckle.

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By the way, did I mention that I don't like Alex Salmond?


So I guess this poster won't be appearing on your bedroom wall anytime soon Windsor :D .




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Which is why I hate going to hairdressers.

Every time I get a haircut I remember a great line from Leon Uris' 'Trinity';


"How would you like your hair done sir?"



I've only used it once and the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is not six weeks, it's closer to eight.

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By the way, did I mention that I don't like Alex Salmond?


So I guess this poster won't be appearing on your bedroom wall anytime soon Windsor :P .






That all depends on whether or not they send me to a centre for 're-education'.

Afterall, they are National Socialists. :D

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