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Paul Bearer

Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

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Paul Hunter death has caused quite a few ranters to come out of the woodwork. :)



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Paul Hunter death has caused quite a few ranters to come out of the woodwork. :blink:


Yes, the first sign that he had died was the site slowing down.


Good to see them vent their steam, though. One of the stages of accepting someone has actually carked it.

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Aye, but if you tried to tell them that Dr Hack, they'd only rant some more.

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Someone locked the thread.

I was half way through a well thought out post that certainly did not involve taking ranters advice by trying to get a life by taking advantage of Steve Paul Hunter's widow.

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Someone locked the thread.

I was half way through a well thought out post that certainly did not involve taking ranters advice by trying to get a life by taking advantage of Steve Paul Hunter's widow.


Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.


Anyone fancy a game of snooker?

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Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.

The thread was closed for a while to deter one of the ranters who repeatedly posted personal information. I've reopened it, but it will be closed again if something like that happens again.




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Guest Eddy
Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.

The thread was closed for a while to deter one of the ranters who repeatedly posted personal information. I've reopened it, but it will be closed again if something like that happens again.





And I presume you locked the Paul Hunter thread as well, right?


Any reason why?

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Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.

The thread was closed for a while to deter one of the ranters who repeatedly posted personal information. I've reopened it, but it will be closed again if something like that happens again.





And I presume you locked the Paul Hunter thread as well, right?


Any reason why?


Eddy, I think you may be complaining for the sake of it now.

First we are criticised for allowing discussion to take place and now for locking the thread.


Speak about a lose-lose situation.

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Guest Eddy

Easy way out, Hein...



Anyway, allow me to pose a question.


I am trying to be open minded, but do have issues, which I would like to understand some more...


What is it that makes posting here so entertaining (or wotherwise worthwhile)?


Is it the mere fact of being offensive and/or provocative?


If so, aren't you just having a little intelectual masturbation party with kindren spirits, as most people -like myself- who stumble across this site, will most likely not frequent it after their initial visit?


What is so appealing in being offensive?



I really do wonder and am trying to be open minded; it do find it intruiging why so many people would spend so much time provocatvely discussing the passing away of celebrities.

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Guest Eddy

The silence is deafening.





That was more insightful than you can possibly perceive.



The only regret I have, is that it confirms my judgementalism and I have learned nothing from my short stayed visit here.

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You can learn so much more by perceptions in death than in life.


Given that the vast majority of people discussed on this site are very elderly, they haven't been discussed by the mainstream for many years.


I advise you to find the Richard O'Sullivan thread - there is more information about the man there, pooled together, than anywhere else. We are not calling for him to die, we are just ensuring those who weren't touched by his career will understand him slightly more when he does.


As with Albert Hoffmann, and perhaps, to an extent, Clive Dunn.

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What is so appealing in being offensive?


The site is not initially intended to be one of causing offense. It is a site that deals with the issue of death, imparticular celebrity death.

A list is compiled as a bit of fun to see how many of the predicted deaths actually happen. People will say this is sick. We would disagree. The people on deathlist live in the public eye, for the most part, on their own accord. Just as they have lived in the public eye, they also die and thats where we come in.

You will find that we only get offensive to wind up our guests who usually try to offend us first. Due to the fact that we know very little about the guest, we attemp to offend them by poking fun at the celebrity they have chosen to defend.


So that is the deathlist cycle of offense (or at least the Windsorian theory of it).


Hope that answers your question, dipshit. :blink:

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Guest Guest
Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.

The thread was closed for a while to deter one of the ranters who repeatedly posted personal information. I've reopened it, but it will be closed again if something like that happens again.





If you believe so strongly in what you are doing then what harm is posting who runs the site?


You never know, you become (in)famous yourself and make your own Death List?


Would you not like that?


If you don't want to resond here, I can give you a ring if you prefer? :blink:

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Easy way out, Hein...

The reason why the topic was closed and is closed again were clearly stated in my previous post.

Anyway, allow me to pose a question.


I am trying to be open minded, but do have issues, which I would like to understand some more...


What is it that makes posting here so entertaining (or wotherwise worthwhile)?


Is it the mere fact of being offensive and/or provocative?

The reasons for posting here are pretty much the same as for posting on any other forum: amusement and meeting similar minded people. Some people may be offended by the subject matter, but I assure you there are fora that are much worse. You won't come across them as easily as DeathList, since they rarely use the names of celebrities and certainly not as many. Google happens to be your friend here.

If so, aren't you just having a little intelectual masturbation party with kindren spirits, as most people -like myself- who stumble across this site, will most likely not frequent it after their initial visit?


What is so appealing in being offensive?

Interestingly, most of our posts about candidates aren't offensive at all. Of course not every single one is liked by everyone and we all hate Richard O'Sullivan. Such feelings are vented every now and again, but rest assured that offensive posts are deleted just as quickly as posts containing personal information. It may be the case that we're not as easily offended as our beloved ranters.




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Guest Guest

The personal info you refer to is on a few Paul Hunter and snooker sites with links to here. You won't able to delete them.


Karma Police I think.

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What I found quite interesting about reading the PH thread was how, on page 15, the ranters sort of turned on each other.


Aside from the usual quasi-illiterate, vuglar, threatening rants, quite a few intelligent, thoughtful ranters have posted as well. I think this speaks somewhat to the quality of some of PH's fans, i.e. they're not all unintelligent halfwits.


What a great read! It's about time we had some lively debate around here.

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I can give you a ring if you prefer? :blink:

Why are you offering Hein jewellery? This is hardly the time or the place.

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Guest Eddy

Easy way out, Hein...

The reason why the topic was closed and is closed again were clearly stated in my previous post.

Anyway, allow me to pose a question.


I am trying to be open minded, but do have issues, which I would like to understand some more...


What is it that makes posting here so entertaining (or wotherwise worthwhile)?


Is it the mere fact of being offensive and/or provocative?

*1) The reasons for posting here are pretty much the same as for posting on any other forum: amusement and meeting similar minded people. Some people may be offended by the subject matter, but I assure you there are fora that are much worse. You won't come across them as easily as DeathList, since they rarely use the names of celebrities and certainly not as many. Google happens to be your friend here.

If so, aren't you just having a little intelectual masturbation party with kindren spirits, as most people -like myself- who stumble across this site, will most likely not frequent it after their initial visit?


What is so appealing in being offensive?

*2) Interestingly, most of our posts about candidates aren't offensive at all. Of course not every single one is liked by everyone and we all hate Richard O'Sullivan. Such feelings are vented every now and again, but rest assured that offensive posts are deleted just as quickly as posts containing personal information. It may be the case that we're not as easily offended as our beloved ranters.






*1) Thanks for your time, Hein, and my apologies for being dismissive earlier on.


A short retort, if I may:


*1) Footie sites... sure, F1 sites, yeah, why not. Photography, film, even woodwork, hey, I can see that, but I still find it hard to imagine that the death of celebrities would inspire people. But okay, live and learn...


*2) Perhaps, to some people, offensive not necessarily equals a bunch of profanities.

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Terrible. I'd just grabbed some cans and was looking forward to an afternoon of ranting fun.

The thread was closed for a while to deter one of the ranters who repeatedly posted personal information. I've reopened it, but it will be closed again if something like that happens again.





It should have been closed after Football Fan's response (this one) which was both eloquent and well-reasoned. I've yet to see a ranter attempt to attack his post, because I'd imagine there's not much you can say against it. The rest of the posts have been from abusive, shallow-minded individuals driven by a societal pulse that tells them how to feel when a young person with a family dies.


Newsflash: Hundreds of people with families and young children die every week. Most don't have millions of dollars (or pounds, whatever) to leave to their families after they die. Granted, it's not the nicest thing to do to make fun of a family who's lost someone, but if you'll pay careful attention, most of the actual members had very respectful comments. I'm sorry he's dead too, but if you can't accept that everyone dies, and that sometime life isn't fair to you, you're going to have a lot of trouble. I don't post on this site because it gets me off to discuss death and dying celebrities, I do it because it helps me deal with a reality that everyone must face but that, for some reason, no one seems to want to talk about. If this site makes it easier for me to deal with the grief and pain that I have experienced and will experience at the hands of death, and if it helps other people as well, then it may very well be one of the most helpful sites on the internet, albeit with a huge lot of controversy.


Anyhow, I recommend increasing the date stamp on FF's post by 24 hours and closing the thread. People driven by emotions have no desire to listen to reason.

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Guest Eddy

Interesting reply.


It even made me look up the Fottball Fans quote.


Alllow me to share my thoughts.


For your information, we do have real lives. Many of us are married, have kids, own homes, have mortages, work 9-5, and are from various professions eg. engineering, information technology, medicine, teaching, accounting, civil service, entrepreneurs, etc. Some of us are students as well, and in the 2 years that I have been a member, I have not yet come across another member that is a deadbeat. We also do have many hobbies/interests that are not death related and some of these have been discussed in various threads in the forum if you do take the time to look. Mine are fishing, soccer, hunting and canoeing.


Not reallt necessary to go into, as this is clearly being defensive, after being addressed in a perhaps derogative and sweepin manner.


One may consider, however, that right action needs no defense.



It seems that in today's society, death has become such a taboo subject that many of you who are critical of us are afraid to discuss it. Well I have news for you. People die everyday and they will continue to die whether or not they are discussed in forums, newspapers, websites, etc.


We are not afraid of discussing death or speculating on which celebrity may die within a given year. The last time I checked, it was not against the law to do so. There is such a thing as free speech and free choice that exists. Just a year and a half ago in the mainstream media - BBC, CNN, etc, there were several articles, discussions and forums that were speculative about when the late Pope John Paul II might die when he was gravely ill. Two years ago, there was the same level of speculation in the mainstream media regarding Yassar Arafat. In 2001, it was George Harrison, when he was striken with cancer. I don't remember anyone calling the BBC and CNN weirdos and W**nkers for discussing it back then.


I have no problem with death, discussing it or facing up to it. There is, imho, a difference in mature discussions and morbid ridicule, but I'll accept that for some it will lower the threshold. Not my style, but as you point out, that's my problem.


The Internet is a very vast place and everyone will occasionally come across a website that they don't fancy. If that is the case, just click on the arrow in the top left hand corner of your browser window and visit another site to your liking. Nobody forced you to come here. The fact that you knowingly visited a website called deathlist.net read through a thread and actually took the time to post indicates that something about this website captivated you. You have the freedom of visiting other websites, so go ahead and do so and stop whining like little children.


This, I feel, is running away rom your own opinion. If you feel so strongly about it, that you want to voice it on the www, a medium accesable to all, surely you should realise that you're opening yourself up to possible criticism. Crying "foul" or "leave" seems inadequate.





As for you point, Paul, I'm afraid I'll open my opinionated gob on it as well :ghost:


Newsflash: Hundreds of people with families and young children die every week. Most don't have millions of dollars (or pounds, whatever) to leave to their families after they die. Granted, it's not the nicest thing to do to make fun of a family who's lost someone, but if you'll pay careful attention, most of the actual members had very respectful comments. I'm sorry he's dead too, but if you can't accept that everyone dies, and that sometime life isn't fair to you, you're going to have a lot of trouble. I don't post on this site because it gets me off to discuss death and dying celebrities, I do it because it helps me deal with a reality that everyone must face but that, for some reason, no one seems to want to talk about. If this site makes it easier for me to deal with the grief and pain that I have experienced and will experience at the hands of death, and if it helps other people as well, then it may very well be one of the most helpful sites on the internet, albeit with a huge lot of controversy


The fact that hundreds, thousand, even millions of people die every week does not validate ridiculing the death of a public figure. What money has got to do with it, I do not know.


Is it perhaps that you dislike people who are richer or more successful in life? Surely not. But why mention it? Do you think your loved ones will cheer when they open the cheque your life insurance is going to pay out (provided you have any of the aforementioned)?


Like I said in respose to FF's post: if it helps you face death, all the better for you.


You may want to consider more reational and mature methods of integrating death as a part of life though.

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The fact that hundreds, thousand, even millions of people die every week does not validate ridiculing the death of a public figure.


True. But as I said most members on this site (including myself) were very respectful when he actually died. Personally, with the exception of Abu Marqab al Zarqawi (for reasons I clearly elucidated in my post) have never ridiculed, or even expressed happiness towards anyone's death.


What money has got to do with it, I do not know.


Is it perhaps that you dislike people who are richer or more successful in life? Surely not. But why mention it? Do you think your loved ones will cheer when they open the cheque your life insurance is going to pay out (provided you have any of the aforementioned)?


I never said they'd jump for joy. I was merely commenting that at least Paul Hunter's family will be supported even in his passing. Most families dont' get that.


Like I said in respose to FF's post: if it helps you face death, all the better for you.


You may want to consider more reational and mature methods of integrating death as a part of life though.

I'll consider it. As I said, however, most members are very mature and respectful on this site when it comes to actual death, the odd morbid joke aside. If it ever degenerated into a site where people just sat around mocking dying celebrities, I'd probably leave, but I don't think that will happen.


I do quite appreciate your rationality though. Everyone has their own opinions and sensitivities in the end and you certainly make some good points. While I think that everyone should be a lot more open on the subject, and that it would make their lives a lot easier, at the same time forcing it down their throats doesn't help anyone either. Everyone must come to it in their own way, which is probably why the shock of seeing such a site for a lot of people causes them to become over-emotional.

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Guest Eddy

Which, I suspect, is one of the driving forces behind the survival of this forum: it allows people to be provocative on one of the last taboos.


Healing for some, and definitely valid in that sense, nothing but provocative for others.



But who am I to judge.


Have fun.


Thanks all for keeping this discussion civil and openminded, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I had anticipated and would like to apologise for my presumptions on morbidity and intent.

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Guest Apollo

Hey Eddy.


As much as I value your comments, from what I've read here you seem quite intelligent (are you German??)

I believe your thoughts are wasted on these morons.


Complete and utter ubermenchen. They sound as though they are the congealed offerings at the bottom of an abortion bucket....

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"... congealed offerings at the bottom of an abortion bucket"?


You do have a delightful, and dare I say, tasteful turn of phrase Mr Apollo.


No irony in that I suppose. Carry on abusing us for mocking death...

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Hey Eddy.


As much as I value your comments, from what I've read here you seem quite intelligent (are you German??)

I believe your thoughts are wasted on these morons.


Complete and utter ubermenchen. They sound as though they are the congealed offerings at the bottom of an abortion bucket....



Are you sure you meant ubermench? Did you perhaps mean to call us Untermenschen?

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