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As clear as the nose on your face your little green eyes, Honez. There were more notes

tonight. I see a U-haul in my future.

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As clear as the nose on your face your little green eyes, Honez. There were more notes

tonight. I see a U-haul in my future.

It's the old story, Boy meets Girl.....etc etc and then ends up with boy just wanting to get his rocks off. My advice is eat the food (if you like it) and then tell him to F**k off.

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Dear Abby


While I've been busy pandering to my sadomasachistic side in death list chat I think my boyfriend has been getting his kicks from cross dressing. I didn't matter at first, in fact I rather enjoyed it but now he actually thinks he is me and it's causing havoc. It started by him pretending to be me on-line but it's worse than that now.

He's wearing my clothes, he's wearing my make-up and he's pinching all my beauty products and today he actually went to work as me and the worst part is nobody could tell the difference. I was devestated.

Tell me what do I do? Do I embrace it, do I ask him to seek help? Do I get him to pay for his own damn beauty

products and most importantly is it alright to ask for beauty advice from a transvestite?



Manx Minx


You know I was joking when I wrote this, but as Mr H has moved to London, a mate of his and me have been going through his stuff and have found quite a lot of women's undies amongs his stuff, some it is mine but some of it most definitely isn't, either he really was a secret tranny or he had a chubby girlfriend on the side. I'm not sure which is worse.

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Dear Abby


While I've been busy pandering to my sadomasachistic side in death list chat I think my boyfriend has been getting his kicks from cross dressing. I didn't matter at first, in fact I rather enjoyed it but now he actually thinks he is me and it's causing havoc. It started by him pretending to be me on-line but it's worse than that now.

He's wearing my clothes, he's wearing my make-up and he's pinching all my beauty products and today he actually went to work as me and the worst part is nobody could tell the difference. I was devestated.

Tell me what do I do? Do I embrace it, do I ask him to seek help? Do I get him to pay for his own damn beauty

products and most importantly is it alright to ask for beauty advice from a transvestite?



Manx Minx


You know I was joking when I wrote this, but as Mr H has moved to London, a mate of his and me have been going through his stuff and have found quite a lot of women's undies amongs his stuff, some it is mine but some of it most definitely isn't, either he really was a secret tranny or he had a chubby girlfriend on the side. I'm not sure which is worse.


If its larger than average knickers, then they were probably for him to try on...:lol:

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Dear Abby,


What sort of advice do you give??


I feel that my life is ebbing away and I have done nothing with it - what should I do??

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Dear Abby


While I've been busy pandering to my sadomasachistic side in death list chat I think my boyfriend has been getting his kicks from cross dressing. I didn't matter at first, in fact I rather enjoyed it but now he actually thinks he is me and it's causing havoc. It started by him pretending to be me on-line but it's worse than that now.

He's wearing my clothes, he's wearing my make-up and he's pinching all my beauty products and today he actually went to work as me and the worst part is nobody could tell the difference. I was devestated.

Tell me what do I do? Do I embrace it, do I ask him to seek help? Do I get him to pay for his own damn beauty

products and most importantly is it alright to ask for beauty advice from a transvestite?



Manx Minx


You know I was joking when I wrote this, but as Mr H has moved to London, a mate of his and me have been going through his stuff and have found quite a lot of women's undies amongs his stuff, some it is mine but some of it most definitely isn't, either he really was a secret tranny or he had a chubby girlfriend on the side. I'm not sure which is worse.


I would say why he's moved to London has a lot to do with which is worse.

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Dear Abby


While I've been busy pandering to my sadomasachistic side in death list chat I think my boyfriend has been getting his kicks from cross dressing. I didn't matter at first, in fact I rather enjoyed it but now he actually thinks he is me and it's causing havoc. It started by him pretending to be me on-line but it's worse than that now.

He's wearing my clothes, he's wearing my make-up and he's pinching all my beauty products and today he actually went to work as me and the worst part is nobody could tell the difference. I was devestated.

Tell me what do I do? Do I embrace it, do I ask him to seek help? Do I get him to pay for his own damn beauty

products and most importantly is it alright to ask for beauty advice from a transvestite?



Manx Minx


You know I was joking when I wrote this, but as Mr H has moved to London, a mate of his and me have been going through his stuff and have found quite a lot of women's undies amongs his stuff, some it is mine but some of it most definitely isn't, either he really was a secret tranny or he had a chubby girlfriend on the side. I'm not sure which is worse.

Worse? Dont you mean better?

You are now free to attend the next DL piss up!!!

PS: Empty your bloody mail box!! :lol:




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Dear Abby

While I've been busy pandering to my sadomasachistic side in death list chat I think my boyfriend has been getting his kicks from cross dressing. I didn't matter at first, in fact I rather enjoyed it but now he actually thinks he is me and it's causing havoc. It started by him pretending to be me on-line but it's worse than that now.

He's wearing my clothes, he's wearing my make-up and he's pinching all my beauty products and today he actually went to work as me and the worst part is nobody could tell the difference. I was devestated.

Tell me what do I do? Do I embrace it, do I ask him to seek help? Do I get him to pay for his own damn beauty

products and most importantly is it alright to ask for beauty advice from a transvestite?


Manx Minx

You know I was joking when I wrote this, but as Mr H has moved to London, a mate of his and me have been going through his stuff and have found quite a lot of women's undies amongs his stuff, some it is mine but some of it most definitely isn't, either he really was a secret tranny or he had a chubby girlfriend on the side. I'm not sure which is worse.

One can't help but feel more than a little responsible for cuckolding Mr H during our sessions in chat, H. Woe is me. On the subject of Mr H's cross-dressing, the chubby girlfriend is worse. I wouldn't be too worried if I were you, though; everyone likes to feel special now and then, don't we? :lol:


The way to tell if they're his or another girl's is by how expensive/frilly/sexy they are. In my... ahem... experience, men wishing to wear ladies' undies would go for something a little racier than average. On average. That said, of course, I suspect yours were pretty racy to begin with, so who knows what sort of she-clobber Mr H had resorted to? Maybe he was planning a surprise RHPS party for you? :lol:

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Dear Abby,


What sort of advice do you give??


I feel that my life is ebbing away and I have done nothing with it - what should I do??


Try writing poetry.

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Does he know you've found these undergarments in his left-behind things or is he too busy playing Mafia Wars?

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And just what the f'uck is wrong with 'chubby'?

Quite agree with you.

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Dear Abby,


What sort of advice do you give??


I feel that my life is ebbing away and I have done nothing with it - what should I do??

Well first you find a longish and stout rope.

Then you go find a nice big tree...............

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And just what the f'uck is wrong with 'chubby'?

Quite agree with you.


Fat people get tired easily and are more likely to get diabetes.

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Does he know you've found these undergarments in his left-behind things or is he too busy playing Mafia Wars?


feck. I forgot you know him. It seems the unidentified undies were a previous housemates, she often used to get kinky underwear catalogues (Beate Uhse type stuff) delivered so it makes sense they're hers, doesn't explain what they were doing in his drawer but hey. Having said that these particular ones were Marksies magic pants.


LB, LFN - nothing wrong with chubby, I like stocky men myself, but I've always worked hard to stay trim because Mr H made a comment about how he wouldn't fancy me if I was fat, so it would be an injustice if he had a chubby gf on the side.

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Does he know you've found these undergarments in his left-behind things or is he too busy playing Mafia Wars?


feck. I forgot you know him. It seems the unidentified undies were a previous housemates, she often used to get kinky underwear catalogues (Beate Uhse type stuff) delivered so it makes sense they're hers, doesn't explain what they were doing in his drawer but hey. Having said that these particular ones were Marksies magic pants.


LB, LFN - nothing wrong with chubby, I like stocky men myself, but I've always worked hard to stay trim because Mr H made a comment about how he wouldn't fancy me if I was fat, so it would be an injustice if he had a chubby gf on the side.


This is getting more like Cosmopolitan than Dear Deirdre, I must say...

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Dear Abby (who ever you are),


I feel like this thread should be in the DeathList extra-curricular,


What should I do?

Ask your friendly moderator.





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Dear Abby (who ever you are),


I feel like this thread should be in the DeathList extra-curricular,


What should I do?

Actually what you should have done is mind your own f'ucking business.

You didnt start the thread and you didnt have any massive input into it.

Why oh why do forums have people like you on them, people suffering from "moderatoritis", you cant help but patrol the forums righting terrible wrongs can you!

At least we can all sleep safe knowing that such an evil crime of wrong thread in wrong section ( it was in the wrong section long before you got here) is tucked up safe and sound in its rightful place.

Mr Hein, I know that you are well respected and a nice fella but you should have assessed the situation and told him to bugger off.

Then you could have left it a week or two THEN moved it!

Now we have a pseudo mod monster running amok. :ph34r:

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Dear Abby (who ever you are),


I feel like this thread should be in the DeathList extra-curricular,


What should I do?

Actually what you should have done is mind your own f'ucking business.

You didnt start the thread and you didnt have any massive input into it.

Why oh why do forums have people like you on them, people suffering from "moderatoritis", you cant help but patrol the forums righting terrible wrongs can you!

At least we can all sleep safe knowing that such an evil crime of wrong thread in wrong section ( it was in the wrong section long before you got here) is tucked up safe and sound in its rightful place.

Mr Hein, I know that you are well respected and a nice fella but you should have assessed the situation and told him to bugger off.

Then you could have left it a week or two THEN moved it!

Now we have a pseudo mod monster running amok. :ph34r:


Dear Abby


I have just punched my fist through my monitor whilst berating a fellow forum member for questioning where a thread should go - what advice can you give on controlling my anger, and also stemming the flow of blood which is now emanating from my wrist?



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Dear Abby


At university our Philosophy lecturer informed us rather pompously that the only real human taboos involved sex and death. He soon changed his mind when I crept up as his back was turned and took a sh*t on his chair. Do you have any bright ideas of what I say in my forthcoming appeal against exclusion?

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Dear Abby


At university our Philosophy lecturer informed us rather pompously that the only real human taboos involved sex and death. He soon changed his mind when I crept up as his back was turned and took a sh*t on his chair. Do you have any bright ideas of what I say in my forthcoming appeal against exclusion?

Was it a "Log" or a "Cow pat?"

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I'm going to open a vein.


Who hacked MH's account?

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Dear Abby


At university our Philosophy lecturer informed us rather pompously that the only real human taboos involved sex and death. He soon changed his mind when I crept up as his back was turned and took a sh*t on his chair. Do you have any bright ideas of what I say in my forthcoming appeal against exclusion?

Firstly, I think you would have been better trying push his stool in.

Secondly, you should get him to qualify whether he meant the taboos were sex and death (that is sex leading to death D. Caradine-style), or sex and death (necrophiliac-style), or sex and death (coitus followed by an indeterminate time frame, followed by expiration). Each of these would lead to very different philosophical debates.

Also, sex could refer to gender, so again, depending on the level of pomposity, you could debate this at length, especially how the word sex immediately leads to Freudian interpretations, not gender.


You could also enter into an equally vacuous, yet completely valid discourse on the definition of death. In some cultures, this is brain death (Mr Sharon is therefore dead), physician-declared (or Belgian PM-declared) death, one-year MIA declared death, etc.


Any of the above may deflect the philosophical argument tangentially far enough to absolve you of said turd placement and the ultimate philosophical underpinnings inherent in the act of juxtaposing the supposedly taboo social memes of sex, death, and now, public excreta.

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