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Guest iain

I predict that we will all be dead before Ford.


Wheather or not you are sober it is impossible to predict, accounting on the fact that your comment usually goes as a sarcastic remark, although doesn't amount since your sober? Or is this just another post under the influence? :)


Gerald Ford will be dead by mid november at the latest.You have my personal guarantee on that

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Gerald Ford will be dead by mid november at the latest.You have my personal guarantee on that

That's a disturbing thought. :blink:




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If he lasts until mid-November then he will have lived just long enough to break the Reagan record for longevity. He probably has a decent chance of it unless his health fails again before then.

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QUOTE(iain @ Jun 15 2006, 06:34 AM)

Gerald Ford will be dead by mid november at the latest.You have my personal guarantee on that


Iain man, your enthusiasm is infectious but please do me a favour, don't predict the death of any of the survivors in my Weatherman dead pool.

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I predict that we will all be dead before Ford.


Wheather or not you are sober it is impossible to predict, accounting on the fact that your comment usually goes as a sarcastic remark, although doesn't amount since your sober? Or is this just another post under the influence? :blink:


Gerald Ford will be dead by mid november at the latest.You have my personal guarantee on that

Really? Now would you care to venture a guess on which bloody year?

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Guest LilMimi

Ford turns 93 next week. Maybe the news reports will give us the latest information on his health.

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Ford unable to attend award ceremony in Nashville.


Looks awfully good in the photo, but I'm guessing that's a fairly old one of him.

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He missed receiving this:


Established in 1997, the Dick Enberg Award is given annually to a person whose actions and commitment have furthered the meaning and reach of the Academic All-America Teams Program and/or the student-athlete while promoting the values of education and academics.


Might be significant health wise, might just indicate that once you've been president other honours seem tame, maybe there was something good on tv that night.

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He missed receiving this:


Established in 1997, the Dick Enberg Award is given annually to a person whose actions and commitment have furthered the meaning and reach of the Academic All-America Teams Program and/or the student-athlete while promoting the values of education and academics.


Might be significant health wise, might just indicate that once you've been president other honours seem tame, maybe there was something good on tv that night.


What the hell has he done to merit this award?

Yes, he was President but that was 30 years ago. Since then he has just evaded death.

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He missed receiving this:


Established in 1997, the Dick Enberg Award is given annually to a person whose actions and commitment have furthered the meaning and reach of the Academic All-America Teams Program and/or the student-athlete while promoting the values of education and academics.


Might be significant health wise, might just indicate that once you've been president other honours seem tame, maybe there was something good on tv that night.


What the hell has he done to merit this award?

Yes, he was President but that was 30 years ago. Since then he has just evaded death.


Maybe that's worth an award in itself, perhaps the "Squeaky" Fromm Survival Award! Ford also received a Profile in Courage Award from the Kennedy Foundation, of all places, a few years back for giving Nixon a pardon in 1974 thus stymieing his own chances of election in 1976. If he lives up to 12 November this year he will have broken Ronald Reagan's record as the longest-lived ex-President and he might actually, unlike Reagan, be aware of it! He celebrates his 93rd on Friday, Bastille Day, and is one of several Presidents born in July including Calvin Coolidge (only President born on the 4th) and George Bush Jnr (6th).

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He missed receiving this:


Established in 1997, the Dick Enberg Award is given annually to a person whose actions and commitment have furthered the meaning and reach of the Academic All-America Teams Program and/or the student-athlete while promoting the values of education and academics.


Might be significant health wise, might just indicate that once you've been president other honours seem tame, maybe there was something good on tv that night.


What the hell has he done to merit this award?

Yes, he was President but that was 30 years ago. Since then he has just evaded death.


Maybe that's worth an award in itself, perhaps the "Squeaky" Fromm Survival Award! Ford also received a Profile in Courage Award from the Kennedy Foundation, of all places, a few years back for giving Nixon a pardon in 1974 thus stymieing his own chances of election in 1976. If he lives up to 12 November this year he will have broken Ronald Reagan's record as the longest-lived ex-President and he might actually, unlike Reagan, be aware of it! He celebrates his 93rd on Friday, Bastille Day, and is one of several Presidents born in July including Calvin Coolidge (only President born on the 4th) and George Bush Jnr (6th).


I was born in July. Do I get an award?

I'm also the longest living monarchist in Fraserburgh. The only reason I'm still alive is due to my parents hiding me in the attic in an Anne Frank style...

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Ford was a good footballer, or that variation on rugby the Americans call football anyway, way back in his student days. He's retained an interest in sports ever since. His fellow republican Reagan was a former commentator who never lost his love of baseball.

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Guest iain

They probably gave the award to Ford because they thought this would be the last year he'dbe around to accept it.I wish to God i could share their confidence!

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Ford unable to attend award ceremony in Nashville.


Looks awfully good in the photo, but I'm guessing that's a fairly old one of him.


I wonder why they're being vague as to the reason why he couldn't attend the presentation.

Or at least give some indication as to the reason why.

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Ford unable to attend award ceremony in Nashville.


Looks awfully good in the photo, but I'm guessing that's a fairly old one of him.


I wonder why they're being vague as to the reason why he couldn't attend the presentation.

Or at least give some indication as to the reason why.


Given that he is nearly 93, it's probably the case that he just can't be arsed anymore. They can't really publish that, can they? :)

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Gerald Ford is 93 years old today :P

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Just a wee thought, if Dubaya took the next month off and they returned 93 year old Ford to the White house in his place would things improve?

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Just a wee thought, if Dubaya took the next month off and they returned 93 year old Ford to the White house in his place would things improve?

If, by "improve", you mean the ambient odour in the Oval Office would change from one of Jim Beam and cocaine to one of Deep Heat and stale wee-wee, the answer to your question is "yes". Otherwise, I'm not sure, although it's tempting to think that anyone can operate an automatic signature machine whilst idly thumbing the pages of Playboy...

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I guess implicit in my question was the idea that a 93 year old ex-president who was not exactly famous for intellectual rigour in office might still pack more reasoning ability than the current incumbent.


In other words, is old Ford more intelligent at 93 than Bush 33 years his junior?

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I guess implicit in my question was the idea that a 93 year old ex-president who was not exactly famous for intellectual rigour in office might still pack more reasoning ability than the current incumbent.


In other words, is old Ford more intelligent at 93 than Bush 33 years his junior?


I hate defending Bush, but Bush did once lose an election because the voters thought he was "too smart." There's a lot of stories out there that he specifically dumbs himself down in order to appeal to the average person.


My guess would be that it's most certainly not all acting.

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I believe if Ford was placed back in office (again...not elected to the position), he would simply pardon Bush's supidity and Cheney for his war profiteering, much like he pardoned Nixon and Tokyo Rose.

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Here's the birthday update on Gerald Ford.


Sounds like he's about set to break Reagan's longevity record.


Thanks, CP.


Certainly if the man is swimming, he can't be all that frail. He's not ill at all, as far as I can tell by the article. Ford certainly won't drop due to old age - but the risky thing about taking him out of my DDP list, is I can't help feeling that it only needs one major illness or one stroke etc. & that'll do him in. I'll think he beat the Reagan record anyway and we'll see how he's doing in December, I guess.

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Guest Simfish

He could drown, however

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