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Jo Cox.

In a matter of days she has gone from having 92.6% of the population not having a clue who she is to being compared to Mother Teresa.

Yes, it was a tragic and senseless killing which, naturally, has had the masses not only out and laying flowers ( many, no doubt, travelling 100s of miles to do so....having never heard of her before) but now deciding that, in her memory, everybody should now vote to remain.

Out of all of this is her immediate family who have not even been able to keep their grief within, instead, as does now happen in this country, they have had to share it with a whole sodding country who have become a bunch of hearse chasing, emotional feeding vampires.

Can they not leave the poor girl and her family the f**k alone now?


I went to church this morning (one of my three annual visits*) and she got a mention, which I didn't think was appropriate.

Yes, it was sad and shocking, but other people have died sad and shocking deaths this week, so I don't see why she should be singled out.



* Pet Blessing Service, Harvest Festival, Carols by Candlelight.

'Diana syndrome' innit

Give it 6 months and they will be demanding a memorial, maybe a statue in Batley.

I actually know somebody who went and REALLY REALLY signed the book of condolence when Diana was murdered died. I cannot remember the exact reasoning although if you replaced her words with 'what a load of old bollocks' it would have all been one in the same.

I see the Church in Batley has never been so full.




6 months to demand a statue? Try just over 24 hours!



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They were both pretty fuckin ugly , so they had something else in common....







Half a million already donated to 'her' fund, to go to one of 3 charities dictated by her family...


What kinda idiot gives ££ to shit like that?


You don't know the charity so are giving blindly to something that has charity status and is full of wankers, like Greenpeace or Cancer Research.

I don't know why but, well, I think some of that may well end up with The Chairman of Oxfams pay packet Oxfam.

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Jo Cox.

In a matter of days she has gone from having 92.6% of the population not having a clue who she is to being compared to Mother Teresa.

Yes, it was a tragic and senseless killing which, naturally, has had the masses not only out and laying flowers ( many, no doubt, travelling 100s of miles to do so....having never heard of her before) but now deciding that, in her memory, everybody should now vote to remain.

Out of all of this is her immediate family who have not even been able to keep their grief within, instead, as does now happen in this country, they have had to share it with a whole sodding country who have become a bunch of hearse chasing, emotional feeding vampires.

Can they not leave the poor girl and her family the f**k alone now?



I went to church this morning (one of my three annual visits*) and she got a mention, which I didn't think was appropriate.

Yes, it was sad and shocking, but other people have died sad and shocking deaths this week, so I don't see why she should be singled out.



* Pet Blessing Service, Harvest Festival, Carols by Candlelight.


'Diana syndrome' innit

Give it 6 months and they will be demanding a memorial, maybe a statue in Batley.

I actually know somebody who went and REALLY REALLY signed the book of condolence when Diana was murdered died. I cannot remember the exact reasoning although if you replaced her words with 'what a load of old bollocks' it would have all been one in the same.

I see the Church in Batley has never been so full.




At least people had heard of Diana, knew something about her, and many were fans. (I wasn't.)


You are a hard bastard really, eh Toastie! :lol:

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4 years ago oxfams cheify was paid £120,000 :lol:






As are those that donate to the pricks.

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Jo Cox.

In a matter of days she has gone from having 92.6% of the population not having a clue who she is to being compared to Mother Teresa.

Yes, it was a tragic and senseless killing which, naturally, has had the masses not only out and laying flowers ( many, no doubt, travelling 100s of miles to do so....having never heard of her before) but now deciding that, in her memory, everybody should now vote to remain.

Out of all of this is her immediate family who have not even been able to keep their grief within, instead, as does now happen in this country, they have had to share it with a whole sodding country who have become a bunch of hearse chasing, emotional feeding vampires.

Can they not leave the poor girl and her family the f**k alone now?



I went to church this morning (one of my three annual visits*) and she got a mention, which I didn't think was appropriate.

Yes, it was sad and shocking, but other people have died sad and shocking deaths this week, so I don't see why she should be singled out.



* Pet Blessing Service, Harvest Festival, Carols by Candlelight.


'Diana syndrome' innit

Give it 6 months and they will be demanding a memorial, maybe a statue in Batley.

I actually know somebody who went and REALLY REALLY signed the book of condolence when Diana was murdered died. I cannot remember the exact reasoning although if you replaced her words with 'what a load of old bollocks' it would have all been one in the same.

I see the Church in Batley has never been so full.




At least people had heard of Diana, knew something about her, and many were fans. (I wasn't.)


You are a hard bastard really, eh Toastie! :lol:



I thought she was a sly manipulative ungrateful whining bitch.


Lots of people have failed relationships and are unhappy with their husbands/wives. Most of these people struggle from day to day in dead end jobs, unemployment, ill health, or other difficulties such as ailing parents.


I think most of us would find it preferable to be miserable with unlimited funds, free holidays, and opportunities to milk public sympathy. I remember a friend seeing her on the news and going "oh, poor poor Diana". I soon pointed out that Diana's situation was infinitely preferable to her own, and she suddenly realised that her sympathy was misplaced.

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Fuck, that Linda Ronstadt was a hot honey at her peak!!!

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Quite a scathing piece here about Jo Cox. I am posting it because it relates to the conversation, not because I agree/ disagree with it/her/whatever.

Good spot

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Quite a scathing piece here about Jo Cox. I am posting it because it relates to the conversation, not because I agree/ disagree with it/her/whatever.


Just for the record, they're wrong about her being on the fishing protest. She was somewhere else, and that's a different woman on the boat in the photo.

No doubt she would have been there if she could, though.

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How is the video title, or its contents, inaccurate you 7ft stack of out of date co-op margarine?

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How is the video title, or its contents, inaccurate you 7ft stack of out of date co-op margarine?


Never said it was inaccurate, your leap into defence mode makes me think it might actually be your account.

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Who would give a shit if it was?


Obviously you wouldn't have posted the link if you didn't think "CHORTLE CHORTLE, DOES THIS REMIND YOU OF ANYONE, GUFFAW GUFFAW" was the world's most scintillatingly scientific and watertight ever argument against its message, and just against any general criticism of ISISlam at all.


I guess what we've all learned since the nation started getting all its political guidance from Paul Merton and Russell Howard (depending on age) is: empty, first-year-of-6th-form-level mockery is great at getting people on "your side" but the people who most enthusiastically use it are always using it to sell or implement ideas that everyone can see are shit on sober examination.


Sorry, I've learned.

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How is the video title, or its contents, inaccurate you 7ft stack of out of date co-op margarine?


Never said it was inaccurate, your leap into defence mode makes me think it might actually be your account.

we don't need gun control, we need Islam control. zorders how is that not you?

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Just for the record the video title does make a good point (I can't be arsed watching it).However it makes the same mistake as Zorders by putting all 'the left' into a homogeneous group like 'all Halibuts'. Some groups who associate with the left make the mistake of seeing the promotion of equality in 'non-western' countries as some sort of imperialism. Personally I don't feel in any way imperialistic about campaigning against the stoning of gays in Iran, but neither do I believe all Iranians want to stone gays.Just because all philosophers are carrots and Socrates is therefore a carrot, doesn't make all carrots philosophers. Simple logic really.

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Lfn's rant on the daily express comments today was a thing of beauty.


Unfortunately I was laughing too hard at him being on a daily express site to remember to c&p it.

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Lfn's rant on the daily express comments today was a thing of beauty.


Unfortunately I was laughing too hard at him being on a daily express site to remember to c&p it.

Cunt!!! :lol:

It came up on FB, couldn't resist could I. :D

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Just for the record the video title does make a good point (I can't be arsed watching it).However it makes the same mistake as Zorders by putting all 'the left' into a homogeneous group like 'all Halibuts'. Some groups who associate with the left make the mistake of seeing the promotion of equality in 'non-western' countries as some sort of imperialism. Personally I don't feel in any way imperialistic about campaigning against the stoning of gays in Iran, but neither do I believe all Iranians want to stone gays.Just because all philosophers are carrots and Socrates is therefore a carrot, doesn't make all carrots philosophers. Simple logic really.

"Some"? Questioning Islam in any way is an immediate ostracising offence for almost all "leftists". The only exception I can think of is Bill Maher who every 27 months asks on his show "Why don't liberals in America ever complain about how Islam treats women and gays" to total silence from his audience. And he doesn't even belong to any particular official organisation, and he gets called "bigoted" by the few "liberal" people who can be bothered to acknowledge he did it. Can you give any example more significant than that. I really doubt you can.


Why do you say "some groups" as though somehow there's like a couple of unions somewhere who have a policy against Islamic backwardness or something, and a couple that don't? The massively vast overwhelming majority of "leftists" stay well within defined speech/thought boundaries and never questioning any Halibut in any way is one of them. You are talking massive amounts of sh1te, please prove me wrong if you can provide any example of serious "dissent" on this issue in leftie circles. You can't. "Some groups" of stuff that comes out of your mouth should come out of your arse.


Modern "liberalism" is a brainwashed train ride to hell for humanity, and its "leaders" like Owen Jones mercilessly shriek down anyone who dares to even suggest looking out the window, nevermind doing something about it.

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Just for the record the video title does make a good point (I can't be arsed watching it).However it makes the same mistake as Zorders by putting all 'the left' into a homogeneous group like 'all Halibuts'. Some groups who associate with the left make the mistake of seeing the promotion of equality in 'non-western' countries as some sort of imperialism. Personally I don't feel in any way imperialistic about campaigning against the stoning of gays in Iran, but neither do I believe all Iranians want to stone gays.Just because all philosophers are carrots and Socrates is therefore a carrot, doesn't make all carrots philosophers. Simple logic really.

"Some"? Questioning Islam in any way is an immediate ostracising offence for almost all "leftists". The only exception I can think of is Bill Maher who every 27 months asks on his show "Why don't liberals in America ever complain about how Islam treats women and gays" to total silence from his audience. And he doesn't even belong to any particular official organisation, and he gets called "bigoted" by the few "liberal" people who can be bothered to acknowledge he did it. Can you give any example more significant than that. I really doubt you can.


Why do you say "some groups" as though somehow there's like a couple of unions somewhere who have a policy against Islamic backwardness or something, and a couple that don't? The massively vast overwhelming majority of "leftists" stay well within defined speech/thought boundaries and never questioning any Halibut in any way is one of them. You are talking massive amounts of sh1te, please prove me wrong if you can provide any example of serious "dissent" on this issue in leftie circles. You can't. "Some groups" of stuff that comes out of your mouth should come out of your arse.


Modern "liberalism" is a brainwashed train ride to hell for humanity, and its "leaders" like Owen Jones mercilessly shriek down anyone who dares to even suggest looking out the window, nevermind doing something about it.


Define 'massively vast overwhelming majority of "leftists"'.

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I already did. Literally everyone except Bill Maher basically, and "some guy who wrote a column for the guardian in 2006" if that's your next move. Why don't you define "some groups" that don't make the mistake you talked about. You're the one who started the vagueness.

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Lol, Zyklon , American liberals are Nazis.


Their far right is far worse than anything even Heydrich could aspire to.

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char, sometimes I get the feeling you dont know the first thing about yankmerica despite your professed hatred for it.

(see my post in conspiracy thread for why you might be right by accident or something.)

I was asking why the average "liberal" in US who spends all day hating on Chrischuns doesnt also condemn Islam, when its the Westboro Baptist Church on steroids


Not really sure what top Nazis would have thought of a bunch of 12 fat guys in the forests of Kentucky calling themselves a militia but I suppose there was this guy...

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I already did. Literally everyone except Bill Maher basically, and "some guy who wrote a column for the guardian in 2006" if that's your next move. Why don't you define "some groups" that don't make the mistake you talked about. You're the one who started the vagueness.

You're forgetting me and Brian Keith Dalton.

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With all the hokey-cokey and gobsmackery today, I was delighted to discover I am eligible for a passport for another country still in the EU...currently. Should I apply?

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