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How on earth might that happen, is it a hermaphrodite? Or could it split like an amoeba?

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Does anyone know if hamsters are edible? We were discussing this at work a couple of weeks ago and I don't think we ever found out.

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Does anyone know if hamsters are edible? We were discussing this at work a couple of weeks ago and I don't think we ever found out.


Hamsters are edible. A friend of mine owned a pet snake which he usually fed rats, but occasionally other small mammals, including hamsters. The snake ate the lot without complaint and to great effect, it quadrupled its size in about two years.


I have no idea whether hamsters taste good. Rodents aren't popular human food, but I suppose that's because most of them are small. In South America live capybara, the largest living rodent at some 40 kg, which are eaten with gusto, so one may surmise that rodents do indeed taste good.


That said: a single hamster is not much of a meal for a human. I guess that if you cook several you have dinner. Perhaps it's not a good idea to order a dozen of hamsters at the local pet shop and even then: butchering a hamster seems delicate work. Perhaps eating them the (not RSPCA approved) way some French eat Ortolan buntings works with hamsters.




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Does anyone know if hamsters are edible? We were discussing this at work a couple of weeks ago and I don't think we ever found out.


In Mongolia they have mucky millions of marmots and these make good eating apparently. The marmot is like a big quick hamster. Here's one that was prepared earlier.

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That was fun, got 9 out of 10, eaten all but 1 of them, strangely the one I didn't get (number 10) I have eaten quite a few times and is particulally yummy. Now for a gastronomic theemed trip to south America to get get the full list.

Best regards


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That was fun, got 9 out of 10, eaten all but 1 of them, strangely the one I didn't get (number 10) I have eaten quite a few times and is particulally yummy. Now for a gastronomic theemed trip to south America to get get the full list.


Interestingly, I got the same result. I've been in parts of the world where 10 is regularly eaten by people, so I may well have been served those without knowing. I wasn't aware so many 9s are eaten, and indeed never by me.




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I also got 9/10. Failed on the last, an interesting choice. What a great website too. I can see hours of work time being idled away there.

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I only got five of them as I was multi-tasking and didn't realize there was a timer. I think a discussion involving stacks would be more appetizing to all of us. I won't say that word more than once because then everybody here will be mesmerized.

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I only got eight of them. When time was running out I got desperate and typed in camel. :nerd:

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Nine, never thought of rabbit, surprised horse wasn't there. Horse is pretty good.

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Nine, never thought of rabbit, surprised horse wasn't there. Horse is pretty good.


That's what I thought. Wikipedia tells me that humanity munches through some 5 million horses a year, far fewer than #10 on that quiz.


And yes, horse is pretty good. I'm aware that in most English speaking countries they rather eat the rider. Dutch culinary values toward horse vary from abhorrance to delight. Most Dutch consider horse as something the poor eat and therefore as less attractive1. It's a well known fact that quite some horse meat finds its way in sausage and it's occasionally available at butcher's. I eat it regularly


1All human tastes, fashions and prejudices work as much for food as for other things we do daily for survival.




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7 out of ten - should have known about number 10 since I've seen a load of this (unknown to me at the time) meat being sold. Then the ex-girlfriend will have prepared me something stew-like that I'm at a loss to remember now.

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Nine, never thought of rabbit, surprised horse wasn't there. Horse is pretty good.


That's what I thought. Wikipedia tells me that humanity munches through some 5 million horses a year, far fewer than #10 on that quiz.


And yes, horse is pretty good. I'm aware that in most English speaking countries they rather eat the rider. Dutch culinary values toward horse vary from abhorrance to delight. Most Dutch consider horse as something the poor eat and therefore as less attractive1. It's a well known fact that quite some horse meat finds its way in sausage and it's occasionally available at butcher's. I eat it regularly


1All human tastes, fashions and prejudices work as much for food as for other things we do daily for survival.





It's not easy to find here but a vet friend used to slip me a nice bit of Shergar fillet now and again.

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Animal suicides, including a small item on Goth Hamsters and observations on the eating preferences of cows ( they like to stand either facing north or south).

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My sister just bought my little niece a pair of tiny Roborovski hamsters,with all the cage and all the gubbings the whole set came to a whopping £60,my point is can I suggest them as next 2013 people/characters to die as I'm 90% sure they are going to get mullered in the very near future by the cats of the house???

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My sister just bought my little niece a pair of tiny Roborovski hamsters,with all the cage and all the gubbings the whole set came to a whopping £60,my point is can I suggest them as next 2013 people/characters to die as I'm 90% sure they are going to get mullered in the very near future by the cats of the house???


Don't do this!!!!!

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That's a tough act to follow! Here are guinea pigs in sweaters


Wow the people posting on that site make us look like sane and reasonable individuals.


We have Guinea Pigs but they have never been shoved in a wool tube.

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I have guinea pigs as well. Lovely pets, I've always liked that they're relatively low maintenance yet you can still take them out and cuddle with them.

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On 4.1.2012 at 19:29, Madame Defarge said:



This is a niffler, a mythological rodent with a bad disposition and a penchant for bright shiny objects.

I've never knitted (knot?) an animal, nor anything else, but if I did, it would be a hamster.


Edit: Fuck, I thought this was my 5000th post.

Edit: Damnit, the stupid BBC one is it.

  • Like 1
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