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'wrapped up in a black velvet band'.......

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Not sure why on earth you deemed Pink News the appropriate source for this. You've got to give them credit the seem to be able to force anything into the tight space of "lgbt news".


I love how half there articles have the "who has been praised for his staunch support of LGBT rights " after someones name as a seeming bye as to allowing it on the sight.


Somebody not being homophobic does make the story LGBT. Fuck Pink News.

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Anyhoo, the Philippines.

Looks like the next PM is to be the Punisher :D

Veep is to be Imelda's boy (happy birthday soon sweetcheeks , hope you get something terminal) and as the candidate is responsible for a zero tolerance death squad backed level of crackdown in the provinces, he might be worthy of a thread of his own .

Why? He's said lately re the gangsters "you better kill me before I kill you. And I'm coming' , except it wasn't in English.

More fun than the imperialist election .

For sure.



Heating up nicely..




Philippine president-elect urges public to kill drug dealers



MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine president-elect has encouraged the public to help him in his war against crime, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back in their neighborhoods.


In a nationally televised speech late Saturday, Rodrigo Duterte told a huge crowd in the southern city of Davao that Filipinos who help him battle crime will be rewarded.


"Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun — you have my support," Duterte said, warning of an extensive illegal drug trade that involves even the country's police.


If a drug dealer resists arrest or refuses to be brought to a police station and threatens a citizen with a gun or a knife, "you can kill him," Duterte said. "Shoot him and I'll give you a medal."

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Michael Gove, future PM then.

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May vs Leadsom. Like choosing between Lucretia Borgia and Queen (bloody) Mary I.

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May vs Leadsom. Like choosing between Lucretia Borgia and Queen (bloody) Mary I.

At least Teresa May gets her tits out for the lads. :lol:

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May vs Leadsom. Like choosing between Lucretia Borgia and Queen (bloody) Mary I.

At least Teresa May gets her tits out for the lads. :lol:



Ah, so she's the Lucretia Borgia of the equation.


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So the next PM will be a women. Appropriate seen as they are both fully equipped cunts.

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So the next PM will be a women. Appropriate seen as they are both fully equipped cunts.

Well if it wasn't a cunt it would be a prick.

Makes no difference.

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Currently we have no prime minister

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Currently we have no prime minister

You expecting a war or something?

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So that's Mike Yarwood's career revival down the toilet then...

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Jan Ravens might be able to clear off her credit cards now though.

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Currently we have no prime minister

You expecting a war or something?

If I was the queen I'd refuse a new PM and pass a load of stupid decrees.

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I feel so much younger now that we have a prime minister who's older than me.

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Jan Ravens might be able to clear off her credit cards now though.

Fucking hell, ive not heard that name for YEARS!

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I feel so much younger now that we have a prime minister who's older than me.

Never been a PM less than a quarter of a century in my life.

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Watching this Tory old duck on BBC news attempt to turn his phone off is the highlight of the cabinet reshuffle

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11th different PM of my lifetime (12th new incumbent as Harold Wilson lost then won again),

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