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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...

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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...


Must be shit living in a one-party state.

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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...


Must be shit living in a one-party state.



Yeah, the UK parliament's not looking too good for the next decade or two.

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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...


Just back from voting. Peach and lilac forms, if you don't mind.! *z-snaps fingers*

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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...


Just back from voting. Peach and lilac forms, if you don't mind.! *z-snaps fingers*



Early reports from the counts, before any results are announced, can be summed up with the phrase "Labour are fucked". Some of the Glasgow samples had 62% SNP in them.

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Scottish elections up here. Who will win them is a close guarded and tense secret, as everyone knows...


Just back from voting. Peach and lilac forms, if you don't mind.! *z-snaps fingers*



Early reports from the counts, before any results are announced, can be summed up with the phrase "Labour are fucked". Some of the Glasgow samples had 62% SNP in them.



Lib Dems took a seat off Labour in Sunderland quite convincingly and the Tories held two. Anywhere else in the country this would be a minor issue, but in the Red State of Sunderland that's a massive boon for the Lib Dems,

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Labour vote in Scotland collapsing, Tories looking like a possible opposition, SNP likely to be largest party, possible overall majority, Greens likely to do well on list vote.


Early days...

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Early on, Lib Dems seem to be doing well, compared to recent history. Held their 2 seats with big majorities, and rumours of them actually winning another two consituencies.

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I have no idea what the fuck you Brits are talking about.


But it's only fair.

I bet y'all don't know what the fuck we Americans are talking about when we talk about Trump picking a VP candidate, and the recent primary in Indiana, and how Clinton might turn Arizona blue. :D

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I have no idea what the fuck you Brits are talking about.


But it's only fair.

I bet y'all don't know what the fuck we Americans are talking about when we talk about Trump picking a VP candidate, and the recent primary in Indiana, and how Clinton might turn Arizona blue. :D



Yeah, I don't understand these caucus things at all, you should have something simple like the Additional Member System. :D

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I have no idea what the fuck you Brits are talking about.


But it's only fair.

I bet y'all don't know what the fuck we Americans are talking about when we talk about Trump picking a VP candidate, and the recent primary in Indiana, and how Clinton might turn Arizona blue. :D



Yeah, I don't understand these caucus things at all, you should have something simple like the Additional Member System. :D


Completely with you on that don't understand it either, I can see how Clinton might turn Arizona green with enough caucti, it is after all a desert state mostly. But blue? This GMO is getting out of hand.

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Had to drag my 18 year old to the polls for the first time yesterday. He probably randomly voted for the English Democrats but at least he's participated.

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Had to drag my 18 year old to the polls for the first time yesterday. He probably randomly voted for the English Democrats but at least he's participated.

wait you have an eight year old son that's strange I thought you were only in your twenties unless you mean brother.

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Had to drag my 18 year old to the polls for the first time yesterday. He probably randomly voted for the English Democrats but at least he's participated.

wait you have an eightTEEN year old son that's strange I thought you were GAY.


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Praise Allah!



Way to go London / England. Just what in the fuck is WRONG with you people?

Y'all makin jolly little Trump look like a genius, and that takes effort.



Glad to have helped Sir Creep.

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Praise Allah!



Way to go London / England. Just what in the fuck is WRONG with you people?

Y'all makin jolly little Trump look like a genius, and that takes effort.




I'm not sure what is wrong with paid ads praising Allah. We certainly see billboards here in the US praising God do we not? Did Dr. Zorders steal SC's sign in?

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I'll take any opportunity to expose the UK's attitude (yes, I said UK rather than this individual store): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-36286624


Dear sir, I'm truly grateful for volunteering to show my skills and maybe someone if they are really nice they will actually give me a chance.


No chance.


We are back to the days when if you are foolish enough to give your talent/stuff/etc away for free you'll be doing that for the rest of your days. "OMG thank you for the chance to be a Gamesmaker, OMG thank you for letting me clean up your shit you've been dropping in your community, OMG thank you for being a cunt to your fellow man!"


Be grateful if you can achieve that living wage, pretty soon you will be the one cleaning up the champagne cocktail those who don't care just vomited up coming out of Eton.


Take another look at the human rights legislation, take another look at the slavery legislation then take another look at the hypocrisy of those keeping you where you belong.

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I'll take any opportunity to expose the UK's attitude (yes, I said UK rather than this individual store): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-36286624


Dear sir, I'm truly grateful for volunteering to show my skills and maybe someone if they are really nice they will actually give me a chance.


No chance.


We are back to the days when if you are foolish enough to give your talent/stuff/etc away for free you'll be doing that for the rest of your days. "OMG thank you for the chance to be a Gamesmaker, OMG thank you for letting me clean up your shit you've been dropping in your community, OMG thank you for being a cunt to your fellow man!"


Be grateful if you can achieve that living wage, pretty soon you will be the one cleaning up the champagne cocktail those who don't care just vomited up coming out of Eton.


Take another look at the human rights legislation, take another look at the slavery legislation then take another look at the hypocrisy of those keeping you where you belong.


As regards Sainsburys (for it is they), I was amused to see that the advert referred to their "employees". Don't they mean "colleagues"? :evil2:


Those "colleague announcements" really irritate me. They mean staff. Sainsburys is not a cooperative, and shouldn't pretend to be.

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Praise Allah!



Way to go London / England. Just what in the fuck is WRONG with you people?

Y'all makin jolly little Trump look like a genius, and that takes effort.




Trump's claim was that there were no-go areas of London. So I don't see how paid ads reinforce his claim or make him look a genius.


Earlier this year taking a short roadtrip I saw many paid ads from Christian groups on billboard.

England has just as much freedom as the U.S. does to worship whatever religion you wish.

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Admittedly I've been drinking this afternoon. ;)


I'm consistently angered these days in a way I have not been angered since the days of Thatcher. We are now in a new era where Cameron, Osbourne and May will become the new hated, "when will they die" clique.


What, you didn't know what a modal verb was when you were 7? Or the past imperfect of "to be" when you were 11? Well, obviously imported cheap labour will do rather than you, you piece of shit. We could use the revenue we receive from those imported workers to build schools, hospitals and infrastructure for them and alleviate pressures on you and your family, but why bother? We never did that before and you loved it. Don't hate us, hate them.


And while you are struggling by on your non-living wage (we call it a living wage so you are fooled), please pay for the following:


(1) Every private pension scheme which goes to the wall from the fall out of mismanagement/financial gambling by the banks, etc.;


(2) An ever more privatised health care system (you did want 7 days a week didn't you?);


(3) Escalating student loans which will not be paid back (you need to pay for those as they will not achieve the wages they could have in the past to pay it themselves);


(4) Redundancies in the "old" industries (we're service based these days, dontcha know?);


(5) The future defaults on second, third and fourth homes (there's a housing crisis, dontcha know?);


(6) Every additional penny on ever increasing pension benefits for those who had the best of times, those who used to have a job for life, those who benefited most from the booms of the past and whose money is now in the Cayman Islands.


I'm really not left wing, just pointing out that even from a moderate standpoint the above is now your UK.

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(1) Every private pension scheme invests in the banks exactly because they gamble and give a high return.

No case to answer.



(3) what are 'student loans'? And , fuck students anyroads, the freeloading workshy cunts who wouldn't have got into a polytechnic 35 years ago, and are now at 'uni'. Fuck 'em.

No case to answer.



The rest I could go through but, nah.






Anyhoo, the Philippines.


Looks like the next PM is to be the Punisher :D


Veep is to be Imelda's boy (happy birthday soon sweetcheeks , hope you get something terminal) and as the candidate is responsible for a zero tolerance death squad backed level of crackdown in the provinces, he might be worthy of a thread of his own .


Why? He's said lately re the gangsters "you better kill me before I kill you. And I'm coming' , except it wasn't in English.


More fun than the imperialist election .


For sure.

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Praise Allah!



Way to go London / England. Just what in the fuck is WRONG with you people?

Y'all makin jolly little Trump look like a genius, and that takes effort.




Trump's claim was that there were no-go areas of London. So I don't see how paid ads reinforce his claim or make him look a genius.


Earlier this year taking a short roadtrip I saw many paid ads from Christian groups on billboard.

England has just as much freedom as the U.S. does to worship whatever religion you wish.


Um... except for the freedom to dislike such ads obviously.


In Phantard's world, plenty of rights for the members of whichever foaming-mouth death cult he's championing this week but not for people who just want a bus that isn't covered with creepy spidery "kill all the infidels" bullshit.

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Whilst sainsbury's claim that they don't use volunteers they do use job seekers for work experience schemes.

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Whilst sainsbury's claim that they don't use volunteers they do use job seekers for work experience schemes.


Sainsbury's wanting to have their canteen decorated by a "volunteer artist" is like a bar asking a band to play for free claiming it will be good exposure for the band.

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