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17 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Of course she did




December election anyone ?


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Fun fact: of the post-2010 former Conservative Prime Ministers, only Theresa May has not had a go at being Foreign Secretary now. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, The Old Crem said:


they are beating your ass in the 1922 committee.

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This must be a parody, surely?




So we’re now paying someone who’s so thick she needs watering twice a week £72k a year to be a “common sense minister”, and her job is to scream the word “woke” at everything the Daily Mail doesn’t like. Marvellous.

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Lady Cecilia Bartholomew has pinned a tweet calling for Suella to be PM lol.

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2 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

Fun fact: of the post-2010 former Conservative Prime Ministers, only Theresa May has not had a go at being Foreign Secretary now. :rolleyes:

Can't top this lad though...




Chancellor of the Exchequer 1964-67, Home Secretary 1967-70, Foreign Secretary 1974--76, Prime Minister 1976-79

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55 minutes ago, Sly Ronnie said:

Can't top this lad though...




Chancellor of the Exchequer 1964-67, Home Secretary 1967-70, Foreign Secretary 1974--76, Prime Minister 1976-79


Aye, only person in history to have held all 4 Great Offices of State. The fact that James Cleverley, Liz Truss and Boris Johnson have all held 2 of them is galling.

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I've always thought Sunny Jim was a tad underrated as PM. Yes there was the dreaded "Winter of Discontent" but I put that squarely on the Unions. They just didn't see the wider picture. I'm all for worker's pay and rights being up to scratch but what they did was plain bloody stupid when it looked like things were turning around. Saying that, for the counter-argument that the Unions were "all powerful" back then, I've always said that if the Unions were that powerful, there wouldn't have been any strikes. They would have got what they wanted. But, would they have then wanted more? The Winter of Discontent was a public sector strike and the employers were...the Government! This argument could go on all day.

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Lol Cecilla also claimed Elon Musk was commenting on her tweets but I can only find the screenshots not the original tweets, 

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26 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


Aye, only person in history to have held all 4 Great Offices of State. The fact that James Cleverley, Liz Truss and Boris Johnson have held 2 of them is galling.

Yep and then you have the contrast between the new Foreign Sec. and the last Foreign Sec. to have come from the House of Lords.

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23 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Yep and then you have the contrast between the new Foreign Sec. and the last Foreign Sec. to have come from the House of Lords.


Argentina surprised everybody when they invaded the Falkland Islands and Lord Carrington still felt honour bound to resign in disgrace as a result. Dominic Raab sat on a sun lounger while British nationals and associates fled as Afghanistan burned and stayed in post until getting shuffled to Justice a month later, continuing to earn a Secretary of State's salary.

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13 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


Argentina surprised everybody when they invaded the Falkland Islands and Lord Carrington still felt honour bound to resign in disgrace as a result.

Just to add, Carrington was one of those who warned that an issue with the Falklands was possible if we withdrew from the area, but the clique around Thatcher dismissed that as fear mongering. When the Invasion happened, Carrington was adamant that he needed to resign as the buck stopped at his office. Thatcher didn't want him to go. Meanwhile those whose ostrich position led to the Argentine invasion in the first place got away with it.

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21 minutes ago, msc said:

Just to add, Carrington was one of those who warned that an issue with the Falklands was possible if we withdrew from the area, but the clique around Thatcher dismissed that as fear mongering. When the Invasion happened, Carrington was adamant that he needed to resign as the buck stopped at his office. Thatcher didn't want him to go. Meanwhile those whose ostrich position led to the Argentine invasion in the first place got away with it.


Imagine having that level of foresight and intelligence. Raab wasn't aware the Dover-Calais crossing was important. :facepalm:

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Just pondering the dynamics of the Cenotaph service on Sunday. Cleverley and Braverman went up together to lay their wreaths - did he know then he was taking her job 24 hours later?


Better still, did Call Me Dave on the row behind know he'll be back on wreath-laying duty next November if his spineless boss refuses to call an election? :rolleyes:

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8 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

Just pondering the dynamics of the Cenotaph service on Sunday. Cleverley and Braverman went up together to lay their wreaths - did he know then he was taking her job 24 hours later?


Better still, did Call Me Dave on the row behind know he'll be back on wreath-laying duty next November if his spineless boss refuses to call an election? :rolleyes:

Seeing as she had a face like a slapped arse I would say that she did.

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17 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:


Pretty safe to assume it won't be anything like Geoffrey Howe's


Long gone are the days where you could listen to those you politically completely opposed and still respect them for their sincerity, integrity and intelligence. Suella Depraverman, once she can sufficiently wipe away the bile-tinged dribble, will just stand there twatting on about tofu and the Guardian.

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8 minutes ago, TQR said:


Long gone are the days where you could listen to those you politically completely opposed and still respect them for their sincerity, integrity and intelligence. Suella Depraverman, once she can sufficiently wipe away the bile-tinged dribble, will just stand there twatting on about tofu and the Guardian.

Well that's the thing. The last Tory government, sure you had folk like Sean's cuddly uncle and co representing the sods but you also had folk like Major, Fowler, Forsyth, Tony Newton, people you knew were interested in improving the country or helping even if you disagreed with many of their priorities or politics in doing so. Newton is long gone now (actually his last public act was a speech in the Lords against David Cameron's welfare reforms, attached to an oxygen tank and dying soon after) but the other three will get cross the spectrum respect when they die. Who in the current government can we say the same of? Who isn't there solely to promote their own self interests? They are supposed to be public fucking servants. Not the grasping shower of bastards they are to a person.

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23 minutes ago, msc said:

Well that's the thing. The last Tory government, sure you had folk like Sean's cuddly uncle and co representing the sods but you also had folk like Major, Fowler, Forsyth, Tony Newton, people you knew were interested in improving the country or helping even if you disagreed with many of their priorities or politics in doing so. Newton is long gone now (actually his last public act was a speech in the Lords against David Cameron's welfare reforms, attached to an oxygen tank and dying soon after) but the other three will get cross the spectrum respect when they die. Who in the current government can we say the same of? Who isn't there solely to promote their own self interests? They are supposed to be public fucking servants. Not the grasping shower of bastards they are to a person.


Quite. The very last of these genuine, public service oriented Tories (yeah fuck off Davey you pie, that doesn't include you) were ousted by Johnson. Dominic Grieve. Justine Greening. Ken Clarke. All gone. There's not a single shred of decency left because, under Johnson, you were required to be a liar and a charlatan.

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