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Guest Goldeneye-69

Political Frailty

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Mitt Romney's chances to gain the Presidency surley has just died, after his quote that it's not his job to care for 47% of the American public.




I think he was observing that 47% of the electorate pay no taxes so don't care about the potential for tax cuts. If I were a Republican surely I would be saying to Mitt Romney get some policies that will get you into that group because if you give up on them 6 weeks before polling day its like getting your excuses in early.


It also sounds like sloppy use of statistics.

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Mitt Romney's chances to gain the Presidency surley has just died, after his quote that it's not his job to care for 47% of the American public.




There's something about Mitt Romney that is almost psychopathic. I say this because he is always in this moment of which I describe to be "Mormon Mania" and it probably never stops.

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Mitt Romney's chances to gain the Presidency surley has just died, after his quote that it's not his job to care for 47% of the American public.




I think he was observing that 47% of the electorate pay no taxes so don't care about the potential for tax cuts. If I were a Republican surely I would be saying to Mitt Romney get some policies that will get you into that group because if you give up on them 6 weeks before polling day its like getting your excuses in early.


It also sounds like sloppy use of statistics.


To us, he has no policies. To the people who can pay $50,000 a plate to hear him talk he only has policies to make this elite richer by actively out sourcing jobs away from Middle America and Joe Public.


Know what? I want to buy my next pair of Oakley sunglasses safe in the fact that it still says "Made in USA" inside the arm.

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Mitt Romney's chances to gain the Presidency surley has just died, after his quote that it's not his job to care for 47% of the American public.




There's something about Mitt Romney that is almost psychopathic. I say this because he is always in this moment of which I describe to be "Mormon Mania" and it probably never stops.


He does have a Patrick Bateman type vibe about him.Though i would trust Bateman more than him.


Oh and this is a normal thing to say right.. ...


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Nick Clegg's political career is just about to die... I hear he is due to sing an appology in a party political broadcast with the aid of an autotune machine. Utter, utter ef'ing tw#t. (And I've voted Liberal in the past.)

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Nick Clegg's political career is just about to die... I hear he is due to sing an appology in a party political broadcast with the aid of an autotune machine. Utter, utter ef'ing tw#t. (And I've voted Liberal in the past.)


Let it be a lesson. :old:


Politics, it's too important to leave it to politicians.


As some may have noticed, the Dutch had general elections last week.[1] The liberals won, with a few seats (41/150, +10) more in the Tweede Kamer than the labour party (38, +8). There's no way of knowing what kind of government we'll get, but courtship displays have been observed between those two.


The good news is: the christian democratic (pron.: conservative) arseholes lost (13, -8), as did the fascists (15, -9), so things can only get better.


To get back on topic: I saw former Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok (b. 1938) on the box at a labour election party. He looked wrinkled and his hair's white now, but seemingly in good health.


[1] In an interview:

Journalist: Do you have elections?

Chinese politician: Oh yes, we have elections evely day.





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[1] In an interview:

Journalist: Do you have elections?

Chinese politician: Oh yes, we have elections evely day.






They wake up to them.

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[1] In an interview:

Journalist: Do you have elections?

Chinese politician: Oh yes, we have elections evely day.






They wake up to them.


A Japanese man was canvassing for votes door to door, asking women for their support in his election :)

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Nick Clegg's political career is just about to die... I hear he is due to sing an appology in a party political broadcast with the aid of an autotune machine. Utter, utter ef'ing tw#t. (And I've voted Liberal in the past.)


What has happened is that he made an apology over the tuition fees and somebody autotuned it into a song. He has given its approval for this video to be sold by iTunes as long as the money goes to charity. (Children's Hospital).


What we don't know is how bad a conservative government without the Lib Dems might have been.

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Nick Clegg's political career is just about to die... I hear he is due to sing an appology in a party political broadcast with the aid of an autotune machine. Utter, utter ef'ing tw#t. (And I've voted Liberal in the past.)


What has happened is that he made an apology over the tuition fees and somebody autotuned it into a song. He has given its approval for this video to be sold by iTunes as long as the money goes to charity. (Children's Hospital).


What we don't know is how bad a conservative government without the Lib Dems might have been.


We did have 18 years of them you know

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Nick Clegg's political career is just about to die... I hear he is due to sing an appology in a party political broadcast with the aid of an autotune machine. Utter, utter ef'ing tw#t. (And I've voted Liberal in the past.)


What has happened is that he made an apology over the tuition fees and somebody autotuned it into a song. He has given its approval for this video to be sold by iTunes as long as the money goes to charity. (Children's Hospital).


What we don't know is how bad a conservative government without the Lib Dems might have been.


We did have 18 years of them you know


1997 seems a long time ago and I think a lot of people have forgot how bad it was. However I don't think they forgot enough for David Cameron to win an outright majority and now everything he does reminds the population of the UK how arrogant and out of touch his party are with the concerns of real people.

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Maybe he's too bad off to make it to 2013, but something nevertheless to watch... Boris Sprem, Croatian Speaker of Parliment.

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Former CIA operative Edwin Wilson, who set up front companies for the CIA and made millions in arms trading is dead at 84.

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Mustaf Hali Mohammed was elected to the Somali parliament a fortnight ago with the election promise


Mr. Mohamud has said improving security is his priority,


Another who can't keep the pledges.............. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/world/africa/mustaf-haji-mohamed-somali-lawmaker-is-shot-dead.html?_r=0

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Mustaf Hali Mohammed was elected to the Somali parliament a fortnight ago with the election promise


Mr. Mohamud has said improving security is his priority,


Another who can't keep the pledges.............. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/world/africa/mustaf-haji-mohamed-somali-lawmaker-is-shot-dead.html?_r=0


The final line is classic "...and such attacks underscore the scale of the challenge he faces" :)

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Mitt Romney is more of a thicko than I thought!


It's almost as though he decided he doesn't want to run anymore and is going out of his way to sabotage his own campaign


Haha is he for real ?


I'm going to be honest when i was like 7 or 8 and on a aeroplane for the first time I asked why plane windows don't open and when I was told why even I felt just a little stupid for asking . Surely it must be sabotage by him how can anyone especially someone who travels alot like im guessing he does , get to 65 years on this planet and still be that stupid .

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Mitt Romney is more of a thicko than I thought!


It's almost as though he decided he doesn't want to run anymore and is going out of his way to sabotage his own campaign


Haha is he for real ?


I'm going to be honest when i was like 7 or 8 and on a aeroplane for the first time I asked why plane windows don't open and when I was told why even I felt just a little stupid for asking . Surely it must be sabotage by him how can anyone especially someone who travels alot like im guessing he does , get to 65 years on this planet and still be that stupid .


He could learn sooo much from the movies!!



A Romney win in the elections will be interesting, I wonder what the result would be from "Pimp my Airforce One". Turned into a convertible?

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Mitt Romney is more of a thicko than I thought!


It's almost as though he decided he doesn't want to run anymore and is going out of his way to sabotage his own campaign


Haha is he for real ?


I'm going to be honest when i was like 7 or 8 and on a aeroplane for the first time I asked why plane windows don't open and when I was told why even I felt just a little stupid for asking . Surely it must be sabotage by him how can anyone especially someone who travels alot like im guessing he does , get to 65 years on this planet and still be that stupid .


He could learn sooo much from the movies!!



A Romney win in the elections will be interesting, I wonder what the result would be from "Pimp my Airforce One". Turned into a convertible?


Surely you mean "would", no chance it'll actually happen now!

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labour MP Malcolm Wicks has died , I have no idea who he is .


Never met him, but my MP at the time (Nick Palmer) was his pps during there time at the department of energy. In the round we had questions posed of how to move forward with aspects of UK energy policy. Most notably should we have new nuclear power stations, more gas or coal stations or more green power wind farms. My view was a yes to nuclear power but at a replacement number equal to half the number of plants in the past. Much more reliance on green power and a lessening of gas and coal power. Basically this view co-ensided with what Malcolm Wicks went with... Great minds, and all that...

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labour MP Malcolm Wicks has died , I have no idea who he is .


Burned the candle from both ends imo.............

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