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Guest Goldeneye-69

Political Frailty

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There's a double-death in german politics today, as former christian democratic regional prime minister Lothar Späth also died:




He was a rival of Helmut Kohl at one point, but failed to topple him in the 80s. After german reunification, he got a shot at a second career by managing Jenoptik, a german optical (?) company salvaged from the wreckage of communist East Germany that was then turned into a very successful international company by him. And then he became a political talk show host. Probably not enough for an english obit, but more or less a household name in Germany.

His advanced dementia had just been announced a week ago.

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Submitted him in my MHDP entry, so there's a game there before the masterlist has even been posted. Unless he turns out to have died before the game started, and since there's no alts left for me I'll be a bit peeved if that is so!

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Submitted him in my MHDP entry, so there's a game there before the masterlist has even been posted. Unless he turns out to have died before the game started, and since there's no alts left for me I'll be a bit peeved if that is so!


He died today, apparently.



1. Danish


There's a start.

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Oh god, please let Hein open up his qualifying obit thread for his pool before this thread gets swamped. :biggrin:


Congrats btw DI.

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There's a double-death in german politics today, as former christian democratic regional prime minister Lothar Späth also died:




He was a rival of Helmut Kohl at one point, but failed to topple him in the 80s. After german reunification, he got a shot at a second career by managing Jenoptik, a german optical (?) company salvaged from the wreckage of communist East Germany that was then turned into a very successful international company by him. And then he became a political talk show host. Probably not enough for an english obit, but more or less a household name in Germany.

His advanced dementia had just been announced a week ago.

maybe Helmut Kohl will be the 3rd,because everything comes in threes as we know . what is the state of his health anyway?

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Could Oregon in 2017 be the Utah of 2015? According to this article:


1. State Senator Jackie Winters, R-Salem, who missed the session while recovering from heart surgery, is set to drop the final gavel in her chamber.
2. ...That would fulfill what could be the final legislative wish of Rep. Vic Gilliam, R-Silverton, who's battling Lou Gehrig's disease.

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Fernando Solana, who served as Mexico's foreign minister while the North American Free Trade Agreement was negotiated and signed, died Wednesday at age 85.

**Mexico's current foreign minister, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, expressed her condolences through her official Twitter account. Solana was foreign minister for President Carlos Salinas de Gortari from 1988 to 1993.




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Canadian MP (Scarborough) Arnold Chan says he is taking some time off as he undergoes “aggressive treatment” for cancer.



Toronto Liberal MP Arnold Chan is revealed that his cancer has returned. The 49-year-old says on his website that he is confident he will beat this challenge and intends to maintain a modified work schedule while undergoing treatment.


.......and another name for Sir Creep's 'I beat cancer' theme team.




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Not sure a Canadian MP would get any kind of Obits outside of his home country.

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Not sure a Canadian MP would get any kind of Obits outside of his home country.


Yeah he needs to get demoted to Mayor.

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Not sure a Canadian MP would get any kind of Obits outside of his home country.

Yeah he needs to get demoted to Mayor.


And smoke some crack.

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It's a local story but indulge me, it's my hometown in Louisiana (basically).


Former state Sen. Edgar “Sonny” Mouton Jr., a popular politician and attorney who represented Lafayette in the Legislature for 16 years and made an unsuccessful bid for governor, died early Thursday. Mouton, 86, also served as legal counsel to former Gov. Dave Treen and briefly as an adviser to Edwin Edwards at the beginning of the former governor’s third term in 1985. He ran for Governor in 1979.

(PS: pronounced MOO-tawn in good Cajun)

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Shirley Hufstedler, a former federal appellate court judge who served as the nation's first education secretary has died, She was 90.

She died Wednesday at a hospital in Glendale, California. She had cerebrovascular disease.



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Hans-Dietrich Genscher is dead, unfortunately no April-Fool. He was german foreign Minister from 1974-1992..

Next to Guido Westerwelle (died two weeks ago) he was the well known FDP-politician in Germany.

I hope the FDP will not die out.

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Hans-Dietrich Genscher is dead, unfortunately no April-Fool. He was german foreign Minister from 1974-1992..

Next to Guido Westerwelle (died two weeks ago) he was the well known FDP-politician in Germany.

I hope the FDP will not die out.


BBC Obit for the DDP trio: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35943728

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maybe the death of Hans Dietrich Genscher will be the final straw that kils off Helmut Kohl ...they must h ave been friends for him to serve him as foreign minister for as long as he did ! (10 of Kohls 16 yrs as chancellor )

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maybe the death of Hans Dietrich Genscher will be the final straw that kils off Helmut Kohl ...they must h ave been friends for him to serve him as foreign minister for as long as he did ! (10 of Kohls 16 yrs as chancellor )

It would be Kohl if that happened.

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maybe the death of Hans Dietrich Genscher will be the final straw that kils off Helmut Kohl ...they must h ave been friends for him to serve him as foreign minister for as long as he did ! (10 of Kohls 16 yrs as chancellor )


CDU and FDP are different parties, a coalition government is always an uneasy compromise. Like Nick Clegg was deputy prime minister in the first Cameron government, but the Tories shed no tears when they could form a new government without the Liberals after the next Federal elections.


Hans-Dietrich Genscher is dead, unfortunately no April-Fool. He was german foreign Minister from 1974-1992..

Next to Guido Westerwelle (died two weeks ago) he was the well known FDP-politician in Germany.

I hope the FDP will not die out.

The FDP are now out of the Bundestag and have lost 2/3 of their voters. And now Westerwelle and Genscher? It couldn't get any worse. Anyways, I feel that there is a need for a new conservative party (instead of the CDU), since Bundesmutti Merkel herself has become too liberal.


Someone has to take a harder line on immigration, unless they want the NDP to become a serious force in the Bundestag.


Edit: I hate autocorrect, fuck you google!

Edited by GossipGabe

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Iceland's PM might be the first major victim of the Panama Papers scandal:




I was a little bit disappointed when I learned that only his post, and not his life, is at stake here. He should've resigned immediately, yet his wife tried to whitewash him even after the facts were revealed. Disgusting.


Mr Prime Minister, Are You Ashamed? https://youtu.be/ORlq_zrfWDc

Edited by GossipGabe

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How the scandal affects Iceland will definitely be the most fascinating aftermath about the Panama Papers. Stuff like Putin being corrupt (even if in new ways) isn't really a surprise to anyone, but there's gonna be a real shake up in Iceland no doubt.

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