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Who Do You Think Will Win The Democrat And Republican Nominations?

Who Do You Think Will Win The Democrat And Republican Nominations?  

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When running for the position as leader of your country, make sure you buy the domain for your name.




Whoever owns the domain bought it in 1997 and has paid for it until November 2024, covering Jeb off for at least two more elections.



Well whomever owns it is appears to be a Trump supporter

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When running for the position as leader of your country, make sure you buy the domain for your name.


http://www.jebbush.com [/size]

Whoever owns the domain bought it in 1997 and has paid for it until November 2024, covering Jeb off for at least two more elections.


Well whomever owns it is appears to be a Trump supporter


Or rented to one.

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When running for the position as leader of your country, make sure you buy the domain for your name.


http://www.jebbush.com [/size]

Whoever owns the domain bought it in 1997 and has paid for it until November 2024, covering Jeb off for at least two more elections.


Well whomever owns it is appears to be a Trump supporter


Or rented to one.



Well they've gone through the trouble of having it directed at Trump's site with possibly the intent of making a tidy profit should Jeb wish to buy it off them.


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When running for the position as leader of your country, make sure you buy the domain for your name.




Whoever owns the domain bought it in 1997 and has paid for it until November 2024, covering Jeb off for at least two more elections.



Well whomever whoever owns it is appears to be a Trump supporter





Another pet hate is the sudden soaring popularity of incorrect use of the objective case of "who".

That said, should one talk of going to see The Whom in concert?

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When running for the position as leader of your country, make sure you buy the domain for your name.




Whoever owns the domain bought it in 1997 and has paid for it until November 2024, covering Jeb off for at least two more elections.



Well whomever whoever owns it is appears to be a Trump supporter





Another pet hate is the sudden soaring popularity of incorrect use of the objective case of "who".

That said, should one talk of going to see The Whom in concert?



Yes you're quite right.

hmmm The Whom

Anyone interested in starting a tribute band?

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It's all tactics anyhoo.


Trump bought more than 3000 domain names


When I worked for an internet provider, back in the day when it was the information superhighway. I had to submit requests for approximately 200 domain names for just one company. Now that was a fun week.

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The age thing is an odd one really. Ronald Reagan was the oldest first term president when he was elected in 1980 aged 69 (a few months older than Hillary will be for those keeping count) and he did two full terms. So obviously Trump and Bernie would be older than that when they take office. Bush Snr was 64 and then we've had three relative spring chickens in Clinton, Dubya and Obama. The same issue was talked about in 2008 when McCain was the nominee. He was 72 when the 08 election happened, older than everybody but Bernie and, while the job of Senator and President are different when it comes to stress and decision making, etc, it is worth noting that he's still here, still a Senator, at the age of 79 (80 later this year) so why should age be a major factor?


Looking around the web, there are a few articles out there about this issue and it seems it's usually only an issue for voters when it comes up, and usually is a far bigger issue for the 'other' party in an election year. In 1996, Clinton faced Bob Dole who was nearly 73 (and, again, is still with us now by the way...) and nearly half of Democrats thought he was too old to be President. Far fewer Republicans thought so. The same thing happened in 2008 with McCain. In this election, I can't see either party making it a big issue as, unless the Republicans end up with Cruz or Rubio, both parties will have nominees comparative with Reagan in age. We're living longer and we're staying fitter and healthier for longer. I'd expect Hillary and Trump to serve two full terms, Bernie will probably see where he's at in 4 years but I don't expect him to die in office. That said, I can't deny that it is a greater risk with an older President. Bernie's been asked about it in the debates and has basically said he's in good physical health right now and he'll take it as it comes in 4 years. Hillary had a spell in hospital a couple of years ago with a blood clot but otherwise has never had any great troubles and did have a thorough medical to see if she was OK before she announced her candidacy. No idea on Trump's health but I think he's as likely to self-combust as he is to die of anything else in office...


I think that if Bernie gets the nomination he will be looking for someone who will run after him that might be in 2020 or he might still feel fit enough to go on to 2024. If Warren is reluctant to stand then she may not be the person he is looking for. Unless he is an avid reader of Douglas Adams and believes in The Man Who Rules The Universe scenario.

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Not official yet, but...



Hillary Clinton 52%

Bernie Sanders 48%



Donald Trump 34%

Ted Cruz 22%

Marco Rubio 22%

Jeb Bush 8%

John Kasich 8%

Ben Carson 7%



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It is amazing to me how the bunch of you care so much more about this election than I do. Or maybe it's just indicative.


My primary is a week from Tuesday - they're calling it "SuperDuper Tuesday" or the "SEC Primary." Used to just be Super Tuesday but I gues we got an upgrade.


I already know who I am voting for, much to my mother's chagrin, and it will require me to 1) vote out of party, and 2) throw my vote away. Politics sucks.

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The race is starting to solidify. If Hillary backs up her win in Nevada with a win in South Carolina next Saturday then she's well on her way to the nomination with the momentum going into Super Tuesday.


With Jeb(!) dropping out, we have 5 left, and can discount Carson who, it was suggested on CNN tonight, is only staying in as a means to sell books at this stage. Trump is starting to look startlingly ominous. Cruz and Rubio both gave what seemed like winners speeches after South Carolina, despite being beat by the best part of 12 points by Trump. Trump's winning across ages and creeds. He's winning enough evangelicals to blunt any momentum Cruz might have and Rubio is still struggling to unite the 'Establishment' vote after his mauling by Chris Christie. Kasich is the unknown quantity. He finished second in New Hampshire, but 5th (behind Jeb) in South Carolina. He's running low on money and a bad result on Super Tuesday could make it hard for him, particularly if Rubio does well. However, if he can pick up Jeb's share of the vote (say people looking for executive experience - i.e. a governor like Bush and Kasich), then he could be polling comparably well to Rubio. He seems to be banking on moderate states (currently in Massachusetts for instance) and is hopeful of still being in the race in mid-March, when Michigan and Ohio vote (he's Governor of Ohio and Michigan is next door), believing that this is when he'll come into his own (but if it's still a 4-man race, I'm not sure that's a given). But no candidate in history who has won both New Hampshire and South Carolina (as Trump has done) has not been their party's nominee for the Presidential election, so however much people keep disbelieving that Trump will win, there's no reason to say that he won't, particularly as with the race still crowded, he can in all these states without breaking what appears to be his ceiling of support of around 35% right now.


So, looking down the road, Trump and Hillary are the nominees and despite some of the fanciful talk on here, there will be no Bernie Sanders third party run. Bloomberg won't run if Hillary's the nominee so there goes that variable too. The Republican establishment will swallow their pride and support the most unlikely candidate their party has nominated since Barry Goldwater in 1964, maybe even ever, and concentrate on trying to destroy Clinton (Emails, Benghazi, Bill to name but a few of the things they'll bring up). Clinton will sweep up a lot of women (who already lean to the Democrats anyway), plus Hispanics and African-Americans (dependent on who they both pick as the running mates, but I'm not sure even the presence of Marco Rubio as Trump's unlikely VP would negate Hispanic dislike of his comments about Mexico) and Trump will pick up the traditional wing of the Republican party (white men, evangelical voters, veterans). The question will then be whether Trump can strip so-called 'blue collar' Democrats from Hillary and whether or not Trump can moderate himself enough in the general election to tempt back a few Independents who are currently running as far away from him as possible. My gut still says at this time that Hillary is the frontrunner but it could get very ugly in the months to come.

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Excellent analysis. Bush doing so poorly was a surprise but he had no chance to stand out as he's pretty average. Do the Republican party really want Trump and could he actually beat Clinton? What happens when anyone vaguely Mexican looking gets rounded up for deportation?

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Not official yet, but...



Hillary Clinton 52%

Bernie Sanders 48%



Donald Trump 34%

Ted Cruz 22%

Marco Rubio 22%

Jeb Bush 8%

John Kasich 8%

Ben Carson 7%



I'm surprised Carson didn't drop out too.

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Guest Droosy

Excellent analysis. Bush doing so poorly was a surprise but he had no chance to stand out as he's pretty average. Do the Republican party really want Trump and could he actually beat Clinton? What happens when anyone vaguely Mexican looking gets rounded up for deportation?

It would be funny, because the latest analyses have showed that the average American is turning bronze and the pure WASPS will be marginalized in a few years´time

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Not official yet, but...



Hillary Clinton 52%

Bernie Sanders 48%



Donald Trump 34%

Ted Cruz 22%

Marco Rubio 22%

Jeb Bush 8%

John Kasich 8%

Ben Carson 7%



I'm surprised Carson didn't drop out too.


So am I.

I expected Carson to drop out now, Kasich maybe wait to see how he does in Nevada, and for Bush to wait until they're both out to drop out himself.

Anyways, Carson made an update on his Facebook page last night saying that he's not going to drop out, he wants Americans to hear his message, blah, blah, blah.

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Excellent analysis. Bush doing so poorly was a surprise but he had no chance to stand out as he's pretty average. Do the Republican party really want Trump and could he actually beat Clinton? What happens when anyone vaguely Mexican looking gets rounded up for deportation?

It would be funny, because the latest analyses have showed that the average American is turning bronze and the pure WASPS will be marginalized in a few years´time


Wonder how Trump will suggest identifying them? Make them wear yellow stars maybe?

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Not official yet, but...



Hillary Clinton 52%

Bernie Sanders 48%



Donald Trump 34%

Ted Cruz 22%

Marco Rubio 22%

Jeb Bush 8%

John Kasich 8%

Ben Carson 7%



I'm surprised Carson didn't drop out too.


So am I.

I expected Carson to drop out now, Kasich maybe wait to see how he does in Nevada, and for Bush to wait until they're both out to drop out himself.

Anyways, Carson made an update on his Facebook page last night saying that he's not going to drop out, he wants Americans to hear his message, blah, blah, blah.


Bush wasn't interested in staying in if it was clear he couldn't win and since he's not even finished as highly as Kasich in any contest thus far (4th in a 6-man field in SC to Kasich's 2nd in a 9-man field in NH) that point had been reached so he dropped out. Like I said earlier, Kasich is banking on surviving until the middle of March when Ohio and Michigan vote but needs some decent results to get him there. Carson is a law unto himself and God know's what's keeping him in the race. Like I said earlier, CNN suggested he's just trying to sell books. Cruz is really pissed off with him though because a lot of polls suggests that Carson voters would likely switch to Cruz if he dropped out, so all he's doing is hurting Cruz. Not that that's any bad thing necessarily... :rolleyes:

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Kasich may lose the support of women after tweeting he has got support from "many women, who left their kitchens" to campaign for him

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Guest Uncle Barack

Kasich may lose the support of women after tweeting he has got support from "many women, who left their kitchens" to campaign for him

Man even I wouldn't have been stupid enough to tweet "Thanks to all my young white supporters for leaving their parents basements to vote for me"


Um... I mean, if I ever stepped out of my narcissistic stupor long enough to give a shit about this country and notice things like that, that is...!






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Glenn Beck reveals the real reason why Antonin Scalia died.


God took Scalia to give America Ted Cruz as president


If this really is God's plan then he's got work to do. All Cruz is doing is looking stupid with all his Supreme Court claims. It's put the issue front and centre and reminded all liberals tempted by Trump of the dangers the court faces with a Republican president. Cruz won't be the nominee and he won't be the next President. Sorry Glenn, you'll get to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. You can choose for yourself which is Hillary and which is Trump.

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Kasich may lose the support of women after tweeting he has got support from "many women, who left their kitchens" to campaign for him

Man even I wouldn't have been stupid enough to tweet "Thanks to all my young white supporters for leaving their parents basements to vote for me"


Um... I mean, if I ever stepped out of my narcissistic stupor long enough to give a shit about this country and notice things like that, that is...!








I think it was intended as a joke, but backfired on him.

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Rough results of the Nevada Republican Caucus (16% reported):


Trump 46.6%

Rubio 23.5%

Cruz 20.4%

Carson 5.7%

Kasich 3.8%


People, get used to President Trump. He's going to be the nominee, now it's just whether he can beat Hillary (or Bernie - but mostly Hillary). Cruz is giving another victory speech. Don't be fooled - he lost by a mile. It's Trump.

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