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Lord Fellatio Nelson

Life is a Bastard

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For some reason I was minded to find a current pic of Katherine Ross.

If you dont know who she is, you haven't seen The Graduate or a whole plethora of US TV shows/Films and the like of the 70s where she popped up playing a vision of beauty, because, by fucking christ, she was.






Its just WRONG!!!!!!!!

PS: Yes, she is married to Sam Elliot.


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Same with Stockard Channing, she looks fucking awful these days. 

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KR doesn't look so bad for 77.  At least she doesn't look like a grotesque plastic alien.

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I don't think she looks  too bad either for 77. She's exactly 2 days younger than mother so going by that I think La Ross is holding up quite well.

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My darling daughter is 12 today, so took her to work, chucked her in a boat and let her run around chasing seagulls/jumping fish etc for 3 hours, as any good parent would do. The injustice is, I got an envelope meant to have a birthday card in it for her yesterday through the post. Thieving bastard employees of the English Queen robbed it, looking for £££ no doubt. It was for a dug you thieving fuckers.


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11 minutes ago, charon said:


My darling daughter is 12 today, so took her to work, chucked her in a boat and let her run around chasing seagulls/jumping fish etc for 3 hours, as any good parent would do. The injustice is, I got an envelope meant to have a birthday card in it for her yesterday through the post. Thieving bastard Scottish employees of the English Queen robbed it, looking for £££ no doubt. It was for a dug you thieving fuckers.



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12 minutes ago, Handrejka said:

I don't think she looks  too bad either for 77. She's exactly 2 days younger than mother so going by that I think La Ross is holding up quite well.

I dont think she looks bad for her age either Handy, she is still beautiful in my eyes.

I suppose the point I was making was that the ravages of time take their toll on all of us, as demonstrated by the before and after pic.

I shouldnt have been like that, surely we could have been left to look youthful throughout our life cycle!!!

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When, exactly, does your grandaddyness hit? We should be forewarned.

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*envelope came from the Shire, so nice try at edit......

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17 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

I dont think she looks bad for her age either Handy, she is still beautiful in my eyes.

I suppose the point I was making was that the ravages of time take their toll on all of us, as demonstrated by the before and after pic.

I shouldnt have been like that, surely we could have been left to look youthful throughout our life cycle!!!


Yes.  Another gripe I have is if we lose a tooth, why can't we grow another one?  It happens once, so it should have been possible to repeat this feature.

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Christine Keeler and Sylvia Sims also prove that age is a bastard.

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1 hour ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

I dont think she looks bad for her age either Handy, she is still beautiful in my eyes.

I suppose the point I was making was that the ravages of time take their toll on all of us, as demonstrated by the before and after pic.

I shouldnt have been like that, surely we could have been left to look youthful throughout our life cycle!!!

 I see what you mean. It can be rather jolting, it reminds us of our own aging too.

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1 hour ago, charon said:

*envelope came from the Shire, so nice try at edit......

Well it was worth a go.:D

Baby will be here soon.

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For some reason, this reminds me of years ago, Channel 5 (I think) did a tribute to Judi Dench for her 70th. Lots and lots of pretentious Arty types talk about her "brave acting choices" and "gravitas" and all that rubbish they like to talk. Up comes Brian Blessed. "JUDI DENCH IS THE SEXIEST WOMAN I HAVE EVER MET" He roared, "AND SHE STILL DRIVES ME WILD WITH LUST! OH YES!"





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Whole things subjective, mind you. Take Claire Bloom. Rather old  - 86 this year - but aged rather well, all things considered (at least she had last I saw!), and you can still sort of see why men went nuts over her in her youth, even if 50-60 years have passed.


I dunno. Can't think of anyone. Diana Rigg isn't the Diana Rigg of the 1960s anymore, but she's 81, and that's better than living in a world without Diana Rigg in it. B)





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Claire Bloom in 2016.

Still elegant, still good looking.


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5 hours ago, Toast said:


Yes.  Another gripe I have is if we lose a tooth, why can't we grow another one?  It happens once, so it should have been possible to repeat this feature.

Along those lines, my daughter is a month away from 7, and has yet to have even a wiggly tooth.  At what point do I take her to a maxillofacial specialist to have all her teeth taken out by force and child dentures put in?

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13 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

For some reason I was minded to find a current pic of Katherine Ross.

If you dont know who she is, you haven't seen The Graduate or a whole plethora of US TV shows/Films and the like of the 70s where she popped up playing a vision of beauty, because, by fucking christ, she was.




NowIts just WRONG!!!!!!!!

PS: Yes, she is married to Sam Elliot.



So, she's aged. She's 77. What do you expect? Happens to us all unless we invest, and even then it catches up eventually. 


Why is life a bastard about this? She's still alive. She's happily married. By all accounts she's generally happy and healthy. Her kid's a nut, but so is mine and that's not the end of the world. She writes children's book and hangs out on her ranch.


We should all hope to be in as good a place when we are 77.


This sort of attitude bothers me because 1) it places unrealistic expectations on women just because they are beautiful when young, 2) it implies that a woman has no value beyond her ability to walk in front of a man and have him fall over his erection, and 3) it holds that aging and death are enemies to us when they are the natural path of life.


Many of us are beautiful when we are young. We have children and get stretch marks and a belly. Our breasts succumb to gravity. Our thyroids head out and we gain weight. Menopause wreaks havoc. Despite all the exercise, creams, lotions, potions, tucks and tallies, we are going to get old. We are going to die. All of us. 


The loss of youth does not correlate to a loss of value.  I don't know about anyone else, but my grandmother was the most beautiful woman I ever knew.



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1 hour ago, CarolAnn said:


So, she's aged. She's 77. What do you expect? Happens to us all unless we invest, and even then it catches up eventually. 


Why is life a bastard about this? She's still alive. She's happily married. By all accounts she's generally happy and healthy. Her kid's a nut, but so is mine and that's not the end of the world. She writes children's book and hangs out on her ranch.


We should all hope to be in as good a place when we are 77.


This sort of attitude bothers me because 1) it places unrealistic expectations on women just because they are beautiful when young, 2) it implies that a woman has no value beyond her ability to walk in front of a man and have him fall over his erection, and 3) it holds that aging and death are enemies to us when they are the natural path of life.


Many of us are beautiful when we are young. We have children and get stretch marks and a belly. Our breasts succumb to gravity. Our thyroids head out and we gain weight. Menopause wreaks havoc. Despite all the exercise, creams, lotions, potions, tucks and tallies, we are going to get old. We are going to die. All of us. 


The loss of youth does not correlate to a loss of value.  I don't know about anyone else, but my grandmother was the most beautiful woman I ever knew.



Good points well made.

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4 hours ago, CarolAnn said:


So, she's aged. She's 77. What do you expect? Happens to us all unless we invest, and even then it catches up eventually. 


Why is life a bastard about this? She's still alive. She's happily married. By all accounts she's generally happy and healthy. Her kid's a nut, but so is mine and that's not the end of the world. She writes children's book and hangs out on her ranch.


We should all hope to be in as good a place when we are 77.


This sort of attitude bothers me because 1) it places unrealistic expectations on women just because they are beautiful when young, 2) it implies that a woman has no value beyond her ability to walk in front of a man and have him fall over his erection, and 3) it holds that aging and death are enemies to us when they are the natural path of life.


Many of us are beautiful when we are young. We have children and get stretch marks and a belly. Our breasts succumb to gravity. Our thyroids head out and we gain weight. Menopause wreaks havoc. Despite all the exercise, creams, lotions, potions, tucks and tallies, we are going to get old. We are going to die. All of us. 


The loss of youth does not correlate to a loss of value.  I don't know about anyone else, but my grandmother was the most beautiful woman I ever knew.



Thank you for writing this. Hugs from the old lady.

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6 hours ago, CarolAnn said:


So, she's aged. She's 77. What do you expect? Happens to us all unless we invest, and even then it catches up eventually. 


Why is life a bastard about this? She's still alive. She's happily married. By all accounts she's generally happy and healthy. Her kid's a nut, but so is mine and that's not the end of the world. She writes children's book and hangs out on her ranch.


We should all hope to be in as good a place when we are 77.


This sort of attitude bothers me because 1) it places unrealistic expectations on women just because they are beautiful when young, 2) it implies that a woman has no value beyond her ability to walk in front of a man and have him fall over his erection, and 3) it holds that aging and death are enemies to us when they are the natural path of life.


Many of us are beautiful when we are young. We have children and get stretch marks and a belly. Our breasts succumb to gravity. Our thyroids head out and we gain weight. Menopause wreaks havoc. Despite all the exercise, creams, lotions, potions, tucks and tallies, we are going to get old. We are going to die. All of us. 


The loss of youth does not correlate to a loss of value.  I don't know about anyone else, but my grandmother was the most beautiful woman I ever knew.



If you had read a following post by me CA you would have seen that, to me, she is still a beautiful woman, something that time had not diminished.

I could also have put up pics of umpteen men who have also gone from youthful beauty into aged beauty but, at that time, I was thinking of Katherine Ross!

I don't think there are any unrealistic expectations on women apart from the unrealistic expectations they have about themselves.

Pick up a 'Womens' magazine and the fucker is full of fashion tips, diet tips,  'how to be gorgeous at 40' tips etc etc.

All written by women, for women about women.

Try finding that kind of shit in a mens orientated publication.

I, for one, am not swayed by size, shape, looks , what she wears, saggy tits, saggy stomachs or anything else that, for some strange reason, seems to pre occupy millions of women on a daily basis. 

Im certain that I am not the only man in that thought and opinion.

Sure, there are men out there that expect the Earth but, fuck them, men like that aint worth it!

To wit, ive never ever or will ever ever give one two or three fucks about a womans physique, age, appearance because it will not necessarily define who she is.

Yes, we are all going to get old and we are all going to die BUT ( as per my original post ) it would have been nice if 'god' had allowed us to keep our youthful looks to go with our youthful thoughts ( im 52 with a mental age of 19) to see us out of this world.

Hence, life is a bastard.

I think people have read way too much into the content of the post and completely missed its point.

Oh well.......







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9 hours ago, Lard Bazaar said:

I'm 43 and fit as fuck.

Fucking hell, you have lopped 10 years off of your age.

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