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Alain Delon

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Alain Delon was absolutely stunning when he was younger. He's aged horrendously. Some people maintain their looks throughout their life e.g. Tab Hunter. Some absolutely bomb. Did Delon lost his looks due to his lifestyle?

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His daughter, Anouchka, posted a new picture of him (apparently taken last Friday) on Instagram.


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6 minutes ago, Jonah said:

His daughter, Anouchka, posted a new picture of him (apparently taken last Friday) on Instagram.


Doesn’t look great at all

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14 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

Doesn’t look great at all

Doesn't look like he's away to imminently die either though.

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7 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Doesn't look like he's away to imminently die either though.

Agreed, altough he looks lost, feels like there is nothing behind his eyes which cool go with the previous health update of him being unable to speak a lot and losing his mind 

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1 hour ago, Jonah said:

His daughter, Anouchka, posted a new picture of him (apparently taken last Friday) on Instagram.


Against the grain. I think he looks amazing for someone nearing 90

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I think he will reach 89 but I don’t see him being nonagerian.

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I think he could die this year. His expression makes me think to one of the last photo of Guy Bedos, in which the man had looked not to Bad but already in another planet, just a feeling.

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Doing well according to his son.

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Recent photos of him with hair cuted, taken by his daughter Anouchka. He is safe for the rest of the year. I still see him passing before his 90th birthday

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appeared in a video with his son for the 83th anniversary of his late wife. The videos were taken a while back as they wear winter clothes. He seemed real frail back then, using a walker but still sharp of mind… 

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36 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

appeared in a video with his son for the 83th anniversary of his late wife. The videos were taken a while back as they wear winter clothes. He seemed real frail back then, using a walker but still sharp of mind… 

looks decrepit enough that im doubting him living to see 2025

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If he's on 2025 Official deathlist, I think that he could be a serious name to replace Brigitte Bardot for example ! 

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2025 List if he makes it


The only newbies you could argue that are more urgent are Sven-Goran Eriksson and Geoffrey Boycott. Even June Spencer has a better chance of seeing 2026 than Delon IMO.

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54 minutes ago, The Daredevil said:

2025 List if he makes it


The only newbies you could argue that are more urgent are Sven-Goran Eriksson and Geoffrey Boycott.

i think youre also forgetting jayapataka

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17 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

i think youre also forgetting jayapataka


Forgetting? I can't even spell it/him.

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27 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

i think youre also forgetting jayapataka


Your grasp of Deathlist worthiness is about as fucked as your grasp of punctuation and capital letters.

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19 minutes ago, TQR said:


Your grasp of Deathlist worthiness is about as fucked as your grasp of punctuation and capital letters.


He''s an American about 16 years old tops, give the guy a break. (I did, but you'd need to look it up).

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50 minutes ago, En Passant said:

He's an American about 16 years old tops, give the guy a break.


Look, I'm in a grump, it'd be unfair if I gave them a break and not other people :D

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1 hour ago, TQR said:


Your grasp of Deathlist worthiness is about as fucked as your grasp of punctuation and capital letters.

what did i even do, man?

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18 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

what did i even do, man?



But it's not enough. You've stumbled on a site where you need a bit of smarts.


You need to back it up in this place. We're a level above your standard gobshite site. If you're not saying something of note rather than generic twaddle you're getting your arse kicked (rightly).

Welcome! :D.

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19 minutes ago, jimbean1121 said:

what did i even do, man?


Oh I don't fucking know. The inner machinations of the mind are an enigma, or summat.

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