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13 minutes ago, charon said:

No its not.


Continue to attract from abroad?


Fuck that. It continues the population growth, which results in more folk getting old and......needing doctors.


* during my last blast with the fuckers over a cancer diagnosis, everything was "fine" until the specialist fucked off home for a 6 month jolly due to the wedge he was getting paid therefore he didn't need the work. Then 3 other foreign specialists one after the other, all with differing ideas and then it went to shit.


Destroy the NHS now and rebuild it fit for purpose, surgeons/office staff/gp's etc all sacked for negligence so no pay out/pension fucked, and hire on at 60% of current wage. And only hire back 15/20% of the Office Staff. Them cuntesses create problems ffs that then need "solved".


They want to move to Canada/Oz? Go cuntos, but leave your passport, you ain't ever getting back in.


We need another Spanish Flu, but Brexit will help re the population problem.



Right that's that solved.






The Benefits system...... :)

Charon for PM.:lol:

Sometimes you don't actually know whether to laugh or cry.

You get some link posted up to one of those shit Buzzfeed type '10 worst cars ever built, evah!!  lists which has absolutely fuck all research done, zero caveats to the data and no reasoning whatsoever as to how the data is actually influenced by external forces.

The US will pay the most for Doctors but there are a whole plethora of reasons why they do, and it is not merely because the NHS is solely public funded and...….doh!! 

Ireland actually spends less of a percentage of their GDP on health than we do, dunno why but, I'm sure, some PROPER fucking research would illicit a much more cognant answer than just reading a list on a shit click bait website.

I don't have a problem having my trousers pulled down and my arse spanked ( fuck off Cat, it's a metaphor....:lol:    )  if I am running into cul de sacs but people throwing useless data at a discussion is just lazy, ill thought out and, honestly, it's just completely shit.

As eloquently as it was written, it was written by a muppet.

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Don't think it solely public funded, tho could be wrong.


Sure they license shit loads of patents etc......

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26 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

I don't have a problem having my trousers pulled down and my arse spanked ( fuck off Cat, it's a metaphor....:lol:



Spoilsport.  :lol:

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Another Snowflake shite.



In a Wurlt that needs 7 day a week commerce, the wankers in Edinburgh want to shut roads on one Sunday a month to allow for Community Fun activities.


They're mental cunts behind this, who should be shot (after watching their children drowned) and not just sacked.




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On 23/10/2018 at 21:30, charon said:

No its not.


Continue to attract from abroad?


Fuck that. It continues the population growth, which results in more folk getting old and......needing doctors.


* during my last blast with the fuckers over a cancer diagnosis, everything was "fine" until the specialist fucked off home for a 6 month jolly due to the wedge he was getting paid therefore he didn't need the work. Then 3 other foreign specialists one after the other, all with differing ideas and then it went to shit.


Destroy the NHS now and rebuild it fit for purpose, surgeons/office staff/gp's etc all sacked for negligence so no pay out/pension fucked, and hire on at 60% of current wage. And only hire back 15/20% of the Office Staff. Them cuntesses create problems ffs that then need "solved".


They want to move to Canada/Oz? Go cuntos, but leave your passport, you ain't ever getting back in.


We need another Spanish Flu, but Brexit will help re the population problem.



Right that's that solved.






The Benefits system...... :)


You'll have to keep waiting for another Spanish flu to significantly dent human population.  Every big viral outbreak worldwide in the past couple of decades has been effectively contained and stopped - see the big West african ebola outbreak, SARS, bird flu etc. Drug resistant bacteria, otoh, may be a bigger threat, but would not lead to any sudden population dip so much as a gradual decrease in life expectancy.


As for what Brexit will do to UK population; yes, a small proportion of the population are leaving, but they tend to be people of working age, or people with young families to worry about. Whereas there's likely to be a countermigration of the elderly from the south of France and south of Spain in the absence of healthcare access. 


Sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis, but as for your oncologist moving - how dare they! It's not like they're a human being with a life of their own, right?


And as for the benefits system, it's utterly boned. The biggest chunk if the benefits spend is the state pension, and that expenditure only goes up and up and up each year. Plus it would be a brave politician that instituted a significant break on this rise, since pensioners make up a large and growing share of the electorate.




If the only criticism you can level at my post is the source of one set of figures (which was picked as the most recent set of those figures, which every other recentish source broadly agrees with), then I don't think you really have much to say worth replying to.

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Paddyfool, met charon. If you start from the principle that he officially hates every human breathing, then you can be pleasant surprised by the ones he doesn't. :lol:



Whereas stuff like the benefits system and the NHS are just shock of the new to "Nelson", he remembers the Spanish Flu from the first time round. :D

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A fair critique to be honest.

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6 hours ago, paddyfool said:


You'll have to keep waiting for another Spanish flu to significantly dent human population.  Every big viral outbreak worldwide in the past couple of decades has been effectively contained and stopped - see the big West african ebola outbreak, SARS, bird flu etc. Drug resistant bacteria, otoh, may be a bigger threat, but would not lead to any sudden population dip so much as a gradual decrease in life expectancy.


As for what Brexit will do to UK population; yes, a small proportion of the population are leaving, but they tend to be people of working age, or people with young families to worry about. Whereas there's likely to be a countermigration of the elderly from the south of France and south of Spain in the absence of healthcare access. 


Sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis, but as for your oncologist moving - how dare they! It's not like they're a human being with a life of their own, right?


And as for the benefits system, it's utterly boned. The biggest chunk if the benefits spend is the state pension, and that expenditure only goes up and up and up each year. Plus it would be a brave politician that instituted a significant break on this rise, since pensioners make up a large and growing share of the electorate.




If the only criticism you can level at my post is the source of one set of figures (which was picked as the most recent set of those figures, which every other recentish source broadly agrees with), then I don't think you really have much to say worth replying to.

Oh, I could absolutely shit all over that post but what's the point?

The set of figures you cling to because ' every other recentish source broadly agrees with' are meaningless because they do not explain why a US Doctor earns more than a Canadian one or a UK doctor earns less than an Irish one. Figures are meaningless without drilling down into the core of them. Basically, you are talking shite.



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One factor behind what docs are paid in the UK today, if you're genuinely curious, is that GP pay has actually been trending downward over the last decade: http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/gp-topics/pay/data-lowdown-have-uk-gps-really-had-a-3-pay-rise/20037395.article ("In 2006/7, all types of GPs on average earned £120,308, compared with £92,500 in 2016/17 – a reduction of 23%.")


Just as public sector pay has been squeezed generally, with the pay freeze / below inflation rises in nursing, police, and teaching salaries etc. (Excepting only MP and ministerial salaries, of course).

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Back to ‘Snowflake’.


A series of Earthquakes have hit my favourite island of Zakynthos overnight. The largest was 6.8 ish - admittedly pretty strong (I’ve been there when earthquakes have been around 5+), but reading ‘The Sun’  story this morning you’d think all hell had broken loose.


Tracey Archer, from Yorkshire, tweeted to travel agent Thomas Cook: “Please do something!! We are stuck in Zante after an earthquake and everyone is outside the hotel in blankets.


There’s babies and young children. Please do something, we’re scared and cold.”

Tracey, 27, told The Sun Online: “We’re terrified. We’ve just had another bad aftershock and they keep coming.

“We were stood outside the hotel for about three hours in the freezing cold, scared.

“There were young children crying and screaming. We felt a quake about 1.30am and later a larger one half hour later.”


She added: “The bed was shaking violently for minutes it. My partner and I screamed and grabbed each other and he put a pillow over us to protect us as we thought the ceiling would cave.”


All buildings in Zakynthos are built with reinforced concrete to the highest standard following the Ionian earthquake in 1953. I think Tracey was being a little bit melodramatic. 


Edit- just spoken to my mate on the island. He’s confirmed no damage bar a broken coffee cup. I’m starting a fund to assist with his rebuilding ;) 


Tracey can sit in her blanket outside her hotel for all I care :D 

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Shouldn't take "babies and young children" abroad then Trace.


Earthquakes are an Act of God, fuck all to do with Thomas Cook.


And if she's tweeting, whining to the Sun , and being on 5Live which I heard , the Communication Network seems to have survived the utter carnage.


Funny that Trace.

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5 hours ago, paddyfool said:

One factor behind what docs are paid in the UK today, if you're genuinely curious, is that GP pay has actually been trending downward over the last decade: http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/gp-topics/pay/data-lowdown-have-uk-gps-really-had-a-3-pay-rise/20037395.article ("In 2006/7, all types of GPs on average earned £120,308, compared with £92,500 in 2016/17 – a reduction of 23%.")


Just as public sector pay has been squeezed generally, with the pay freeze / below inflation rises in nursing, police, and teaching salaries etc. (Excepting only MP and ministerial salaries, of course).



The explanation as to "why" is in the link.


"He explained that once GPs have a taxable income above £100,000, HMRC restricts personal tax free allowance, ‘so effectively any profits you earn between £100,000 and £123,000 are taxed at 60% and you’re paying 2% national insurance… and if you’re still an active member of the NHS pension scheme, they’re taking their 28.8% as well"


So no incentive to earn more. Yet their expenses have soared in the same period.


Funny that Paddy.

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 "Expenses" cover staff costs (locum GPs, salary GPs, practice nurses, healthcare assistants, practice pharmacists, practice managers, receptionists, etc,), the general running costs of the practice, accountancy fees and bank charges. http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/gp-topics/gp-contract-2017/18/will-gps-finally-get-a-pay-rise/20033961.article


The reason the average earnings of GPs have fallen is the switch from the NHS employing GP partners to cheaper salaried GPs. Which is also part of the reason for gp partner expenses to rise, since they include the costs of those salaries.

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1 hour ago, charon said:

Shouldn't take "babies and young children" abroad then Trace.


Earthquakes are an Act of God, fuck all to do with Thomas Cook.


And if she's tweeting, whining to the Sun , and being on 5Live which I heard , the Communication Network seems to have survived the utter carnage.


Funny that Trace.

The road around the harbour has a crack in it and some plate glass has gone in the shops in Zakynthos town. Pretty standard stuff for earthquakes on Zakynthos trust me.


No one was injured reading the Ionian newspaper on line and nobody attended the hospital. Bar Tracey from Yorkshire who was ‘badly shook up’...



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When we had dinner on top of an active volcano as a kid (you can actually do that, restaurant on one of the Spanish islands...) there was a loud rumble beneath us, as is the thing with volcanoes. Child msc asked his dad what would happen if the volcano errupted while we were there.


Dad said "just think of it as an added bit of excitement" and kept eating. :D

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1 hour ago, philheybrookbay said:

No one was injured reading the Ionian newspaper on line

Two bullets dodged then, what with earthquakes as well.

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9 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Two bullets dodged then, what with earthquakes as well.

I’m almost looking forward to reading about Tracey’s attempted compo claim reference said Earthquake. 


50p bet that she’ll be on either Look North or Calendar tonight as well. 

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3 hours ago, philheybrookbay said:

Back to ‘Snowflake’.


3 hours ago, philheybrookbay said:

I think Tracey was being a little bit melodramatic. 


I think it's in the media's interest to try and make news stories as exciting and scary as possible. So getting scared quotes from an anxious young Mum of young kids who's likely just had her first earthquake experience ever, quite likely cherry-picking the most dramatic things that she said, is par for the course. 

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4 hours ago, philheybrookbay said:

Back to ‘Snowflake’.


A series of Earthquakes have hit my favourite island of Zakynthos overnight. The largest was 6.8 ish - admittedly pretty strong (I’ve been there when earthquakes have been around 5+), but reading ‘The Sun’  story this morning you’d think all hell had broken loose.


Tracey Archer, from Yorkshire, tweeted to travel agent Thomas Cook: “Please do something!! We are stuck in Zante after an earthquake and everyone is outside the hotel in blankets.


There’s babies and young children. Please do something, we’re scared and cold.”

Tracey, 27, told The Sun Online: “We’re terrified. We’ve just had another bad aftershock and they keep coming.

“We were stood outside the hotel for about three hours in the freezing cold, scared.

“There were young children crying and screaming. We felt a quake about 1.30am and later a larger one half hour later.”


She added: “The bed was shaking violently for minutes it. My partner and I screamed and grabbed each other and he put a pillow over us to protect us as we thought the ceiling would cave.”


All buildings in Zakynthos are built with reinforced concrete to the highest standard following the Ionian earthquake in 1953. I think Tracey was being a little bit melodramatic. 


Edit- just spoken to my mate on the island. He’s confirmed no damage bar a broken coffee cup. I’m starting a fund to assist with his rebuilding ;) 


Tracey can sit in her blanket outside her hotel for all I care :D 

My bed hasn't shook violently for many years.:(

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1 hour ago, paddyfool said:



I think it's in the media's interest to try and make news stories as exciting and scary as possible. So getting scared quotes from an anxious young Mum of young kids who's likely just had her first earthquake experience ever, quite likely cherry-picking the most dramatic things that she said, is par for the course. 

Have you considered just fucking off from here? No?

Give it some consideration please.

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3 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Have you considered just fucking off from here? No?

Give it some consideration please.


Why should paddyfool 'consider fucking off from here'? Because you don't agree with him, perhaps? What a stock LFN response: predictable, abuse-laden bile.


Have you considered being any less belligerent and bilious towards other people on here? No? Perhaps give that some consideration please.


Don't bother replying to this, it'll only be another unnecessary stream of vitriol. Probably accusing me of being a snowflake or Z or a similarly obvious and nauseating response.

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1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:


Why should paddyfool 'consider fucking off from here'? Because you don't agree with him, perhaps? What a stock LFN response: predictable, abuse-laden bile.


Have you considered being any less belligerent and bilious towards other people on here? No? Perhaps give that some consideration please.


Don't bother replying to this, it'll only be another unnecessary stream of vitriol. Probably accusing me of being a snowflake or Z or a similarly obvious and nauseating response.

I really couldn't give a shit what you think. Ok?

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6 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:


Why should paddyfool 'consider fucking off from here'? Because you don't agree with him, perhaps? What a stock LFN response: predictable, abuse-laden bile.


Have you considered being any less belligerent and bilious towards other people on here? No? Perhaps give that some consideration please.


Don't bother replying to this, it'll only be another unnecessary stream of vitriol. Probably accusing me of being a snowflake or Z or a similarly obvious and nauseating response.

Probably accusing me of being a snowflake or Z or a similarly obvious and nauseating response


smitten by Jesus?


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When younger (lie), occasionally you would go out at night, get cunted and want TO FUCK SHIT UP, whilst dodging Politzi, and folk who wid hospitalise you.


Now, the snowflakes have "Street Pastors" to care for them. Fucking Hell.


Came up on fb from an ex wife of an ex work mate. Knew she's a holy roller but she's into this shit, even if its a 150 mile round drive for her.








They'd be the first to get bottled if it kicks off.....




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