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Yeah, the Doctor is being relegated to secondary character status way too often, and that's the one great flaw I can find so far with this series. Must be a side effect of Russell writing around Ncuti's Sex Ed shooting commitments. Something also feels... 'off' with the ordering of the episodes, but I can't put my finger on it. I still believe that the first two episodes would have been perfectly solid mid season episodes in one of Russell's old 13-part series, but didn't quite belong at the very start. 


I get where they were going with this episode, but a story lives and dies by the relatability of its main character, and the fact that the main character was a rich sheltered sociopath living in some eugenicist paradise who changes not a bit for the better didn't work in its favour. 


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Just now, Sod's Law said:
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Yeah, the Doctor is being relegated to secondary character status way too often, and that's the one great flaw I can find so far with this series. Must be a side effect of Russell writing around Ncuti's Sex Ed shooting commitments. Something also feels... 'off' with the ordering of the episodes, but I can't put my finger on it. I still believe that the first two episodes would have been perfectly solid mid season episodes in one of Russell's old 13-part series, but didn't quite belong at the very start. 


I get where they were going with this episode, but a good story lives and dies by the relatability of its main character, and the fact that the main character was a rich sheltered sociopath living in some eugenicist paradise who changes not a bit for the better didn't work in its favour. 



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Bit off topic but it really winds me up how you can't delete your posts on this site. I tried to make a small edit and it's duplicated my whole post. 

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Just caught up by watching the last 3 episodes; my thoughts/opinions!



Boom - Not bad, but not as good as other Moffatt episodes (e.g. Blink)

73 Yards - Really enjoyed this, good tense episode; having said that, being a Doctor-lite episode it could easily have been Black Mirror or Inside No. 9 story!

Dot and Bubble - Another one I really enjoyed; I didn't mind that the Lindy (actually the whole Finetime population) character was unlikeable, but one thing that bugs me is why The Doctor homed in on her (and her bubble friends) to save and not any other. Having been blocked, why didn't he try someone else - why did he (and Ruby) approach her specifically? Did I miss something that explained that, or was it just something we're supposed to accept?



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@time no, that occurred to me too. It's never explained why they focus on her. Perhaps due to the unknown power of her mum, Susan Twist?  :sherlock:

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Not too impressed by the new series so far.  Bring back the cybermen, daleks, yeti etc. 

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Feels like this belongs here... :D

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On 01/06/2024 at 21:46, Paul Bearer said:

Not too impressed by the new series so far.  Bring back the cybermen, daleks, yeti etc. 


Personally I feel like we were drowning in Cybermen and Dalek's by the time 13 regenerated. We need a breather.

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Managed to sneak Rouge into my breakfast schedule this morning, thoughts below.


I certainly enjoyed the episode but don't yet know if I think it was good or just average. Never a fan of romanticism regarding the Doctor, but this was fine, felt quite similar to part one of the season finale of Torchwood series 1 with the real Jack Harkness, I will say I felt more of a connection between 15 and the Rouge than I ever did between 11 and River. I'm not a period drama person and have not seen Bridgerton, so whilst certain references didn't work for me, I found the constant messaging of said Netflix show quite annoying, overall it was an ok setting with some beautiful costumes. Liked the monsters, really interesting and great prosthetics, I especially loved the blue one with the mustache that became the vicar. Groff was good in the role he was given but I don't think I'd want him back. I'd love to have the writers back to pen another script next season either together or individually. Liked the Doctor dancing to Kylie. Loudly swore (in a good way) when I spotted Richard E. Grant in the lineup of past Doctors. Almost missed this week's Susan Twist appearance. Nice to see it dedicated to William Russell. Very very excited for next week, looking forward to getting some answers and hoping a few theories I've seen are true.


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Regarding Jack Harkness, I was waiting for the revelation that Groff's character was either a pre-mindwipe Jack Harkness or maybe a former companion/partner of Jack Harkness, and that he was the one he said he 'lost'. I was disappointed at first that he wasn't mentioned, but then thought maybe it would have been too obvious. I still reckon he was written originally as a younger Jack Harkness before John Barrowman became too 'complicated' to bring back. 


The rest was OK, but not great. It's beginning to bug me that we've had no truly memorable alien monster characters this season and the Doctor himself has played very little role in defeating them (it was Rogue who saved the day this week, before which we had Ruby saving the day and then the Doctor failing to save a group of rich nepo babies from letting their bigotry lead them to their own deaths). Even Chibnall at least seemed to try to put out a memorable alien and give the Doctor something to do at least a few times a season. 


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It was quite fun, but after the last 2 or 3 episodes, a little bit, not a let down exactly, but a bit flat. There was no real sense of jeopardy, except when it looked like Ruby was going to be transported along with the Chuldur. 


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I'm going to give that episode an 8/10. I probably rated it higher because i'm a Johnathan Groff fan from Glee and Hamilton days. While I like Bridgerton I feel that it was too similar and needed to tone it down a little? Interesting that The 15th Doctor can't embrace his emotions and has to move on so quickly.


Now that Kylie is officially canon in this universe. Was Astrid Peth just using an alias?



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I watched it today as didn't get a chance last night (was watching the cricket). I do not know who Jonathan Goff is and I have never watched Bridgerton but I found this episode quite affecting. I like that the villains weren't especially Machiavellian, more just looking for a good time and didn't care about the consequences. I liked that we saw Ncuti accept the mantle of the Doctor a bit more, the TImelord from Gallifrey, with the show of his former faces (didn't catch REG in passing, but seen him since online). Caught the Susan Twist bit (and excited that it seems she's going to be a big part of next week's finale part 1!) and cottoned on to the Ruby twist before it happened. I was surprisingly moved by the Doctor and Rogue's encounter, it has a bit of the Girl in the Fireplace vibes about it (even down to the period costumes). This Doctor seems to have quite a lot in common with Capaldi's at the moment - more of a sad Doctor, which is surprising in some ways as I thought the whole point was Tennant's reincarnation was meant to carry the baggage on Earth, allowing Gatwa to play amongst the stars. I don't know, I am enjoying this season but I'm hoping the finale is a knockout and gives Ncuti something to do. He hasn't really had a hero moment thus far (although, I suppose the Doctor being a hero is a more New Who concept anyway?) 

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I know that Doctor Who fans are often looked on as cash cows by marketing companies (I am guilty of this myself if you look at the prices of things on my ebay store) but who is going to fork out nearly £300 for a teddy bear with a long scarf......


Danbury Mint have had too much of my money in the past


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I should have probably held on to it. But I once sold my 10th Doctor sonic screwdriver for about £40 to someone in Belgium about 15 years ago.

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So wow that is a 9/10 mainly because i'm still in shock.


Same actor who played sutekh in the 70s is the one who we're also seeing now according to the credits (Gabriel Woolf - born 1932).


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1 minute ago, ladyfiona said:

So wow that is a 9/10 mainly because i'm still in shock.

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Same actor who played sutekh in the 70s is the one who we're also seeing now according to the credits (Gabriel Woolf - born 1932).



Ooooh I've been looking forward to it all week from the trailer. Glad it delivers! (I obviously haven't read below the spoiler tag).

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That was....wow. Fucking hell.


Spoiler tags don't work on my phone so I'll say no more, Rover.



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I'm still playing catch up. Just watched Dot & Bubble

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Looks like a case for Tennant and his Tardis to return.


If not, the deus ex machina is either going to be incredibly convoluted or just terrible.


This takes me back though - a proper shit your pants villain.

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Bloody hell!!! Now that's how you set up a season finale!



Where do I start?! Well, I was going to say it's refreshing for RTD to not rely on an obvious villain for the finale and introduce something new...only to discover that Sutekh IS an old Who villain! And one who will definitely have got plenty of 21st century kids diving behind the sofa and hiding behind cushions. A fun episode of growing menace, I'm pleased that Susan Triad didn't turn out to be Susan Foreman - it would have been too simple and I'd love to see Carole Ann Ford reprise the role in some way.  Looks like Mrs Flood may have a simpler part to play than originally assumed, if she is some sort of acolyte of Sutekh, or is she still someone like The Rani in league with Sutekh (seems unlikely - Sutekh seems to be all about the killing). All sorts of questions - how long has Sutekh been connected to the Tardis? Who is Ruby's mum (the one at the church) and is she somehow connected to Sutekh? WTF is going on with Susan Twist?!


Loving the return of Mel and Rose and Kate and Lenny Rush is a great addition to the UNIT family (can we PLEASE get Osgood back as well?! Where's she gone?!)


Oh...and does this mean I've got to watch The Pyramids of Mars before next Saturday...? :sherlock:


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37 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

Bloody hell!!! Now that's how you set up a season finale!


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Where do I start?! Well, I was going to say it's refreshing for RTD to not rely on an obvious villain for the finale and introduce something new...only to discover that Sutekh IS an old Who villain! And one who will definitely have got plenty of 21st century kids diving behind the sofa and hiding behind cushions. A fun episode of growing menace, I'm pleased that Susan Triad didn't turn out to be Susan Foreman - it would have been too simple and I'd love to see Carole Ann Ford reprise the role in some way.  Looks like Mrs Flood may have a simpler part to play than originally assumed, if she is some sort of acolyte of Sutekh, or is she still someone like The Rani in league with Sutekh (seems unlikely - Sutekh seems to be all about the killing). All sorts of questions - how long has Sutekh been connected to the Tardis? Who is Ruby's mum (the one at the church) and is she somehow connected to Sutekh? WTF is going on with Susan Twist?!


Loving the return of Mel and Rose and Kate and Lenny Rush is a great addition to the UNIT family (can we PLEASE get Osgood back as well?! Where's she gone?!)


Oh...and does this mean I've got to watch The Pyramids of Mars before next Saturday...? :sherlock:






The villain showed up in a Tom Baker classic and also in the David Tennant era. Each time played by my DDP pick Gabriel Woolf who is in his nineties now and still has one of the most "pissingly terrifying" villain voices in TV history. By coincidence I rewatched the Tennant story (Satan Pit) last week - I didn't know he was coming back, it was just a "not seen that in years" whim.


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Hats off, one of the best episodes of the Nu-Who era.


Having said that, I'm preparing for a big anti-climax next week.


Edit to ask - There's a UNIT corporal Alice Sullivan (who takes Ruby back to the time window) - have we met her before, and is she any relation to Harry?


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For the first time ever i'm actually considering watching old who episode BECAUSE of a new who episode.

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