These are not times to take employment lightly, so option 3, tempting as the thought is, doesn't seem wise. Turning the other cheek is, so I'm told, what a Xian is supposed to do. I don't see much in it, though. There's little satifaction in moral superiority and it migth even encourage the cunt-sayer to do it some more.
Option 2 can work if you do it with carefully chosen words (preferably dark and menacing), but I don't think there's much gain there and it may still get you in trouble.
Perhaps there's a fourth way: do your job and wait until the little shit presents an opportunity to show in public what a prick he is. They always do. With some luck you may even get him sacked. Keep, if you can, an eye on his email and other Internet activity. Perhaps he watches NSFW flicks on the web; he might have the hots for a one-legged transsexual on a dating site; maybe he's even a member of some ghoulish web forum. Perhaps we can make up some compromising "facts"... Being called one, you might just as well act like a cunt.
Of course if the job doesn't work and you won't get permanent employment, you can always punch the snidey bastard in the face.
Oh yeah, and conga rats on the new job. I know how hard it is to get one.