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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/01/14 in Posts
3 points
2 pointsSympathising with the offender? where do you get that from? EGN and I are clearly on the same wavelength, we remember how things actually were then. If I'd been groped by DLT or his ilk, I'd probably have done him some minor damage with an elbow or knee at the time. Job done. I wouldn't be running to the police about it in 2013, that's for sure.
2 points"Sam Simon, or "Simey," as he liked to be called, taught us that a man can triumph over adversity. And even though Sam's agonizing struggle through life was tragically cut short, I'm sure he's looking down on this right now..."
2 pointsHaving to arrange and oversee computer data input tests for prospective employees at the interview stage. I have never ever been involved 'hands-on' (in a non DLT way) in interviews for new staff in any way shape or form in the jobs I have held over the years, I have been asked for my input beforehand and what I may need for someone working alongside me and consulted afterwards about whether they would suit but I am never involved in the actual interview. Today was different, for reasons I won't bore you with we have the opportunity of offering a young person an admin place. So I got to introduce myself to 3 terrified young men - yes I know those of you that have met me will know how terrifying that is for anyone who at least knows a bit about me, but these kids had never heard of me and I hoped my outward veneer of confidence would hold up, it was totally see through. I am sure they went away thinking 'I have just met the mad aunt from some old movie'. 'that's right dear, aren't you doing well' were phrases slipping out of my mouth as I watched them nervously input data in all the wrong places . Somewhere there is a Facebook status that says 'met this mad old bag today at an interview, she was sweating more than I was, Loser!' They were actually great kids and fairly accurate at the data input but when did they stop teaching capitalisation at schools, if it is an address every word gets a capital letter, if your address is the funny farm every word gets a capital letter. They also learned postcodes can actually have 4 digits in the first part - all 3 of of them changed TD11 to TD1 and proceeded to tell me there can only be 3 digits in the first part of a postcode, no there can't 4 is the maximum, small beef but they were asked to type in what they were given, they were useless at putting capital letters in postcodes too. Just read this back and I am indeed that old bag and loser, suffice to say we hope to take on 2 of them. I shall have my work cut out as a grammar nazi with them and also to convince them that I really have a softer side and I will be making them tea, coffee nipping out to get them their lunch etc and almost plumping their pillows .......as long as they remember to use capital letters
1 point
1 pointKatherine Crowe is at least a lesser known singer and a minor writer so no problems with her. Dr Kate Granger is blogging about her cancer and is now well known, however that hardly makes her a celebrity so I think a point (or two) may be removed. Ditto situations as and when others die. As an unwritten rule, if the person in question has no wiki page, or has no link on Rotten.com, or picked by 4 or fewer teams on DDP and is going to be a unique hit on HPDP then that could raise questions as to level of fame. Having had a few fifteen minutes of fame on the local TV news, eight picks on the DDP and a single Daily Mail article prior to death is no pointer to celebrity.
1 point
1 pointWell that's not true now obviously. Did anyone else catch this on BBC4 earlier? It still holds up quite well. So what is the oldest sitcom where all the main cast are still with us? Red Dwarf maybe? It might be stretching the definition of sitcom, but The Goodies began in 1970 and all 3 principals are not only still with us but all are still working. Definitely in the sitcom bracket is Love Thy Neighbour, which began in 1972; all four leads are still with us (Jack Smethurst, Kate Williams, Rudolph Walker and Nina Baden Semper) though the support cast (Tommy Godfrey, Keith Marsh & Paul Luty) have departed.
1 pointIn the current climate, CPS would take the accusation that a celebrity sexually assaulted you with a unicorn horn, whilst high on pixie dust and rocking horse shit to court. They are getting so much flack for chinning Savile, Watkins et al off in the past that they don't care about the stats, they just want to pass the issue elsewhere and be able to say they tried. I'm not saying DLT was innocent of all the charges by virtue of climate, I can't think of a time in the last few centuries where putting bits of you inside someone else against their will (unless it was your wife, whom you could legally rape until 1991) was okay, but grinding against someone, squeezing boobs and bums, and generally being more forceful in your pursuit of the ladies was pretty standard back in the day.
1 pointMight I suggest the misleading thread title be changed? As this has spiraled beyond simply Mr Savile, perhaps 'Nonce-sense' might be more appropriate? (It is my personal belief that Chris Morris should be referenced as often as possible.) In other news, I had a debate with a colleague today about DLT. Now, I am not saying he was blameless. A quick google reveals that some of the ccusations are quite serious, however, the stuff that seems to be making the news such as; Grinding his groin against a colleague during a smoochy song. Groping somebody's bottom Flicking a name badge attached to a busty security guard and commenting 'Securi-titty' Jiggling the breasts of a colleague as she read the news Seems to me, an 80's child, to be simply the way men carried on in the seventies/early eighties. Trying it on forcefully with women, slapping arses and jiggling boobs was rife in the eighties by my recollection. In fact, the 'Have you had your boobs weighed' proto-meme was doing the rounds when I was in high school in the mid 90's. By modern standards of course his behaviour was unacceptable, however, if we consider that he did this around a time when Benny Hill more or less glorified such actions on a prime time TV show as 'comedic', how can we now lambast them as 'criminal' and 'shocking'. Be in no doubt, the Sexual Offences Act 1956 DOES cover what he has done, and does categorise it as 'indecent assault', however, by the same token the 'bums rush' beloved of Rugby fans around the time was an offence of 'Indecent Exposure' under the Vagrancy act of 1824 and vintage football chants such as 'you're going home in a fucking ambulance' are similarly illegal under the Offences Against the Persons Act of 1861. They were accepted as part of life, and thus never charged. The example I gave to my colleague was this; as a Scotsman, I am routinely referred to as a 'Sweaty sock' by English colleagues. This causes no offence to me, coming as it does from harmless cockney rhyming slang for 'Jock'. However, lets say that over the next few years an event occurs which renders the use of that term pejorative on a level with the 'N word'. Under the Public Order Act 1986, the use of threatening or abusive words or behaviour is an offence. Should I therefore be able to complain that I was once called a sweaty sock, as the term is now pejorative? Of course not. Its fine to say it now, and people should be judged by the standards of their time. I'm not excusing the actions of DLT, but it is society's fault, not his, that this behaviour was so prevalent as to not draw comment at the time. We cannot apply new legislation retrospectively, so we should not try to apply more stringent application of old legislation retrospectively. If you are still in doubt, have a look at the last time you so a seventies comedy show on TV. Almost none of them are re-run because by modern standards they are racist, sexist and discriminatory in a way that modern audiences would find appalling. I don't see the producers of those shows being dragged before the BBC's professional standards committee and asked to account for them, as they were simply 'of their time'.
1 point
1 pointQuite surprisingly, IF this is a genuine post I actually sympathise with you. I live next door to a stuttering twat that looks like a cross between Wayne Rooney and Graham Norton. He and his wife have no children, but do have a boxer dog that they talk to as if it were a child - 'that's a GOOD GIRL, bring the ball to mummy!' - he scuba dives so is deaf, so turns his stereo and Sega Megadrive up to 11, thus making my bookshelves vibrate. They do this between the hours of about 6pm and 1am, as he 'works from home as a photographer' (read that as 'does fuck all except wank while his wife is at work') - thus meaning that I get to sleep at about 2am, and then wake up again about 5am when they decide it's funny to make their dog start barking. On the weekends (and sometimes in the week) they have friends over and all have sex with each other, and his wife does quite a good impression of a squealing Jack Russell with a strangulated hernia. When his friends come over, they find it acceptable to park across my driveway. One day I am going to kill him. Actually kill him, to death. In the meantime, because I'm a lazy council-working cunt, I have dapped along the work corridor to the planning department, who have confirmed that due to the location of our properties, I am perfectly within my rights to erect a rather high fence in my front garden - this will block most of the daytime sun from his living room. And he can do fuck all about it as he doesn't own the house, and IF his landlord tries to complain (which planning say he can't), I will report him to Revenue and Customs, as I know he does not declare the full amount of rent they pay to him. So they can all suck a big fart right out of my ass.
1 point
1 pointTo make such a deduction you must have both boned a woman over 60 AND stuck your cock in a can of baked beans. Sicko. Yeah, but the money I raised for "Children In Need" made it all worth it. KIDS AS WELL! SOMEONE CALL YEWTREE!
1 pointTo make such a deduction you must have both boned a woman over 60 AND stuck your cock in a can of baked beans. Sicko. Yeah, but the money I raised for "Children In Need" made it all worth it.
1 pointTo make such a deduction you must have both boned a woman over 60 AND stuck your cock in a can of baked beans. Sicko.
1 pointYour 60s wank bank is slowly diminishing, you'll have to move on to the 70s soon for your meat-beating fodder. (That's the 1970's, not ladies in their 70s). To be fair Lardy, some seventies wank fodder could now be in their seventies!
1 point
1 pointThink it's about time to organise a whip-round, to buy Guest an overnight stay in Switzerland...
1 pointYeh, God forbid the death of a child getting in the way of your TV viewing pleasure, you twat.
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