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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/09/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Or maybe not. 18 months later, private investigators have confirmed that Tim Dog is dead.
  2. 1 point
    Considering all of the stuff that is available on the internet anyone who comes on here to rant about our lack of taste and sensitivity is really looking for something to rant about. Everyone enjoys watching those morbid montages at the end of the year when they list everyone who has died but because we get in early we are considered to be a bunch of sickos. We may walk the tightrope of taste but we are finely balanced.
  3. 1 point
    I'm thinking she's quite nice too. Actually I think she might have been a better president!
  4. 1 point
    With 13 living picks that are at least 95 along with a few others like Simon and Sallis that are very poorly I think the 10-12 ballpark is easily within reach.
  5. 1 point
    It's the increasing, terrifying prospect that this time next year Boris Johnson could be PM and Nigel Farage could be his deputy in a Tory-UKIP coalition Ok I had to check the IP address to make sure I didn't post this in my sleep but no it isn't my address and even asleep I would never post as a guest. The thought of Boris Johnson 'look at me I am a lovable clown' but is in fact an extremely shrewd man who's views are more right wing than Hitler and Nigel Farage ' I hate the Scots, I despise the poor and I will privatise your NHS quicker than the tories, also I will remove your holiday entitlement, your maternity leave and sick pay faster than you can blink' are the reason I have decided to vote Yes. I was shocked when the UK elections in May saw a huge surge towards Mr. Farage's party, he is a racist and a bigot, did I mention Fascist?. I will take my chances on independence, it isn't going to be easy and it isn't going to be fun, I may well lose my job but I would rather that than being governed by these fascist buffoons. Coming at this from another angle, I just wish everything would hurry the fuck up and get the fucking thing done one way or the other. Its dragged on longer than a Ken Dodd performance. No offence LG x No offence taken at all LFN!. In fact I agree with you, at least you have only been subjected to it on the news for the last few weeks, we in Scotland have had it rammed down our throats every single time we watch the Scottish news for more than a year now. On September 18th 2013 BBC Scotland aired a discussion programme about ' it will be 1 year from today Scotland votes'. total overkill and since then they have featured the referendum on our nightly news bulletin every single bloody day since then. The only respite we got was during the Commonwealth Games, I for one welcomed seeing dancing teacakes and Usain Bolt dancing to The Proclaimers, a bit of light relief.
  6. 1 point
    Top gag: "The investigation has so far interrogated 180,000 suspects, 140,000 of them black, 20,000 Polish, two Frenchman and the Duke of Clarence"
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