Lardy will be dressed as a nurse, she will wheelchair me in straight through the front door, heavily disguised as somebody old and famous like Brian Blessed or summat, and when we are in we will open the tradesmans entrance ( Lardy has some experience of tradesmans entrances ) and let the rest of you in.
It cannot fail.
It was me apparently in 2008, not that I have any recollection whatsoever of posting it.
@YoungWillz and @Thatcher, I'll move these posts to the Pop thread in a minute, once I've checked on my fish pie. Please, both of you, just chill out.
I've met Larry several times, he posted news of John's passing on his facebook page. My connection with Larry is via the Trashmen. I personally know their booking agent / tour manager.
John Peck, original drummer for Larry LaPole & The Polecats died on July 30th at the age of 79
And yes I know it doesn't mention it in his obituary, but I verified that John was the drummer in his band.
John's career took him in various directions as laid out in his obit, Larry went on to write several tunes for The Trashmen, most well known of the tunes he wrote is "King of The Surf"
It would be difficult for them to continue without Jack Bruce. Although HeadCat have continued on even after Lemmy's death. They now have David Vincent from Morbid Angel on bass and vocals.
They're still retaining the name of HeadCat, despite suggestions that the band should be called MorbidCat.
Saw Dick Dale last night. He was in fine form despite a myriad of health issues: renal failure, cancer and diabetes. Not to mention his ex-wife is currently trying to sue him.
It's a slightly grainy photo, but this is him on stage last night in Minneapolis.
I had a very weird dream last night. I was in a pub with 10cc and they needed a title for a new hits compilation.
I suggested "Cremeliness Is Next To Godleyness". I was asked to leave.
Paul's all over the stage when he performs and would most likely get garroted by Roger's microphone cord - I firmly believe that one of the reasons John E stood still while he played was to avoid getting smacked by a microphone. I also don't see Ringo kicking his kit off the riser and joining Pete in an orgy of destruction. So, no. Not in my reality.
Hmmmm. Entwistle and Moon were a bassist and a drummer respectively. Whenever the Who perform now, they need fill-ins.
Paul and Ringo just happen to be a bassist and a drummer...
Why hasn't anyone thought of this as a cash in?
You could always look. There's plenty of sites out there on which to do your research.
In all honesty, I don't even look at porn on my computer. Don't want it getting full of viruses and nasty malware which these sites are full of.
TBF, its better to watch porn and get a virus on your computer than to go out, get you leg over then end up with a nasty virus.................
True that!
But to fill your computer with porn and go on porn sites on a regular basis, does your average laptop as much good as smoking 40 a day does to a human.