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Found 994 results

  1. harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy

    Laurent Fignon

    Twice winner of the Tour de France, Laurent Fignon, has advanced cancer of the digestive system. Nothing to do with the performing-enhancing drugs he took, they reckon.
  2. Guest

    Miep Gies

    I was wondering if Miep Gies is a good candidate for the 2005 list? During World War II she protected Anne Frank and her family by hiding them in a secret annex above Anne's father's shop in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She saved the diary that made Anne Frank a household name. What do you think? Best wishes, Mich.
  3. Guest

    J. D. Salinger

    I'm surprised he is still alive, I thought he died long ago but no, he is alive and 86 years old. Does anyone have any news about his health? And on the subject of writers, Arthur C. Clarke will be 88 this year.
  4. Phantom

    Ronnie Hazlehurst

    Has anyone any idea how old Ronnie is? The ingenius creator of tv show theme music such as The Two Ronnies, Three Up Two Down, Blankety Blank, Some Mothers Do Ave 'Em, It's a Knockout and various other shows.
  5. Grim_Rita

    Julio Iglesias Sr

    You beady eyed people might have seen the news today that Enrique Iglesias' granddad and Julio Iglesias' dad is to become a father again at the age of 90. Unfortunately a search on google didnt produce a dob for this ole fogey. Anybody any idea?
  6. Phantom

    Gary Coleman

    Gary Coleman is still as obnoxious as ever. He's more likely to be killed by a disgruntled fan as he dislikes signing autographs
  7. Guest

    Estelle Getty

    How about a mention for next year. She played the old one in The Golden Girls who made all the wise cracks. I heard that she had Parkinsons, Alzeimers and something else quite nasty.
  8. TheProfessor

    John Wooden

    Possibly John Wooden? Don't know if he passes the fame test in the UK, but you'd be hard pressed to find a amateur (collegiate) basketball fan who hasn't heard of the guy. He only won 10 NCAA titles in twelve years with the SAME TEAM (UCLA), a feat which will probably never be duplicated. He's 95 now, but I don't know of an particular health problems. Interesting pick, I think.
  9. Vaagheid

    Louise Bourgeois

    edit: removed
  10. Rotten Ali

    Art Linkletter

    I'm going to open this topic about the old school TV professional Art Linkletter ("children say the funniest things") since he is a very popular pick on the Rotten.com site (about 1,400 picks of 44,000 entries) Since he is known more so on the other side of the pond to me, I've always imagined that its very unlikely that he will get the obit to qualify him within the DDP. I watched quite a bit of an interview he did with Larry King on CNN and can't quite work out why Art would be gaining this level of support whilst still being quite on top of almost full health and sound mine whilst suffering from the mildest alzheimer's and one bout of a minor heart refibulation corrective procedure. OK so he is 93, even Larry noted that Art looked so good he would likely make 100 years of age. And I too can believe that! So please anyone. Why is it that so many people find this nice old chap such an easy choice, that he gets quite this level of such high evidential support?
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    Dennis Hopper

    Dennis Hopper has been rushed to hospital. Which reminds me of one of his most famous scenes.
  12. Undertaker2007

    Doris Eaton Travis - 103 Years Old

    The Ziegfeld follie and silent actress Doris Eaton Travis is now 103 years old. Here she is dancing to a number she performed in 1919 Just Like Yesterday Also here is a brief history of what she has done 1913 on stage performance infront of President Woodrow Wilson 1918 Bobbed hair and joined Flo Ziegfeld and his Ziegfeld follies 1918 - 1923 - Perfomed with Eddie Cantor, Will Rogers, Fanny Brice, George Gershwin, Fred Astaire. 1919 Was understudy to Marilyn Miller who was also a close friend 1920's Was the leading actress in the show Excess Baggage 1927 - 1928 1929 Was the first theatrical actress to perform Singing In The Rain 1920's Got into an argument with Henry Ford 1920's Bantered with Babe Ruth and Charles Lindberg 1921 - 1933 acted in silent pictures / and early talkies 1950's Had her own television show.
  13. Catherine

    Meinhardt Raabe

    Meinhardt Raabe is one of the last surviving cast members of The Wizard Of Oz. He is 88, however I have no information on his health. http://aol.imdb.com/name/nm0704638/
  14. Dr Hackenslash

    Brooks Mileson

    Not sure if others would consider him famous enough or not but the owner of Scottish Football League club Gretna, Brooks Mileson, is not a very well man. Gretna recently reached the final of the Scottish FA Cup, losing to SPL runners-up Hearts on penalties, just four years after leaving the English Unibond League to move back to Scotland. Mileson has also helped around 80 other clubs, in both England and Scotland, over the years. From the (UK) Telegraph Gretna fairy godfather has major health scare By Ewing Grahame (Filed: 20/05/2006) The seemingly impregnable feelgood factor which has enveloped Gretna for the past two years was punctured yesterday with the revelation that the club's millionaire benefactor, Brooks Mileson, underwent brain scans earlier this week. Mileson went in for the tests after suffering blackouts and is waiting for the results. The 58-year-old's financial backing has seen the club rise from the UniBond League to the Tennent's Scottish Cup final and a place in next season's Uefa Cup. A former international cross-country runner, he made his money from property and insurance and has helped bankroll dozens of sporting clubs and individual athletes in the North-East of England. However, it is only since Gretna's inexorable rise began that the likeable eccentric's public profile has risen. Third Division champions in 2005, they followed that achievement by claiming the Second Division title with weeks to spare. Thanks to Mileson's cash injections, manager Rowan Alexander was able to attract a squad of SPL players on SPL wages and they were able to steamroller their mostly part-time opponents. It was their cup exploits which captured the imagination of even non-football lovers, though. They were expected to capitulate to Hearts in the final at the national stadium six days ago but came back from a goal down to take the Edinburgh club to extra time. Outplaying the Champions League candidates, they were unfortunate not to claim a famous victory and earned sympathy and admiration after losing a penalty shoot-out. Mileson, as always, sat with the fans at Hampden - the club took 12,000 supporters, four times the population of the town - and enjoyed a pre-match fish supper from a local chippie. In spite of his athletic background, Mileson smokes 100 cigarettes per day and often substitutes bottles of Lucozade for meals. He claimed to have made provisions to safeguard Gretna's finances in the event of anything happening to him. Other references: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Mileson
  15. Octopus of Odstock

    Antonio Samaranch

    He's at the Winter Olympics ceremony as I speak. He looks very old, confused & frail. Samaranch, who must be around the same age, doesn't. Ciampi certainly has shot up my DDP list all of a sudden.
  16. Abu Hamza al-Muhajir is believed to have replaced the late and very dead Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as the new leader of Al- Qaeda in Iraq. If recent news reports are to be believed, he's hit the ground running and personally executed two American soldiers, throwing in a spot of torture before dispatch. It strikes me that he's chosen rather a dangerous career path. No doubt American forces will hound him for the rest of his days. If he's still undead at the close of 2006, I would wager he won't see the sun come up on 2008.
  17. totenkopf

    Edward Woodward

    Which reminds me of a "joke" I heard a while back... How would one pronounce Edward Woodward if the "D's" were silent? Ehwahwoowoo. Kind of stupid, but blazingly funny after consuming copious amounts of alcohol in a pub. Or what do you call a man carrying 3 planks on his head....
  18. Vinegar Tits

    Christopher Cazenove

    This has probably already been posted but you know how useless the search facility is... Christopher Cazenove fights for life after collapsing at home
  19. Lady Die

    Corin Redgrave

    Actor and campaigner Corin Redgrave speaking at Basildon Actor and political activist Corin Redgrave is in a critical but stable condition in hospital after collapsing while campaigning for a traveller site. The 65-year-old was addressing Basildon councillors in Essex when he suffered a heart attack on Wednesday evening. Specially trained police officers restarted Mr Redgrave's heart at the scene before he was taken to hospital. A spokesman for his agents said: "He is in a critical but stable condition. His family thank all who helped him."
  20. Lady Die

    John Forsythe

    John Forsythe (Blake Carrington in Dynasty and the voice of Charlie in Charlie's Angels) is being treated for colon cancer.
  21. A senior leader of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) party has been shot in Mumbai (Bombay), according to police. Pramod Mahajan, BJP general secretary and a former federal minister, was allegedly shot by his brother after an altercation in a family dispute. Mr Mahajan has been admitted to a hospital and is undergoing surgery to remove the bullets. more here
  22. Grim Reaper

    Wendy Richard

    This is the place to discuss Wendy Richard
  23. themaninblack

    Dick Francis

    86 in October, has suffered from Prostate Cancer for 12 years and has published surely his last book after a 6 year gap.....
  24. deadsox

    Linda Uttley

    Do any of you Brits have news about Linda Uttley?
  25. 888-333

    Zelda Rubinstein

    She Has been mentioned here allready I think she should be suitable enough for a UK obit Heres The Link

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