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Paul Bearer

Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

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On 07/04/2022 at 23:48, Sir Creep said:

Fentanyl has killed more people than COVID-19 in San Francisco.

1,875 people have died from drug overdoses in San Francisco from January 2021 through February 2022, according to records released from the city.


Now that is "real" government failure.

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The only wave I'm giving it is Goodbye. Btw to all my fellow unvaccinated , CDC just done largest study yet and you're 10 times less likely to be reinfected if you're unvaccinated and had previous infection, than 'fully vaccinated'. Let's be honest here most of us already had it long before the vaccine showed up and we were protected, there was no need for a vaccine it was to line the scum puppet Tories ,landed gentry and establishment elites pockets.295617289_Screenshot_20220414-1051242.thumb.jpg.d58e1fadd447b37095f7b307d7e984b5.jpg


So being unvaccinated with a previous infection means you are 100% protected from vaccine side effects and 10 times less likely to be reinfected. So sad people all ran out and got vaccinated because bozo the clown minister and the lying media  told them too. 


Thank god I listened to my gut feeling and didn't get vaxxed.




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Why do you persist with this?

You haven't persuaded a single person to your point of view and are still the only one here who gives any of this any credence whatsoever (if there are others they are remaining steadfastly silent on the issue), so what exactly is the aim of repeatedly posting variations on this theme beyond ratcheting up a record number of facepalm emotes?


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34 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Why do you persist with this?

You haven't persuaded a single person to your point of view and are still the only one here who gives any of this any credence whatsoever (if there are others they are remaining steadfastly silent on the issue), so what exactly is the aim of repeatedly posting variations on this theme beyond ratcheting up a record number of facepalm emotes?



And there is a catch in his argument.  Nobody would dispute that natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced immunity, but you have to survive the disease in order to benefit from it.

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Apparently Covid doesn't exist when we asked a patient to put on a mask today in the hospital. May not be mandatory in shops etc but it certainly is still mandatory to wear one in hospitals.

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18 hours ago, ladyfiona said:

Apparently Covid doesn't exist when we asked a patient to put on a mask today in the hospital. May not be mandatory in shops etc but it certainly is still mandatory to wear one in hospitals.

Yeah, Covid is over, Sajid said so.



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On 14/04/2022 at 12:33, En Passant said:

Why do you persist with this?

You haven't persuaded a single person to your point of view and are still the only one here who gives any of this any credence whatsoever (if there are others they are remaining steadfastly silent on the issue), so what exactly is the aim of repeatedly posting variations on this theme beyond ratcheting up a record number of facepalm emotes?



Just pointing out the corruption and lies. I'm just doing what's I think to be right and sharing information, not trying to convince others to my viewpoint. In the near future everyone will have my viewpoint when they realise they've been conned so I have no need to proselytise. It's only going one way.


We should listen to those on the inside who are speaking out. Experts, whistleblowers and scientists. 




No need for boosters, no need even for any vaccinations if you've had a prior infection. So that begs the question, what were the vaccines for? Let's hope it was just to scam more taxpayers money and not for more nefarious means.

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You are deffo more Kevin Turvey than Louis Theroux, aren't you.:)

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As Mrs Controller said to me last week, that Derek Draper has probably had it worst, Kate Garraway has really suffered. My reply was that one hundred or so thousand would beg to differ. When I was young and the MMR jab had not been properly run out you went to catch these young to protect yourself in later life. Unfortunately with Covid it takes out a proportion of some of the softer targets. The non mask wearing, I’ve had it once brigade, do not want the vaccine and have no consideration for the more vulnerable, this is where the rate of American deaths escaped from that of the UK.

I note that India are trying to suppress a WHO report into the level of global deaths (NYT) putting the total number of unrecorded Covid deaths at higher levels but not stating the actual numbers by country as yet.


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Worth pointing out side effects and adverse reactions are not 'rare' but becoming increasingly common. One of the best female golfers in the world is currently in hospital with blood clots. 




Coroner says blood clots increased after vaccine rollout and they're very unusual he's never seen anything like it in 20 years.




Either the vaccines are unsafe or all these people are liars.

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2 hours ago, the_engineer said:

Worth pointing out side effects and adverse reactions are not 'rare' but becoming increasingly common. One of the best female golfers in the world is currently in hospital with blood clots. 




Coroner says blood clots increased after vaccine rollout and they're very unusual he's never seen anything like it in 20 years.




Either the vaccines are unsafe or all these people are liars.

Safer statistically with vaccine than without. 

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5 hours ago, Charlotte's Controller said:

Safer statistically with vaccine than without. 


Not if you've had prior infection and that's according to the CDC, but I wouldn't trust those fuckers. Don't you find it odd that these rich and powerful people from club of Rome,bill gates like creeps and other billionaires all talk about reducing the population? Must be a well talked about topic among the 'so called' elites.




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Denmark has become the first country to suspend its COVID-19 vaccination programme as its health authority said the virus is now under control.

The Danish Health Authority said high levels of vaccination, a drop in new infections and stabilising hospital rates were among the factors that led to the decision to "round off" the national immunisation drive from 15 May. 

Danish Health Authority - there’s an oxymoron.


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The WHO Covid report is now out.


The count estimated at almost 15 million. Based on excess deaths and analysis, the biggest deviation from officially stated figures belongs to India.



On a brighter note the ten million mark has now been passed so Paul Bearer can now claim victory in the original poll.


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Was tempted to go "Oh shit, Crem was right" and get a bomb shelter, but apparently their prediction was 100 million, not 15, the memory fails!

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The original poll was only about 2020 anyway. It still hit a little harder than we expected ;).

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OOOHHH, forthcoming superbugs will convince us this thread and those before it were just the warm up




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