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Tempus Fugit

Ariel Sharon

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This report from 31st of May claims that Sharon has been opening his eyes.


Possibly a good sign for the deathlist but bad for many DDPers.


:) And this is exactly why i'm leery of the comotose. They're too risky.

I prefer my potential clog poppers to be out and about, at the mercy of that one last forbidden bacon cheeseburger or in the sites of the assassin's bullet that will send them into the great beyond.

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This report from 31st of May claims that Sharon has been opening his eyes.


Possibly a good sign for the deathlist but bad for many DDPers.


:blink: And this is exactly why i'm leery of the comotose. They're too risky.

I prefer my potential clog poppers to be out and about, at the mercy of that one last forbidden bacon cheeseburger or in the sites of the assassin's bullet that will send them into the great beyond.


I have him on my WDP - but only because 14 out of the other 18 teams had him. If he died, it would put me at a severe disadvantage in the game.

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CP, you can't complain since you're streaking away with the lead in the said DP at the moment. Sharon's death would put more daylight between you and the four teams who didn't pick him. I'll cop for being one of the fourteen as well, so this opening of eyes will have to come to a stop!

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CP, you can't complain since you're streaking away with the lead in the said DP at the moment. Sharon's death would put more daylight between you and the four teams who didn't pick him. I'll cop for being one of the fourteen as well, so this opening of eyes will have to come to a stop!


By one point only though MPFC, and I don't have Pinter or Ford on my list. Problem is, it's to my advantage on the DDP to have Pinter die (he's my joker), but my disadvantage in the WDP. Being in 1st takes all the fun out of the game and turns it into a competition.


Still, never been first at this sort of thing before, I'll cherish it while I have it.


But my point was that I think Sharon isn't very likely to die, but most people are picking him because they don't want to be wrong about that.

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I'm not so sure about his longevity, with or without his eyes open. The stroke was massive and a major part of his survival was down to life support, suggesting they only kept him alive because the consequences of his death ahead of the election would have been catastrophic. That level of brain damange and inactivity brings about medium and long term problems, many linked to immobility. Blood clots forming can be combated by medication to thin the blood that makes strokes more likely and...well, it ain't easy to keep 'em goin' in that state.


In addition, the guy's still a porker despite his complete inability to shovel down the snacks with his own hands. WDP expires on March 31st. Don't bet on him being around when it does.

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In addition, the guy's still a porker


Mmm, nice choice of words to use about a Jewish fat man! I'm sure he would appreciate that, if he was in a fit state to appreciate anything.

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We do irony with a straight face round our way, Bald Rick. It takes a person of your discernment to spot it!

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Just to check, at what stage is someone technically dead?


Because surely there comes a time when Aerial Sharon is considered dead?


The chances of him coming out of his coma are probably less that 100,000/1...

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Just to check, at what stage is someone technically dead?


Because surely there comes a time when Aerial Sharon is considered dead?


The chances of him coming out of his coma are probably less that 100,000/1...




I believe it's when a person is brain dead. Ie when the pupils of the eye no longer react to a light being shone at them etc.

Of course, this could possibly discriminate against some other politicians

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I believe it's when a person is brain dead. Ie when the pupils of the eye no longer react to a light being shone at them etc.

Of course, this could possibly discriminate against some other politicians

Some politicians?




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I believe it's when a person is brain dead. Ie when the pupils of the eye no longer react to a light being shone at them etc.

Of course, this could possibly discriminate against some other politicians

Some politicians?





OK about 99.999999% of politicians :)

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I wonder if the Israeli government will quietly turn off his life support now that the peoples' attention has been diverted to the Lebanon conflict.

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I wonder if the Israeli government will quietly turn off his life support now that the peoples' attention has been diverted to the Lebanon conflict.

No, they'll probably claim that "terrorists" have kidnapped him and use that as another piss-poor excuse to nuke the living f**k out of the whole arab world, whilst Messrs Blair, Bush and Putin sit back and have a lazy wank and a toot on their crackpipes.

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Death = brain stem death, more or less and the pupil test is a good one. The problem with life support and persistent vegetative states is that a person can be kept breathing long after the brain has ceased to function. A man opening his eyes is alive, end of. So Sharon's brain is operating on some level. The likliest causes of death would be congestive failures of heart or lungs provoking another medical emergency the man himself is too weak to fight, a good second bet would be clotting caused by his lack of movement or further strokes caused partly by the medication they'll have to use to fight the clots. One thing's for sure, whatever brain function is left in the man it's sufficient for basic motor actions - like opening his eyes - but explaining the contents of this post to Sharon will be a waste of time, however long he lives.

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I feel his faimly is being selfish, he is 77\78 years old and has been in a coma for months. 2 major strokes and it is 90% he will never regain consciousness. Right now he is living the death belief of one who belives in no after life. His soul is trapped inside a body that can't work anymore. Time has passed and with no recovery, the plug in which keeps him alive should be pulled.

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I feel his faimly is being selfish, he is 77\78 years old and has been in a coma for months. 2 major strokes and it is 90% he will never regain consciousness. Right now he is living the death belief of one who belives in no after life. His soul is trapped inside a body that can't work anymore. Time has passed and with no recovery, the plug in which keeps him alive should be pulled.


Lets not forget that the rebels in the area promised carnage when he breathes his last. So perhaps he has been kept alive for political reasons up until now.


Ofcourse, now that Israel has flattened all of their hostile neighbours, it could change. Another reason to switch off the machine now.

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Moving words Banshees, I concur completely and my nomination of the man on my WDP list is not linked to these sentiments.

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I feel his faimly is being selfish, he is 77\78 years old and has been in a coma for months. 2 major strokes and it is 90% he will never regain consciousness. Right now he is living the death belief of one who belives in no after life. His soul is trapped inside a body that can't work anymore. Time has passed and with no recovery, the plug in which keeps him alive should be pulled.


Lets not forget that the rebels in the area promised carnage when he breathes his last. So perhaps he has been kept alive for political reasons up until now.


Ofcourse, now that Israel has flattened all of their hostile neighbours, it could change. Another reason to switch off the machine now.


Not for a minute would I believe in any sense that Ronald Reagon was the devil himself, for reasons such as his presidency and the couincidence of him having six letters in all three parts of his name, is probably what started such a false rumor. Once he and Nancy rented a hotel room, and the numbers on the door read 666. They changed it to 668. Of course this got in the hands of the media and from there people think Reagon was the devil.


Getting to my point - I honestly think deep down to any goverments core, they are ruthless and cold. They are all willing to sacrifise lives for just experiments. Nothing and nobody matters. There are no rules nor any sympathy. Yes they may hide certain truths from the people because there are some things we may not need to ever know, or may not need to know at this point in time. But as I see it, politics can be the devils game, I don't know wheather or not if I believe the devil will be born as man, if so I could see him as a powerful figure, a politician or political leader. I may be wrong, I would think someone very famous.


The goverment should prepare for these rebels when they attack, using him as a sheild I find pathetic as he will die anyway. If they need to fight, I say round up what you have now, I don't know the situation - but a battle will come sooner or later. I'm sure those who mean to attack expect him to die of natural causes, the best soultion would be to stay alert and armed, then disconnect his life support. The other party would not expect this...


When attacked the outcome on there part should be victorious.

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Death = brain stem death, more or less and the pupil test is a good one. The problem with life support and persistent vegetative states is that a person can be kept breathing long after the brain has ceased to function. A man opening his eyes is alive, end of. So Sharon's brain is operating on some level.

Right. I have it on good authority that under Jewish law death is not related to the brain at all, but rather to the heart and lungs. As long as Sharon's lungs and heart are working he is considered (under Jewish law) to be alive, regardless of the state of his brain and/or it's stem.

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Good point In Eternum, UK medicine pratices a bit more common sense, I'd suggest. So it'll be pneumonia, congestive heart failure, another stroke or a fatal blood clot then accompanied by a little more eye opening and maybe even the odd moaning sound along the way, working it's way down to a hoarse rattling sound and blatant discomfort over a period of weeks, maybe months.


We're in a grey moral area, obviously, but he'd probably go sooner and with more dignity if he was British. Then again, mebbe I'm biased, eh?

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Good point In Eternum, UK medicine pratices a bit more common sense, I'd suggest. So it'll be pneumonia, congestive heart failure, another stroke or a fatal blood clot then accompanied by a little more eye opening and maybe even the odd moaning sound along the way, working it's way down to a hoarse rattling sound and blatant discomfort over a period of weeks, maybe months.


We're in a grey moral area, obviously, but he'd probably go sooner and with more dignity if he was British. Then again, mebbe I'm biased, eh?

Tangentially related to this... DLers might be interested to note that the Joffe Bill, shot down by the House of Lords in May via an incredible marshalling of the various religious communities, is set to be re-introduced shortly.


[Editor's note: If you google 'euthanasia' + 'UK', the top hits are predominantly (anti-euthanasia) religious and pro-life groups. I find that quite depressing and a bit worrying, really.]

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[Editor's note: If you google 'euthanasia' + 'UK', the top hits are predominantly (anti-euthanasia) religious and pro-life groups. I find that quite depressing and a bit worrying, really.]

That doesn't surprise me a bit. Don't confuse loud protests with popularity of the point of view.


I remember well when the bill on voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide was introduced in Dutch parliament. That legislation was mostly legitimising existing medical practice. Some, mostly Christian, groups opposed it loudly, while it was discussed in both houses of parliament. When the States-General consented (with a large majority) some nuts even tried to persuade the Queen into refusing to sign the bill into law. She duly signed.




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Guest iain

doctors say there is significant deterioration in body functions and brain tissue in last 2 days and hos family are deciding with doctors on what should be done about it.It looks like his death will be announced in the next few hours

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doctors say there is significant deterioration in body functions and brain tissue in last 2 days and hos family are deciding with doctors on what should be done about it.It looks like his death will be announced in the next few hours




Please provide a news link to back up your claims

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