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Robert Hoffman one of the co-founders of National Lampoon has died at the age of 59

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Might change their area's name to 'Dong-lo County' after that deflating announcement... <_<

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Jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson has died at the age of 78.

Most people might recognise him from playing the theme to the movie "Rocky"

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Jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson has died at the age of 78.

Most people might recognise him from playing the theme to the movie "Rocky"

Dunno, can you hum it?




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Jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson has died at the age of 78.

Most people might recognise him from playing the theme to the movie "Rocky"

Dunno, can you hum it?





I tried to hum it in my head, but somehow it morphed into the theme for Hawaii Five-O :D:banghead:

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Dunno, can you hum it?




der der derrrrrr. der der derrrrrrrr. der der derrrrr, der der derrrrrr


and so on....

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Dunno, can you hum it?




der der derrrrrr. der der derrrrrrrr. der der derrrrr, der der derrrrrr


and so on....







I once owned this LP, what a fine bouffant he's sporting.


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der der derrrrrr. der der derrrrrrrr. der der derrrrr, der der derrrrrr


iain, get off of OoO's account! :banghead:



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Jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson has died at the age of 78.

Most people might recognise him from playing the theme to the movie "Rocky"

Dunno, can you hum it?





If you really, really want to revisit it, here it be.

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iain, get off of OoO's account! :banghead:


tHis was trhe ONLy wzay i could pOSt on deahtlist. hahaha Widnsor. ***


anyWYA, moivbuing on;-

William Wason,the wofdrld famous priest has dIEDD.hE was the most famlsusous prieST ever.


it i\S ALSo with deep regret that I hadve to comfirm the dEATh of Jefrry Tenneyson, the hamBURger devotee and AUthDor.here is a report OF THIS FAmaouds deATH


also uncormirfmed reports are telling me michael Foot's deah is immiment. I will keep you updatwed wehen i hear any news.






*** Dedicated to anyone who might be missing their iain fix.

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Mr. David Heddle, M.B.E.


Not exactly famous, but I feel worth a mention.


He was one of the world's leading bowlers. I only know him because he lived in Fraserburgh.




1984: First represented Scotland.

: 12 Scottish Outdoor titles.

: 5 Scottish Indoor titles.

: 4 British Indoor titles.

1995: World Outdoor Champion.

1996: Paralympic Silver medalist at Atlanta.

1997: World Championships Gold medal, Sydney. Silver in the Pairs.

2001: Silver medal at South African National Championships at Pairs.

2001: Triples Gold Medal at Home International, Nottingham.

2002: Commonwealth Gold Medal, Manchester.

2003: Awarded MBE.

2003: Bronze Medal at South African National Champion in the Pairs.

2004: Captained Scotland at the World Bowls Championship at Kuala Lumpur.


He was born with the condition Spina Bifida.


No links to any obits.

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iain, get off of OoO's account! :banghead:


tHis was trhe ONLy wzay i could pOSt on deahtlist. hahaha Widnsor. ***


anyWYA, moivbuing on;-

William Wason,the wofdrld famous priest has dIEDD.hE was the most famlsusous prieST ever.


it i\S ALSo with deep regret that I hadve to comfirm the dEATh of Jefrry Tenneyson, the hamBURger devotee and AUthDor.here is a report OF THIS FAmaouds deATH


also uncormirfmed reports are telling me michael Foot's deah is immiment. I will keep you updatwed wehen i hear any news.



*** Dedicated to anyone who might be missing their iain fix.


I'm hearing reports that Gerald Ford's death is imminent.... no sorry, they're just the voices in my head :D

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Okay, so I've never heard of him, but it's an entertaining obituary. Richard Arthur de Yarburgh-Bateson, 6th. Lord Deramore has died at the age of 95. As well as being a peer of the realm he was a racing driver, record-breaking cyclist, amateur watercolourist, architect and fougt in the RAF. Oh, and his first erotic novel was published when he was 85.

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Guest Guest_iain_*
Tiffany Rayne


Can't say I've ever heard of this young lady, an actress who has apparently committed suicide at the tender age of 21. However, I am sure dedicatees of serious cinema amongst you may be familiar with her oeuvre.


Maybe she was upset that she didn't get the part she'd auditioned for in the up and coming film of Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey"

I just looked at the list of films she did.Not exactly the sort of stuff Mary Whitehouse would appreciate are they ... :banghead:

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Guest Guest_iain_*
There's a very bored person out there today.


On Wikipedia this morning, you'll see the following


Margaret Thatcher, 80, [[united Kingdom|British] politician, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Suicide


I can well believe that a porn actress would commit suicide as I believe that a large number of the female cast of Debbie Does Dallas ended their lives in that way, mostly by an overdose.


oh my giddy aunt your not suggesting Maggie Thatcher has done porn movies are you? :)


by the way IMDB are still saying Tiffany Rayne killed herself and theyre usually reliable

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Guest Guest_iain_*

der der derrrrrr. der der derrrrrrrr. der der derrrrr, der der derrrrrr


iain, get off of OoO's account! :D



I wish I could get on me own bleeding account mate.Im suspended til next thursday :banghead:

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Running the risk of being accused of placing the names of obscure nobodies on this thread, I can report the death of the Pakistani Test cricketer Wasim Raja, at the age of only 54. 57 Tests and an English education mean he'll definitely get a UK obit. Aggressive and exciting player in his day, too. Shame.


Not a good week for cricketers, as former opener for India, Vijay Mehra has died of a heart attack at the age of 68

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by the way IMDB are still saying Tiffany Rayne killed herself and theyre usually reliable


Iain, you asswipe, Tiffany Rayne doesn't have an imdb page.


Besides, above, you have admitted for the first time, Wikipedia may be wrong! :banghead:


So, once again, killing off someone who isn't dead. Let's hope that supension keeps on trucking.

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by the way IMDB are still saying Tiffany Rayne killed herself and theyre usually reliable


Iain, you asswipe, Tiffany Rayne doesn't have an imdb page.


Besides, above, you have admitted for the first time, Wikipedia may be wrong! :banghead:


So, once again, killing off someone who isn't dead. Let's hope that supension keeps on trucking.

Oh yes she does, :D


Tiffany Rayne


Can't say I've ever heard of this young lady, an actress who has apparently committed suicide at the tender age of 21. However, I am sure dedicatees of serious cinema amongst you may be familiar with her oeuvre.


Maybe she was upset that she didn't get the part she'd auditioned for in the up and coming film of Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey"

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Guest Guest_iain_*

by the way IMDB are still saying Tiffany Rayne killed herself and theyre usually reliable


Iain, you asswipe, Tiffany Rayne doesn't have an imdb page.


Besides, above, you have admitted for the first time, Wikipedia may be wrong! :banghead:


So, once again, killing off someone who isn't dead. Let's hope that supension keeps on trucking.

em,excuse me but what is this meant to be in that case...http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2087305/ ?

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