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Why Are We Here?

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If the "RIP DLmembers" thread existed, there would be some danger that certain members would place certain other members in it somewhat in advance of the event! :blink::grave:


We lack a complete-fool-proof (and April-Fool-proof) code that would verify the change of member-status. Possibly a substantial bequest to each of us, payable by email, would be convincing.


There is no doubt that all DLers will die :D:old::old: so perhaps we should all be thinking seriously about providing (clues) for those who are left behind. :D


As for what happens to the deceased afterwards, I refer you to this?




a future Gorilla!


I'm not sure I want to come back as a parrot, I think I'd rather reamin between worlds and do some serious haunting.


I've only been a member of the DL for a short time, but some of you out there have been here for years... surely you deserve a mention when your inner-clock has ticked it's last tick??


Maybe we should all just write our own Notices of Death now... hmmm... what would I say about me??

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Guest iain
We are all born, and we all die. Though what happens after

we take our last breath?

some of us go to the next phase of existence..people like murderers and dictators cease to exist..thats what I believe

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Well I deffi believe in an afterlife and I know it exists, now what realm that may be in is a tougher answer.

I have seen spirits myself and heard them, I was in a developing circle to be trained as a Medium, and was told that I would be a Stage Medium too.

Also as this can get quite deep I'll leave it at that for now :unsure:



scsi (or should I change my nick to doris ?? )

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Well, I really don't believe in anything... before or after death. I don't believe in ghosts, spirits ( except the alcoholic kind ) mediums or even smalls or larges!! I think that when you die, you're gone. You cease to exist in any form other than in the memory of those who knew you.


On to less intense things.... funerals!!!


In my own funeral, as the mourners sit quietly waiting for the service to begin, my chosen music will blast from very loud speakers. The music would, obviously, be Ding Dong The Witch is Dead, from the Wizard of Oz.


Any suggestions for your own funerals???

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I would like a spring loaded life-size cardboard cutout of my late self concealed on the coffin lid to spring up at random during the service. After that I'll be off to the lake of fire and fry.

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I would like a spring loaded life-size cardboard cutout of my late self concealed on the coffin lid to spring up at random during the service. After that I'll be off to the lake of fire and fry.


As an added bonus, you may actually take some of the mourners with you. I suppose you could warn the ones you like.

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In my own funeral, as the mourners sit quietly waiting for the service to begin, my chosen music will blast from very loud speakers. The music would, obviously, be Ding Dong The Witch is Dead, from the Wizard of Oz.


Any suggestions for your own funerals???

Insofar as I care what happens at my funeral, I've always fancied insisting that some overly jolly/inappropriate piece of nonsense was played at my funeral, but have yet to decide what. Possibly something like 'Agadoo' or 'Octopus's Garden' would be nice.


Or the really old 'Robin Hood' theme tune; I only thought of that one because once a couple (apparently) wanted the awful Brian Adams travesty 'Everything I Do (is sh*t)' played as they walked down the aisle for their wedding, but the Vicar mistook the request for the theme to Robin Hood and they ended up getting 'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen!..'. Some sort of justice there, I think. :lol:


I just wish I could be there for my own funeral, minus the maggots.


As to what happens after we die, I just can't believe in any of the organised religions; I won't go into why as I'll probably upset one or two people. I'm happy with the possibility that something happens, but I suspect the same set of rules will apply to everyone who's ever lived, and that we don't know what those rules are yet, if ever.


Still, I can't blame people from trying to work it all out.

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They played "In the Mood" at Peter Sellers funeral because he hated it!


I think I'd like something apt at my funeral, depending on how I died - e.g The Birdie Song if I died of Bird Flu.


I'd also like to write a will with lots of conditions attached - e.g cousin Kevin only inherits £10000 if he dances naked in the street. I hope there's life after death so I can look down & see everything that goes on.



EDIT: OOPs wrong thread! Meant to put this in "What happens when we die" - pls could a Mod move it for me


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OK. So who's the joker? :shoot:

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Not me. Perhaps someone who reads my blog?

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Revenge! :shoot:

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Okay, allow me to kick it off.


I'm still not sure if I'm at home here.


Is this place mostly morbid and are people obsessed with death?


Perhaps "occupied" being a friendlier word...



Is there real discussion here on the meaning of life and therefore of death?


Can people argue why death is something normal, in fact just as normal as life and that mortality and the whole discussion thereof is not the issue?


After all, aren't we all just a random dance of atoms, just like a rock, or indeed the sun?


What is "life"?


Define "death".




What am I doing here?



Or is that sort of discussion not within the realms of this forum?

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Okay, allow me to kick it off.


I'm still not sure if I'm at home here.


Is this place mostly morbid and are people obsessed with death?


Perhaps "occupied" being a friendlier word...



Is there real discussion here on the meaning of life and therefore of death?


Can people argue why death is something normal, in fact just as normal as life and that mortality and the whole discussion thereof is not the issue?


After all, aren't we all just a random dance of atoms, just like a rock, or indeed the sun?


What is "life"?


Define "death".




What am I doing here?



Or is that sort of discussion not within the realms of this forum?



I have merged your topic with the "What happens When We Die", "Is there an Afterlife" and "Why are we here" threads. There is quite a bit of discussion about life and death in those threads.





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What am I doing here?

A good question you'll have to answer for yourself, I'm afraid.

Or is that sort of discussion not within the realms of this forum?

Big questions concerning Life, the Universe and Everything are discussed here, but not systematically.


Several of these subjects were part of the Sister Lucia topic, which unavoidably attracted the attention of Roman Catholic readers after her death. That topic is a gem anyway and recommended DL reading. You'll find that the membership of DL is rather a irreligious lot.


As to the subject of your post: as far as we know stars aren't alive in the sense of "life as we know it" and consequently cannot die. However, in astronomical jargon it's normal to speak of death of a star as relating to the final stage of its existence. In large stars this can be a cataclysmic event called a supernova.


The Sun is not a large star, but things get dramatic when the hydrogen in its core runs out, something expected to happen in another 4 or 5 billion years. There's little chance people will be present to observe that event. The Sun will expand beyond the current orbit of Earth and become a red giant. That's not the end, however. During this phase the Sun will eject most of its mass into a planetary nebula. The Sun's core will slowly cool down as a white dwarf, a process that may take tens of billions of years. If the universe has time enough, this may mean that eventually the Sun will become a non-luminous object, the closest a star can get to death.


Read all about in in Wikipedia's article on the Sun. That's the heavenly body, not the tabloid. That rag will simply go bust, possibly in our lifetime.




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In reply to Eddy, his thread now merged into this, I think:


The Sun will - literally - die via exhausting its fuel supply before exploding to the point of swallowing the Earth, but the human race has another 600 million years to figure out some response, assuming it lives that long.


Re the meaning of death; it's notable that reference sources like dictionaries have a problem with it, often describing rather than defining. Death is 'the process of dying' or 'the state of being dead.' I'd say from a definition point of view it's the absence of a viable means of continuing in a state of existence. So, after the cancer kills us our conscious minds and vital functions will cease but our atoms can be changed - summat crematoria are particularly good at expediating. The meaning of life one gets me every time. Basically agnostic so I reckon we're an implausible biological accident, surrounded by similar accidents living on a planet that defied the odds in creating life. Consciousness may be the only key to some greater power, then again it may simply be that we've developed this and the propensity to believe in higher powers because both were useful survival mechanisms from an evolutionary point of view.


D'ya get down the Miners at Prospect often Eddy, we could have an enjoyable pint or two.

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Thanks Honez,


Just the tonic I needed to go and wash the dishes.

You wash your dishes in tonic? Bit extravagant, but each to their own.


Still, Brun prbnoaly wahses his disdhes ind gin.

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Ain't that the truth.

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I'm going to be cremated (when I'm dead)

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Thanks Honez,


Just the tonic I needed to go and wash the dishes.

You wash your dishes in tonic? Bit extravagant, but each to their own.


Still, Brun prbnoaly wahses his disdhes ind gin.


YTThat's a lie and that's a bald faced lie and you know it. I;de no sooner waste good gin than cross the street withourt my nightshirt.




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Oi, I got a tombstone that told me death meant I wasn't hardcore and every time I tried to post it here it wouldn't take.


Somedays life is - like - sh*t.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm apparently here to bake 100 cookies at 11:00pm for one of my son's charitable Boy Scout projects.


I really, really, really hope that IF there's an afterlife it doesn't involve flour in any way.

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