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Fat And Fearless

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Stories like this really piss me off, and I speak as a mammoth fatty myself. I'm fat because I eat too much of the wrong foods, none of the right foods, and sit on my bulbous buttocks all day long. Some people know why they overeat - I don't know why I do - it's not because I was fingered by Ben and Jerry when I was a child, nor did I have nightmares about my favourite childhood pet being bludgeoned to death with a spring onion, thus putting me off salad for life - it's probably just because I'm a greedy bitch who loves crisps.


It's not the lardasses that get my piss boiling (well, it is a bit), it's the fucking families. 'Oh boo hoo, she's going to die if she doesn't stop eating' - yeh, well how the fuck is she getting hold of all the shit food if she's so fat she can't fucking move? YOU'RE GIVING IT TO HER YOU MASSIVE CUNT! Stop giving in to their pleas for KFC and say fucking NO! Bring them a plate of veg and if she's that hungry she'll fucking eat it eventually.


I feel slightly sorry for heffers because if you're addicted to food, you're fucked, because you can't live without eating - an alcy can still live without booze, a smoker can still live without fags, but nobody can live without eating something. Having said that, one has to exercise (pah!) a degree of self-discipline and moderation, and that's what tonka-trucks don't do. Bottom line is, her mum needs to stop ENABLING her.



You've considered newspaper columns as a source of income, right? Because - frankly - you said the same thing as a Sun columnist I read today, only she took more words to say it less well, though doubtless pocketed decent dosh for doing so.


I haven't no, but if anyone's offering I'll gladly give it a go! You'll not be surprised to learn I have quite a lot to say on a range of controversial topics!

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You've considered newspaper columns as a source of income, right? Because - frankly - you said the same thing as a Sun columnist I read today, only she took more words to say it less well, though doubtless pocketed decent dosh for doing so.

I haven't no, but if anyone's offering I'll gladly give it a go! You'll not be surprised to learn I have quite a lot to say on a range of controversial topics!


No, that doesn't surprise me a bit. I also think it'd be a breath of fresh air in the rather stuffy world of newspaper columns.

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1. That's a different person

2. Why does the article have naked picture because that's something people want to see

3. If he wasn't just known for being the fattest man he'd be a good dl pick as from his selfie he looks like a cancer patient

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.




And, sorry to be pedantic and that, but...her legal problems simply motivated her to put on weight. Nobody actually tied her down and shoved the food in.

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.




And, sorry to be pedantic and that, but...her legal problems simply motivated her to put on weight. Nobody actually tied her down and shoved the food in.


have a bit of compassion FFS !

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.




And, sorry to be pedantic and that, but...her legal problems simply motivated her to put on weight. Nobody actually tied her down and shoved the food in.


Indeed. One is supposed to jump to the quick and clean conclusion that, yeah, she consoled herself with food or something like that. But then how does that actually happen? She sits in her kitchen or living room and eats a pizza, then she cries, then she eats another pizza, stares at her mail, eats another pizza... I mean, eating is not like crack cocaine.

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Seriously, people say we're sick but to die like she did involves a series of choices to get you there, rigth?



Susan Ann Maben's bed "ejected" her onto a nearby chair, and she died of respiratory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hip fracture, morbid obesity, chronic kidney disease (stage three), and type two diabetes.

She was described as morbidly obese at an inquest in Devon, which heard how she died on Friday, June 12, after the incident at her home in Charlotte Street, Devonport.

The inquest heard how the 206kg 66-year-old, who would have celebrated her birthday next month, spent a lot of time in the bed and was described as "morbidly obese"

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Seriously, people say we're sick but to die like she did involves a series of choices to get you there, rigth?



Susan Ann Maben's bed "ejected" her onto a nearby chair, and she died of respiratory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hip fracture, morbid obesity, chronic kidney disease (stage three), and type two diabetes.

She was described as morbidly obese at an inquest in Devon, which heard how she died on Friday, June 12, after the incident at her home in Charlotte Street, Devonport.

The inquest heard how the 206kg 66-year-old, who would have celebrated her birthday next month, spent a lot of time in the bed and was described as "morbidly obese"




Anyway, absolutely PMSL @ the image of her being catapulted across the room. I need to talk my mum into buying one of those beds.....

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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.

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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.



Yeah, it's summat that constantly occurs to me. Apart from owt else, I might be tempted to do the running between fat sod and takeaway, so long as I could snaffle the odd Pershawi Nan in transit.

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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.



Yeah, it's summat that constantly occurs to me. Apart from owt else, I might be tempted to do the running between fat sod and takeaway, so long as I could snaffle the odd Pershawi Nan in transit.


You'd do it if they let you fuck some old Asian biddies while you were driving the van?

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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.



Yeah, it's summat that constantly occurs to me. Apart from owt else, I might be tempted to do the running between fat sod and takeaway, so long as I could snaffle the odd Pershawi Nan in transit.


I like fuckin old Asian biddies in the back of vans.


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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.



Yeah, it's summat that constantly occurs to me. Apart from owt else, I might be tempted to do the running between fat sod and takeaway, so long as I could snaffle the odd Pershawi Nan in transit.


You'd do it if they let you fuck some old Asian biddies while you were driving the van?




Remind me what your doctorate is in and I'll ring your professional body and get you struck off!

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Maybe its a bit too logical but, on the basis that these monsterously fat humans were unable to actually, you know, get up and make their own food or go to the door to pick up their takeaways, perhaps the massive cunts that kept feeding them into a certain death ought to be prosecuted for murder or summat.

Just a thought, like.



Yeah, it's summat that constantly occurs to me. Apart from owt else, I might be tempted to do the running between fat sod and takeaway, so long as I could snaffle the odd Pershawi Nan in transit.


You'd do it if they let you fuck some old Asian biddies while you were driving the van?




Remind me what your doctorate is in and I'll ring your professional body and get you struck off!


Im not sure there is one for laying in your own vomit surrounded by empty bottles of 'Happy Shopper' Vodka, Mary.

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:




She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.

One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.




And, sorry to be pedantic and that, but...her legal problems simply motivated her to put on weight. Nobody actually tied her down and shoved the food in.


And she has been jailed. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/586200/Morbidly-obese-30st-driver-too-fat-for-prison-jailed-killing-jogger

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Morbidly obese and now unemployed lawyer for the unemployed Linda Jenns, 49, thinks she will not survive prison after she caused a fatal traffic accident:



She already had a stroke 7 years ago and her legal problems have caused her to gain even more weight, according to her barrister.


One would think a diet of bread and water would do wonders for her condition.


And, sorry to be pedantic and that, but...her legal problems simply motivated her to put on weight. Nobody actually tied her down and shoved the food in.

And she has been jailed. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/586200/Morbidly-obese-30st-driver-too-fat-for-prison-jailed-killing-jogger

....in cells H-1, H-2, and H-3.


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