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Fat And Fearless

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Donna Simpson, An American woman is trying to become the fattest woman in the world!



And this is where she hangs out, so to speak. Glad to see the site is doing its best to preserve its models' modesty.





I dunno where we'd be without these Daily Mail "human" "interest" "stories".


Simpson vs Eman: a fight to the, presumably very soon, death


It's like Yokozuna vs Mabel all over again.

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World's heaviest woman Pauline Potter (47) and 52 stone is back with her husband and he can't stop talking about how great their sex life is. Surely, this is good news for us!

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Fat Brits making the news today. 58 stone Keith Martin is - apparently - the world's fattest man, and needs seven carers to look after him. 40 stone Brenda Flanagan-Davis has a BIG article in The Sun today; doubtless she'll get round to reading it when she finds it wrapped around a snack of fish 'n' chips!


Martin link: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/14/keith-martin-worlds-fattest-man-needs-seven-carers-a-day-to-keep-him-alive-video_n_1276218.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk3%26pLid%3D96329

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Fat Brits making the news today. 58 stone Keith Martin is - apparently - the world's fattest man, and needs seven carers to look after him. Martin link: http://www.huffingto...%26pLid%3D96329


At 50 grand p/a from public money, no less. I don't mind fat people, but it seems to me there are cheaper sulutions.




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Fat Brits making the news today. 58 stone Keith Martin is - apparently - the world's fattest man, and needs seven carers to look after him. Martin link: http://www.huffingto...%26pLid%3D96329


At 50 grand p/a from public money, no less. I don't mind fat people, but it seems to me there are cheaper sulutions.







He told the Daily Mail “It’s either that or I would end up dead


Shall you tell him or shall I?

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Fat Brits making the news today. 58 stone Keith Martin is - apparently - the world's fattest man, and needs seven carers to look after him. Martin link: http://www.huffingto...%26pLid%3D96329


At 50 grand p/a from public money, no less. I don't mind fat people, but it seems to me there are cheaper sulutions.







He told the Daily Mail “It’s either that or I would end up dead


Shall you tell him or shall I?


Perhaps we can break the news gently, by putting his food just out of reach. He'll understand...




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Fat Brits making the news today. 58 stone Keith Martin is - apparently - the world's fattest man, and needs seven carers to look after him. Martin link: http://www.huffingto...%26pLid%3D96329


At 50 grand p/a from public money, no less. I don't mind fat people, but it seems to me there are cheaper sulutions.





I say we barbeque the fat fuckers and feed the poor with them. I for one could feed the entire population of Nempnet Thrubwell.

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Hey, all these British guys are well and good, but our American cousins are coming back for that #1 spot.


They feature that restaurant on the show "Man Vs Food"

The triple bypass burger is approximately 6000 calories, although if you're feeling really peckish you can always go for the quadruple bypass burger at 8000 calories and wash it down with a butterfat milkshake

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Hey, all these British guys are well and good, but our American cousins are coming back for that #1 spot.


Now that's the spirit. That food seller, I mean.


Which reminds me of a session of dinners I've cooked in a Rotterdam squat, the proceeds of which went to soup kitchens in Nicaragua, then the Left's sweetheart. The motto of the session translated to: "eat yourself sick against hunger."




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Channel Five scraping the barrell doing a series documentary on Thursday about people who look after the most morbidly obese Brits. Promises to be car crash television of the most memorable kind. I believe Keith Martin is the star attraction in a segment that shows the eight people needed to move an incredibly overweight man into a house.

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Oops, my mistake Big Body Squad is tonight. Fortunately Mrs MPFC spotted my error and recorded it. Just off to smear a thick layer of butter on a Mars Bar and dip it into my hot chocolate whilst watching the recording. Got a king-size curry ordered for the first commercial break.

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Guest Wax Beans

Liver and onions is a poor substitute for goat head on scones.

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Georgia Davis, a 40 stone 17-year-old, marks her second appearance in The Sun in over 18 months.


In addition to her food troubles, Georgia is continuing to smoke


Fantastic. And she's not even Glaswegian!


She's progressed to the Daily Mail now, with their website leading (as in "considering this to be the most important news story in the world right now") with the tale of how it took 30 different people eight hours to remove the roly-poly teenager from her house during recent medical problems. She packs the scales at a saucy 63 stone and the Mail say she is "not expected to live past 20". She is currently 19. :pop:

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I was sat out in the sun not twenty minutes back greatly enjoying their coverage of her misfortune whilst downing coffee and a couple of chocolate biscuits. She's in serious trouble already and The Sun's coverage makes clear that her mother (arthritis and heart trouble) and step-father (lung cancer) are also up against it. In fact, her mother is so disabled that Georgia is listed as her carer. In the unlikely event that this troubled trio continue to breathe into 2013 there's a the certainty of tabloid coverage of subsequent deaths and a teasing triple-whammy in prospect for a brave dead-pooler.


Given how ill they are can someone explain to me how the hell Georgia has been continuing to access the (reported) 13,000 calories a day she's necking?

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Mighty Mike Hebranko, pet weightloss project of Richard Simmons and current world record holder for most weight lost, seems to be in acutely poor shape of late. He mentioned on twitter that he was going back into hospital for a spell, but then things went quiet. With no updates on his blogspot, and then his twitter accounted being taken over by a bot since April, I feared the worst. Thankfully, his friends have posted a message on his blog to say that he's still alive (as of last week), although the doctor has stated he didn't expect him to 'bounce back' this time. :pop:

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Sun reported this week that Georgia Davis had lost 11 stone. Co-incidentally, Britain's favourite tabloid has put on 10p in cover price a 33.33% increase, not that it turned that fact into a major article!

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Previously fattest man in the World, Paul Mason seems to be doing pretty well and has his own business - http://www.bbc.co.uk...uffolk-19742362


Aye, he let me down a few times as a dead pool pick. Good luck to him, I suppose.

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