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Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

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My 2,000th post. Not a milestone Senora honez is particularly keen on.

It's taken me a while, but it's all about quality not quantity. Apparently. I'll post a quality one eventually.

Now all I need are more chimpanzees and more keyboards.

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Respect Honez, can't say I have any quibbles with the quality of yer posting.


Incidentally, thanks to the admins for the new epithet, better than John Leslie.

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Guest Verne Troyer

Congratulations on your new status Banshees cream.

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Guest Warwick Davis

Aye, from me 'n' all.

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Millwall has quietly twunted himself.


The four figure fraternity fraternally embraces a fellow , or summat.

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Ladies and gentleman, tonight I make my

5000th post. I don't seem my post count so let's keep this our little secret.

I'm like a fine wine.


When I was a little younger, I would scroll through the IMDB and educate myself about life as I had never heard of the Wikipedia at the time. I would memorize death dates, birth dates, names, quotes and so on.


I don't consider myself what one might call a political junkie, but I've always managed to keep myself informed. At the time, I was probably doing some research on Reagan or Ford and there I came upon a list. Queen Juliana had picked her last tulip and spring had come once again.


I remember Ronald Reagan's son making comments about his father prior to his demise. He said "Dad's like a horse, he's fine" and a month or two later he was a dead horse. I was inspired but also a little disappointed as I liked the idea of having a former president who was totally senile. The most anticipative death of my lifetime would have to be Pope John Paul. There was nothing like it - his death was incomparable.


I could go on about my stellar existence and revive the classics. However it can't fit in one post. My existence has been a lot of things, I don't envision any of you as my friends but as partners or colleagues who are involved in a very controversial undertaking. I don't like most of you but I accept you. I value you.


And that's it.

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Aye, well, respect for the 5000 milestone BS.


Go well.

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Respect indeed BS, quite a milestone.

How are you going to celebrate such an achievement?

Will it be a quick dash to the local Deli for a cucumber and a pot of KY?

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Ladies and gentleman, tonight I make my

5000th post. I don't seem my post count so let's keep this our little secret.

I'm like a fine wine.


When I was a little younger, I would scroll through the IMDB and educate myself about life as I had never heard of the Wikipedia at the time. I would memorize death dates, birth dates, names, quotes and so on.


I don't consider myself what one might call a political junkie, but I've always managed to keep myself informed. At the time, I was probably doing some research on Reagan or Ford and there I came upon a list. Queen Juliana had picked her last tulip and spring had come once again.


I remember Ronald Reagan's son making comments about his father prior to his demise. He said "Dad's like a horse, he's fine" and a month or two later he was a dead horse. I was inspired but also a little disappointed as I liked the idea of having a former president who was totally senile. The most anticipative death of my lifetime would have to be Pope John Paul. There was nothing like it - his death was incomparable.


I could go on about my stellar existence and revive the classics. However it can't fit in one post. My existence has been a lot of things, I don't envision any of you as my friends but as partners or colleagues who are involved in a very controversial undertaking. I don't like most of you but I accept you. I value you.


And that's it.


Thanks BS, you've just made me think of old Ronnie's penis. Eww

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Respect indeed BS, quite a milestone.

How are you going to celebrate such an achievement?

Will it be a quick dash to the local Deli for a cucumber and a pot of KY?


Top post! Made me lol for real - Well done sir!


DWB :skull:

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Thanks BS, you've just made me think of old Ronnie's penis. Eww

First it was a female superhero, then it was Mr.Shilcock, and now it's Reagan. What a beautiful mind you have Handrejka, it would make the modest man cry. Then again, honesty is a very strong quality in people. I guess everybody has their weird.

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It's not exactly a round milestone but I believe Big Respect is due to Canadian Paul for sneaking past the posting total of Tempus and snagging himself a place on the topline of the all time posting champions.


Go well CP, your achievement combined with the quality of posting makes you a prince amongst us, or summat.

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How come most of Tempus Fugit's posts have been edited to just show a dot?

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Guest Guest
How come most of Tempus Fugit's posts have been edited to just show a dot?

Because he/she edited them



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Guest Guest
How come most of Tempus Fugit's posts have been edited to just show a dot?

Because he/she edited them



An act of self-censorship that must have taken quite a while





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Perhaps a bit of Stalinist revisionism bt Mr Fugit.


Wouldn't it be great to that with our lives: just edit out the embarrassing bits out of not just

your memory, but everyone else's too!

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Perhaps a bit of Stalinist revisionism bt Mr Fugit.


Wouldn't it be great to that with our lives: just edit out the embarrassing bits out of not just

your memory, but everyone else's too!


In my case, there wouldn't be very much left. :(

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Perhaps a bit of Stalinist revisionism bt Mr Fugit.


Wouldn't it be great to that with our lives: just edit out the embarrassing bits out of not just

your memory, but everyone else's too!


In my case, there wouldn't be very much left. :(


Me too...

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Perhaps a bit of Stalinist revisionism bt Mr Fugit.


Wouldn't it be great to that with our lives: just edit out the embarrassing bits out of not just

your memory, but everyone else's too!


In my case, there wouldn't be very much left. :banghead:


Me too...


Mmmm, I see a pattern forming here :banghead::(

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It's not exactly a round milestone but I believe Big Respect is due to Canadian Paul for sneaking past the posting total of Tempus and snagging himself a place on the topline of the all time posting champions.


Go well CP, your achievement combined with the quality of posting makes you a prince amongst us, or summat.


Thanks MPFC. I especially appreciate the low standards to which you apply the word "quality", or summat. :(

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Not entirely sure about the veracity of my new status, seeing as how it was culled from the title of a death metal song. But in rapid consultation with Mrs MPFC we have agreed our fantasy re diarrhea involves getting a trailer load of it spread on the garden, going on holiday for a week to avoid the worst of the smell and flies and returning to find a blooming flowerbed and lush and verdant lawn.

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The twunting of the fellating one, is that close.......I can TASTE it!

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The twunting of the fellating one, is that close.......I can TASTE it!

Well Ive always been a total twunt Mary.

I suppose its time to mark it officially, like :skull:

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Godot is one away from a triple twunting, tension mounts, or summat.

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