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A Famous Belgian

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There was a big star from Oostende

Whose dick was incredibly tender

He was kicked off Belgian telly

So he jumped on the ferry

And got a part as an Eastender

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Well Godot may be gone, but Belgians live on. What about Soeur Emmanuelle, the Belgian nun? If Abbe Pierre got a notice in the the UK, surely she would as well?


No health news though.


Playing around with the idea of including her on DDP 2008, came across this article. It's in foreign, so I'll quickly summarize the most important parts. First of all, I get the feeling that the picture associated with the article is not a recent one, so don't base any decisions off of that. She's in a wheelchair and in a nursing home, but she's still cognizant enough to be giving a deep and meaningful interview. An interesting quote, and of the two big headlines, is "Death is the most beautiful moment of life," used to discuss how she has no qualms with going when she goes. Is she "another old person?" More or less, depending on your point of view, but if you really want to do this Belgian thing on a deadpool, she's probably the best shot. And she doesn't even seem like she'd mind.


Famous? Well, that's subjective, but if you thought that Abbe Pierre was famous, then she should be as well. And Abbe Pierre got a UK obit as well. Between that possibility at the new acceptability of the New York Times, there's a pretty comfortable chance of an obit.

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Flemish literary giant, Hugo Claus, 88, has been euthanized.


He wrote in Dutch, I mean why not just be done with it and create one huge province of Benelux or summat?

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Guest Touche pas ma Belgique!
Flemish literary giant, Hugo Claus, 88, has been euthanized.


He wrote in Dutch, I mean why not just be done with it and create one huge province of Benelux or summat?


So everyone that speaks the same language must in fact be part of the same country? Shall we just sub,it and become that 51st state (Oz 52, NZ 53, Canada 54, etc.). Does that also mean that the Afrikaans population of South Africa should also be part of this member state? Oh and as an aside, out of the three languages (four including English) spoken in Luxembourg Dutch isn't one of them.

Secondly, not all Belgians are Dutch speakers. 90% of Bruxellois are naturally francophones (though bilingual), even though Brussels is an enclave of Flanders. Not many speak Dutch to a high level of proficiency in Wallonia. Then there is also a Germanophone community around Eupen.

Thirdly, it is only the politicians who have troubles coming to an agreement, I believe the real people (the electorate) are mainly in favour of keeping an entire state. It is just, albeit fairly large, the minority parties such as Vlaams Belang supporters that make it seem as if there is a greater schism amongst the population than actually exists.

The problem is now resolved for this government as Leterme is about to be finally sworn in. When you are fortunate (?) enough to live in a country with one language and essentially a two horse race government, the problems of forming coalitions pass you by, however Belgium is not alone in this regular occurence of coalition forming it's just not as efficient and laissez-faire as Switzerland say.

Finally, Flanders didn't want to join Holland, they wanted independence, there were historic reasons for them breaking away from the Netherlands in the first place so there must be some kind of underlying rivalry still in existence.


Sorry for the rant, I might no longer be a pseudoBelge but I now have a kind of loyalty. I've even hung up the Wallonia flag I was given before leaving.



PS: Weatherman if you are out there Hugo was on my list, does it still count seeing as my team were Born in Belgium, dead in 2007?

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Flemish literary giant, Hugo Claus, 88, has been euthanized.


He wrote in Dutch, I mean why not just be done with it and create one huge province of Benelux or summat?


So everyone that speaks the same language must in fact be part of the same country? Shall we just sub,it and become that 51st state (Oz 52, NZ 53, Canada 54, etc.). Does that also mean that the Afrikaans population of South Africa should also be part of this member state? Oh and as an aside, out of the three languages (four including English) spoken in Luxembourg Dutch isn't one of them.

Secondly, not all Belgians are Dutch speakers. 90% of Bruxellois are naturally francophones (though bilingual), even though Brussels is an enclave of Flanders. Not many speak Dutch to a high level of proficiency in Wallonia. Then there is also a Germanophone community around Eupen.

Thirdly, it is only the politicians who have troubles coming to an agreement, I believe the real people (the electorate) are mainly in favour of keeping an entire state. It is just, albeit fairly large, the minority parties such as Vlaams Belang supporters that make it seem as if there is a greater schism amongst the population than actually exists.

The problem is now resolved for this government as Leterme is about to be finally sworn in. When you are fortunate (?) enough to live in a country with one language and essentially a two horse race government, the problems of forming coalitions pass you by, however Belgium is not alone in this regular occurence of coalition forming it's just not as efficient and laissez-faire as Switzerland say.

Finally, Flanders didn't want to join Holland, they wanted independence, there were historic reasons for them breaking away from the Netherlands in the first place so there must be some kind of underlying rivalry still in existence.


Sorry for the rant, I might no longer be a pseudoBelge but I now have a kind of loyalty. I've even hung up the Wallonia flag I was given before leaving.



PS: Weatherman if you are out there Hugo was on my list, does it still count seeing as my team were Born in Belgium, dead in 2007?


There's smoke coming from your wing MPFC. I'm thinking this may require the old Immelmann. I'm turning for home. Bonne chance!

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I found the following here. when I googled 'Belgium + irony.'






One of the worst possible insults in the universe. Except on a little planet in the Western spiral arm of the universe : the Earth. On this green-blue globe Belgium is a little country in Europe beneath the European Jamaica and above the country know for its hot girl and boys with stupid hats, blue and white striped shirts and baguettes under their armpits. Belgium is famous for its beer and French fries (which is off course a brilliant name for something the Belgians can be proud off). Actually Belgium isn’t famous at all but that’s what Belgians think their country would be famous for if it would be famous. After the Earth film Pulp Fiction the Belgians actually got a little fame outside their country (maybe even the Vogons now know what the hell Belgium is, besides an insult). And they were right : it was for their French fries or better for the mayonnaise they put on it. Now the Americans think of Belgium as a bunch of lunatics or drunks (which totally explains why they could be famous for their beer) but at least they got a little fame didn’t they ! And the fact that the prime minister of the tiny country came famous in America for riding a mechanical bull didn’t add to that reputation at all. The reason why Belgium actually should be famous and infamous is off course the irony and total lack of self-respect that characterises the habitants of the country.



I'm planning a few low-key days over Easter - see the Holiday thread - just thought I'd leave the above with yers, I mean, we all get the joke, right?

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I found the following here. when I googled 'Belgium + irony.'






One of the worst possible insults in the universe. Except on a little planet in the Western spiral arm of the universe : the Earth. On this green-blue globe Belgium is a little country in Europe beneath the European Jamaica and above the country know for its hot girl and boys with stupid hats, blue and white striped shirts and baguettes under their armpits. Belgium is famous for its beer and French fries (which is off course a brilliant name for something the Belgians can be proud off). Actually Belgium isn’t famous at all but that’s what Belgians think their country would be famous for if it would be famous. After the Earth film Pulp Fiction the Belgians actually got a little fame outside their country (maybe even the Vogons now know what the hell Belgium is, besides an insult). And they were right : it was for their French fries or better for the mayonnaise they put on it. Now the Americans think of Belgium as a bunch of lunatics or drunks (which totally explains why they could be famous for their beer) but at least they got a little fame didn’t they ! And the fact that the prime minister of the tiny country came famous in America for riding a mechanical bull didn’t add to that reputation at all. The reason why Belgium actually should be famous and infamous is off course the irony and total lack of self-respect that characterises the habitants of the country.



I'm planning a few low-key days over Easter - see the Holiday thread - just thought I'd leave the above with yers, I mean, we all get the joke, right?


A reverse Immelmann, no less. Respect!

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Charles de Gaulle once said that “Belgium is a country invented by the British to annoy the French.”


Seems a good enough reason for a country for me.

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Charles de Gaulle once said that "Belgium is a country invented by the British to annoy the French."


Seems a good enough reason for a country for me.


That is the most sensible argument that I've ever heard. I may have to plan a trip there. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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I reckon the country is a ticking timebomb. Years of festering hatred between the Walloons and the Flems will erupt in to a bloody civil war, it'll be like Rwanda all over again. You heard it here first. Belgium needs something to bind it, a unifying force - cricket, for instance.


I see that new Prime Minister Yves Leterme has already spent time in hospital this year with stomach problems, this bodes badly for his future, you need a strong stomach to run a country. Via these pages, I tried to warn former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, similarly afflicted with stomach ailments, of the dangers of taking office. He ignored my advice (that, or I suppose he might not have read it) and lasted less than a year before the job got too much for him.

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He ignored my advice (that, or I suppose he might not have read it) and lasted less than a year before the job got too much for him.


Are you pen pals with prime ministers? What's the situation here.


At what extreme would you write an article\letter about a politician who can't stomach his job. Do you go as far as saying 'his funeral will be before his second term' or.. would it be more appropriate. If that were my job I would tell it the way it is.

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I reckon the country is a ticking timebomb. Years of festering hatred between the Walloons and the Flems will erupt in to a bloody civil war, it'll be like Rwanda all over again. You heard it here first. Belgium needs something to bind it, a unifying force - cricket, for instance.


Indeed, from your relatively local position on another issue DDT would you say the seething Belgian problem is more or less likely to kick off into violence than the raging nationism of the Cornish?

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I was just wondering if someone could change the post into "FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM THE BENELUX".

I think it's a little easier to find something if you have three royal family's, three different cabinet's and authors who write in three different languages (that won't change) to talk about.

Just a suggestion.


By the way, I just found out i went up in rank again, Is this just standard over time or am I doing something good for the Site?


I (and I hope Godot too) would protest at the watering down of famous Belgians with insignificant Luxembourgeois!


You could always start your own thread deadicated (don't worry, the coat's on) to the Duchy and The Netherregions. You seem to be capable of doing this. <_<


Touche pas à ma Belgique

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By the way, I just found out i went up in rank again, Is this just standard over time or am I doing something good for the Site?


You go up a 'rank' the more posts you make.

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I was just wondering if someone could change the post into "FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM THE BENELUX".

I think it's a little easier to find something if you have three royal family's, three different cabinet's and authors who write in three different languages (that won't change) to talk about.

Just a suggestion.


By the way, I just found out i went up in rank again, Is this just standard over time or am I doing something good for the Site?

Benelux? Pah! Sounds more like a make of dishwasher. You can say what you like about Belgium. It's still a country... just, with plenty of famous sons and daughters ready and waiting to claim Deathlist glory.

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I was just wondering if someone could change the post into "FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM THE BENELUX".


The point of this particular thread is to highlight the fact that although it's been around for, I don't know, several hundred years, and is surrounded by countries which produce hundreds of noteworthy people (including the excellent Dutch), Belgium is spectacularly crap at having famous citizens. The most well-known are a portly fictional detective created by an English authoress, and another fictional detective with a quiff and a white dog. A few tennis players, a cyclist and racing driver from 40+ years ago, and that's pretty much it. And please spare us "Audrey Hepburn", the daughter of an English father and Dutch mother.


So, VH, may we suggest that you Dutchies not allow yourself to get dragged down anywhere near the level of the Belgians and let them keep this thread all to themselves. Belgians are so crap they barely even have a country at the moment. Not that anyone would miss it if it went.

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Belgians are so crap they barely even have a country at the moment. Not that anyone would miss it if it went.


I'd miss it CR! In fact I think in a strange way I sort of do miss it more than missing the UK. Luckily France is keeping me occupied with things to see.

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You could always start your own thread deadicated (don't worry, the coat's on) to the Duchy and The Netherregions. You seem to be capable of doing this. :)


I was thinking that maybe when I've been a year on this site, to suggest to make a Dutch-languaged version of this site in which I and others, pool on famous people from: Nederland, Vlaams-België, De Antillen, Aruba & Suriname.

Seeing how much people on this site are Dutch or Flemish, I think it could be pretty succesfull.

I also think there are a lot of people we can place on "de dodenlijst" for instants: Johan Heesters, Miep Gies, Johan Ferrier, Piet De Jong, Willem Duis, Bas & Aad Van Toor and more recently Sugar Lee Hooper.

But before I do that I first want to get a little more knowledge about the site, and get the permission (and help of one and/or more admins from this site).


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Well, she's not dead, or even dying, but one of Belgium's truly famous sports stars, tennis player Justine Henin, is hanging up her racket (and no SC, that's not supposed to be taken either literally or as a metaphor for death).


There's no Henin tennis


Martina Hingis retired suddenly last year when she was so innocent of testing positive for cocaine she promptly quit the sport. Justine seems too boring to have been up to her eyeballs, so maybe she just got sick of the E. European hotties getting all the attention.

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Hmm, posting consecutively in the same thread is somewhat frowned upon by some DL purists, but as I'm the only person interested in this topic an exception will have to be made. Not surprisingly, the Torygraph isn't too sympathetic to the plight of poor old Belgium:


Wallooning in self-pity

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