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A Famous Belgian

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Arnaud De Borchgrave






google 'em

checkout the interview on VBS

smart chap and ready to die

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Well Godot may be gone, but Belgians live on. What about Soeur Emmanuelle, the Belgian nun? If Abbe Pierre got a notice in the the UK, surely she would as well?


No health news though.


Playing around with the idea of including her on DDP 2008, came across this article. It's in foreign, so I'll quickly summarize the most important parts. First of all, I get the feeling that the picture associated with the article is not a recent one, so don't base any decisions off of that. She's in a wheelchair and in a nursing home, but she's still cognizant enough to be giving a deep and meaningful interview. An interesting quote, and of the two big headlines, is "Death is the most beautiful moment of life," used to discuss how she has no qualms with going when she goes. Is she "another old person?" More or less, depending on your point of view, but if you really want to do this Belgian thing on a deadpool, she's probably the best shot. And she doesn't even seem like she'd mind.


Famous? Well, that's subjective, but if you thought that Abbe Pierre was famous, then she should be as well. And Abbe Pierre got a UK obit as well. Between that possibility at the new acceptability of the New York Times, there's a pretty comfortable chance of an obit.

If she's getting articles about her upcoming 100th birthday in the Guardian, she'll certainly be getting a UK obituary. It might not be for a few years yet, but all that press she'll have to do for the book could take its toll.



Sounds like she's big news in France, at least...


Her popularity has not waned with age: this month she was voted France's sixth most popular personality in a newspaper poll, ahead of Carla Bruni, Gérard Depardieu and Thierry Henry.

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Belguim is also having to bale out a massive bank. If this credit crunch got really out of hand I wonder if a smallish European country with strong financial connections could inadvertantly go tits up trying to bale out the biggest credit risks. If it did, would France - like - take it over?

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Belgian electro music legend Marc Moulin has died of cancer, aged 66. He fronted a band called Telex, who finished ninteenth out of twenty one entries in the 1980 Eurovision contest. Their song "Eurovision" took the piss out of the competition itself.


From Wiki:


"The Eurovision audience seemed unsure how to react to the performance, and after the band stopped playing there was mostly stunned silence, with scattered polite applause; Marc Moulin took a photograph of the bewildered audience. The band walked off amidst sounds of muttering."


Thanks to You Tube, the happy event can be witnessed again


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Belguim is also having to bale out a massive bank. If this credit crunch got really out of hand I wonder if a smallish European country with strong financial connections could inadvertantly go tits up trying to bale out the biggest credit risks. If it did, would France - like - take it over?


No, it's got it's hands full with Portsmouth.


This is one of the problems with a country like Belgium. People don't take it seriously enough to read the whole story but still feel they can pass comment. Even I feel on shaky ground with what I am about to say.


On reading some of the articles posted in this thread one quickly ascertians that many in Flanders actually want to split away from Belgium and become an independent state. Due to the contentious issue of the Brussels enclave I think the best they can look at is a confederation of the linguistic communities thus taking taxation and welfare away from the federal level which would resolve the issue that the Flemish have with "supporting" their poorer neighbours. However they have been quick to forget the time when the fortunes were reversed and they were mainly agriculturers and the steel industry and mines of Wallonia were prosperous.


In that article it also reminds us of how the Flemish fought to save their language at a time when the Francophones were more dominant. Thus IMHO I don't think they'd just stand there - and like - let France take them over or summat :unsure:


If you compare the GDP per capita (I'm not an economist, is this a good benchmark to compare?) for France and Belgium you find that Belgium's is (a little) higher. Considering that Flanders is the financially dominant region, their GDP per capita may be even greater still if we remove the somewhat smaller contribution from Wallonia (though they have a smaller population too).


I never met a Wallon who expressed an interest in being French. Besides which there is a small German speaking community in Wallonia around Eupen, who are 100% Belgian too, what would become of them?


I think we need to worry about our own problems first. I mean what is the government thinking nationalising our bed and breakfasts. They may be a British institution but the only meddling to be allowed in b&bs by Politicians should be that which is reported in The Daily Star for the amusement of HIGNFY.



Mono, Ambassatrice Wallon. (You can wake up now)

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there is a small German speaking community in Wallonia around Eupen, who are 100% Belgian too, what would become of them?

Here in Germany we've never been averse to a spot of Anschluss.

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there is a small German speaking community in Wallonia around Eupen, who are 100% Belgian too, what would become of them?

Here in Germany we've never been averse to a spot of Anschluss.


How does Germany feel about Portsmouth?

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there is a small German speaking community in Wallonia around Eupen, who are 100% Belgian too, what would become of them?

Here in Germany we've never been averse to a spot of Anschluss.


How does Germany feel about Portsmouth?

.......about the same as Tottenham feels.

They are total and utter c***s!!!!!!!!!!

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Well Godot may be gone, but Belgians live on. What about Soeur Emmanuelle, the Belgian nun? If Abbe Pierre got a notice in the the UK, surely she would as well?


No health news though.


Playing around with the idea of including her on DDP 2008, came across this article. It's in foreign, so I'll quickly summarize the most important parts. First of all, I get the feeling that the picture associated with the article is not a recent one, so don't base any decisions off of that. She's in a wheelchair and in a nursing home, but she's still cognizant enough to be giving a deep and meaningful interview. An interesting quote, and of the two big headlines, is "Death is the most beautiful moment of life," used to discuss how she has no qualms with going when she goes. Is she "another old person?" More or less, depending on your point of view, but if you really want to do this Belgian thing on a deadpool, she's probably the best shot. And she doesn't even seem like she'd mind.


Famous? Well, that's subjective, but if you thought that Abbe Pierre was famous, then she should be as well. And Abbe Pierre got a UK obit as well. Between that possibility at the new acceptability of the New York Times, there's a pretty comfortable chance of an obit.


She's dead. BBC obit.

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I wonder if this might inspire any other 99-year-old Belgian-born adopted Frogs to cassé leur pipes before the end of 2008.

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Well Godot may be gone, but Belgians live on. What about Soeur Emmanuelle, the Belgian nun? If Abbe Pierre got a notice in the the UK, surely she would as well?


No health news though.


Playing around with the idea of including her on DDP 2008, came across this article. It's in foreign, so I'll quickly summarize the most important parts. First of all, I get the feeling that the picture associated with the article is not a recent one, so don't base any decisions off of that. She's in a wheelchair and in a nursing home, but she's still cognizant enough to be giving a deep and meaningful interview. An interesting quote, and of the two big headlines, is "Death is the most beautiful moment of life," used to discuss how she has no qualms with going when she goes. Is she "another old person?" More or less, depending on your point of view, but if you really want to do this Belgian thing on a deadpool, she's probably the best shot. And she doesn't even seem like she'd mind.


Famous? Well, that's subjective, but if you thought that Abbe Pierre was famous, then she should be as well. And Abbe Pierre got a UK obit as well. Between that possibility at the new acceptability of the New York Times, there's a pretty comfortable chance of an obit.


She's dead. BBC obit.



I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.

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I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.


What does it tell us that one of France's most successful movies ever, across all genres, is the original "Emmanuelle"?


It's a bit of a shame that the actress who played Emmanuelle in some of the early films isn't from Belgium, because it would have tied neatly in to the title of the thread, but Sylvia Kristel is Dutch. The poor Belgians can't even produce a good pr0n star.

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I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.


What does it tell us that one of France's most successful movies ever, across all genres, is the original "Emmanuelle"?


It's a bit of a shame that the actress who played Emmanuelle in some of the early films isn't from Belgium, because it would have tied neatly in to the title of the thread, but Sylvia Kristel is Dutch. The poor Belgians can't even produce a good pr0n star.


O yes, they can! Dries Breyne, the cousin of Godfried cardinal Danneels, who was considered one of the favourites to succeed the late pope John Paul II. (Danneels was the favourite, not Breyne, obviously...)

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I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.


What does it tell us that one of France's most successful movies ever, across all genres, is the original "Emmanuelle"?


It's a bit of a shame that the actress who played Emmanuelle in some of the early films isn't from Belgium, because it would have tied neatly in to the title of the thread, but Sylvia Kristel is Dutch. The poor Belgians can't even produce a good pr0n star.


O yes, they can! Dries Breyne, the cousin of Godfried cardinal Danneels, who was considered one of the favourites to succeed the late pope John Paul II. (Danneels was the favourite, not Breyne, obviously...)


Danneels was not a papabile as you suggest. He's too liberal, supports gay rights and what not. He will never get there. The actual favourite and real competitor at the last conclave was Cardinal Martini who has now turned 80 and cannot therefore be elected.

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I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.


What does it tell us that one of France's most successful movies ever, across all genres, is the original "Emmanuelle"?


It's a bit of a shame that the actress who played Emmanuelle in some of the early films isn't from Belgium, because it would have tied neatly in to the title of the thread, but Sylvia Kristel is Dutch. The poor Belgians can't even produce a good pr0n star.


O yes, they can! Dries Breyne, the cousin of Godfried cardinal Danneels, who was considered one of the favourites to succeed the late pope John Paul II. (Danneels was the favourite, not Breyne, obviously...)


Danneels was not a papabile as you suggest. He's too liberal, supports gay rights and what not. He will never get there. The actual favourite and real competitor at the last conclave was Cardinal Martini who has now turned 80 and cannot therefore be elected.


They use to say: 'he who enters the conclave as Pope, leaves as a cardinal'. The more a cardinal is mentioned in the media, the fewer his chances. Joseph cardinal Ratzinger however was indeed the big favourite to succeed John Paul II, because of his age (not too young), because of his proved qualities (he is highly intelligent, speaks ten languages and had been a stand-in for John Paul II during his final illness) and most of all: because of his rigid conservatism. It was thought to have made him the most preferred candidate for the African and South-American cardinals, while Martini and Re should have been favourite with the Italian electors. The other European cardinals - especially the more pastoral amongst them - were thought to support a more liberal candidate, and their champion could well have been Danneels.


However, a leaked diary suggested that the cardinals voted quite differently in 2005. The Latin-American and African electors seemed to prefer Jorge cardinal Bergoglio, a dark horse from Argentina. It were the European cardinals that presented Ratzinger the papal tiara.

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Queen Fabiola, the widow of King Baudouin, has undergone surgery at a Liege hospital. It doesn't look too serious, her press office helpfully described the procedure as a "beningn operation".

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Eight more anonymous Belgians bit the dust today in a fit of gluttony as I consumed them----they were quite tasty the little waffle; sorry to say I din't get their names before chomping into them.....

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Queen Fabiola is back in hospital again. This time she's got pneumonia.


Her health is deteriorating.


(Still looking for an english source...)


Queen Fabiola was declared dead by several Belgian media, but it turned out to be a mistake. There have been several more examples of newspapers and TV channels that seemed too eager to publish their obits lately.


Did anyone actually check Dai Llewelynn's pulse? It would be heartbreaking to see him appear on some Obama-inauguration-party with a bottle of bourbon in his hand...

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