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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2007

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Be a dead Russian composer.




Sergei Rakhmaninov. I lived in the early Twentieth Century and was well known for my compositional, conducting, and piano skills, yet I am melancholy despite this talent. My famous works include my nearly-impossible piano concerti.



I'm the same - I think there's something fishy about that test.


And me


LOL - either the test is screwed or we're all slightly whacked in the same way.

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I've joined the Rakhmaninov club.


I was instinctively about to put travelling as my "not composing option" until I read down the list and saw Performing complex chemistry experiments which, unfortunately, is all to apt.

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Be a dead Russian composer.




Sergei Rakhmaninov. I lived in the early Twentieth Century and was well known for my compositional, conducting, and piano skills, yet I am melancholy despite this talent. My famous works include my nearly-impossible piano concerti.



I'm the same - I think there's something fishy about that test.


And me


LOL - either the test is screwed or we're all slightly whacked in the same way.


Looks like I am the odd one out again :blink:

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Looks like I am the odd one out again :blink:

Not at all Lady G. I also came up as Igor Stravinsky... :pop:


...but I wasn't going to admit it as I can't cope with the term 'neat freak'! It sounds like too much hard work destined to be wasted.

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me :P


primary1tl0.jpg (I don't think my profile pic will help!)



Are you third from the left in the front row?


Nope that was Angie Allan, my memory of her always includes Alsations, she had one, it followed her to school all the time, nice lassie but I think she found drugs like a few people in the picture sadly :P .

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me :P


primary1tl0.jpg (I don't think my profile pic will help!)



Are you third from the left in the front row?


Nope that was Angie Allan, my memory of her always includes Alsations, she had one, it followed her to school all the time, nice lassie but I think she found drugs like a few people in the picture sadly :P .


I'll stick with the first row, how's about fourth from the right?

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name='Monoclinic' date='Apr 26 2007, 12:09 AM' post


I'll stick with the first row, how's about fourth from the right?


No, I can't remember who she is, she looks like Violet Elizabeth from the Just William stories, hmm....now I should be annoyed by that monoclinic ............ :P

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Test your knowledge of the undead ;)


I got 5

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me :crossbone:




( I don't think my profile pic will help!)

I'll go for 2nd from the left in the middle row on the basis of an early interest in fashion and the colours worn, although the little girl right in front of her looks cheerful and chatty and could easily be an incipient Lady G!


I never had any school photographs taken until I was protestingly included as a teacher and that one was conveniently lost. ;)



Test your knowledge of the undead :crossbone:


I got 5

Oh, dearie me....


"You got 1 right!

A zombie could have done better!"

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me :crossbone:




( I don't think my profile pic will help!)

I'll go for 2nd from the left in the middle row on the basis of an early interest in fashion and the colours worn, although the little girl right in front of her looks cheerful and chatty and could easily be an incipient Lady G!


I never had any school photographs taken until I was protestingly included as a teacher and that one was conveniently lost. ;)



Test your knowledge of the undead :crossbone:


I got 5

Oh, dearie me....


"You got 1 right!

A zombie could have done better!"


I got seven.


As for the pic I'm going to guess second row far left, not sure why I just imagine you to have had long hair when younger. It's funny how what the teacher is wearing is back in fashion now. I saw loads of tops like that while shopping today.

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me ;)




( I don't think my profile pic will help!)

I reckon the wee lassie at the right hand end of the front row looks fairly grendelish.

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me ;)




( I don't think my profile pic will help!)

I reckon the wee lassie at the right hand end of the front row looks fairly grendelish.


I'd go along with that - I'm sure I remember LG saying she was quite short, and that wee lassie does seem a bit more wee than her peers.

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I've got mine so don't need to, guess which one is me :crossbone:




( I don't think my profile pic will help!)


I'm going to stick my neck out and be wrong, but I say the little girl in teal with red hairbows. ;)

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Unfortunately you are all wrong, Carolann & Monoclinic were the nearest with nap a close second, I am, sadly, in the front row - 3rd from the right, short hair handrejka, it was the bain of my childhood, especially when you consider that it was the early 70's and long hair was de rigueur, my Mum insisted on it until I was old enough to pay for my own haircuts, needless to say I started growing it long at 16 (just when short hair came back into fashion!). I was often mistaken for a boy as a child, not unsurprising really. Thanks CO for the 'cheerful and chatty' comment, I was the opposite at school, quiet and shy, one of my school report cards said I was 'quiet, sometimes too quiet', my parents were puzzled by this as I was the opposite at home, but I was never comfortable at school, I think I felt quite intimidated by the more outgoing people, especially as I was easily embarassed, so making fun of LG was quite easy! If only I could go back now ............


I agree with the teachers clothing H, I was shopping today with scsibear and that style was everywhere, just goes to show that 'fashion' goes in cycles, can I just say I really hope the style where guys permed the back half of their hair (circa 1985/86) never comes back around!


DDT you were right I am only 5 foot 1, but at least when I was 5 years old I wasn't smaller than the rest of the class, I stopped growing, heightwise, at 12.


Nap, 'grendelish', a fabulous word, I will endeavour to use it now.


I'm off to dig out scsi's school piccy, although if I vanish after posting it you know he has found out ;) .

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my Mum insisted on it until I was old enough to pay for my own haircuts.


You should have agreed.

You had no money to pay for haircut thus hair grows. :P

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