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Saddam Hussein

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Saddam's got the death sentence - as has Awad Hama Badar Albandar and Barzan Ibrahim Al-Hasan Al-Tiriti, all three to be hanged - <snip


They got a suspended sentence then :banghead:

But Saddam has opted for shot treatment :banghead:

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Saddam's got the death sentence - as has Awad Hama Badar Albandar and Barzan Ibrahim Al-Hasan Al-Tiriti, all three to be hanged - <snip
They got a suspended sentence then :banghead:

But Saddam has opted for shot treatment :banghead:

I don't think he got any choice. Anyway, they won't hang around for long.




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Interesting - next year Sadaam turns 70, which will make him ineligble for the death penalty.


They better hurry up then.

Why don't they just hang him now and then carry on with the trial. At least the judge wont get

interrupted this time... :D

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The date of death-escape is April 28th 2007, not sure I'd risk the family fortune on his chances of maintaining a pulse till then.

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Guest just_ol_me
Sadaam appeals death sentence.


:P cant help it, but need to comment even so i know i wont be able to change anything (especially here)


but did it ever cross your mind, that saddam was not "such a criminal" as he is now stigmatised?


set aside that for many years his willing to risk the life of his soldiers to aid the interests of the usa in batteling iran - but just the facts:


MORE people have died in iraq since the invasion of the us than during the entire reign of saddam.


...did it ever cross any ones mind, that this fellow just knew how to keep those crazy iraqi's at bay and had the ruthlessness neccessary to enforce the logical consequences?


killing saddam just satisfies a sick but "normal" human desire for revenge, since taking one life can never bring justice for that life having taken other lifes (no matter how many) - and if so, why would one not have to hang bush and rumsfeld on either side next to saddam?


just because they won a war they had started?


just to make this clear: i am not a fan of saddam, and i would never have wanted to live under his rule in iraq ..... but then: I would not want to live in iraq now either, and I have left the US for pretty much exact the same reasons.


if the american people dont siwtch on whatever brain they have left, and switch it on fast, this world will go down fast. but hey, I am ;) and dont have children - you and your kids will have to pay the price for the wide spread stupidity manifested (also) in this forum.

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Sadaam appeals death sentence.


:P cant help it, but need to comment even so i know i wont be able to change anything (especially here)


but did it ever cross your mind, that saddam was not "such a criminal" as he is now stigmatised?


set aside that for many years his willing to risk the life of his soldiers to aid the interests of the usa in batteling iran - but just the facts:


MORE people have died in iraq since the invasion of the us than during the entire reign of saddam.


...did it ever cross any ones mind, that this fellow just knew how to keep those crazy iraqi's at bay and had the ruthlessness neccessary to enforce the logical consequences?


killing saddam just satisfies a sick but "normal" human desire for revenge, since taking one life can never bring justice for that life having taken other lifes (no matter how many) - and if so, why would one not have to hang bush and rumsfeld on either side next to saddam?


just because they won a war they had started?


just to make this clear: i am not a fan of saddam, and i would never have wanted to live under his rule in iraq ..... but then: I would not want to live in iraq now either, and I have left the US for pretty much exact the same reasons.


if the american people dont siwtch on whatever brain they have left, and switch it on fast, this world will go down fast. but hey, I am ;) and dont have children - you and your kids will have to pay the price for the wide spread stupidity manifested (also) in this forum.


Thank you for this Kofi. Like a lot dictators Saddam let things go to his head. He should have been stopped much earlier. His treatment of the marsh Arabs and the Kurds was pretty atrocious by any standards. I know quite a few Iraqis who are far from crazy. In fact all the Iranians and Iraqis I have met have been lovely people.


I agree with your worries about the US as the world's police force. They don't know enough about the world to do things in any subtle way. But at least the Americans will get involved. Their young men and women have died for causes they know little about. In spite of everything that is said about the US it remains a country with a way of life to which so many aspire. Osama bin Laden doesn't think that way because he was born in to a massively wealthy family. Some people admire him too. But there was nothing to admire about 9/11.


Mussolini made the trains run on time. Hitler built self belief (and great motorways) in Germany. He loved his dog and liked painting. I'm sure that even Vlad the Impaler had an engaging side to his character. But they were all bad people. Bad people sometimes get to be in charge of things. Worryingly for America, so do complete jerks but their jerks were elected so what does that say about the electorate?


I don't think this forum should be singled out as a manifestation of stupidity. Stupidity is everywhere. No country has a monopoly on this ubiquitous quality that seems to be a characteristic of all life forms (I mean why would a cancer want to kill people, thereby killing itself?). Stupid is as stupid does, said Forrest Gump and what did he know?


Iraq is bad but it's a side show compared to the global conflicts of the 20th century. Previous generations did not make a great job of things. The new one will need to a do a little better.

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you and your kids will have to pay the price for the wide spread stupidity manifested (also) in this forum.


Oi, IMHO if there were more people engaged on forums like this, exchanging banter, being made aware of other opinions and sharing in the lunatic fun available out there I think the world would be a calmer and less warlike place. If you stick around long enough to notice it's the narrow minded who perish first amongst our membership.

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Ah yes, where to begin with this one?


:P cant help it, but need to comment even so i know i wont be able to change anything (especially here)


but did it ever cross your mind, that saddam was not "such a criminal" as he is now stigmatised?

When did I personally claim that he was a criminal? Now that you've brought it up though, I will make that claim. A man who was put on trial and found guilty is a criminal by dictionary definition. Nothing subjective about that.


set aside that for many years his willing to risk the life of his soldiers to aid the interests of the usa in batteling iran - but just the facts:

So if I risk my life for someone else, that means I can kill people? Why didn't you tell me before!


MORE people have died in iraq since the invasion of the us than during the entire reign of saddam.

True no doubt, but if kill 2000 people and you kill 10,000, does that mean my crimes can be forgotten? Hell, there's a lot of serial killers out there, I should at least be able to get away with killing two or three people I don't like.


...did it ever cross any ones mind, that this fellow just knew how to keep those crazy iraqi's at bay and had the ruthlessness neccessary to enforce the logical consequences?

As a Middle Eastern Studies major, yes in fact, it did. But as the courts have decided, and my subjective analysis of the evidence leads to, Sadaam was clearly excessive in his methods - he didn't need to send people through industrial paper shredders and boil them in acid.


killing saddam just satisfies a sick but "normal" human desire for revenge, since taking one life can never bring justice for that life having taken other lifes (no matter how many) - and if so, why would one not have to hang bush and rumsfeld on either side next to saddam?

Weren't you the one who, just one section ago, defended by Sadaam by claiming that he did what was necessary to prevent the killing of innocents? I never liked the idea of going in there in the first place and I'm opposed to the death penalty in principle - but I'm not going to go picket to have it abolished in this case either. We can have a discussion about moral extremes and their place in generalized debate at some other juncture. As for Bush and Rumsfeld, my moderate side tells me to go through the picky details that enhance the differences, but my blunt side wants to agree with you.


if the american people dont siwtch on whatever brain they have left, and switch it on fast, this world will go down fast. but hey, I am :ph34r: and dont have children - you and your kids will have to pay the price for the wide spread stupidity manifested (also) in this forum.

I love how you trash Americans on a forum that's clearly British and, even if you hadn't noticed that, you responded to someone who's name was Canadian Paul (and I might add, to a complete objective piece of news at that). So I doubt that I'll have to pay any price for any American stupidity, except maybe the time I lost pointing out yours.


My opinion on the Iraq War I'll save for some other time perhaps.

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The Iraqi PM wants rid of Saddam as early as possible next year. He is hoping for some time in January.

The 1st January 2007 will do just fine...



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Don't know if this makes any difference but:


Iraqi law requires executions to take place within 30 days of the end of the appeal process; however it also forbids the executions of people aged over 70 years old, a status Saddam Hussein acquires on 28 April 2007.


So, if he somehow dragged out his appeal for a few more months, he could avoid execution...

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Don't know if this makes any difference but:


Iraqi law requires executions to take place within 30 days of the end of the appeal process; however it also forbids the executions of people aged over 70 years old, a status Saddam Hussein acquires on 28 April 2007.


So, if he somehow dragged out his appeal for a few more months, he could avoid execution...

True, but from what the above article said, a ruling will be made on Saddam's appeal in early to mid January.

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Don't know if this makes any difference but:


Iraqi law requires executions to take place within 30 days of the end of the appeal process; however it also forbids the executions of people aged over 70 years old, a status Saddam Hussein acquires on 28 April 2007.


So, if he somehow dragged out his appeal for a few more months, he could avoid execution...


I posted that above a while back and decided to do a bit of research on it.


Apparently the 1937 birthdate is one given by Sadaam, since no actual record of his birth exists. Therefore, I figure it would be very easy for someone to say "well he's not actually 70, here's some 'proof' that he was born in 1938." Since this is the government we're talking about, this "proof" could be anything vague and ambiguous enough to allow him to be executed.


And as FF said, they're unlikely to leave it that long in any case.

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Don't know if this makes any difference but:


Iraqi law requires executions to take place within 30 days of the end of the appeal process; however it also forbids the executions of people aged over 70 years old, a status Saddam Hussein acquires on 28 April 2007.


So, if he somehow dragged out his appeal for a few more months, he could avoid execution...


I posted that above a while back and decided to do a bit of research on it.


Apparently the 1937 birthdate is one given by Sadaam, since no actual record of his birth exists. Therefore, I figure it would be very easy for someone to say "well he's not actually 70, here's some 'proof' that he was born in 1938." Since this is the government we're talking about, this "proof" could be anything vague and ambiguous enough to allow him to be executed.


And as FF said, they're unlikely to leave it that long in any case.


But equally, and I apologise for drifting somewhat into the realms of fantasy, it could be argued that if the powers-that-be decide that Saddam dying is not the best outcome, they could announce that "Hey, he was being vain, he's really 70 already..."

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But equally, and I apologise for drifting somewhat into the realms of fantasy, it could be argued that if the powers-that-be decide that Saddam dying is not the best outcome, they could announce that "Hey, he was being vain, he's really 70 already..."


True, but if the powers that be decide that, they could find a dizzying array of excuses to postpone his execution. That's why I think he's not as much of a dead cert as people think he is.


My analysis, however, is that the powers that be will likely prefer him dead, so he's going on my list. It is, of course, a completely subjective analysis.

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Don't know if this makes any difference but:


Iraqi law requires executions to take place within 30 days of the end of the appeal process; however it also forbids the executions of people aged over 70 years old, a status Saddam Hussein acquires on 28 April 2007.


So, if he somehow dragged out his appeal for a few more months, he could avoid execution...

Oxymoron at this present time?


I don't think a little thing like the law is going to stop this particular agenda being fulfilled, especially as he could have deployed all those WMD's against us...



... in 45mins. :P


Saddam was a very bad man. Whether he was as bad as we're led to believe I'm honestly not sure anymore. I certainly didn't vote for him but I suppose the line between democratically elected governments and terrorist nations is a line that's getting blurrier all the time. Does it all depends on what mood the PM is in in the AM? :)


With the dawn of 2007 anything I'm told by the politicians is open to cross examination. If Mr Blair said that it was black (sorry... non-white - HoS) then I would physically have to check myself as I wouldn't piss on the lying bastard if he was on fire. As our country continues to slide into the toilet could we get a forced regime change? This particular morning as the absinthe is processed in my liver I genuinely wonder whether it would be a bad thing.

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Here's a super graphic I thought ya all might appreciate that i'm gonna put up on one of my websites later. What a shame Godless UK doesn't have the death penalty! If he was convicted in the UK tax payers money would be squandered locking this monster up for life! Bring back capital punishment for the scum that deserves it! Murderers deserve nothing less than to be put to DEATH! :P



^ Rot in hell you xxxxxx xxxx! :)


[Racist slur removed -- MH]

Edited by Magere Hein

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He's too cute to hang from that rope.



Hopefully he can live past April just so he can be placed on our watch under legitimate causes......like death from underwear elastic cutting off his aging circulation.

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None of this really matters anyway since they don't even have the real Saddam. Take a good look at him. It's clearly an imposter. The shape of the head is different, the eyebrows are not the same, the eye color is slightly lighter. There are inconsistancies everywhere. The sad truth here is that this man (who may not even exist) is going to be tried, convicted and executed just to please the American and British governments. They have to have some way of finishing off all the spending of money for a rather questionable series of events which have occurred over the past few years and what better way than an execution to be broadcast live on simulcast between the CBC, the BBC and ABC? Just think of the ratings!

Moving back a moment though, I must repeat, THE MAN THEY HAVE IN CUSTODY IS NOT, I REPEAT, NOT SADDAM HUSSEIN. In the final picture a man will either be executed or not but if one indeed is then I for one doubt it will actually be the REAL Hussein who is either long dead or has fled the country by now and is living it up in either on a kibbutz just outside of Tel Aviv or in a simple yurt in Ulan Bator.

Hard to argue the logic and wisdom of Walter Cronkitey.

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