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Guest Simfish

Especially considering that he has a history of fainting spells.

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I'll think he beat the Reagan record anyway and we'll see how he's doing in December, I guess.


I have him penciled (or typed, whatever) in for my 2007 DDP. After Ken Lay and Syd Barrett died, I'm not letting any prediction of my roommate slip through my fingers.


Overall though, things aren't looking as grim for him as they were at the beginning of the year.

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Guest iain
He could drown, however

if he takes another stroke while swimming that woudnt be too good for him...

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He could drown, however

if he takes another stroke while swimming that woudnt be too good for him...

So what you are saying is that it would be better for him to just float around on the top...after all Betty could not af-Ford to lose him :):D:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I believe if Ford was placed back in office (again...not elected to the position), he would simply pardon Bush's supidity and Cheney for his war profiteering, much like he pardoned Nixon and Tokyo Rose.



The American people pardoned Bill Clinton even though he lied to the entire country and sullied the reputation of Monica Lewinsky. Who can forget that whopper of "I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman"...which when one thinks on it implies that he is admitting to the Katherine Willey incident and a whole host of others including possibly Madeline Albright and Linda 'Blabber Mouth' Tripp.


Now that I have spewed that, could we get this back on track to being about Gerald Ford and his lack of need for any pacemakers...What?...you never heard of Gerry and the Pacemakers?

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I believe if Ford was placed back in office (again...not elected to the position), he would simply pardon Bush's supidity and Cheney for his war profiteering, much like he pardoned Nixon and Tokyo Rose.



The American people pardoned Bill Clinton even though he lied to the entire country and sullied the reputation of Monica Lewinsky. Who can forget that whopper of "I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman"...which when one thinks on it implies that he is admitting to the Katherine Willey incident and a whole host of others including possibly Madeline Albright and Linda 'Blabber Mouth' Tripp.


Now that I have spewed that, could we get this back on track to being about Gerald Ford and his lack of need for any pacemakers...What?...you never heard of Gerry and the Pacemakers?


Oh, I haven't forgotten about good ol' Billy B*ow Job. On the Hilary Clinton topic (off the top of my head, I can't remember who posed this), someone wondered what Bill Clinton would be if Hilary were president. Would he be the first gentleman? I posted that he'd still be just a dirty old man.

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He could drown, however


Most unlikely as ex-presidents enjoy 24 security protection for life, in case they start blabbering about where the crashed UFOs are hidden, or summat. They'd wade in to save him. Might be the most exciting thing you'd do looking after Ford and would probably be worth a bonus at the end of the month.

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I believe if Ford was placed back in office (again...not elected to the position), he would simply pardon Bush's supidity and Cheney for his war profiteering, much like he pardoned Nixon and Tokyo Rose.



The American people pardoned Bill Clinton even though he lied to the entire country and sullied the reputation of Monica Lewinsky. Who can forget that whopper of "I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman"...which when one thinks on it implies that he is admitting to the Katherine Willey incident and a whole host of others including possibly Madeline Albright and Linda 'Blabber Mouth' Tripp.


Now that I have spewed that, could we get this back on track to being about Gerald Ford and his lack of need for any pacemakers...What?...you never heard of Gerry and the Pacemakers?


Oh, I haven't forgotten about good ol' Billy B*ow Job. On the Hilary Clinton topic (off the top of my head, I can't remember who posed this), someone wondered what Bill Clinton would be if Hilary were president. Would he be the first gentleman? I posted that he'd still be just a dirty old man.


That was me.

Another thing, there was some sci-fi show with a female US President and they called her 'Madame President', not Mrs. President.

This whole female President thing is nothing more than confusing...

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He could drown, however


Most unlikely as ex-presidents enjoy 24 security protection for life, in case they start blabbering about where the crashed UFOs are hidden, or summat. They'd wade in to save him. Might be the most exciting thing you'd do looking after Ford and would probably be worth a bonus at the end of the month.


There are two major methods of awarding bonuses in the government - either the agency grossly overestimated their budget and hand out bonuses every time someone wipes their a$$ correctly (according to my uncle) or there's one lump sum given toward the end of the fiscal year (where I've fallen every year). Other than that, not a whole lot goin' on.


True, Ford has Secret Service around at all times, and if he starts getting demented and blabbing about UFO's...it's time for secluded, individual care or a convenient stroke or heart attack.

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Sorry I was being flippant.


I agree they'd see him off if he started blabbing about UFOs but - personally - I'm skeptical about whether there's anything to blab about in that dept. I do believe that any threat to his life caused by frailty would prompt a rapid response from his protection team who'd go into action as per their training and expect - at least - congratulations for their efforts. The overall point of my post was to suggest he's physically safer than most men his age so death with be down to irreversable health problems, nowt else.

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Sorry I was being flippant.


So was I. Just sitting at my desk, frustrated about working for the gov.


I think if there were anything to blab in the UFO department, and they did land in the US and did the whole, silly "Take me to your leader" bull, they would either die laughing or just be encouraged to destroy this little rock we call Earth.


Oh, saving Gerald from drowning...it would all be self-serving, since any secret service agent would probably think that guarding a sick ol' geezer is a gravy job.

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Sorry I was being flippant.

... guarding a sick ol' geezer is a gravy job.

I can hear Godot filling in the secret service application form.


Sorry, I was just being flippant.

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I wouldnt eliminate Gerald Ford from any future list (even this year's), with someone of this stature (former US President) and this advanced age (93) you dont want to miss out on the inevitable. I mean he is going to be the longest lived president in history if he lives past November 11th. Also elderly people can go fast, Richard Nixon was very active up until the very end and then he had a stroke and was dead days later. Ford is not quite on the level of Ronald Reagan's living death for his last 9 years or so but he has reached the point where his public apperances are virtually nill and the only time he is in the news is for his birthdays, milestones, awards, and sickness.


One thing I found interesting though is that there were rumors that he was to ill to travel (hence why he didnt attend Clinton's presidential library dedication, etc.) supposedly because he is advised by doctors against flying in an airplane but he did manage to travel from Rancho Mirage, California to Vail, Colorado for his birthday this year, maybe the secret service drove him all the way to Colorado.

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I wouldnt eliminate Gerald Ford from any future list (even this year's), with someone of this stature (former US President) and this advanced age (93) you dont want to miss out on the inevitable. I mean he is going to be the longest lived president in history if he lives past November 11th. Also elderly people can go fast, Richard Nixon was very active up until the very end and then he had a stroke and was dead days later. Ford is not quite on the level of Ronald Reagan's living death for his last 9 years or so but he has reached the point where his public apperances are virtually nill and the only time he is in the news is for his birthdays, milestones, awards, and sickness.

I agree, he can go any day. Oh, and welcome to the monkey house DeathList, chicago103.




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What else would a 93 year old man be in the news for. I disagree and say he isn't that ill. Ford may have a year or two left in him. Who knows he might suprise us all.

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Who knows he might suprise us all.


By getting senile and blabbering abotu UFOs!


Well, maybe.

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Wasn't it Carter who saw a UFO? And was also attacked by a killer rabbit?

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By getting senile and blabbering abotu UFOs!


Well, maybe.



Wasn't it Carter who saw a UFO? And was also attacked by a killer rabbit?




I almost fell out of my damned chair.


Thanks, I needed the laughs.

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Wasn't it Carter who saw a UFO? And was also attacked by a killer rabbit?


I believe that it was also Jimmy Carter who launched US records of some sort into space. They said the chances of any other life form finding it were very slim, but of course possible.

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Wasn't it Carter who saw a UFO? And was also attacked by a killer rabbit?


I believe that it was also Jimmy Carter who launched US records of some sort into space. They said the chances of any other life form finding it were very slim, but of course possible.

I believe that they may well have found them Edgar. I must now go and do a Google search to find out what tunes they sent out.





On second thought I will let someone else do that.

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Probably not the right to die at the moment for Gerald, with all this stuff

going on in the Middle East.

A nice quiet period news-wise would be just the ticket for him, particularly as

we wasn't president for very long...

Incidentally, who has had the shorter presidency: Kennedy or Ford?

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Probably not the right to die at the moment for Gerald, with all this stuff

going on in the Middle East.

A nice quiet period news-wise would be just the ticket for him, particularly as

we wasn't president for very long...

Incidentally, who has had the shorter presidency: Kennedy or Ford?


Kennedy was president for 1000 days and Ford for only 895 , just long enough

to launch Chevy Chase's career.

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He's in the hospital again, but is expected to be released later this week.


...friggin' corpse tease... <_<

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