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Paul Bearer

Spammers (Spawn of The Devil) - Please Post Here

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On 28/06/2024 at 19:42, Father Brown said:

The thing is, there're millions of actors listed on IMDB who have appeared in films in almost every language going and thousands of Olympians of varying success in every discipline going. You posted Fernando Bolea for instance in the Summer Olympics thread, his English Wiki page is a whopping 2 sentences long.


On 28/06/2024 at 19:55, diego said:

The thing is, there're millions of actors listed on IMDB who have appeared in films in almost every language going and thousands of Olympians of varying success in every discipline going. You posted Fernando Bolea for instance in the Summer Olympics thread, his English Wiki page is a whopping 2 sentences long.

I really don't understand what happened here :facepalm:, that's not what I meant
What I meant was that I don't think it's a problem for someone with 2 lines on Wikipedia to have their name mentioned here, many people are mentioned here who don't even have a Wiki page, and that all the films mentioned featured actors and actresses mentioned here
Anyway, I will never understand the minds of those who don't like getting to know people, the history they made, or even films, it's just a curiosity, I wasn't forcing anyone to read anything, I read whoever wanted to
If I offended someone by presenting something different from normal, I'm sorry, if I wasted someone's time I apologize, if I irritated someone I ask them to forgive me.
It was never my intention to cause any kind of inconvenience to anyone, as I said, I didn't come here to make enemies.
I don't understand the reason for the suspension, I just wish it was explained.
They say I do this because I have nothing to do, but it's exactly the opposite, I do a lot of things at the same time, that's why I made mistakes (I know they weren't few, and I'm even embarrassed by them, and I apologize too)
Perhaps some phrase or word that may have offended someone here does not have that meaning of offense, a cultural issue, or that varies from country to country
I still think the site would be much better with more information, more complete, not just with names that most people know
Everyone thinks differently, and I think I'm in the minority
I will retreat to my insignificance 

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1 hour ago, diego said:

Anyway, I will never understand the minds of those who don't like getting to know people, the history they made, or even films, it's just a curiosity.

Getting to know about people is great, and I think the vast majority of us love it. However, there is nothing interesting to learn about someone whose only Imdb credit is a few minor roles in a few 1940s films. There's a limit as to how far a person's curiosity extends. 


"The history they made" - what history? I guarantee more people would know who I am than the vast majority of "notable" people you mention (there will likely be people here who watched my streak on a certain game show) and I certainly wouldn't call myself very "notable"/worthy of discussion.


Trying to paint people as ignorant as a way of justifying extreme low quality content is very wide of the mark. 


A bit of self-reflection would help you a lot. Please don't feel sad or bitter, but use this as a chance to improve. Use the vast amount of time you use in collating information about obscure nobodies to do something productive with your life. You will feel much better.

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4 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

"notable" people


A non-negligible number of whom appear to have 4 legs and a penchant for hay.

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17 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

Getting to know about people is great, and I think the vast majority of us love it. However, there is nothing interesting to learn about someone whose only Imdb credit is a few minor roles in a 1940s films. There's a limit as to how far a person's curiosity extends. 


"The history they made" - what history? I guarantee more people would know who I am than the vast majority of "notable" people you mention (there will likely be people here who watched my streak on a certain game show) and I certainly wouldn't call myself very "notable"/worthy of discussion.


Trying to paint people as ignorant as a way of justifying extreme low quality content is very wide of the mark. 


A bit of self-reflection would help you a lot. Please don't feel sad or bitter, but use this as a chance to improve. Use the vast amount of time you use in collating information about obscure nobodies to do something productive with your life. You will feel much better.

I won't be able to change anyone's opinion and no one will be able to change mine either.
Most of the posts are curious about the person, or what they did differently, but they are not part of the countries that most people are interested in.

As for films, as I said, they are films by people mentioned here, some with awards or nominations for Oscar, Venice, Cannes and some by famous directors, and even if they weren't it wouldn't be a problem to know them, but I'm being repetitive on this.
Thanks for trying to make me feel better

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17 minutes ago, En Passant said:


A non-negligible number of whom appear to have 4 legs and a penchant for hay.

There weren't that many, like 2 or 3 I think :D:lol:

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49 minutes ago, diego said:


I really don't understand what happened here :facepalm:, that's not what I meant
What I meant was that I don't think it's a problem for someone with 2 lines on Wikipedia to have their name mentioned here, many people are mentioned here who don't even have a Wiki page, and that all the films mentioned featured actors and actresses mentioned here
Anyway, I will never understand the minds of those who don't like getting to know people, the history they made, or even films, it's just a curiosity, I wasn't forcing anyone to read anything, I read whoever wanted to
If I offended someone by presenting something different from normal, I'm sorry, if I wasted someone's time I apologize, if I irritated someone I ask them to forgive me.
It was never my intention to cause any kind of inconvenience to anyone, as I said, I didn't come here to make enemies.
I don't understand the reason for the suspension, I just wish it was explained.
They say I do this because I have nothing to do, but it's exactly the opposite, I do a lot of things at the same time, that's why I made mistakes (I know they weren't few, and I'm even embarrassed by them, and I apologize too)
Perhaps some phrase or word that may have offended someone here does not have that meaning of offense, a cultural issue, or that varies from country to country
I still think the site would be much better with more information, more complete, not just with names that most people know
Everyone thinks differently, and I think I'm in the minority
I will retreat to my insignificance 


Nobody is insignificant @diego and you should probably work on how you feel about yourself etc with a therapist or something. Just know you will probably not get any sympathy from the internet, when you are moaning about how bad you feel or how bullied you feel etc (believe me i've been there). Especially when you have already annoyed most of the forum with your "likes" when you first joined.


Having spent an unhealthy amount of time on the internet myself over the last 20+ years since I was a teenager. I know for a fact that the more you try and beg for sympathy or whatever, the less you will get. You have to earn people's trust, make mutual friendship with people etc. Once you have developed some kind of friendship with online folks, THEN they would be more open to trying to help you out more (either for personal issues or help around the forum etc).


Things to think about when posting about someone is:


- How big is their wikipedia

- Will they get an obituary that one of the deadpools would consider a hit.


From one possibly autistic person to another possible autistic person. I have been where you have been where you need things explained for you and then 2 youtube tutorials. Sometimes you just need to accept that it won't get explained in the way you need it and move on and take that as a life lesson.

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Now let's stop this silliness.


New or recent members always have issues as to where to pitch their posts on here. I recall a gypsy woman, silver spangles...no wait. I recall being that guy. There is little point in allowing people to post things and then after a while jump on them for doing so, without a little time or patience in trying to achieve a balance in that person's posting.


Who knows? That 1940s/50s film might throw up a name people who many will have thought long dead (and may be so, but nobody took the time to check). Horses - well, that's only a reflection of people who do post about horse deaths (and bloody dogs and meme characters).


This can be an insane place at times. But the inmates should try and get along. I've taken the time to have a chat to see if diego can be a little more targeted in posting here - they are not out to cause disruption, and it is a question of understanding people's interests. 


I'm not interested in Doge the dog or Jill Biden's dress. But I understand some people are. My obsessions with Eurovision and Grange Hill may get to grating at times - 3rd backing dancer for Norway in 1992, you say? Well done Willz, have a pill and a lie down.


Laugh, love and live and do your best. We are all dust in due course, let's not make the road there more dusty than it needs to be.



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17 minutes ago, diego said:

I won't be able to change anyone's opinion and no one will be able to change mine either.
Most of the posts are curious about the person, or what they did differently, but they are not part of the countries that most people are interested in.

As for films, as I said, they are films by people mentioned here, some with awards or nominations for Oscar, Venice, Cannes and some by famous directors, and even if they weren't it wouldn't be a problem to know them, but I'm being repetitive on this.
Thanks for trying to make me feel better

And that's fine. If you're interested, cool. Nobody is saying you shouldn't be. However, you must understand that posting relentlessly about them is going to be grating to people. You clearly have a much lower bar for "interesting" than most people. You can privately make as many lists as you like, but try and curate what you post here to only be things that might actually be interesting for others to read.


Above all, please take care of yourself. Stop with this deprecation of yourself - sympathy won't be forthcoming, and it's not healthy. Love yourself and your quirks without feeling like criticism from people you don't know destroys your worth.

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I'm not going to wade in with an opinion here because I understand both points of view. All I will say is that, when noticing a death that I could post about, I usually ask myself these questions.


Have I heard of them? If yes, I post. If not:


Do they appear to be very famous, even if I haven't heard of them? If yes, and they actually are, I post. If not:


Have they been mentioned before on this forum or are a DDP pick past or present? If yes, I quote a mention of them, link a report of their death, and post.


If they don't fall into any of these categories, I don't bother.

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1 hour ago, Master Obit said:

 (there will likely be people here who watched my streak on a certain game show) 

Oh, which one was that then? They have streaks (but not streakers yet) on Countdown, so I’ll plump for that. The worst quiz on British TV has to be that one with Ross Kemp, but no streaks available on that.


I’ll tell you what, Diego, when I die you have my full permission and encouragement to post it. The link might be the Elham Valley free newsletter, but even that is highly unlikely. 

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12 minutes ago, harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy said:

Oh, which one was that then? They have streaks (but not streakers yet) on Countdown, so I’ll plump for that. The worst quiz on British TV has to be that one with Ross Kemp, but no streaks available on that.




I'm not willing to say the name, but they gave me a marvellous beverage receptacle to take home.

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I'm sorry but I think some of y'all are just being a bit mean at this point, yes the amount of posts he makes is slightly unnecessary, but when a lot of those posts are in threads I don't look at (sport, yuk) it is very easy for me to ignore, if you are interested in those threads then I can understand how it could be annoying, but there are ways to sort it, either on your end or on his end, without all this hostility (for example I have stopped clicking on the films with dead casts thread), and I certainly don't think he should be banned. However @diego you clearly want to be a valued member here and I don't think it would do you any harm to take listen to the relatively reasonable criticisms levied against you here, and don't take them personally and see if you can find a way to do better.

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2 hours ago, harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy said:

Oh, which one was that then? They have streaks (but not streakers yet) on Countdown, so I’ll plump for that. The worst quiz on British TV has to be that one with Ross Kemp, but no streaks available on that.


I’ll tell you what, Diego, when I die you have my full permission and encouragement to post it. The link might be the Elham Valley free newsletter, but even that is highly unlikely. 

You spelt Roman wrong.

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1 hour ago, time said:

You spelt Roman wrong.

Not a fan of motorised zimmer frames, or is it the Kemp/Greene dynamic? At least contestants do have to answer actual questions, admittedly easy ones. On Bridge of Shite, they merely have to guess yes or no, which usually proves beyond them. 

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17 hours ago, harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy said:

Not a fan of motorised zimmer frames, or is it the Kemp/Greene dynamic? At least contestants do have to answer actual questions, admittedly easy ones. On Bridge of Shite, they merely have to guess yes or no, which usually proves beyond them. 

"Dynamic" is not an adjective I'd associate with young Roman, as for Sarah Greene, it's like the  producers thought "it worked for Pointless. so let's try it here".(in fact pointless, describes her pretty well, in this context at least).


Not a huge fan of Bridge either to be honest - "remember, what we're looking for is..." that thing I told you 30 seconds ago (and 30 seconds before that).


Anyway, that's enough spamming the spammer thread.

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I like Bridge of Lies. It scores on my four gameshow rules (play along at home, fairness, easily explainable, sympathetic host) so not surprised it's been a hit. Although three seasons in no contestants have twigged Ross's "are you sure?" is code for don't step on that one.


The Gordon Ramsay Bank Balance show scored 0 for 4 on those rules and was one of the worst ones I've seen. 

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