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I recall the late 70s/early 80s, when jogging as a craze started.


IIRC someone dropped dead from jogging in around 1981, that put an end to my keep fit regime.


Everything in moderation as my dead mum used to say. Don't think she meant cannabis and sodomy though.

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31 minutes ago, BonScott said:

According to the Daily Mail he collapsed and died while jogging so that would suggest a cardiac issue 




If you actually read the article you brainless twit you would see that he collapsed due to a brain aneurysm, which could have many causes. It also says that it was his second in a past few weeks, which suggests a long term issue, possibly even hereditary. 

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23 minutes ago, BonScott said:

According to the Daily Mail he collapsed and died while jogging so that would suggest a cardiac issue 





All joking aside, something similar happened to a relative of mine a few years back. Young fit man, early 20's, did a lot of running. Decent athlete by all accounts. Went out for a gentle run one day, came home, sat down in an armchair and dropped dead. Absolutely true story.


Well when I say a few years back, it was my great-uncle in 1946. I don't think it was Covid vaccine related.


My mother still gets nervous now when I go out for a jog - she is convinced I am going to keel over one day. 

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3 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

IIRC someone dropped dead from jogging in around 1981, that put an end to my keep fit regime.


Probably Jim Fixx (1984). That was widely reported (and probably chortled at by unkind couch potatoes) at the time.

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Just now, En Passant said:


Probably Jim Fixx (1984). That was widely reported (and probably chortled at by unkind couch potatoes) at the time.

Ah, yes that is the one. Later than I thought, there may have been earlier less reported incidents before that.


I'm fairly fit for my age and have done nothing to deserve it. The ciggies are taking their toll though, I'm considering a severe cut down.


Brisk walks, fresh air, loads of carrying heavy shopping and no car. And possibly all the additives in Angel Delight and Kia-Ora when I was a boy.

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3 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

I'm fairly fit for my age and have done nothing to deserve it. The ciggies are taking their toll though, I'm considering a severe cut down.



Best of luck with that. Hopefully a cut-down to zero. Never too late to quit.


My mother-in-law is currently going through the horrors of lung cancer caused by years of smoking. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. (Or indeed my mother-in-law!)


Lost a close cousin last year to lung cancer, also caused by smoking. Only in his late 40's. He left behind 3 orphaned kids. 


So do try quitting - it would be nice to have an OldWillz around here some day, 

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2 grandfathers dead from lung cancer (smokers), 2 grandmothers dead from dementia (not from cancer through passive smoking).


OldWillz was a smoker but gave up. Bladder cancer killed him 45 years after he gave up.


I started very late (23 yo). However, I would like to die of something I did, rather than something I didn't do. As I said before, when I gave up last time, that's when the heart attack came (don't vape, kids!).


You never know. There's Nick Sheridan dying from an aneurysm at 32, there's Rupert Murdoch still going. Unfairness is part of life I guess.

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Seems to be an increasing theme of smokers wanting to quit and ex-smokers craving a cig (I do a bit, for the first time since stopping). Must be the dreary time of year.

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35 minutes ago, TQR said:

Seems to be an increasing theme of smokers wanting to quit and ex-smokers craving a cig (I do a bit, for the first time since stopping). Must be the dreary time of year.


I quit about 25 years ago after smoking for only about 7 years (started as teenager, quit when I left Uni). Even now, there is the odd day when I crave a smoke, usually after dinner. Those days have become rarer as the years went on, but they occasionally still happen. 


Sorry - I know that's not helpful :(

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I quit smoking (not for the first time, but hopefully the last - it'd be the price of the bastards that kills me if I restarted) a few years ago and have almost single-handedly kept the wine gum industry afloat since. Consequently I seldom (if ever) crave a fag these days, but am always seeking out wine gums (or fruit pastilles, in an emergency).

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2 minutes ago, time said:

I quit smoking (not for the first time, but hopefully the last - it'd be the price of the bastards that kills me if I restarted) a few years ago and have almost single-handedly kept the wine gum industry afloat since. Consequently I seldom (if ever) crave a fag these days, but am always seeking out wine gums (or fruit pastilles, in an emergency).

Haven't had a fruit pastille in years! I shall go in search of them next time I'm at the shops. Didn't they do giant ones at some point?


Probably all that sugar isn't going to be a help to my overall health either.

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51 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Probably all that sugar isn't going to be a help to my overall health either.

Sugar is, however, almost certainly better for you than smoking.

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What has really done me in is stopping the weekly cigar since new year (I noticed myself enjoying it too much) and stopping drinking around OH recently (for his benefit; he’s been teetotal for 4 years but is stressed at work so don’t want to trigger him). Never had a sweet tooth at all and won’t get into vaping. So when I crave, I just sit and suffer and piss and whinge. So my apologies if I’m grumpier than usual on here :D

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I quit some years ago now. I smoked since I was 14, so the damage was somewhat, but I managed to reverse everything thankfully. Coughing up tar for months after wasn't fun. That normally starts from week 2 until about week 8. But my goodness, what a difference it makes to your breathing, your sleep, your mental wellbeing.

Quitting smoking is defo worth it. Do I crave a cigarette from time to time? Sure. What do you do instead? Distract. Have a wank, have a mint, have a wine gum, go for a run, do a chore around the house, pick up the phone and shout at some imbecile. Anything. Quitting smoking is a lifelong task, not a short term event. You have to WANT to quit though. Will power alone is really hard to enforce over long periods of time. Smelling like an ashtray, having shit respiratory health, poor dental hygiene and being unable to get it up at times should be enough for anyone to want to kick it completely IMO. 

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

What has really done me in is stopping the weekly cigar since new year (I noticed myself enjoying it too much) and stopping drinking around OH recently (for his benefit; he’s been teetotal for 4 years but is stressed at work so don’t want to trigger him). Never had a sweet tooth at all and won’t get into vaping. So when I crave, I just sit and suffer and piss and whinge. So my apologies if I’m grumpier than usual on here :D

How could we tell?


I've been off fags and on vapes for 10 years now. Not impressed with the budget naturally but understand it's not aimed at old farts like me.

I guess I'm still somewhat addicted to nicotine, but less so than previously without a doubt. Have to see if I can be forced to quit vaping as well due to feeling fuck'd by the budget.

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13 hours ago, Comped said:

Sugar is, however, almost certainly better for you than smoking.


You say that but as a teetotaller, vegetarian just as I left my previous job I was identified as prediabetic but working from home under the watchful eye of Mrs Biblio she managed to get it under control. Probably the hot chocolate from the vending machine every morning and the pack of Aldi chocolate biscuits in my work drawer may have been contributing to the problem

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Dan Wootton gets apology and undisclosed damages sum from the Mirror. Seems he's going after all of them then.

Liam Halligan leaves GBNEWS after becoming disillusioned (they axed his economics programme, "On the Money", which I was quite upset about but I kind of understand why... nobody watches news programmes solely focussed on economics... though perhaps they ought to).

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Meantime, I bought some fruit pastilles today.

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15 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Meantime, I bought some fruit pastilles today.

Still how you remember them tasting back in 19oatcake?

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9 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Still how you remember them tasting back in 19oatcake?

Haven't opened them yet, had to have a ciggie when I returned from the shops!

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First meaningful update on war reporter Rod Nordland in years:



He's had glioblastoma for years, and is still fighting it - obviously. He's wearing some ceramic device on his head to fight the tumours and reveives low-dose chemo.

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The Guardian's John Crace has been in hospital. Had a heart attack at the gym.




Note: Sorry this is so vast. When I try to resize images, it won't let me 'update'; clicking it does nothing. Has been like this for some time.

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41 minutes ago, TQR said:

The Guardian's John Crace has been in hospital. Had a heart attack at the gym.




Note: Sorry this is so vast. When I try to resize images, it won't let me 'update'; clicking it does nothing. Has been like this for some time.


It's OK.  Good for us seniors.

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X/Twitter reporting the death of former BBC regional political reporter Tony Baker.



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