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2 hours ago, Deathray said:

Given they were held back from release 25 years ago in order to try and stop the conspiracy theories the latter is the most likely.

Two things spring to mind.

Firstly, some things will never be released, they will just keep getting pushed back over and over.

Secondly, what are the odds of Trump being 'accidentally strangled by his fringe' before said Kennedy info is actually released???


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Third, Kennedy was a useless sod and who cares who shot him anyway?



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5 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Two things spring to mind.

Firstly, some things will never be released, they will just keep getting pushed back over and over.

Secondly, what are the odds of Trump being 'accidentally strangled by his fringe' before said Kennedy info is actually released???



I can see a gun-nut coming to get him over this war widow stuff - talk about alienating your own party.

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2 hours ago, msc said:

Third, Kennedy was a useless sod and who cares who shot him anyway?



I think you may have missed the purpose of the Conspiracy theory schtik.

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On 19/10/2017 at 12:51, gcreptile said:


Would someone that narcississtic know the difference anyway?


I mean, the Kremlin could be the one using the fake first lady to spy on Trump, or summat

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Tesla cars/trucks....


Everybody bar the hippy save the planet zealots know Elon Musk is at it with his claims.


Question is, how much?




Some of the figures re the recharge time I have seen put about by folk that have tore down the claims are beyond staggering.

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Read Apostle Johnson Suleman's Shocking 2018 Prophecies For Nigeria.


OK, I can't think of a more milquetoast list.  Real SHOCKERS like....(better sit down)....
4. Donald Trumps health needs attention
6. Wildfire outbreak in an American state

20. 2018 budget, Senate and presidency lockjam
21. NAFDAC to pray against fire disaster

....and so on.

14. Robert Mugabe, former president of Zimbabwe, rest in peace

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On 05/07/2017 at 21:04, gcreptile said:

She's alive, well and in stasis after being abducted by the Briori. She'll be defrosted in 2371. :lol:



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We live in a simulation . This is something i've got really interested in recently and alot of things fit into the simulation theory when you think about it.





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I ain't buying it.  If it were real it would have way more :lol: than 'thumbs up''.  At least enough to register.  It's funny nonetheless.


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One for Bladan......



Finland doesn't exist.






Well firstly they say that the actual ‘place of Finland’ is just Eastern Sweden. Helsinki is in Eastern Sweden and when people fly there it’s not like they would notice.

World maps are altered as it’s a U.N conspiracy to keep people believing in Finland. And the idea that an entire country is made up seems so bizarre that nobody would ever believe it, making it easy to do.

Finland’s main company, Nokia, is apparently owned by the Japanese and they’re a main player in this.

Now as for ‘why’ people would want to invent Finland as a country that’s a bit more in depth and there’s a few reasons as to why Sweden and Russia go along with it but it’s mostly to do with Japanese fishing rights.


Is the start of it.


Great stuff :D

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7 minutes ago, Handrejka said:

Can't quite tell if this chap is joking or not.



That is quite funny.

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7 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

That is quite funny.


Yes it is, that's why I wonder if it's a parody of all those so-in-so faked their own death theories or if he means it.   

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10 minutes ago, Handrejka said:


Yes it is, that's why I wonder if it's a parody of all those so-in-so faked their own death theories or if he means it.   

I think he means it which, sort of, makes it even funnier :)

18 minutes ago, charon said:


Protestants Defecate Frequently.:D

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21 minutes ago, charon said:


Yeah. C+P below:


Karen Carpenter
Faked her Death
by Miles Mathis
First published September 27, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by private research.
I won't spend much time on this one, because I agree it isn't very important. It is only important
because it is a high profile fake death, and the more of those I can catalog the better. This helps you
understand the way the world works, and helps you see the new fakes more easily.
When I say this isn't very important, that doesn't mean I don't like the Carpenters. I did and do. I was
always just nerdy enough to like them and admit it. I think Karen had a great voice and I still own
some of their old vinyl.
This one is pretty easy, knowing what we now know about other fake deaths. I am just going to point
out some facts some won't know, do a quick study of the genealogies, and also look at a couple of faked
They tell us Carpenter died of anorexia, and most people assume she starved to death. She didn't, and
they admit that in the mainstream bios. She had just gotten out of treatment where she had gained 30
pounds. Only three weeks before her alleged death, she made her last public appearance (January 11,
note the date), and she was not super thin. On her Wikipedia page, they admit her friend Dione
Warwick was quoted as saying that Karen was bragging about “having an ass”. Even her autopsy
report (which is faked) admits she weighed 108 pounds. That is thin for someone 5'4”, but it isn't
considered to be anorexic. Many normal healthy people live at that weight.
Her death certificate is very incomplete, signed by no doctor, and signed by the wrong coroner. The
man who did the autopsy is Ronald Kornblum, and his name is on that form. But the signature on the
death certificate is not his. It is the deputy coroner, whose name is illegible, but which looks like
Stevenson. Regardless, Kornblum is a huge red flag. He was born in 1933. Note the date. He came
out of the Navy, and his career is one long line of suspicion. He presided over the autopsy of Yosef
Alon in 1973 in Maryland. Alon was originally Josef Plaček from Czechoslovakia. He was an Israeli
Air Force Colonel, and had been one of the founding members of the Israeli Air Force in 1947. Which
means he was probably Mossad. At the time of his alleged death, he was military attache to the US at
the embassy in DC. He was allegedly murdered in the drive of his own home in Chevy Chase. The
Voice of Palestine claimed responsibility, but the VoP was probably a Mossad or CIA front. If you take
the link at Wikipedia, they misdirect you to a different Voice of Palestine in Ramallah (West Bank).
The Voice of Palestine in 1973 was supposed to have been in Cairo, which is in Egypt. At any rate, the
killing of Alon now looks like a false flag, faked to pin blame on the Palestinians. Curiously, the FBI
and CIA could make no progress on the investigation of Alon's murder, and in 1978 all evidence
collected in the investigation was purposely destroyed. That is actually illegal, since less than five
years had passed. It is another signal the whole thing was a false flag. Finding the coroner there
involved in later hoaxes simply confirms those signals.
Kornblum ended up working under Thomas Noguchi in LA, another huge red flag. You couldn't find a
bigger red flag in the history of autopsies. See my extended comments on Noguchi in my paper on
Sharon Tate. Noguchi was involved in faking the autopsies of Tate, Janis Joplin, Robert Kennedy,
William Holden, Natalie Wood, and John Belushi. Kornblum also worked on the autopsies of Belushi,
Wood, and Holden, as well as Carpenter, Truman Capote, and Warren Oates. So just finding Karen's
name on this list should indicate to you her death was probably faked. Noguchi's previous deputy
coroner Donald Angus Stuart had been fired and arrested for practicing without a license, faking his
medical degree, and perjury. Noguchi was relieved of his position as medical examiner for gross
misconduct and replaced by Kornblum in 1982. In 1990 Kornblum resigned under similar
circumstances of misconduct and intrigue, and even Wikipedia admits dumped corpses and doublebilling.
Given what is admitted, it is amazing Kornblum dodged prosecution and a jail term, and I
assume he did so only due to his Intel connections. He was just doing his job, you see.
As usual, we also find faked photos. 
The perspective on that photo is all wrong. Notice how Karen's head is about half again as long as the
other lady. I measure 35mm to 23mm on my screen. Since they are standing right next to one another,
holding the same trophy, that is impossible. The other lady would have to be standing back about six
feet for that to work out, but I don't think her arms are that long. Karen's head has been pasted in, and
then her entire body has been pasted into the photo with the other lady. Since Karen is carrying a
number 1 on a card, my guess is they used the body of some track runner. That is the number from her
track suit. Her outfit also looks like a track suit. That is the arm of a runner, and doesn't look anorexic
to me regardless. It is long and lean, yes, but not unhealthy.
That first one is also fake. Mark Tokarski, who came to my recent conference, has already outed that
one on his blog. [He has also outed the one above, although he and I differ on the analysis]. He has
correctly pointed out that they have simply stretched the photo vertically, to make her look thinner.
You can do that with any photo and it is a pretty raw trick.
You will say we have the whole photo:
Yep, we sure do. And it proves the one above was stretched. I am not saying Karen looks good there,
but they have made her look far worse with the stretch.
There's also something very wrong with this picture of her with Olivia Newton-John. The lighting
doesn't make any sense. Look first at Olivia. The lighting on her body and face match, don't they?
The skin on her face is the same color as the skin on her arms. But we can't say the same of Karen.
Although her face is whiter than Olivia's face, her arms are five times as dark. Why would the light be
hitting her face but not her arms? This is indication of a paste-up.
The truth is, I couldn't find any convincing anorexia photos of Karen on the internet. There are some
where she is looking a tad too thin, but nothing life-threatening.
Another clue is that Karen was to sign her divorce papers on the day she allegedly died. Coincidence?
No. Tied to that clue is another: her husband Thomas Burris has never spoken about the marriage, and
we are told it is due to a confidentiality agreement. That doesn't fly because there would only be a
confidentiality agreement as part of a divorce settlement, and they were never legally divorced. She
never signed the papers, remember? So they were still married at the time of the alleged death. In
other words, he would agree to keep quiet as part of a divorce settlement where he was promised an
annuity. Since the divorce was never finalized, his confidentiality agreement couldn't have been with
Karen. Maybe the family is paying him to keep quiet.
Which leads us to research the father, Harold Bertram Carpenter. His dates are 11/8/1908-10/15/1988.
A lot of 1s and 8s, as usual. I suspect he was a ranking spook. He was born in China, which would
indicate something along those lines, although he could have been the son of a diplomat. We are told
his parents were missionaries, which also indicates spooks. Missionaries were commonly spies of
some sort, hiding behind the cloth. We find that Harold was educated at posh boarding schools in
England, which will be useful to us in a moment. But for now it is enough to point out that conflicts
with missionaries. Missionaries are normally rather poor; they don't send their sons to posh boarding
schools. Anyway, Wikipedia tells us Harold worked in the “printing business”, which is a double red
flag: one because it is related to publishing; two, because of how vague that is. He worked in the
printing business doing what, exactly? Could be anything from setting type to owning a major
publishing house. The Carpenters' childhood music teacher claimed Harold was working nights to pay
for music lessons, but that never sounded right to me. It is one of the standard lies in these projects, as
we have seen. It is much more likely the Carpenters were from wealth and were well connected. We
will see much evidence of that below.
The middle name Bertram and the England connection makes us think of Bertrand Russell. Possibly it
was a variation of a family name. Sounds like a stretch, I know, but these things are often worth
researching, as you will see. It also reminds us that The Carpenters' first release was a cover of The
Beatles' Ticket to Ride. That always seemed strange, but I suggest their promoters were also the
promoters of The Beatles: i.e. Intel. My working hypothesis at this point is that The Carpenters were a
project, like the rest. The project looks to me to have served three main purposes: 1) offer a variant
form of controlled music to those who weren't buying disco, prog rock, or punk; 2) saturate this
audience with depressing lyrics, to help sell anti-depressants and other drugs; 3) create work for
talented older songwriters, lyricists, and musicians who needed a new outlet. The Carpenters were a
throwback to late 50s, early 60s styles, and since that was then just a decade earlier, those songwriters
were still alive and in need of work. They had new material but couldn't sing it themselves: they
needed young talent to front them. The same guys that were writing for the early Beatles appear to
have been writing for the Carpenters. Plus a few new guys like Paul Williams, who may have been the
sons or nephews of the older guys. We see this is true with Burt Bacharach, who was one of those
older guys. He wrote Close to You. Think of the early Beatles arrangements with horns and strings,
which George Martin and others are admitted to have collaborated on. John and Paul didn't know how
to write for horns and strings. Well, we see the same thing with the Carpenters: very advanced
compositions and extremely tight productions. Not the kind of thing a couple of 20-year-olds come up
A genealogy search on Harold Carpenter confirms my guesses once again, since he is privy to a strange
scrubbing at Geni.com. Although the males in his ancestry are sometimes given, the females are not.
We get only first names. That is a big red flag, because if a first name is known, the last name should
be as well. Instead, all the last names are hidden. Since only the women are hidden, this indicates
Jewish matrilineal lines are being hidden—as we have seen many times before. Harold's father is given
as George, but the lines stops there. However, we do find the surname Reuwer, which may be Jewish.
The Carpenters were also closely related to the Rudolphs. This is also a prominent Jewish name, found
on the First American Jewish Families list at American Jewish Archive. Which takes us back to
Bertrand Russell. On the same page at American Jewish Archive, we see a very long list of Russells. I
count 117. So you begin to see what they may be scrubbing in the Carpenters genealogy.
But back to the Rudolphs. I suspect the Carpenters are related to Alan Rudolph and his father Oscar.
They were both prominent in Hollywood. The Rudolphs were also related to the Burrises. Remember,
Karen married Thomas Burris, who has always been a bit of an enigma. Well, it is known the
Carpenters liked to marry their cousins: Richard married his first cousin, Mary Rudolph. Apparently
Karen did a similar thing. In about 1920, Adelia Burris married Warren Rudolph. Could be a
coincidence, but maybe not. They had a son Harold, who has been scrubbed from his own family's
pages, which is curious. He is mentioned on Mary Lou Rudolph Adams' page, but is conspicuously
left of her sibling list and the children list of her parents.
The Carpenters are also related to the Tatums. Karen's Mom was a Tatum. This makes us think of
Wilbert Tatum, b. 1933 [note the date], who ran the New York Amsterdam News in Harlem for years.
You will tell me he was part black, which is true, but he was married to a Jewish woman (Kohn). They
raised their children Jewish, as we know since his daughter Elinor took over the paper in 1997. She
strongly identifies as Jewish, which has caused problems at the paper. Tatum's bio throws up another
series of red flags, including his founding the paper with the most Jewish looking black man ever,
Percy Sutton:
Even more interesting with regard to the Carpenters is Donn Tatum, Chairman of Disney from 1971-
1980. Those are the glory years of the Carpenters, and I hope you remember Karen was a big Disney
fan. One of their videos was Karen dancing through Disneyland with all the major characters. Tatum
had been a lawyer, and served as counsel for RCA and NBC, both subsidiaries of GE, of course.
Remember that for later. This Donn Tatum is listed on the family tree of Helen Forbes Stewart, which
you should find very interesting. We have seen both Forbes and Stewart in recent papers. I remind you
of Payne Stewart in my paper on Tiger Woods, and John Forbes Nash, in my paper on him. This may
link the Carpenters to all the major families. With more digging, we find Helen Forbes Stewart married
Robert Russell, which surname we already saw above. It took a little work, but we now begin to
understand where the Carpenters came from.
This indicates my guess above about Bertrand Russell wasn't just a wild stab in the dark. We have now
linked Harold Bertram Carpenter to the Russell family twice.
More research on Harold Carpenter takes us to the New York Times, which tells us his mother was a
Stoddard, an extremely prominent family. There, we learn more about Karen's mother as well. Her
father George Tatum was co-owner of a wholesale undergarment store with other owners named Fritz
and Goldsmith. Goldsmith is a Jewish name and textiles is a common Jewish occupation. This
reminds us that Stoddard can also be a Jewish name. That was not admitted in the past, but see Nancy
Stoddard, currently Vice President at the New Jewish Home in New York. I will told that the famous
Lothrop Stoddard was anti-Semitic, but we have recently seen that is often just a pose. In support of
that, we find that his father (also famous) John Stoddard was pro-Zionist, arguing for the restoration of
the Jews to Israel. John was “proud” to be descended from Solomon Stoddard. This Solomon
Stoddard is sold as a Congregationalist pastor in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, but we have seen what
that sale is worth (see my paper on the Salem Witch Trials). Also note that this Stoddard is admitted to
be related to Jonathan Edwards, another theologian. Well, we have linked the Edwards to the major
hoaxing families in recent papers as well. See the latest addition to my Lincoln paper, where I remind
you that the Edwards are related to the Kerrys and Bushes. That is John Forbes Kerry, by the way, and
we just saw the surname Forbes come up here.
Solomon Stoddard's mother was a Downing, for which Downing Street in London is named. The
Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street, you know. She was the niece of Governor Winthrop, who
we saw in my Salem paper. Solomon's father was a wealthy Boston merchant in the same years
Samuel Parris and all the other plotters in the Salem hoax were. After graduating from Harvard,
Solomon went to live in Barbados. Again, that is where the Parris plantations were. Tituba came from
Barbados, remember? So we once again have many Salem links here. Who would have thought we
could find Salem links in a quick paper about the Carpenters?
I will have to look more closely at Stoddard another time, but he looks like another crypto-Jew sowing
dissension. Also remember that Karen came from New Haven, Connecticut. That is where Yale is.
The Stoddards were prominent at Yale as well as Harvard.
If we return to the New York Times article on The Carpenters from 2010, we find the author curiously
working in the fact that when Karen's parents married in 1935, Agnes Tatum's uncle Arthur gave the
couple a GE iron. That might seem innocuous, except that he then admits Arthur worked for GE.
Since we saw above Donn Tatum working for NBC and RCA, we have another possible link. Since we
aren't told what what any other relatives gave the couple as wedding presents, the dropping of GE looks
like a hint. Most people would miss it, but I didn't.
Now for this million-dollar question: if Harold Carpenter was just a printer for the New Haven Pulp
and Board Company, why did he move his family to Downey, California, in 1963? Was Downey a hub
of color printing, offering top dollar to recruits? No. We are told it was to advance the careers of his
children, but since Karen was only 13 at the time, he couldn't have known what she would become.
Yes, Richard was 16 and very proficient on the piano, but why Downey? The East Coast has lots of
important music schools—Julliard for one—so why Downey? Could be because Downey is spook
central. It is where the Apollo Space Program developed, as well as the Space Shuttle. Why there?
Because that is where Vultee Aircraft was. They produced 15% of the US aircraft used in WW2. It
became Rockwell International. We have seen the name Rockwell recently, haven't we? We saw them
in my paper on F. Scott Fitzgerald, where they were related to the Kings, the Garfields, the Alsops and
the Chases. Then we saw them in my paper on Eustace Mullins, where we found George Lincoln
Rockwell, head of the fake American Nazi Party. He also happened to be in Naval Intelligence. I
assume he was related to Colonel Willard Rockwell, who founded Rockwell International. We are told
George was from Illinois, but his father was from Rhode Island. Willard was from nearby Boston and
was the same age as George's father. The genealogies are scrubbed, but they were probably cousins.
At the time of the Carpenters, Rockwell International in Downey was ranked #11 in defense contracts.
My bet is that is why Harold Carpenter was there. His children's later success was just a side dish.
Were the Carpenters related to the Rockwells? Yep. There is currently a Scott Rockwell Carpenter
listed on the State Bar of California. Also a Roy Rockwell Carpenter, b. Whitman, MA in 1894, d.
Providence, RI in 1927. His mother was a Churchill. His uncle was named George Carpenter. Do you
remember what Harold Bertram Carpenter's father's name was? George Carpenter. George was the
grandfather of Karen, but his genealogy has been scrubbed. We know nothing about him. But I
suggest this is him. In support of that, we find that at Geni, Harold Carpenter's mother is given as
Nellie Jane Lynn. Strange name. At Ancestry, George Carpenter's mother is given as Helen Nellie
Yates. This Helen Nellie Yates had a daughter named Nellie Carpenter. So it was a family name. This
indicates that Roy Rockwell Carpenter was Karen's uncle. There were Rockwells that close to her,
which is why the genealogies had to be scrubbed.
There is also a George Carpenter Rockwell of New York, d. 1910, wife Sarah Parsons. His mother was
a Pratt and his great grandmother was Deborah Carpenter. She was married to Abner Rockwell. His
father David married Elizabeth Whitney. These same Rockwells (David, Benjamin, Abner, etc.) are
also in the genealogy of Colonel Willard Rockwell of Rockwell International. Both lines are also in
Canada at the time. So he does have Carpenters in his ancestry, indicating I was right. In other words,
we have found evidence the Carpenters were related to Rockwell International, which is why they were
in Downey, CA.
OK, I think that is enough to make you look at the whole thing in a new way. But I predict some will
say, “The Carpenters part of a project to sell anti-depressants? You have to be kidding. That was the
most squeaky-clean couple of kids ever (except for maybe Donnie and Marie Osmond). Have you
listened to the song 'Sing'? How about 'I'm on Top of the World'? How about 'Close to You'? This is
as positive as it gets, boy.”
Yes, I agree they were not heading that project, or the first ones I would point to. But they did have
their big downer songs, like “Rainy Days and Mondays”. I liked the song as a kid and still like it, so
don't get me wrong. Also the “Ticket to Ride” cover, which is a downer song. And “Goodbye to
Love”, a huge downer. Also “Hurting Each Other” and “Superstar”. And then there's “Calling
Occupants of Interplanetary Craft”. Not a downer, but very weird. How much did NASA pay them to
do that one? Now that we know the Carpenters were related to the Rockwells, and Rockwell
International was involved in the Apollo program, that song makes more sense, doesn't it?
To be clear, I don't have a big problem with The Carpenters as an act. That isn't what this paper is
about. The propaganda was infinitely subtle compared to what came after (and some of what came
before). 70s pop music—which I grew up on—was an idyll compared to the Wasteland of today. I
won't say it was an age of innocence, because it certainly wasn't. But the project was several steps back
from what it is now.
I suppose I brought up the anti-depressant thing because I have been thinking about that a lot regarding
newer music. I was listening to Elliott Smith recently, for instance, and his whole career seemed to me
to be calculated to sell anti-depressants, from the songs themselves to his tragic (and probably faked)
end. The same could be said of Kurt Cobain and hundreds of others. How about Morrissey? The
Cure? What is the cure to such music? That's right: anti-depressants. Nine Inch Nails? Marilyn
Manson? Where did all these new sub-genres of angst and darkness come from, especially after 1980?
They didn't exist in previous decades. Do you really think the world went dark in 1980? No, living in
the US post-80s was actually much easier than in previous decades and centuries, so where did all the
darkness come from? It was manufactured. Intelligence had two big upswings in the 20th century, one
being in 1946 and the other being in about 1976, post Watergate. As I showed in my paper on that, the
success of Watergate simply told Intelligence the sky was the limit. They could do anything and get
away with it. Well, the drug companies were also in a period of exponential growth, and it looks like
they paid some wing of Intel to keep that growth coming. The largest growth has been in antidepressants
and similar drugs, and to sell anti-depressants you need depressed people, right? If they
don't exist, you can create them. That is what has happened.
Music has been one prong of the attack, but two others are the news and Hollywood. Every day you
are assaulted with a pile of depressing news and tragic events, most of them faked. And Hollywood is
the frosting on this depressing cake, reselling the events in the news as well as making up some of their
And the reason for all this fake tragedy? Selling you things. Not just anti-depressants, but almost
everything else you buy with your “disposable” income. I have had friends go into expensive therapy
and begin taking expensive drugs due to events like Sandy Hook or 911. And in the old days, people
did the same thing due to the death of Karen Carpenter or John Lennon. My first lover wore a black
armband for weeks after Lennon supposedly died. It affected her for months, possibly years. Of
course it wasn't just a single event: it was a pile of manufactured events, all faux-tragic, all
manufactured to depress and confuse.
These things never affected me much, which is probably why I retain my sanity as well as my ability to
reason. I remember being accused of being heartless, but as I look back I like to think it was just a
radar I had for fakery. Back then, I wasn't interested in exposing it, I just moved away from it without
even thinking. But as it took down more and more of those around me, I began to be concerned, both
in an egoistic and altruistic sense. I was concerned for my friends, falling like flies. But what could I
do? Like them, I couldn't even see what the problem was, so how could I solve it? And I was
concerned for myself, not from any influence of these fake events, but from the fact that all my friends
and lovers seemed to be taken from me.
It really became noticeable to me in the mid-90s, when I began trying to date again. These new people
I was meeting seemed to me to be mentally ill in some way, but I couldn't say why. I have spent a huge
amount of time since then trying to figure it out. And I have had a lot of time to think about it, since I
don't like to hang out with the mentally ill. I am very protective of my own sanity, and so I have spent
a lot of time alone. I have been advised by many—including of course my parents—that spending time
alone can lead to insanity, but I have found the reverse is true. Spending time with insane people leads
to insanity, and being alone is just a smart fallback position.
But let's return to the Carpenters to close this paper. I have shown you indication we have been hoaxed
once again. The huge amount of misdirection around the event tells us it couldn't have happened as we
are told. Well, the other two possibilities are murder or a faked death. I have heard the theory that
Richard murdered her because she was trying to ditch him. And I did follow that lead. I didn't dismiss
it out of hand. He did seem to benefit from her death, and profited from her will. Possibly he didn't
like losing her to Burris, either, and he may have sabotaged both her solo album and her marriage. The
evidence there is very slender, though, and it is hard to follow. We aren't given much to go on.
However, several things tell against it, in my mind. Karen's death pretty much ended Richard's fame,
so it is doubtful he would orchestrate it. Plus, the death took place in her parents' home, so they would
have to be in on the murder. It is remotely possible they all hated Karen that much, but I see no
evidence of it. Possibly they had a huge insurance policy on her, and that would explain it. But in that
case the police would have investigated at the behest of the insurance company. These insurance
companies are very powerful as well, and are normally in cahoots with all the other players. It is
doubtful they would let themselves be taken like that. You will tell me the Carpenters paid off the
police, and that is possible. The LAPD is not known for its scruples, any more than the coroner is.
Another question to ask is whether Karen was really a Carpenter. She and Richard do have similar
eyes, but he is a blond, remember, while she has very dark hair. The reason I put the question on the
table is her voice. She has a Southern twang in her voice that is hard to explain as being from New
Haven. Neither of them sound like they are from Connecticut, but Karen especially. Richard's a lot
taller than her, too. She always had to wear platforms or pumps when standing next to him in promos. 
With 3-inch heels she is still 6 inches shorter. A bit odd, though not decisive. Then there is the fact that
there aren't many pics of them young, and the ones I found are not very convincing. There are a couple
of little kids who don't look like them, and then nothing from the teenage years. Remember, they are
supposed to have won the Battle of the Bands in 1966, when Karen had just turned 16. I couldn't find
any pictures of her looking 16. I also couldn't find any pictures of that Battle of the Bands. There is a
recording of it, but since Karen doesn't sing, there is no way to prove she was there. I have to say it
seems very unlikely that a Carpenters trio with a guy on tuba playing “Girl from Ipanema” would win a
Battle of the Bands in the Hollywood Bowl in 1966. Sounds like some kind of joke to me, and I like
the Carpenters. I am just not gullible enough to believe they would win a Battle of the Bands, with a
16-year-old girl on drums, not singing, and a guy on a tuba. C'mon, who writes this stuff?
Does it really sound right that RCA would sign a 19 and a 16-year old duo based on a cover of Girl
from Ipanema? Were these major companies really that desperate for talent? Also notice it was RCA
that signed them. Remember that Rockwell worked for RCA before he founded Rockwell International
in Downey.
That said, without strong evidence in the direction of murder I stay with the faked death theory. I don't
think Karen was anorexic, but she wasn't aging very well. For her to front a solo career, it was
probably thought she needed her looks. The Queens of Soul could get fat and no one seemed to care,
but the white girls of the time were held to different standards. Maybe it was thought their voices were
too weak to carry all the load. I don't know. Karen's voice was pretty spectacular, but things aren't
decided on how things really are, as we know. They are decided by the suits, and if the suits think the
project is over, it is over. Odds are they pulled the plug, using a faked death to maximize final sales
and screw with everyone's heads—just like now (see Prince, David Bowie, etc.). Plus, if Karen wasn't
really a Carpenter, that would be that much easier to do. If she wasn't doing what she was told, she
could easily be terminated. Terminated as in fired, not killed.
Or, the decision may have been Karen's. We don't know. She may have gotten pregnant by a lover (not
Burris, I assume) and decided to get out. It is possible the death was faked by the family to fool the
record company, which wouldn't release Karen from her contract for anything short of death.
For now, I see those two scenarios as the most likely, with the next to last being my current pick. But if
anyone has evidence I missed, I will be glad to look at it. I admit I didn't look too hard. I don't really
care why it was faked, so I didn't go far down that road. Nor did I spend much time on the murder
hypothesis, since I saw nothing firm to hold onto. Plus, none of the other high profile cases I have
looked closely at have turned out to be murder, so it is reasonable to expect this story to fit the line of
the other stories (Lennon, Cobain, Presley, Morrison, Monroe, and so on).
Addendum October 6, 2016: I just watched a 1976 video of the Carpenters at the New London
Theater, and guess what? Richard Carpenter looks anorexic. His neck is the size of a coke bottle.
Strange that no one ever gave a shit about him. No magazine articles, no support groups, no color
alerts, no ribbons, nothing. I guess he could have expired on stage as a skeleton, and no one would
have cared. 


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The UK covered up a terror attack? Some online are saying this is why tommy Robinson  was arrested for putting the spotlight on this incident.





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Joey is the ghost of Elton John from the future

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55 minutes ago, runebomme said:

Joey is the ghost of Elton John from the future



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Serms like tommy robinsons arrest was a political one and he didn't even get the chance to appoint his own Solictor.

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