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Derby Dead Pool 2013

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Ah, it's December 1st everywhere.


Odstock leads the competition but there are several teams who are still contending and anything could happen.

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To be added to the list of the lost (unless I somehow missed something really obvious): Michael Hebranko, former world's fattest man died on July 25th.


His wife posted his death notice on his blog (which Wikipedia is citing as a source).




I just happened upon the news while I was flicking through the pages of the DDP website and googling some of the entries.

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David Quantick's Showbiz Pals move up into second. The season rests on Ray Price overdoing it onto sherry at the Price family Xmas

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A photo finish would put the cherry on a fine competition this year...

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Guest August Gloop

I want to enter my team for 2014. Who do I send my team name and list of celebrities to.

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I want to enter my team for 2014. Who do I send my team name and list of celebrities to.


Send to this email address: ddp2014@derbydeadpool.co.uk

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I want to enter my team for 2014. Who do I send my team name and list of celebrities to.


Send to this email address: ddp2014@derbydeadpool.co.uk


That is a very low key starting gun for 2014

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Hey, I have a question to The Man In Black: In the DDP website, you state that John Stephenson "unfortunately died in 2012, so no points will be awarded...". But this hasn't been confirmed and is thus just a rumour so far. You can read more on his Wikipedia talk page: http://en.wikipedia....ephenson_(actor)

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Not sure if that is the same one, unless the one I have in the DDP is wrong!


Best to refer this to Harry McInally, it's his pick!

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Katherine Crowe update. Skip to about half way down to get to the health info.


For those who prefer it on a plate, so to speak, the edited highlights:


On a health note, ITS TOUGH. some days are tougher than others. One boob is just a wound, one boob is just a tumour, I have lymph nodes in my collarbone and under my arms like golf balls, I have skin which falls off, I have a lung that I pray does not fill with liquid again. I have wounds that don't heal. Sometimes it is just too much to bare and I almost hope death takes me but its always a very brief thought.

Death does not scare me, death would be a bit of a relief actually. Its dying (its this bit) thats the hard bit. Hoping beyond hope that if I die that it won't be to traumatic ad that my loved ones won't have to watch some horrific scene to give them awful memories - yep that stuff is my nightmares, its the stuff I try and bat out of my head every second of every day. I don't worry about that for myself so much( although of course it scares me) but I do worry about that for my kids. I pray if and when I die it is at least with some dignity and not to traumatic for those around me.


I still think somewhere in my mind that I will come through this that some way, somehow I will survive. I'll always choose to believe that the impossible is possible. I am still here so far and even that for a woman at my age with Inflammatory Breast Cancer without treatment for nearly 3 years I am already a bit of a miracle.

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I want to enter my team for 2014. Who do I send my team name and list of celebrities to.


Send to this email address: ddp2014@derbydeadpool.co.uk


That is a very low key starting gun for 2014




I can understand you not wanting to be swamped by entries but can you at least start a new thread for it at some point (like within two weeks of Dec 31).

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Looks like 2013 could be a photo finish. Assuming Willis,Parker and Kowalski get the requisite obits that would be 7 hits the first 9 days of Dec and a pace for at least 20-25 hits for the month.

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