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Yeah Brendan, it’s a real quandary.




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Zac Goldsmith who was also named in the Privileges Committee report has resigned his ministerial post and taken the opportunity to stick the knife in to Rishi Sunak (on the environment)


I presume to avoid becoming Sacked Goldsmith

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When the official independent inquiry investigated Sue Gray’s conversations with Labour about the job she’s due to start in September, it found no civil service code had been broken.


How amazing, then, that the inquiry conducted by cabinet secretary Simon Case has today decided that it disagrees.



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Anyone seen the email sent to all of George Osborne’s wedding guests about his past conduct? It’s a banger

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

Anyone seen the email sent to all of George Osborne’s wedding guests about his past conduct? It’s a banger


Hell hath no fury...

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

Anyone seen the email sent to all of George Osborne’s wedding guests about his past conduct? It’s a banger

That was one hell of a read. Imagine it'll be a lovely wedding day for all involved! :P

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16 hours ago, TQR said:

Anyone seen the email sent to all of George Osborne’s wedding guests about his past conduct? It’s a banger


Saw murmurings about this on twitter. Came here to see if anyone had any info, so thank you. What a catch.

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On 03/07/2023 at 09:52, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Dorries's seat which she still hasn't officially resigned from yet..




Can you imagine if she doesn't get the answers she wants, decides to pursue it in the next parliament, stands for re-election and loses? :lol:

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In a vanishingly rare moment in the HoC earlier, a Tory MP made a good contribution. Laura Farris spoke sincerely in defence of Harriet Harman, in contrast to the pathetic, whinging nonsense being dribbled out by Johnson acolytes like Andrea Jenkyns and Michael Fabricunt.



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She's won herself a lot of friends with that. Ignores letters from her constituents though. :rolleyes:

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So... Boris can't hand over his messages because he's "forgotten" the pass code. And, so the story goes, the security services are trying to work out if there's a way to prevent the data being wiped if the incorrect pass code is entered.


One would assume Apple must have an override code, but I am aware that when requested by law enforcement they are unwilling to help due to privacy concerns.


But surely that does not apply in this case. The former Prime Minister is happy to cooperate with the inquiry, if only he could remember his blasted code. So contact Apple and I'm sure they will be able to help. Simple. Unless he's got something to hide of course... :rolleyes::o

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4 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

So... Boris can't hand over his messages because he's "forgotten" the pass code. And, so the story goes, the security services are trying to work out if there's a way to prevent the data being wiped if the incorrect pass code is entered.


One would assume Apple must have an override code, but I am aware that when requested by law enforcement they are unwilling to help due to privacy concerns.


But surely that does not apply in this case. The former Prime Minister is happy to cooperate with the inquiry, if only he could remember his blasted code. So contact Apple and I'm sure they will be able to help. Simple. Unless he's got something to hide of course... :rolleyes::o

As someone pointed out, he's a man in his 50s, it'll be the same as the passcode on his current phone (and also the PIN for his bank card).

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6 hours ago, time said:

As someone pointed out, he's a man in his 50s, it'll be the same as the passcode on his current phone (and also the PIN for his bank card).

I was gonna suggest children’s birthdays but the code isn’t 96 characters long.

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These melts don’t have the first fucking clue how these things work, do they?




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7 hours ago, TQR said:






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Rishi Sunak reckons the next election is “not a done deal”.

Call it, then.

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Oh look, Johnny Mercer is an idiot. Didn’t see that coming.


Few points here:

- He says 25 year old MP Keir Mather is too young. Conservative MP Dehenna Davidson was 26 when she was elected in 2019. We’ve seen many Tory MPs elected about this age, and even a PM at 24.

- Maybe his point is that a 25yo MP won’t have enough experience to understand the cost of living crisis etc. Like Sunak (worth £3/4bn) does.

- Says something about Mather having a chip in him that regurgitates Labour lines. Again, he clearly hasn’t ever seen Sunak in an interview.


Mercer was also the one who had a huge pissy fit in the Question Time green room because of a tweet by Carol Vorderman.


What a numpty. 

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Flitwick Town Council have officially written to Nadine Dorries to ask her to stand down


I am hoping this might get #GoNads trending

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Caught the BBC programme about Electric Cars last night (think it aired on Tuesday), discussing the issues with the transition with a supposedly hard deadline of 2030 for the banning of petrol and diesel cars (which despite Michael Gove's assurances will almost certainly be put back). I know I'm preaching to the converted, but this government is an absolute fucking disgrace.


No plans for battery production (beyond saying we need some battery plants), no oversight of charging points, no urgency in improving links to the national grid, it's all left up to private companies and local authorities with some vague instructions about what should and shouldn't be allowed. Why are there not national bodies overseeing these things, taking care of important paperwork and planning permission? Reforming laws to be up to scratch for new developments? There is so much work they could and should be doing!


Remember when government used to actually run things? When government ministers were responsible for important industries and ensured everyone was working successfully in tandem? When there were special commissions and committees set up to oversee major projects? What do cabinet ministers actually do now? What does this government actually do? Everything is outsourced, everything is left to the private sector, nothing is regulated and we have a godawful mess in place of what should be laying the groundwork for important national infrastructure for the next 100+ years. 13 years in government and we've ended up with completely inept ministers incapable of doing anything useful. And when questions need answering, who steps up? NOBODY. "We asked the government for an interview but nobody was available. They did provide us this statement." When was the last time you saw a sit down interview on anything meaningful from a cabinet minister? It makes me so mad! This is an incredibly important time for the world and instead of dealing with the serious issues that are all around us, we've spent 7 years picking through EU laws for sod all gain and are too busy fighting culture wars and not talking to the unions. What an awful excuse for a government, they've done more damage in 13 years than Labour did by a considerable way. :rant:

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They know they're fucked so they are going to run everything even further into the ground to poison the chalice for the next incumbents.

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1 hour ago, Toast said:

Thry know they're fucked so they are going to run everything even further into the ground to poison the chalice for the next incumbents.


I know. It's just so demoralising... :(

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They should all be rounded up and burned at the stake.

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