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1 hour ago, The Old Crem said:

Sounds like they might be replacing Sunak with Mourdant pretty soon. 

Dear God, please go back on your walk. 

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Because the Tories adding yet another unelected PM will most definitely see them soar past Labour in the polls. FFS. 

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6 hours ago, Father Brown said:

Because the Tories adding yet another unelected PM will most definitely see them soar past Labour in the polls. FFS. 



To be fair, even this morning's Torygraph suggests right wing Tory MPs want Mordaunt..i.e., it'd be nice if it happened but even the parliamentary die-hard distcontents aren't that fucking stupid when it comes to making it happen. The only way this kicks off is if the 1922 have so many letters they have to call a confidence vote, there's not much suggestion that the MPs meeting have all put in letters.



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2 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

They actually had an open top bus for 30p Lee. Fuckin hell :lol:


Jesus Christ, I know that street. It's only a few miles from me and has some deadly potholes. Hope he didn't hurt himself rolling over any of them... 

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Lively pre-election Sunday front pages today, Express suggesting Nigel Farage will step up to lead Reform UK and that'll knacker the Tories even more whilst the Mail discusses private Tory polling which indicates they're headig for their worst ever defeat. 


Thankfully our armed forces are so hollowed out Sunak doesn't really have the option of starting a war to boost his poll ratings!

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14 hours ago, maryportfuncity said:

Lively pre-election Sunday front pages today, Express suggesting Nigel Farage will step up to lead Reform UK and that'll knacker the Tories even more whilst the Mail discusses private Tory polling which indicates they're headig for their worst ever defeat. 


Thankfully our armed forces are so hollowed out Sunak doesn't really have the option of starting a war to boost his poll ratings!

Farage will not be available to campaign for Reform if the election is in the autumn: he'll be too busy grifting for Trump in the US, which is much more lucrative. If however the election is May/June, Farage could well get involved, as there would be time to do both.

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10 hours ago, Brad252 said:

Farage will not be available to campaign for Reform if the election is in the autumn: he'll be too busy grifting for Trump in the US, which is much more lucrative. If however the election is May/June, Farage could well get involved, as there would be time to do both.



His track record of staying connected to any political party isn't great and when he takes positions of power in parties the end result - on the evidence of every other time it's happened - is that those who worked with him complain he's difficult to say the least and often cuts deals with individuals that freeze out others and reduce the efficiency of the party concerned. Crudely, he's too busy being out for himself to be a party man. I'd say he's learned from that and for all the current courting of him he's not keen to get involved on the front line for anything other than enthronement in some way, which won't happen because Reform's best hope is to do what UKIP did years ago and force such a big vote in return so no power that it got people muttering about the voting system. And - frankly - Farage hasn't got the chops or public spirited side to be a constituency MP. 


So, yeah, hanging round, gurning for the cameras, shaking hands it is, then


And maybe the Big Brother house for a fuck-tonne of cash in future where he can grumble about what a shite prime-minister Kier Starmer is.

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LOLLLLLL The Express are saying Dr Death will be out in two weeks and Grant Shapps/Sebastian Fox/Michael Green/Corinne Stockheath has loads of supporters backing him for the leadership.


Imagine that. Little Billy Ten Names being Prime Minister (briefly). What a great idea. Maybe he’ll enrol the whole country in a Get Rich Quick scheme and sort the economy right out.

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4 minutes ago, TQR said:

LOLLLLLL The Express are saying Dr Death will be out in two weeks and Grant Shapps/Sebastian Fox/Michael Green/Corinne Stockheath has loads of supporters backing him for the leadership.


Imagine that. Little Billy Ten Names being Prime Minister (briefly). What a great idea.


Every name they come up with has so much baggage and is a field day for their opponents. The only way this is going to end is in a General Election and then leave it up to the rump of Conservative MPs left in parliament to decide who will lead them

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Kemi Badenoch tells the plotters to shut it - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68595286


Or perhaps, makes a move to stifle them because she knows if they move now it's likely Penny Mordaunt's in there and Kemi's chances are busted as a result. 


In other news, here's a lovely 19th century engraving of a nest of vipers





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Usual pinch truck load of salt etc...




But have longed belived that he'd just head for the Palace if they tried to move against him at this stage


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5 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Usual pinch truck load of salt etc...




But have longed belived that he'd just head for the Palace if they tried to move against him at this stage




A fair point - and a test of my observation ages ago that Sunak's the first PM in UK history to take the job thinking it's not the most significant thing he'd do in his working life. They'll lose, he'll eventually shrug it off as a case of him doing the best he could in an impossible situation and his mates in finance and banking will welcome him soon enough into international jobs with astronomical salaries. So, calling an early election to shut the festering rebels up likely doesn't scare him. John Major - by contrast - put his leadership on the line to quiet the "bastards" in the mid-nineties because (then and now) he gives a shit about the fate of the Conservative Party

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Still. The problem the Tories always have is they put party first. 


What about the country?

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8 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said:

Every name they come up with has so much baggage and is a field day for their opponents. The only way this is going to end is in a General Election and then leave it up to the rump of Conservative MPs left in parliament to decide who will lead them


According to the weekend papers, that's a view increasingly shared by Tory MPs. There's no meaningful business in Parliament, the polls aren't getting better, and the plotters are only going to keep plotting. Might as well get the election over with and fight on their own terms.


8 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Usual pinch truck load of salt etc...




But have longed belived that he'd just head for the Palace if they tried to move against him at this stage



Again, according to the weekend papers, this is what was suggested was keeping the plotters at bay - that Sunak would call an election if they tried anything. Now he has publicly stated that there won't be an election until the autumn, the plotters feel they've got time to remove him, install someone new and give them time to settle in before thinking about calling an election. Whether he'd let them do that, I don't know. I'm not convinced he's got the balls to call an election if he's challenged, although what has he got to lose?

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He's got fuck all to lose by calling an election. He'll be gone as PM and probably as leader anyway. Might as well get the bastards before they get him and he can fuck off to the States then in late summer

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16 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

He's got fuck all to lose by calling an election. He'll be gone as PM and probably as leader anyway. Might as well get the bastards before they get him and he can fuck off to the States then in late summer


Sooner he calls the election, sooner he can go back to avoiding tax and earning 7-figure salaries.

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Well? Answers on a postcard... :rolleyes:


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29 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:



Well? Answers on a postcard... :rolleyes:



She held a sword for an old man once. And did a bellyflop on Channel 4 omg it was IT fucking V take her seriously guys.

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5 minutes ago, TQR said:


She held a sword for an old man once. And did a bellyflop on Channel 4.

Correction - Splash was on ITV. 

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16 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Correction - Splash was on ITV. 


Wow you're so right.

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This is classic:




Man 20-odd points behind in the polls relies on woman 20-odd points behind in the polls to save his skin. Heavens above.

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Won't happen but would love if he just strolled in  told them he was heading straight to the Palace and most of them are fucked




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