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The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

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Which country do we think will be first to call their own referendum?


I go Sweden if we don't leave, the Netherlands if we do are my guesses.

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Been arguing the toss over the day with a liberal weegie who thinks he is Fidel.

He doesn't get that the weeg does not equate to 'my' society , so when I am pissed off at him saying all leavers are either ignorant or rascist, I find it hard not to drive down there and knock his cunt in.


Up here in the sticks there is 2 single view votes.


The locals are 80% out, because of the fishing industry.


The shire folk are 80% in because they are shitting it over house prices.



That's it.



Nowt to do with immigrants, nowt to do with business etc etc.



Bring on the seethe in any case :)

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Deathers, the Czechs will be the first.

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Deathers, the Czechs will be the first.


Forget about them and the Greeks.

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Boils down to the Government offering not the people wanting it. Spain and the Greeks might start a groundswell. No other Government is going to jump in following Brexit until they see the terms. The negotiations will inevitably cause friction.

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I will vote remain don't ask me how but I just want to troll lfn.

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I will vote remain don't ask me how but I just want to troll lfn.

Are you old enough to vote?

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Boils down to the Government offering not the people wanting it. Spain and the Greeks might start a groundswell. No other Government is going to jump in following Brexit until they see the terms. The negotiations will inevitably cause friction.

TBH, Im not really convinced that any other EU nation will go down the referendum route should we end up staying in.

Realistically, we are a big fish, a big f**k off fish infact and if we go out it would mean that any other potential leavers would have us on the outside ready to support them.

If we vote to go the floodgates will open, if we vote to stay I don't see any other nation willing to walk away.

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I will vote remain don't ask me how but I just want to troll lfn.

Are you old enough to vote?

that's the joke and the fact that I am not even in the same country.

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Boils down to the Government offering not the people wanting it. Spain and the Greeks might start a groundswell. No other Government is going to jump in following Brexit until they see the terms. The negotiations will inevitably cause friction.

TBH, Im not really convinced that any other EU nation will go down the referendum route should we end up staying in.

Realistically, we are a big fish, a big f**k off fish infact and if we go out it would mean that any other potential leavers would have us on the outside ready to support them.

If we vote to go the floodgates will open, if we vote to stay I don't see any other nation willing to walk away.


I've said this before, once you get two leavers then there could be a flood. The interesting thing would be if they formed a bloc. I just don't think there'll be a stampede until the negotiations start. Remember, whether happens we will still be in the EU for another 5 years or so.

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So what's it going to be be? Reckon it'll be Remain 54 Leave 46...

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So what's it going to be be? Reckon it'll be Remain 54 Leave 46...

Might be a bit closer. 52/48.

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52/48 remain.

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Fuck you Paul.

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Haven't got involved in this thread because I couldn't be arsed with 6 weeks back and forth on the issue. Christ, listening to the campaigns themselves was bad enough. Anyway, I voted Remain, as did the rest of my family (although mum was umming and ahhing up to casting her vote.) Polling station was busier than I've ever seen it. I live in the deprived end of Blackburn, turnout is usually rubbish, but I probably saw in the region of 20 people in the five minutes I was there. Large turnout's supposed to be positive for Remain but I'd be astonished if locally isn't heavily Leave. It will be interesting to see if the rain in the south east has any significant impact. I'd be surprised if it did, mind.

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Leave 50.5 Remain 49.5


Despite claiming 60/40 would be the only way a remain vote could be accepted, Leave will claim that as a resounding victory.

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Leave 50.5 Remain 49.5


Despite claiming 60/40 would be the only way a remain vote could be accepted, Leave will claim that as a resounding victory.

Claim a victory even though you lose. Mmmm, where did I put Roy hodgson's number?
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52/48 remain.

Fuck you Paul.

Great minds think alike? Or is it fools seldom differ?

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So what's it going to be be? Reckon it'll be Remain 54 Leave 46...

Might be a bit closer. 52/48.


looks like you were right ! Reports say Nigel Farage has already conceded defeat ! http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/525160/EU-referendum-result-Remain-Leave-Brexit-nigel-farage-boris-johnson-David-Cameron

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52-48 has been the margin I thought but I've been too nervous to give voice to it. Turnout's huge by the sound of it. Gibraltar at 84%, Newcastle up around 70-75%. That's higher than a general election. Farage quoted as saying he thinks Remain have edged it, but he may be hedging his bets.

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So what's it going to be be? Reckon it'll be Remain 54 Leave 46...

Might be a bit closer. 52/48.


looks like you were right ! Reports say Nigel Farage has already conceded defeat ! http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/525160/EU-referendum-result-Remain-Leave-Brexit-nigel-farage-boris-johnson-David-Cameron




Yeah, well - I'm loving the closeness of the whole business and currently banking the profits from my investments in toilet paper!

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We done a vote. We went about 830pm and the car park was full. When we voted at our last elections we went about the same time and we were the only car there.

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Man reading through this was interesting at the very end a ton of users came out as remain. Rotten Ali the conspiracy theorist he is probably rolling around in his tinfoil hat.

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The higher the turnout the likelier it will be Remain that wins...

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