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Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

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Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.


Do you know something about Prince Andrew?



Was he on the Royal Knockout or was that Edward? Always mixing those two up.


And no, but then, neither the Queen or Philip are dead yet.

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Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.


Do you know something about Prince Andrew?



Was he on the Royal Knockout or was that Edward? Always mixing those two up.


And no, but then, neither the Queen or Philip are dead yet.



They were both on it.


Edward organised it.


I was just picking one of the four. It will be an interesting on going situation. The Queen could have another 15 years in her and then her children will be old by any measure.

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Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.

Do you know something about Prince Andrew?

How do you go back to 1471 looking for reigning UK monarch - surely just UK monarch....?

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Speaking of all this, I do think the Deathlist should be looking towards replacing one of its long time bedblockers with the Queen. I don't think she's going to go imminently, but she is in her 90s now, so her continuing on can't really be taken for granted, and would be an astounding miss.


You'd think Gorbachev would be due a bow one of these years too.

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Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.

Do you know something about Prince Andrew?

How do you go back to 1471 looking for reigning UK monarch - surely just UK monarch....?



And there was me putting in all the qualifications so some sod didn't say "Hah, what about King Scottish the Thirteenth who only reigned for ten days".


You know what I meant.

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Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.

Do you know something about Prince Andrew?

How do you go back to 1471 looking for reigning UK monarch - surely just UK monarch....?



To be fair they're only going to have got to 1707 before running out of UK monarchs anyway.

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Newsnight last night did their bit for would be Deathracers and those struggling to fill out a DDP team, by interviewing Paul Reveley. One of the first BBC TV engineers, an assistant to John Logie Baird, and due to his connections and experiences, a surefire obit. Also, someone I thought was long dead, but alive and fairly lucid, although 104 years old.



When it's on iplayer, it'll be towards the end of the episode, after all the Clinton stuff.


Certainly interesting stuff, but he can't be that big a name at all - he doesn't even have a Wikipedia article as far as I can see.

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Newsnight last night did their bit for would be Deathracers and those struggling to fill out a DDP team, by interviewing Paul Reveley. One of the first BBC TV engineers, an assistant to John Logie Baird, and due to his connections and experiences, a surefire obit. Also, someone I thought was long dead, but alive and fairly lucid, although 104 years old.



When it's on iplayer, it'll be towards the end of the episode, after all the Clinton stuff.


Certainly interesting stuff, but he can't be that big a name at all - he doesn't even have a Wikipedia article as far as I can see.




Aye, but regarding a qualifying obit it's the kind of thing the BBC would run as a minor item and back up in their entertainment news online - certainly worth a punt and deffo Deathrace points because a significant trade journal in that area would cite his death. Assuming, that is, the man's mortal at all.

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Someone apparently never mentioned before on this forum, but Denis Mack Smith will 97 in 2017. Widely regarded by his peers as one of the greatest living British historians, he specialised in Italian history. No idea on his current health, mind you.



Also, Norman Kember is still alive. For some reason I keep thinking he got killed. Also, so is Harry Whittington, the chap who got shot by Dick Cheney.

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Someone apparently never mentioned before on this forum, but Denis Mack Smith will 97 in 2017. Widely regarded by his peers as one of the greatest living British historians, he specialised in Italian history. No idea on his current health, mind you.



Also, Norman Kember is still alive. For some reason I keep thinking he got killed. Also, so is Harry Whittington, the chap who got shot by Dick Cheney.

I have Denis Mack Smith in my 2016 main list. He's quite famous in Italy.

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Newsnight last night did their bit for would be Deathracers and those struggling to fill out a DDP team, by interviewing Paul Reveley. One of the first BBC TV engineers, an assistant to John Logie Baird, and due to his connections and experiences, a surefire obit. Also, someone I thought was long dead, but alive and fairly lucid, although 104 years old.



When it's on iplayer, it'll be towards the end of the episode, after all the Clinton stuff.


Certainly interesting stuff, but he can't be that big a name at all - he doesn't even have a Wikipedia article as far as I can see.




Aye, but regarding a qualifying obit it's the kind of thing the BBC would run as a minor item and back up in their entertainment news online - certainly worth a punt and deffo Deathrace points because a significant trade journal in that area would cite his death. Assuming, that is, the man's mortal at all.



Probably is, because they would like to give credit to one of their own, no matter how minor a role he played in the beginnings of television.

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Just to give some context, Weebl, Harry Houdini's oldest living assistant got an obit in 2011, when there were less qualifying obits. An 104 year old who worked with Logie Baird and was involved in the first colour TV experiments = Guardian, Telegraph and BBC references when he dies.

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Just to give some context, Weebl, Harry Houdini's oldest living assistant got an obit in 2011, when there were less qualifying obits. An 104 year old who worked with Logie Baird and was involved in the first colour TV experiments = Guardian, Telegraph and BBC references when he dies.

Just to give some context, Weebl, Harry Houdini's oldest living assistant got an obit in 2011, when there were less qualifying obits. An 104 year old who worked with Logie Baird and was involved in the first colour TV experiments = Guardian, Telegraph and BBC references when he dies.

Sounds like LAST WORD fodder to me.

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Just to give some context, Weebl, Harry Houdini's oldest living assistant got an obit in 2011, when there were less qualifying obits. An 104 year old who worked with Logie Baird and was involved in the first colour TV experiments = Guardian, Telegraph and BBC references when he dies.


I'm not saying Wikipedia is perfect, far from it. But I would say one thing for sure - if someone doesn't have a Wikipedia article about them, it's a safe bet that they are not that big a name, given that Wikipedia has hundreds of thousands of biographies of people. That being said, I would not be at all surprised if a Wikipedia article is created about him following his death using those online news references as sources when they give his obituaries when he dies.


You can use Wikipedia - for all its flaws - as a very rough rule of thumb as to a person's level of importance. I used to edit Wikipedia years ago but got tired with it. Waste of time.

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The only edit I ever made to WIki - after struggling in the early days with their sourcing issues - was to edit in the fact that was a famous actor was a Moray eel once, just to see how long it would take for anyone to spot. 22 minutes.


Somewhere on Wiki, there's an editor talk section where someone tried to cite me on a matter, and it got deleted by other editors as I "was an atrocious source". I was so proud.

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Anyway, here's my DeathList flexi-list as it currently stands, from which I am going to construct my 2017 list on or around New Year's Day:


35 names living off my 2016 list in my signature as of 30 Oct 2016:

Zsa Zsa Gabor
Olivia de Haviland
Vera Lynn
Billy Graham
Jacque Fresco
Raymond Smullyan
Javier Perez de Cuellar
Prince Philip
Fidel Castro
Kirk Douglas
Richard Adams
Helmut Kohl
Herman Wouk
Fats Domino
Dick Van Dyke
Joni Mitchell
Gudrun Ure
Benedict XVI
Pierre Cardin
Stan Lee
Mikhail Gorbachev
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Zhou Youguang
Chuck Berry
Robert Mugabe
Hosni Mubarak
Henry Kissinger
Jimmy Carter
George Bush Sr.
Bob Dole
Desmond Morris
I. M. Pei
Doris Day
John Wetton
Bruce Forsyth

Extra names from 2016 DL:

Liz Smith
Peter Sallis
Peter Carrington
Glen Campbell
John Noakes
Prunella Scales

Other names to add:

Timothy Dudley-Smith
Leonard Cohen
Paul Reveley (Logie Baird assistant)
Zoe ???? (Eastenders actress with cancer)
Norman Tebbit
Denis Mack Smith
King Michael of Romania
Berry Gordy
E O Wilson
Eugene Wright (jazz bassist)
Cecil Taylor
Jean Raspail
Richard Lynn
Jurgen Habermas
Alan Greenspan
Ennio Morricone
Noam Chomsky
Ross Perot
Walter Mondale
Micheline Bernardini (French bikini woman)
Norman Lloyd (actor)
Adam West
Abdul Halim (King of Malaysia)
Clive Derby-Lewis
David Rockefeller
Hugh Hefner
Charles Aznavour
Rolf Harris
Josef Fritzl
Ron Jeremy
Gary Glitter
Dennis Nilsen
Anders Breivik
Ian Watkins
Roberta McCain
Billy Connolly
Manuel Noriega
Desmond Tutu
Burt Bacharach
Sidney Poitier
Buzz Aldrin
Egidius Braun (German football guy)
Richard Sherman (Disney songwriter)
Robbie Coltrane
Brian Blessed
Joe Jackson (Michael Jackson father not Joe Jackson the musician)
Louis Farrakhan
Udo Walendy (Holocaust denier)
Sean Connery
William Shatner
The Queen
Charles Manson
Peter Tobin
Ian Brady
Burt Reynolds
Nicholas Parsons
Jerry Lee Lewis
Tony Bennett
Bill Wyman
Leslie Ash
Clint Eastwood
Jacques Chirac
Roman Polanski
Phil Spector
Kurt Westergaard
John Cantlie
Bernie Maddoff
David Attenborough
Arvo Part
Rupert Murdoch
Roger Moore
Mel Brooks


Who am I missing? Are these good/bad choices? Obviously I can't include all of them, but I will just include who I feel is the best at the time...

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Jurgen Habermas




A long time ago, I was at uni, and my wife-to-be was struggling with the classes on Habermas's work/theories/whatever it was. After the third night of this, I had a chat around a few people, and came back to her with the words: "Look, I've got hold of his phone number and email contact here, do you want me to ask him to explain it for you?"


The answer, sadly, was no.

Peter Tobin



I hope he's a successful hit for you.

Nicholas Parsons




True story: in 2012, they made a big deal of the 45th anniversary of Just A Minute as, due to age, Parsons wasn't expected to be around for the 50th. He's got two months to go to prove them all wrong.



John Cantlie




He might be dead already?


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I'm sure Habermas' theories/ideas are complicated stuff indeed.


Yes, most certainly Tobin is scum, but he's not the only scummy character I've listed there...


Parsons is an obvious DL candidate, and is clearly well regarded amongst British media/broadcasting types, highly obitable.


Cantlie might be dead, he might be living. Wikipedia, famously reliable, classes him as a "living person" whereas he should really be in "possibly living people".

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I'm sure Habermas' theories/ideas are complicated stuff indeed.


Yes, most certainly Tobin is scum, but he's not the only scummy character I've listed there...


Parsons is an obvious DL candidate, and is clearly well regarded amongst British media/broadcasting types, highly obitable.


Cantlie might be dead, he might be living. Wikipedia, famously reliable, classes him as a "living person" whereas he should really be in "possibly living people".

Habermas is mind boggling but I still got a first in an essay about him.

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Who should be number one next year?I would go with Bracknell.

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It'll be Zsa Zsa.

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Who should be number one next year?I would go with Bracknell.


I'm still banging the drum for Glynis Johns.

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Who am I missing? Are these good/bad choices? Obviously I can't include all of them, but I will just include who I feel is the best at the time...

Montserrat Caballé

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Here's more...

Richard Wilson
Glynis Johns
Wesley Pipes (African-American porn actor with lung cancer, possibly terminal)
Lara Roxx (Canadian porn actress living with HIV since 2004)
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg
Melissa Bell (Singer and mother of Alexandra Burke; kidney problems)
Daisy Berkowitz [scott Putesky] (Heavy metal musician with cancer)
Judy Blume (writer)
James Dresnok (North Korean defector)
Malcolm Young (AC/DC musician with dementia)

Lupita Tovar (Mexican actress)

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Here's more...


Richard Wilson

Glynis Johns

Wesley Pipes (African-American porn actor with lung cancer, possibly terminal)

Lara Roxx (Canadian porn actress living with HIV since 2004)

Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg

Melissa Bell (Singer and mother of Alexandra Burke; kidney problems)

Daisy Berkowitz [scott Putesky] (Heavy metal musician with cancer)

Judy Blume (writer)

James Dresnok (North Korean defector)

Malcolm Young (AC/DC musician with dementia)

Lupita Tovar (Mexican actress)

She's likely to live for another 40 years.

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